Saturday, May 31, 2008


PAPER DOLLAR EMPIRE - Why War for Oil...a brief history of how the american economic house of cards came to be.

For a country, or an empire, to go to war,
Either to gain more wealth
Or to defend itself.
The benefits must outweigh the costs.

In understanding ongoing things today
A little history goes a long way…

In 1945 was born with Bretton Woods the ‘American Empire’
The world had adopted a new reserve currency: the United States dollar.
It would be the backbone of international exchange.
And why not? The American economy was supremely robust
And two successive wars had taken their toll on Europe
Who was busy rebuilding the glory it had lost.

The idea was nothing really new, now or then:
To have a gold standard backing the US currency.
In truth the U.S. dollar wasn’t convertible to gold fully,
But foreign governments could ask to convert it on demand.
For quite some time this system worked
Most of those dollars were handed over to foreigners
in exchange for economic goods,
without necessarily the prospect
of buying them back at the same value.

But then Murphy’s spectre reared its mocking head
The US With irresponsible deficit management at home
And a pathological pursuit of war abroad
Against the global communist threat
In an little place called Viet-Nam
The once allies began losing faith in Uncle Sam

When in early 70’s foreign nations,
Notably Britain and France, demanded,
For their US dollars due payment in gold
On August 15,1971 The U.S. Government defaulted
This was termed the ‘Nixon Shock’ (or so I was told)
The free market of supply and demand
Would set the value of the currency.

Thus So far The US had extracted
An enormous amount of economic goods
From the rest of the world,
With no intention or more to the point
The ability to return those goods,
The world could not do anything about it
The world was powerless to respond,
The world was in a real sense being taxed!

Essentially, to the cynical well-informed outsider,
The U.S. had officially declared itself an Empire.

The Free-floating dollar soon precariously sank
While it was getting real expensive to fill up a tank

From that point on, to sustain this Paper Empire
And to continue to tax the rest of the world,
The United States had to force the world
To continue to accept ever-depreciating dollars
It kept printing in exchange for economic goods
And to have the world hold more and more
Of those ever-depreciating dollars.
It had to give the world
An ECONOMIC REASON to hold dollars,
And that reason was OIL.

In 1972-73 an iron-clad arrangement
Was forged with the House of Saud
Unwavering American support of the Saudi regime
In exchange for accepting ONLY U.S. dollars for its oil.
The rest of OPEC was to follow suit and also accept only US dollars.

Because the world had to buy oil from the Arab oil countries,
It had the reason to hold dollars as payment for oil.
Because the world needed ever increasing quantities of oil
At ever increasing oil prices,
The world’s demand for dollars could only increase.
Even though dollars could no longer be exchanged for gold,
They were now in effect exchangeable for oil.
The gold had now become black

The currency was now backed with this system
And -if warranted- with US military muscle.
The benefit of this system is for America indeed enormous.

For almost every country in the world
Needs to stockpile dollars to purchase oil.
Since Everyone accepts dollars because dollars can buy oil.
The world’s exports compete to capture dollars
To service their dollar-denominated debts
And to stockpile reserves of more dollars
To sustain the value of their own currencies.
America has the luxury of maintaining a trade deficit
Because its greatest export is in effect the dollar,
Which it can print at will.
This is called 'dollar hegemony.'
Simply put: the dollar rules!

The US produces dollars
While the rest of the world
Produces things that dollars can buy.
These dollars then make their way back home
Through New-York and London banks,
Recycled through the ‘petroleum exchanges’
Where Wealthy nation become eager to loan money
to US to finance its deficit through bonds of the treasury.
Collecting interest on the dollar
And leverage on US policy by owning its debt.
This system is called ‘petrodollar recycling.’

At this point in time
The dollar accounts for 70% of the world transactions
It has become the Economic Lifeblood of the globe.
Those who do not have the sign of the dollar
Cannot buy oil.

But history tells us there is always a breaking point

Even America couldn’t sustain this kind of spending indefinitely
As the US prints more and more dollars,
It loses value vis-à-vis the euro,
The new European Union currency.

Since EU nations are now the major purchasers of oil of the world
The pricing in euro may become tempting for the some producing countries
– that may want to profit as well as hit America where it hurts.

In the fall of 2000, There was a man
Who, instead of US dollars, did demand
Euros for his oil. His name:
Saddam Hussein.

This was purely a political decision.
‘No trading in the currency of the enemy state’ as he put it.
But at the end of the day
It became apparent that he meant business.
It could be said that some people obviously thought
That this practice if left unchecked might gain momentum
In the international community and challenge
The status quo of the mighty dollar
As reserve currency for the world
The now one true unshakable god
Of the western economy
Precipitating the demise of the dollar
– to put it another way:
The oil-for-paper empire was under attack
And the New-World Order responded.

2003, Operation Iraqi Freedom was go!
Indeed, two months after the United States invaded Iraq,
The Iraqi Euro oil accounts were switched back to dollars,
And oil was sold once again only for U.S. dollars.
No longer could the world buy oil from Iraq with Euro.
Iraq was now sovereign, and freedom would reign!
The Freedom to purchase oil in dollars, not euros.

So the war in Iraq was maybe not so much about
Iraq’s nuclear capabilities,
Or Iraq’s program of weapons of mass destruction
Or about defending human rights,
Or about spreading democracy,
Or even about seizing oil fields;
As it was about defending the dollar.
Not keeping the American public safe
But the actual US-lead-world economy safe.
The New-World Order had been defended.
An example had been set:
Anyone demanding payment in currencies
Other than U.S. Dollars
Could be likewise punished.

There was then Saddam
And now there is Iran.

Since the spring of 2003, Iran has required payments
In the euro currency for its exports both European and Asian.
Although the oil pricing for trades are still denominated in the dollar
Plans are being made by Iran to start a bourse
-a commodities exchange – for oil in Euros (of course) .
If this is allowed to happen then
The Dollar will be openly challenged
As a reserve currency on the global market
Some alarmists have labelled this a threat
To the US ‘more devastating than any atomic bomb! ’

A seemingly senseless war with Iran
With a nuclear-terror agenda
Would be more a of a pre-emptive strike
-A necessary evil for the right wing,
A despotic act seen by the left wing-
Against a more democratic world economy
An economy that is, in all cases, inevitable historically.

Let the reader be reminded that oil is a finite resource.
And the more dollars printed the more it depreciates
And that a deficit is seldom a positive thing.

In the Real world however there would be limited devastation.
Isn’t the global economy in too deep in this system already?
After all 70% of all trade reserves are in US dollars.
Any sudden shift in the value of the dollar would bring disaster for everyone
The modern world interlinked economy is such a fragile thing
A sudden blood transfusion might kill the patient.
Added to this that the system of using one currency
is mighty convenient for everyone in the oil industry
And like my father so often told me
‘Economy makes politics. Not the other way’
So nothing will happen overnight
Because nothing can.

But As history taught us
Time and time again
And as we choose to ignore facts
You cannot stop the march of events.
History stops for no one.
As one’s times come to an end
To let Another one’s begin
Each tragic play has to come to its final act
For a new one to be staged.

But to this author the real tragedy
Is the leaders inability to cope
To accept changes gracefully
To relinquish power
With changing tides of time
To cling to it like a dog to its bone
Blind ambition marred by lack of vision
That leads to Limited options.
That ultimately demand human sacrifice

In the end there is a price to pay
And the ones to pay are the people, WE, always
Which ironically have the power to affect changes
But almost always choose never to exercise it.
At present it could be said even surrendered it,
Out of ignorance - borne out of careful misinformation-
to gain a superficial sense of security
or worse, laziness, the results of comfort’s numbing addiction.
Cozing up to a beer watching the next war unfolding on TV!

For a country, or an empire, to go to war,
Either to gain more wealth
Or to defend itself.
The benefits must outweigh the costs.
So what will it be:
Monetary compromise
Or continued petrodollar warfare?
A question for the wise:
How much gold, oil or paper
Is worth for lives to be lost
And the living to suffer?
Or do YOU even care?
'I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.'
- Abraham Lincoln

'Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government. Whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.'
- Thomas Jefferson

'The belief that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was the main alleged reason for the March 2003 invasion of Iraq.'
- 2003 invasion of Iraq - Wikipedia

'The three current oil markers are all US dollar denominated: North America's West Texas Intermediate crude (WTI) , North Sea Brent Crude, and the UAE Dubai Crude. The two major oil bourses are the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYME) in New York City and the International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) in London. The proposed Iranian bourse would establish a fourth oil marker, denominated by the euro.'
- Iranian oil bourse - Wikipedia

Please don't take this all for granted. By all means do your own research and form your opinion on the matter. You can start with 'dollard hegemony', 'petrodollar warfare' at Wikipedia which are two very hotly disputed articles (neutrality) and may be deleted at anytime. Some interesting links from there, both pro and critical.

Keep Fighting the Good Fight - with your minds as weapons!

From The Minute Menace……………brought to you by


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Very Rousing New Ron Paul & Anti-NWO Athem/Video Making The Rounds on Web & MTV | "Bilderberg | nwo | PATRIOT Act | Ron Paul
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Friday, May 30, 2008

Radio Free Oklahoma premieres Saturday 5.31.2008 |

Radio Free Oklahoma premieres Saturday 5.31.2008 | "OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING

Radio Free Oklahoma will premiere tomorrow on WTPRN. The Hosts will be Chris Emery, Holland O. Van den Nieuwenhof and Andrew W. Griffin.

Radio Free Oklahoma will present issues related to the NASCO super highway, Real ID card, the continuing investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing and several other subjects requiring a thorough review NOT offered by the mainstream media. In addition, past and present historical events and individuals with close ties to Oklahoma will be reviewed.

Chris Emery says that discussion of 9/11 will occur as well as OKC and other related events.

Should be interesting listening.

Call-in Number: 512 646-1984
Time: Saturdays, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm CST"
Technorati Profile Tahlequah, OK.
Buddhist monks assist cyclone survivors in absence of government, foreign aid; DNC Rules Committee may decide Clinton's fate today; Robert W. McChesney and John Nichols write about the collapse of journalistic integrity and reigning in Big Media; H. Candace Gorman writes about "a kinder, gentler torture"; NOW investigates the escalation of child prostitution in America; and more ... Browse our continually updating front page at

t r u t h o u t | 05.31

The country is buzzing today over a tell-all book by former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan. In his explosive memoir, McClellan reveals that the Bush administration ran a "political propaganda campaign" to mislead the American public on the war in Iraq.

But he takes it one step further, implicating the mainstream media for its role in "enabling" this propaganda: "The national press corps was probably too deferential to the White House" in spreading the president's case for the war, McClellan writes. The mainstream media didn't live up to its watchdog reputation. "If it had, the country would have been better served."

This should be a shock to everyone. The president's own spokesman lays a large share of the blame for Bush's pro-war propaganda on the media's "deferential" treatment of White House spin.

Please become part of a growing people-powered campaign to investigate this scandal and make media more accountable to the public:

Make Mainstream Media Answer for Spreading Pro-War Propaganda

Click on the link above and sign a letter that urges House Committee Chairs Ike Skelton, John Tierney and Henry Waxman to convene full congressional hearings about propaganda in the news.

The media's complicity in promoting this war was confirmed Wednesday night by CNN correspondent Jessica Yellin who said that network executives had pushed her not to do hard-hitting pieces on the Bush administration as the nation readied for war.

"The press corps was under enormous pressure from corporate executives, frankly, to make sure that this was a war presented in a way that was consistent with the patriotic fever in the nation," Yellin told CNN's Anderson Cooper. (Watch the video).

More than 100,000 Free Press activists and allies have already urged their members of Congress to launch an investigation into the media's role in spreading pro-war propaganda. By joining their call, you will be part of a massive coalition of citizens, bloggers and independent media who refuse to let Big Media off the hook:

Expose the Propaganda 'Enablers' and End Fake News

McClellan's memoir comes on the heels of an April 20 New York Times exposé, which revealed an extensive -- and likely illegal -- Pentagon program to recruit and place pro-war military pundits on nearly every major news outlet in America. Congress has promised to investigate the Pentagon’s role in the scandal, but it shouldn't end there.

Our democracy is in peril when mainstream media fail to question the official view and put the interests of ordinary Americans first. This watchdog role is especially critical during a time of war.

Sign the letter and then tell your friends to help send a loud message to Congress: We're not backing down until the truth comes out.


Timothy Karr
Campaign Director
Free Press Action Fund

P.S. Thanks to you, Free Press is leading the charge to hold media accountable for spreading propaganda. Our next step is to run a powerful ad to put Congress on notice to act. Contribute now and send the message: We're not backing down.

start asking questions please, while we still can!!

Kill The Messenger, the documentary about FBI translator & whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, will be screened at the DOXA film festival in Vancouver on Saturday evening.

The Vancouver Sun lists Kill The Messenger as one of their 'Best Bets' for the festival.


As some of you know, I've been traveling for the last few months and haven't posted anything on Sibel's case for a while - unfortunately not much has happened in the interim.

There are still tickets available for the screening of Kill The Messenger at the DOXA festival in Vancouver on Saturday night. You can get your tickets here.

You may have already seen some of my YouTubes about the film. The trailer is here. In this new 5 minute clip from Kill The Messenger, Sibel's ACLU lawyers discuss the case.

From the clip:

Ann Beeson: It’s really phenomenal to me that any court can look at her case and say: "No, it can’t go forward, proceed or win her claim."

Ben Wizner: What you have here is the Attorney General of the U.S saying: "The plaintiff can’t even set foot inside a court because the entire case is a state secret."

Ann Beeson: The defendant is the Justice Department, it’s the FBI that committed the wrongdoing. And it’s the Justice Department’s own internal oversight body that has concluded that our client should win.

Ben Wizner: The danger is that if the government succeeds in that really overbroad invocation of the ‘State Secret Privilege’ in this case, it will be a very easy tactic for the government in future cases to avoid accountability and to avoid responsbility.

Ann Beeson: A brick wall and another brick wall and another brick wall!
And at every turn, it’s was the federal government who is preventing her from having,… from getting any justice!

Ben Wizner: And that cannot be!

Ann Beeson: Not in our democracy.

Ben Wizner: No, it can’t be!

Also from the clip:
Sibel Edmonds: Look! When the Attorney General came initially and invoked the State Secret Privilege, ok ? He cited two reasons: "to protect certain 'sensitive’ diplomatic relations," and "to protect certain foreign business relations of the United States."

Now, they‘re saying: That whole information, eveything is classified.

We don’t know what diplomatic relations they are referring to. They must be ashamed of it! They don’t want to mention it. So we have certain diplomatic relations that prevent criminals being prosecuted here.

And I am talking about criminals in the United States of America. American citizens! I am not referring to only foreigners here!

Some of those people have been named here

DOXA's blurb for the film is:
In the wake of September 11, 2001, Sibel Edmonds is approached by the FBI. As an American of Iranian and Turkish origin, Edmonds’ linguistic skill set makes her a valuable asset to the Language Services Unit, where she spends months translating high-security clearance documents. One day shortly after reporting the possible infiltration of her unit by Turkish spies to her supervisors and their supervisors, Edmonds’ world is turned upside-down.

Instead of seeing her colleague become the target of an investigation, she is interrogated, then unceremoniously fired and warned not to pursue her claims any further as she would be watched and listened to. In the years that follow, Edmonds is transformed into the country’s first public National Security whistle-blower and a prominent First Amendment advocate (the ACLU calls her the “most gagged woman in America”). Sibel is fighting for the very ideals that American democracy relies on and is facing, against overwhelming odds, some of the most reckless and powerful officials in the U.S. government. She brings her case to Congress, the 9/11 Commission, the media and the Supreme Court, facing down not only the FBI, but also then-Attorney General John Ashcroft, Vice-President Dick Cheney and then-National Security Advisor Condelezza Rice.

Sibel has granted the film crew full and exclusive access to document her story and her struggle as we zero in on her “secret”—the network of nuclear black-market, narcotics and illegal arms trafficking activities. Playing like a big-screen adaptation of Frontline, Kill the Messenger is a riveting true spy story that presents one citizen’s unexpected journey through the politicized quagmire that is America’s War on Terror.

The Vancouver Sun, in their 'Best Bets' of the festival says:
"This French film documents the cold, crass efforts by officials in the U.S. to bring down Sibel Edmonds, an American of Iranian and Turkish origin who was hired by the FBI as a translator after Sept. 11, 2001. Reporting the possible infiltration of Turkish spies turns her life upside down: she is interrogated, fired, and subjected to a relentless campaign of intimidation. Edmonds doesn't back down as she takes her fight to Congress, the 9/11 Commission, the media, and the Supreme Court. Saturday, May 31 at 9 p.m. at Pacific Cinémathèque."

Hopefully the screening of the movie will trigger some media attention to this case. When the documentary was first shown in France, all the major papers wrote about it. Here is a selection (apologies for some clunky translation):

Le Monde.
The history of Sibel Edmonds could be used to make a John Grisham 'whodunnit.' A few days after the attacks of September 11, the young woman of Turkish extraction is recruited by the FBI. She is in charge of the translation of the phone-tappings, the interrogations and the documents within the framework of the antiterrorist fight. Sibel Edmonds speaks Persian, Farsi and Azeri.

In December of the same year, she is contacted by a colleague from the FBI who tries to recruit her for the account of a mysterious Turkish lobbying organization. By denouncing this manifest case of espionage and by revealing that the FBI hides information over September 11, Sibel Edmonds found herself at the heart of the incredible business of State.

After the Children of Tranquility Bay, a beautiful documentary on the American camps of behavior modification, the film-makers Mathieu Verboud and Jean-Robert Viallet have made a film full with suspense and revelations about these men and these women - the "whistleblower" ("those who blow a whistle") - which denounce the dysfunctions of an organization or an administration. An attractive diving (?), sometimes a little difficult, in the mysteries of the reason of State in America.

AP (France)
The much-awaited documentary "Kill The Messenger" is showing Tuesday on Canal+. Mathieu (Verboud) and Jean-Robert Viallet met Sibel Edmonds whose life was transformed into nightmare after her ousting from the FBI. In a 84 minute film, they deliver the impressive testimony of Sibel Edmonds.

The young woman is 32 years old when she is recruited by the FBI as a translator, four days after September 11, 2001. She is charged with translating wiretapped conversations, some related to the 9/11 attacks. Sibel Edmonds was born in Teheran from Turkish parents, and spent the first 18 years of her life in Teheran and in Turkey, before landing in the U.S and marrying an American.

But her world gets turned upside-down when she discovers that a colleague is involved with illegal activities implicating Turkish officials. The filmmakers report the rest of Sibel's story. She reports the incident to her superiors and gets fired from the FBI. After her firing, she goes to the U.S Congress. Months pass and Sibel Edmonds realizes that nobody makes the slightest move. The young woman tells her story to the media. Time has come for Attorney General John Ashcroft to classify the whole Sibel Edmonds case as a"State Secret." If the young translator continues to speak, she'll go to prison. Determined, yet powerless, Sibel Edmonds suffers two years of loneliness.

In 2003, the Bush government accepts the creation of a commission whose role is to investigate the government and intelligence failures that led to 9/11. Sibel Edmonds then will carry out a long battle in order to expose her case: Turkish spies infiltrated the FBI and the government is apparently aware of these spies. July 24, 2004, the 9/11 Commission Report comes out, but Sibel's testimony is not included. The young woman is regarded as a "whistle-blower", she is joined in her fight by intelligence agents from the FBI, the CIA and NSA. The two filmmakers find leads pointing to the role of Turkey, Israel and Pakistan. In the 80's, at the time of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the U.S and Turkey were instrumental in helping Pakistan acquire nuclear power. Turkey appears to have acted as a back-door conduit for some of those operations. Later on, Israel came into play, too. At the time, the CIA knew everything but turned a blind eye, even when Pakistan started selling its technology to friendly countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Libya. By then, nuclear proliferation had gone out of control and the U.S let it go. In the 90's, when the Talibans were in power in Afghanistan, some nuclear equipment even landed in the hands of Usama Bin Laden.

In addition, American-Turkish Council (ATC), a powerful American lobby, has for many years facilitated trade of the weapons with the assistance of Israel. And it is in an indirect way that Sibel Edmonds denounces the secrets of these diplomats and secret agents with her superiors. In spite of this, the young translator finds herself entangled in a spy case whose ramifications are beyond the knowledge of the young woman and the TV viewer at the same time. Besides being thorough, the investigation is captivating and alarming. Sibel's case is so complex that it look like a labyrinth without exit.

Le Figaro.
“A Woman to Cut Down” - the true story of a woman recruited by the FBI after September 11 then sanctioned for her uprightness.

Perhaps the Public imagined that with the Children of Tranquility Bay (film on a center for young difficult Americans, rewarded in Fipa), programmed last May on France 2, Mathieu Verboud and Jean-Robert Vialley had reached a peak in the originality of the writing. But the public didn't count on this new investigation worthy of the best whodunnit by John Grisham…

The difference is that this is a true story. That of Sibel Edmonds, called “the most explosive woman of September 11”, an involuntary detonator of a politico-legal explosive business.

“It is while working on the phenomenon of “Whistle Blowers”, these employees who denounce the illegal intrigues their incredible owners and stories (Enron, pharmaceutical laboratories…), that we could come into contact with it”, tells Mathieu Verboud.

Shortly after September 11, this American born in Iran and having grown up in Turkey, who speaks Persan, Azeri and Turkish, is recruited by the FBI to translate kilometers of phone-tappings. Corruption, drugs, money laundering, companies screens, nuclear black market… what she will discover is amazing. But when spies infiltrated within the department of translation try to recruit her, she decides to inform her bosses. It is there that her life gets rocked…

Attempt at intimidation, reprisals, Sibel Edmonds is finally laid off… She turns to the Congress, then towards the Dept of Justice, but the Bush Administration chooses to muzzle this too-awkward witness, “to kill the messenger” like one says to the FBI, by exhuming an old law: the “secret States' privilege”. In short: Silence or the prison. Why? To hide what?

The Pitiless Microcosm of Washington

The business could have stopped there. But this is just the beginning for the small translator, flag-carrier for “whistle blowers”, a long struggle which the film-makers capture. A crusade for the right to the truth. And for the public, a diving haletante (?) in the twists and turns of the espionage. “When a woman leaves in war, she is never innocent" continues Mathieu Verboud. If a whistle blower can cause an earthquake, imagine when it is about September 11. It was thought that she knew an enormous secret. But the objective was also to show how the world of information had managed the terrorist attacks, the political pressures and the incompetence of the bureaucracy. ”

A work of really good investigation which required ninety days of filming and which took on board the film-makers during six months in the life of this “woman to be cut down”: "She authorized us to follow it all the more easily - as the press did not support her. She uses her public image like a strategy. But she gave us total freedom - so long as we did not ask about her specific secret.”

Their film thus points the failures of the internal investigations of the FBI, the hazardous methods, the flip-flopping, lies of the heartless microcosm of Washington, fully supported with testimonies, official speeches and recorded footage. Thus they follow senior officials, federal employees, intelligence agents (FBI, the CIA, NSA) who did not hesitate to come forward: “They needed to speak. In the information also, there are honest people. I wanted to show that the political power was certainly instrumental, but never the State had handled them as much”, insists Verboud.

The camera tracking faces, expressions, faintnesses. The result is the height of the ambition. Their accounts, pure and hard, are so rich in revelations and leaves the audience, incredulous, flabbergasted or disgusted, and will have the feeling of watching a psychological thriller which mixes suspense and reflexion. Just some lengths will be reproached. It certainly is a complex business.

This documentary which could have been only one investigation into how the Bush Administration defies national security, goes well beyond.

Putting in prospect the strange bonds between the American politicians, Turkey, Israel, Pakistan, diplomats, secret service, multinational weapons procurement, nuclear programs - léaire (?), this film casts an unexpected light on the global environment and the crisis in the Middle East."

"Film on Canal+ Don't miss - based on Vanity Fair's investigation - Sibel EDMONDS/FBI, Turk-English translator who translated the communications between the Speaker of the House and Turkish officials to receive bribes in order not to allow the resolution of the genocide to Congress in 2000

The life of Sibel Edmonds took a nightmarish turn when she was fired for mysterious reasons. Young translator having joined the FBI after September 11, she was sanctioned for her uprightness. Indeed, it discovered that one of her colleagues covered illegal activities of Turkish and American officials . She immediately informed her superiors of them. Their answer was to fire her. But the young woman decided to inform the media. Having allowed the cameras of Mathieu Verboud and Jean-Robert Viallet to follow her in her search for truth, she defies the FBI today.

The muzzled truth

A WOMAN TO BE CUT DOWN is a true espionage thriller on the only American citizen who dared to defy the F.B.I so that the truth bursts, and to ensure the Americans the safety that their government owes them.

“This real-life Whodunnit” is especially the history of Sibel Edmonds and her combat: how a translator, link of the complex chains of American information, discovers wiretaps blaming officials from America her allies. How it will defy those which threaten it, to overcome its fears and to defend the freedom which justifies its work for the country. And how, in the name of this same principle, the American authorities will prevent Sibel from speaking.

There is a true phenomenon around the translator, who has broad public support. Last April, Sibel Edmonds received from Paul Newman the “2006 First Amendment Award”, eminent distinction decreed by the PEN Club, an association in support of writers and the freedom of expression.

Revealed secrets

The work of the film-makers, at Sibel's side, explores the stakes of secrecy, was since the first day blocked by the State which justifies the threats against the young woman. Since September 11, 2001, the safety of the United States however allows innumerable distortions to the sacro-sanct personal freedoms. But higher interests seem to dictate the policy of the Bush administration…

Agents of the American Intelligence Community nevertheless “remain patriots” who validated the investigations of Mathieu Verboud. Those carry out in Turkey, Israel and to Pakistan, in the slides of the ministries for Justice and the Foreign Affairs, the F.B.I and the Pentagon. They join other significant businesses and mix business with weapons, technological espionage, nuclear black market, heroin traffic, money laundering, corruption - in particular with the American Congress - and serious threats, directly relating to national security.

A captivating and alarming investigation."

"“To always deny, always hide”. This is the currency of the American secret service. Sibel Edmonds learned to her costs.

Recall the facts. Only two months after having been employed by the FBI translation department, this woman of Turco-Iranian origin will be approached by Turkish spies within the service. After having referred about it to her superiors, she is laid off without explanation, and decides to attack in justice the FBI.

In vain, her lawsuit is rejected without reason and the Minister for Justice issues the secrecy of State on the business, thus prohibiting her from speaking about her discoveries. This documentary with the simple but effective realization plunges us in the slides of the administration Bush and it is far from being reassuring!"

"Who? Shortly after September 11, Sibel Edmonds, American of Turkish origin, is approached by the FBI to become translator in one of the most secret units. Patriotically, she accepts the job.

What? Quickly, the film demonstrates the presence of spies in the pocket of Turkish lobbies. It tells of the hierarchy, which dismisses her whole case. Sibel tries to warn the Congress, then justice, of her discoveries. But Justice Minister John Ashcroft stamps her entire case with "States Secrets"

Why? Mathieu Verboud and Jean-Robert Viallet reveal, in a palpitating investigation, the combat of this young woman against the FBI initially, then against the American authorities, whose lies hide behind the sacro-holy safety of the State"


Sibel Edmonds is 32 years old when she is contacted for the first time by the FBI, a few days after September 11, 2001. Like numerous other translators, this American, usually speaking Turkish and the Persian language, is committed to make up for lost time of the American information to decipher thousands of hours of phone-tappings.

A few weeks later, Sibel translates sulfurous conversations about money laundering, trafficking of weapons and drug, and corruption implicating American, Turkish and Israeli political personalities... Two months later, Sibel is approached by one of her translator colleagues and her husband. They propose to her, without ambiguity, a financial arrangement if she does not transmit all information which she translates. Informing her bosses at once, Sibel Edmonds enters an infernal process which lasts nearly five years. Because all her direct higher interlocutors and direction of the FBI order her to keep silent. And when she alerts the Department of Justice, she is immediately fired from the FBI and is formally prohibited from speaking. This extremely rare procedure, Secret State Privilege, obliges her to keep her silence, even in front of a judge, in the name of the secrecy of State.

The documentary clearly aims at presenting Sibel Edmonds like an angry, passionate American. The title says it all, since her combat becomes extensive since she created a coalition of "whistle blowers", a term indicating those which denounce the dysfunctions of the State, she gathers a hundred former members of the FBI, NSA, the CIA and Justice...

It is difficult to really understand why Sibel is silenced: the deep lack of curiousity of the American agencies about counter-espionage or a corruption installed at the most top of the State? One can only choose.

After the first US screening of Kill The Messenger in DC in February 07, a panel of journalists and lawyers discussed the film - James Bamford, Bob Parry, Kristina Borjesson, Ben Wizner and others. You can see a ten minute video of that here. Sibel also gave a short speech at the event, as did the two French co-directors, that video is here. I liked co-director Jean-Robert Viallet's observation:
Why are French people doing this film? Because nobody in America did it.

Kill The Messenger has been shown a few times in the US, but I'm not aware of any reviews appearing in the mainstream press. Hopefully our Canadian friends will take the lead of their French, rather than US, counterparts.

Posted by lukery at 2:18 AM
Technorati Profile get the word out.......white armbands, eleventh day of every month. r[evol]Ution/

"When even one American-who has done nothing wrong-is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth-then all Americans are in peril" Harry S. T

Buffalo Springfield

Document Your Arrest
Designers have begun to tackle the erosion of our rights. Gabriel Lam has created Miranda, a wearable black box-like arrest documentation device that records video, audio, motion, impact, location, and other data and streams it over cell phone networks to third party observers such as the ACLU. By creating a visual, aural, and data snapshot of an arrest, it can provide evidence of police brutality (or stop it before it happens), or can prove that officers conducted themselves properly.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THIS ADVICE. A wide variety of people are arrested every day and the majority of the individuals make the same mistakes which make there situation even worse. Many of these reactions are understandable, however some defy logic and reason. Nobody plans on being arrested, but you may be arrested for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Share this with your colleagues, friends and family because it will come in handy for many of you. The basic rule is to simply listen to the officer and do as your told, "Put Your Hands Behind Your Back"

Do NOT do any of these Ten Things:
1. Talk.
Do not say a word to the officer. Shut the F. up! I cannot stress to you the importance of this rule. Do not talk! Do not attempt to convince the officer of your innocence. Everyone is innocent, no one should be arrested and no one should be in jail and that is all the officer hears all day every day. He / she does not care generally whether you are innocent or guilty and there is nothing that he / she can do at this point. Most times, when people speak to officers they say something that makes their situation far worse. Keep your mouth shut, there will be plenty of time to talk later.
2. Run.
I said above to listen to the officer and follow his / her instructions. Do not be scared and do not let the liquid courage aka alcohol convince you that you can outrun the twelve officers and helicopter that will track you down. Also, police become highly suspicious that someone running has a weapon and may be quick to draw their weapon. Additionally when they do run you down expect much stronger force used to subdue a fleeing suspect.
3. Resist Arrest.
Perhaps the most important thing not to do is touch the police officer at all! Again, sober up quick and follow what the officer says. Many people attempt to bump the officer or swat an officers hands away. This often falls under the assault statutes and now a minor misdemeanor arrest becomes a FELONY. Thus a reckless driving charge leads to a year or more in state prison. Additionally, touching the officer in any way can lead to a batton in the mouth.
4. Believe the Police.
It is perfectly legal for the police to lie to get you to make an admission. The police frequently separate two friends and tell one the other one ratted him / her out. Because of the lie, the other friend now rats the first friend out. Police and detectives also state that "it will be easier" to talk now...LIES!!! DON'T BELIEVE THIS BS! It will only be easier for the police to prove their case!
5. Searching.
Do not allow the police to search anywhere! If the police officer asks, they do not have the right to search and must have your consent. If you are asked make sure you proclaim to any witnesses that "You (the police) do not have consent to search." If they perform the search anyway, that evidence may be thrown out later. Also, if you consent to a search, the officers may find something that you had no idea you had placed somewhere, ie: marijuana left by a friend.
6. Look At Places Where You, Want Police to Search.
Police are trained to watch you and react to you. They know that you are nervous and scared and many people look to the areas that they don't want the police to search. Do not react to the search and do not answer any questions. LOOK DOWN AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!
7. Do Not Talk Shit to the Police.
I don't care if you have been wrongly arrested and the true culprit is standing in front of you. Don't talk shit! Police hear all day that my dad is the Governor's Assistant's Intern and I will have your badge for this! Police have a lot of discretion in the upcoming charges brought. Police can add charges, change a misdemeanor to a felony, or even talk to the prosecutor that is ultimately prosecuting you.
8. If Police Come to Your Home, Do not Let Them In and Do Not Step Outside Your Home
If the police are confident you have committed a felony, they are coming in anyway, because they generally don't need an arrest warrant. Make it clear to the police by stating: "No you may not come in", or "I am comfortable talking right here", or "You need a search warrant to enter my home." If they return, your attorney can arrange for you to turn yourself in should that be necessary and you will spend no time in jail between the hearings.
9. Outside Your Home Arrested, Do Not Accept Offer to Go In Your Home for Anything.
The officer may say to you, how about you go inside and change, freshen up, talk to your wife, husband, get a jacket, or any other reason. The police will graciously escort you in and then tear your home apart searching through it. Also, do not let them secure your car. Your car is fine. Remember they are lying to you. They don't give a damn if you are really cold or if you need to talk to your wife or husband.
10. Don't say a word.
It's incredible how many people feel that they can convince the officer, the booking officer or a detective (if your case reaches that stature) that they are not guilty. YOUR CASE IS NOT DECIDED BY THESE PEOPLE. They have no affect on your records. Wait to speak to your lawyer! The courts give enormous weight to "confessions" during this stage. A suspect is almost NEVER released after being arrested.

Follow these ten simply rules religiously and many of your rights will remain intact. I don't care how nervous, scared or drunk you are, THESE RULES ARE VERY IMPORTANT, and will help you tremendously in the short and long run.

Quick Test Question
An altercation occurs with your live in girlfriend. When the police arrive they find you on the sidewalk, a few houses down the street. Your girlfriend points you out and the officers then arrest you for assault. During the arrest, they let you know that they do not intend to question you. They just need your name and address. What do you do?

Well the police are lying to you and rule number 1 is to keep your mouth shut, so you don't say anything. Your name is all you may need to give. If you give your address, that may indicate that you live together converting your alleged crime from a misdemeanor to a felony. An officer will attempt to get you to make an admission, especially when they have no evidence. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! credit the peoples bill of rights

I have a few more practical suggestions. I am not trying to sound alarmist anymore because nothing can surprise me the days, my paradigm has totally shifted!! Hell I am not even a realist anymore, I’m more of an acceptance-ist?, working on the courage to change. A few thoughts from experience, some observations and critical scenarios I have put under scrutiny. In no priority, but to be aware.

We are non-violent, we are not there to shout down the oppressors, we are there to make a statement, an appeal to the American public, (the neocons call them talking points), if you cant defend your position verbally, keep your mouth shut…when the media ignore us we have a constitutional right to petition the gobernment.

you will, like above, appear smarter and above abusive and petty “might make right arguments“….note them as fools and walk around them…find the PRESS, the press will ignore until all of us get out in any real numbers, and show them how many of us believe there is a better way.. because we have the capacity to reason, violent denomination is counter to all life sustaining mechanisms and organisms, our current path is seppuku.

representing ourselves and the country we love.

We do not owe our loyalties to a party or a family, we owe our loyalties to our country, our nation, the liberty of the people, the very land we stand upon.

The bush regime is not the commander in chief of me.

The money congress spends is our money, period! .we got the sheet music to a new musical chair game.

All three branches of government belong to the people, accountable by our proxy.

Out supreme court is impotent, both figurative and literal…?

We want everyone in the bush held accountable, start to finish, to impeach bush now would be a pardon,

We will spend our money on education and infrastructure instead of arms, aircraft and illegal wars, spying on people, star wars shit?.

Our security depends on the quality of character of our educators be they in the home or state, fear and demagoguery will no longer be tolerated.

Our continental borders will be secure when we quit arming everyone. guns, drugs, intel money.

I personally didn’t ask bush to beg the Saudi for the second time for more gas, then go to isreal and kiss ass……saying basically that at least 290 million of us don’t mean fuck to you…….much less what the rest of the world thinks…prince gorge the fool, has selfish-heart been takeN?

Wearechange has identified agent provocateurs. (if you don’t know what agent Pee’s are, well….you might not need to be protesting-war alone at a peace functions).

All ways, every minute out, make sure someone’s got your back, and sees everything you see, as above, camera phone’s may be our salvation, if possible, and even if familiar with the area, go ahead and scout out the area of the protest, note the resources and conveniences, potential hazards and emergency/escape/evac/ redeploy locations at secondary. rally points.....

don’t worry about their tesla ray guns at big crowds here yet, they are just scare us into submission…(if anyone got killed, social change happen for real after kent state.)

Remind them historically when the first amendment doesn’t work, the seconded one will!! And I mean that, there are some mad hostile folks on both sides, most of us true hardcore libertarians have grown weary as peacemakers………somebody pick-up the torch or the fire is going out.

Remember, document the particulate matters.
keep fighting the good fight....with your minds as weapons!

Ultimately, it all comes
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/08/2008 - 18:37.
Ultimately, it all comes down to who you know. ie: I was followed on the highway by an off-duty police officer one evening, there was nothing I could do to get him off my ass! He changed lanes every time I did!!! I became so fed up with him following me after about an hour that I got off at the next you can guess, he followed me! He parked behind me in the right lane of the exit, got out of his unmarked car, came over to my driver side door. I rolled down the window and asked the man why he continued to follow me around the interstate? He said that I passed a car from the center lane ending up in the right lane. I replied, "Yes, I was trying to get you off of my ass, Sir!!! I then pulled out one of my Dad's business cards(my Dad was a Lieutenant on the police force, at that time...he is now retired) and stated that I would be happy to let my Dad know that you followed me for at least an hour on the highway, putting me in danger and the others on the highway in danger with your irrational following techniques. He handed me his business card in return, apologized very nervously and asked me to call him if I needed any legal help in any way in the future and asked me to please not tell my Dad about this. How empowering!!(sp) I have been pulled over for speeding, as well, in the past and got out of it EVERY TIME by mentioning who my Dad is!!! This may sound unfair to those of you that think I used my resources to my benefit unjustly. My reply to you is, your damn right I did!!!; if the police in USA continue to use their resources unjustly, you are damn right that I will do the same to them!!!!

fate, destiny, karma, providence, luck, fortune, coincidence, accident, kismet, chance
antonym: design

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ending global slavery would cost between $10 billion and $15 billion

McCain had complained about and voted against a $200,000 earmark intended to fund a conference on human trafficking in 2001. "Once again McCain's earmark obsession conflicts with his campaign rhetoric"

by: Matt Renner, t r u t h o u t | Report

Greenpeace says workers in the Amazon are forced by McDonald's to burn the rain forest for low-cost food production.
(Photo: Greenpeace)

Slavery never ended in the United States; it continues here and across the globe, facilitated by globalization, corruption and greed. There are more people enslaved today - controlled by violence and forced to work without pay - than at any time in human history.

Experts put the number of slaves at 27 million worldwide. These men and women work across many sectors of the global economy, raking in profits for the criminals who hold them against their will. The US State Department estimates that 17,500 slaves are brought into the United States every year. An estimated 50,000 slaves are forced to work as prostitutes, farm workers and domestic servants in the US.

Republican presidential nominee John McCain recently mentioned domestic slavery during a stump speech. He pledged to establish a task force to coordinate various federal law enforcement agencies to target human trafficking - the process of smuggling slaves between countries. However, the Think Progress blog pointed out that such an agency already exists. Shortly after the speech, Democratic National Committee spokesperson Damien LaVera pointed out in an email that McCain had complained about and voted against a $200,000 earmark intended to fund a conference on human trafficking in 2001. "Once again McCain's earmark obsession conflicts with his campaign rhetoric," Lavera wrote.

McCain's campaign failed to return repeated calls for comment on the issue.

This was the first mention of modern slavery on the campaign trail. Little attention has been paid to the issue by the media, with stories about isolated incidents of slavery in other countries occasionally making headlines. However, international activists and scholars have been leading a movement to eradicate global slavery.

Free The Slaves, an organization founded by acclaimed human rights activist and scholar Kevin Bales, works on the front lines of slavery to find, rescue and rehabilitate slaves.

Bales, a professor of sociology at Roehampton University in London, is recognized as the leading expert on modern slavery.

Bales estimates that ending global slavery would cost between $10 billion and $15 billion, roughly ten percent of the amount the US government is sending out in tax rebates. "It would be interesting if we held a national referendum and asked people if they'd be willing to take ten percent of their stimulus check and use it to eradicate slavery across the globe," he said to Truthout, adding "I'd be willing to take $540 instead of $600."

In his latest book, "Ending Slavery: How We Free Today's Slaves," Bales describes the horrifying reality of modern slavery and proposes solutions. The book is a comprehensive examination of the current state of modern slavery, its causes and effects, its ties to global industry and business, and the activists who risk their lives to bring people out of slavery.

From young boys forced to endlessly weave intricate wool rugs in India to teens who are beaten and starved on cocoa plantations in the Ivory Coast, to a woman from Cameroon who was lured into forced domestic slavery by a suburban couple living outside Washington, DC, the stories in the book are heartbreaking.

In a section of the book titled "A Wake-Up Call in San Diego," Bales recounts the story of a sex-slavery operation in the small town of Oceanside, California, just north of San Diego, where Riena, a 15-year-old Mexican girl was forced to have sex with scores of migrant farmworkers on a daily basis. On the outskirts of the strawberry fields where the migrants worked, "pimps pushed paths through the tall reeds, and hollowed out small 'caves' along the paths. There on the ground, with scraps of clothing, bits of blankets, used condoms, spit, empty bottles and trash, teenagers were on their backs, forced to have sex with the two hundred men a day who prowled these paths."

Riena had been smuggled into the US and held captive by her pimp, who threatened to kill her infant daughter in Mexico if she ran away. After seven months, Riena tried to escape despite the threat. She was caught and brutally beaten. On her second attempt, she managed to reach the local police station.

This story had a happy ending. Mexican officials rescued Riena's baby. Two of the three brothers at the top of the organized crime syndicate running the trafficking operation were imprisoned, albeit on lesser charges.

The media exposure surrounding Riena's story and others like it forced San Diego officials to come to terms with the fact that slavery existed within their city. A community-based solution to address these types of situations was hammered out and procedures were established to create real cooperation between police, social services, and state and federal agencies.

With this and many other stories, Bales demonstrates that the political will to end slavery and enforce existing laws can only be created with public awareness. "Until slavery reaches the public agenda, slaves will continue to suffer," he writes.

"The key thing we need is leadership. There are roughly the same number of people trafficked into the United States every year as there are murders committed. Every single police department in the country has a homicide division, but there are only five that have units which specialize in trafficking," Bales told Truthout.

keep fighting the Good fight, with your minds as weapons!!



Saturday, May 17, 2008

Matthis Chiroux-Sergeant Refuses to Go to Iraq

U.S. Sergeant Refuses to Go to Iraq: "This Occupation is Unconstitutional and Illegal"
By Karin Zeitvogel, Middle East Online
On Capitol Hill yesterday, an American soldier named Matthis Chiroux publicly announced his refusal to deploy to Iraq. Read more »

Howard Zinn: Anarchism Shouldn't Be a Dirty Word
By Ziga Vodovnik, CounterPunch. Posted May 17, 2008.

Howard Zinn, 85, is a Professor Emeritus of political science at Boston University. He was born in Brooklyn, NY, in 1922 to a poor immigrant family. He realized early in his youth that the promise of the "American Dream", that will come true to all hard-working and diligent people, is just that -- a promise and a dream. During World War II he joined US Air Force and served as a bombardier in the "European Theatre." This proved to be a formative experience that only strengthened his convictions that there is no such thing as a just war. It also revealed, once again, the real face of the socio-economic order, where the suffering and sacrifice of the ordinary people is always used only to higher the profits of the privileged few
Buffalo Springfield

keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

What the REVOuLT is all about.......the right to life..

What the Neoconservatives Represent

RonPaul publicly names neoconservatives - “This is a speech given by Ron
Paul on the House floor in which he names the neocons and the views
they adhere to.”

China’s All-Seeing Eye
Published on Thursday, May 15, 2008 by Rolling Stone, by Naomi Klein

In 2006, the Chinese government mandated that all Internet cafes (as
well as restaurants and other “entertainment” venues) install video
cameras with direct feeds to their local police stations. Part of a
wider surveillance project known as “Safe Cities,” the effort now
encompasses 660 municipalities in China. It is the most ambitious new
government program in the Pearl River Delta, and supplying it is one of
the fastest-growing new markets in Shenzhen.

But the cameras that Zhang manufactures are only part of the massive experiment in
population control that is under way here. “The big picture,” Zhang
tells me in his office at the factory, “is integration.” That means
linking cameras with other forms of surveillance: the Internet, phones,
facial-recognition software and GPS monitoring.

Thirty years ago, the city of Shenzhen didn’t exist. Back in those days, it was a string of small fishing villages and collectively run rice paddies, a place of rutted dirt roads and traditional temples. That was before the Communist Party chose it — thanks to its location close to Hong Kong’s port — to be China’s first “special economic zone,” one of only four areas where capitalism would be permitted on a trial basis. The theory behind the experiment was that the “real” China would keep its socialist soul intact while profiting from the private-sector jobs and industrial development created in Shenzhen. The result was a city of pure commerce, undiluted by history or rooted culture — the crack cocaine of capitalism. It was a force so addictive to investors that the Shenzhen experiment quickly expanded, swallowing not just the surrounding Pearl River Delta, which now houses roughly 100,000 factories, but much of the rest of the country as well. Today, Shenzhen is a city of 12.4 million people, and there is a good chance that at least half of everything you own was made here: iPods, laptops, sneakers, flatscreen TVs, cellphones, jeans, maybe your desk chair, possibly your car and almost certainly your printer.

“I can guarantee you that there are people in the Bush administration
who are studying the use of surveillance technologies being developed
here and have at least skeletal plans to implement them at home,” he
says. “We can already see it in New York with CCTV cameras. Once you
have the cameras in place, you have the infrastructure for a powerful
tracking system. I’m worried about what this will mean if the U.S.
government goes totalitarian and starts employing these technologies
more than they are already. I’m worried about the threat this poses to
American democracy.”.................

Naomi Klein is the author of many books, including her most recent, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.Visit Naomi’s website at, or to learn more about her new book, visit .

wake-up folks, the party is just getting started..........remember if government takes everything, we will be free to lose nothing and motivated to gain everything..........This attempt at a new social order is real and will destroy us if we ignore these warning signs. We can change it, we will change it, we have to change it for our children. WE ARE CHANGE.

Prepare people to resist a predatory PUSH toward the expansion of the SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America)during the aftermath of the next major crisis. It needs to be STRESSED in every psyche that it's NOT okay to nullify our constitution by LYING to us, bypassing democratic processes and harmonizing regulations to get ready to push us into an authoritarian North American Parliament that starts as a "trade union" and "Northcom security perimeter." NWO scumbags need to be prosecuted and brought to justice for sedition. Change leaders now or pay with our lives and our children tomorrow. It is not pretty, it is reality and must be accepted because it is the truth.

keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!............

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy cows

Mark Bittman: What's wrong with what we eat

 ever wonder how california GMO labeling.........was defeated?
answer:  lobby, super-pac's, that's how, not folks concerned human welfare...kos, 3-13-13


O'Reilly...predatory political scavenger

Young Evangelicals Abandoning GOP Over Iraq, Economy - Politics on The Huffington Post .
Michael Dudley is the son of a preacher man.

He's a born-again Christian with two family members in the military. He grew up in the Bible Belt, where almost everyone he knew was Republican. But this fall, he's breaking a handful of stereotypes: He plans to vote for Democrat Barack Obama.

"I think a lot of Christians are having trouble getting behind everything the Republicans stand for," said Dudley, 20, a sophomore at Seattle Pacific University.

Dudley's disenchantment with the GOP isn't unique among young, devoutly Christian voters. According to a September 2007 survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, 15 percent of white evangelicals between 18 and 29, a group traditionally a shoo-in for the GOP, say they no longer identify with the Republican Party. Older evangelicals are also questioning their traditional allegiance, but not at the same rate.

(support the true republicans, many are only now realizing how deeply they and all of us were deceived, the shock and disbelief is finally wearing off, the full realization that total faith and trust in fox news has been grossly misplaced....hey, they were duped along with the rest of us, the
ethical conservative majority are probably the biggest suckers of all, sucker for sure, if warmonger income is or didn't rise above six figures........bottom line...bush lied, victims multiplied.)


This little ditty is a remix of the video that surfaced Monday, in which O'Reilly has a meltdown on "Inside Edition." The original O'Reilly video sparked a bit of a to-do because CBS had YouTube remove it from their site, leaving many blogs with dead links. I myself ended up with an error message to the effect of: "This video is no longer available due to copyright claim by CBS Broadcasting, Inc."..........

Support Ron Paul

God doesn't care how many times I or bill have said the "f" word, what he is concerned with is this: How many times did I or did not try to step over or on Jesus(fellowman) to get to God? who is your god?

keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

FYI, Pushing truth agenda, old questions.....

There are many unanswered, but not forgotten questions, that will have to be resolved to restore creditability from any official source.........things the news media should be looking into for us, instead of trolling for a Brittany crotch shot.

chemtrails, eg, spiderwebs in the sky?
must be something to it or it would not keep popping up. if it is to make weather, fine. tell us, is for secret security measures? tell us that too, is simon bar sinister, (a.k.a dick the chicken chaney) at the weather controls? is he off his meds? whatever you do don't tell us that, we are too stupid to figure it out. I know, lets go bust a few poor arabs making pipe bombs and restore world disorder, have our guys kick in the doors to their bedrooms and tell them people to quit that sinful reproducing and spreading peace business and start fragmenting for allah.

...i was wondering about the nine billion dollars ol Raul bremmer seems to have lost, vanished in the desert sands of persia, that financed the start of this neocon blundered "invasion/occupation". .psudo-economy stimulation, someone knows where it went and that is why no one is looking.. my guess was to bribe a nato coalition to go along with us, or how about seed money to start a parallel army of brownshirts labeled blackwater, security for "top private contractors", as if the u.s. military was impotent, incompetent or in complience and collusion? where is smedley when we need him?

sibel edmonds, the most gagged private us citizen in our nations history since will reich. she has offered to tell her story to any national broadcast media that will agree to air the entire interview date no takers. this is a very interesting story that will get out, maybe not in my lifetime, but it will. i am willing to go do her jail time to find out, if they would only cut out the underwater re breathing exercises, some say its unlawful, even occasionally fatal, pity.

i have many, many more new questions..........if some of these old questions were answered truthfully (wtc7?) i may have no need to ask for any more information, as i am quite capable of making my own decisions concerning my self preservation and deciding who my real alleys are. and most Americans are just like me!! PUT THAT IN PLAY

goggle these topics once a day from as many different source computers and networks to alter collective public opinion; WTC7, chemtrails, fbi wistleblower edmonds(whatever your question concerning 911truth and any other truth movement) if enough of us do this long enough the issues will be addressed one way or another. no investigation on anything is the truest sign of total corporate intelligence. remember the party line is stonewall/disinformation and subversive provocateurs....think they can besmirch 300 million of us?, and at least half of us got guns and we don't like lairs.

oh and i am sorry john mccain got shot down dropping bombs on hanoi, i am also glad he was unable to complete any more missions for the remainder of the war. john could have returned safely to base, like many of his fly jocks, all he had to do was deliver those bombs to the ocean floor, like many of his peers did. he may be the ultimate Manchurian candidate, (lost five years? sounds like skull and bonz stuff, i want to talk to the guy screaming in the rack next to johnny, bettcha he's dead) psst...shush but congress and the marines have had this information awhile:
In 1934, Butler came forward and reported to the U.S. Congress that a group of wealthy pro-Fascist industrialists had been plotting to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a military coup. Even though the House Un-American Activities Committee corroborated most of the specifics of his testimony, no further action was taken.

that war ended because the evening news showed our sons dead, dying, the victims of war suffering. the army was tired of fighting and the men simply refused to perform their individual jobs anymore, multi-tour dementia, so see, even if congress endlessly funds this war effort to maintain the banking plutocracy and corporate control, the quality men of character will refuse to fight. this leaves a vacuum where standards are lowered, the poor, uneducated, mostly urban are exploited as cannon fodder for military police actions around the world. This gangster mentality is not the image America wants to project, or is it? because we are letting them do it, we must approve, or improve the hood......lets bring the troops home and do that.
U.S. Sergeant Refuses to Go to Iraq: "This Occupation is Unconstitutional and Illegal"
By Karin Zeitvogel, Middle East Online
On Capitol Hill yesterday, an American soldier named Matthis Chiroux publicly announced his refusal to deploy to Iraq. Read more »

Germany becomes the First Country to admit Clandestine Chemtrails Operation

For all those activists who have been investigating and reporting on clandestine government operations around the world to manipulate our weather patterns, this news from Germany is groundbreaking.

The TV news report states that “the military planes of the German Federal Army are manipulating our climate; this is what the weather researchers are presuming and their suspicions are confirmed…

“We can state with a 97% certainty that we have on our hands chemical trails (chemtrails) comprised by fine dust containing polymers and metals, used to disrupt radar signals.”

“This is their main purpose, but I was surprised that this artificial cloud was so wide-spread. The radar images are stunning considering the needed tons of dispersed elements -- although, the federal army claims that only small amounts of material were propagated. The military heads claim that the substances used are not harmful.”

otest after protest for many years now, against these military operations and now people are mobilising in Germany as well. Per example JOHANNES REMMEL of the Greens.

“It's obvious that enormous regions are being polluted with clandestine actions, but all of this has to be made public. The government must provide explanations to the unsuspecting population.”

This is a very significant development in the battle to find out why our governments are spraying chemicals into our atmosphere, however it is only the tip of the iceberg. As far as researchers have been able to conclude, chemical spraying by our governments have been in full operation since mid-to-late 1990’s (possibly earlier). The following video presentation is a great introduction to chemtrails and some of its possible implication: Aerosol Crimes (1:39:23).

Right now we can only speculate as to what type of chemicals are used in these operations, however one thing is certain, if we saw a car driving down the road, spewing out a plume of smoke the way these planes are doing we would be very concerned.

Considering that half the species in the world could be wiped out due to global warming, the least we could do is to demand that our governments explain what it is that they are spraying us with, specially if military heads are claiming “that the substances used are not harmful”. As we know, when the militaries of the world say we have nothing to be concerned about then we have everything to be concerned about. Keep in mind that chemtrails have been categorized as an “exotic weapons systems” by the 107th CONGRESS of the United States in House Bill H. R. 2977.

keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Roy

Arundhati Roy……
The trouble is that once America goes off to war, it can't very well return without having fought one. If it doesn't find its enemy, for the sake of the enraged folks back home, it will have to manufacture one. Once war begins, it will develop a momentum, a logic and a justification of its own, and we'll lose sight of why it's being fought in the first place. The Algebra of Infinite Justice September 29, 2001.

Where there is oppression, it will always be challenged by those of us who will challenge it with greater intensity, you know? So that's why I don't believe that there can ever be peace without justice, you know? The two go together. And there cannot be peace in the world with full-spectrum dominance or, you know, nuclear warfare or any of those things. They won't help, because always there will be people who demand dignity, who demand justice, who demand their rights.

She goes on to say "Nationalism of one kind or another was the cause of most of the genocide of the twentieth century. Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people's brains and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead."

I expect the dems will go for a tandem American leadership where the line between veep and la’ prez get blurry, post convention. They know for sure they can win popular in landslide fashion and the media cannot stop it, save self destruction. The dems also have populace Edwards for a “kenedi-esq.,” wild card, if either obami or hilly are too damaged post convention.
The thing that bothers me about the split ticket pez, truth is….. they make the most ripe targets for assassins, by so many different factions, together someone could make it happen. Mydoom martyrdom, sort of a bloodless French revolution….ghandi-mlk style. Obama-Billery ticket.

If we have a McCarthy like era targeted at the media, audio visual, news print photo editors, could get messy, considering all the lies and incompetence. Like I said before…this gross breach of public trust cannot easily be repaired. I have nothing to hide, but am bound by conscience to speak out when I witness something unjust, and certainly not knowingly or fraudulently finance some dubious enterprise…

To advocate withholding almost thousand year old magna carta rights? Attention media…did you really think the public was that stupid? Just remember, none of us are as stupid as all of us without your (mainstream media’s) help…you might want to report information as fact before someone comes for you and you have no oracle to speak.

“…It explicitly protected certain rights of the King's subjects, whether free or fettered — most notably the writ of habeas corpus, allowing appeal against unlawful imprisonment. The magna is the historical default document for handling humans when one kingdom or city state conquers or surrenders another.”

As far as I know, as long as there is a monarchy, then it is still on the books and in full effect, to this day, in both England and whales. I thought ours, the us constitution and the bill of rights, was even better at protecting humans. At least more humane, advanced further than medieval Spain.Justice for Dead Journalists | War on Iraq | AlterNet Justice for Dead Journalists
By Amy Goodman, King Features Syndicate. Posted May 15, 2008.
A military whistle-blower has come forward with information that contradicts the government's official story about the deaths of two journalists.
This is why I am ashamed of my government, because this does not represent me, the is not what my own government taught me. Yes, I was mad when I realized I had been duped by the people I trusted……but I can get over that. What I cannot let go of is the fact I can no longer trust my government to tell me the truth. That is what makes me want to rebel, this is where I have a problem controlling my passions, when I see cover-up and collusion by institutions I plead my loyalties, was willing to bleed and die for those ideals.
(my guess is the pharma industry has a pill for truth long developed by now, negating the need for torture! Which is more profitable?, the rack or the apothecary? KBR…Kellogg-brown-root or ely lilly, s.c Johnson, dow?)

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.".... Marcus Tullius Cicero

The Communist regime of the Soviet Union has been considered to be evil by a number of western liberal democracies, especially under the rule of Joseph Stalin for its mass persecutions of political opponents, religious, and cultural minorities (e.g. the Cossacks). Also the political writings of Niccolò Machiavelli in The Prince often used by Hitler and Mussolini, are considered to be a source of evil in politics, as they often speak of ignoring accepted morals for the pursuit of ultimate power, as "the ends justifies the means".

Machiavelli favored a prince creating a climate of fear in order to rule a population, rather than relying on popular support. Machiavelli supports the use of deception and manipulation as means to increase a prince's personal power. The following statements in The Prince on how to gain control of a principality show little concern for traditional moral and ethical considerations.

Will history add George W. Bush to the list? ...the ends justifies the means... The world consists mainly of vulgar people and the few who are honorable can safely be ignored when so many vulgar rally around the prince….' '…..Benefits must be conferred gradually so they are appreciated more thoroughly and harm should be inflicted all at once. Both harm and benefits should not serve as quick solutions to problems. Force is the most effective and efficient means to do something and the virtuous prince will employ its leverage. History marches on….truth is truth, a duck is…… deliberately lose a trick; a cunning action or plan that is intended to cheat or deceive.

The liberal left or the religious right are not off the hook…..Authoritarian, totalitarian, and elements of religious fundamentalism regimes tend to hold a common view that liberal-democratic regimes are evil and blame liberal democracy for high crime rates, profiteering, corporate crime, materialist individualism replacing common bonds of similar people, destruction of culture and its replacement with sleaze. All of which, the regimes claim will result in the destruction of humanity if liberal democracy is not restrained. Therefore, liberal democracy provides the ideal environment for corruption to thrive, greed at all levels of society becomes to rule rather the exception. In other words, we become so open-minded our brains fall out, leaving a fertile breeding ground for state sponsored exploitation of the masses. This is why the u.s. constitution is so important. The constitution protects 'we the people' from our own government. The bill or rights is the guarantee.

Machiavelli wrote: "...there will be traits considered good that, if followed, will lead to ruin, while other traits, considered vices which if practiced achieve security and well being for the Prince," (dub'ya) truth is truth. A duck is….is found all over the world, with the exception of Antarctica, but the prince doesn't care, for that reason we should send him there. History marches on….

The international relations theories of neo-conservatism (neocon), advise politicians to explicitly disavow absolute moral and ethical considerations in international politics in favor of a focus on self-interest, political survival, and power politics, which they hold to be more accurate in explaining a world they view as explicitly amoral and dangerous. Neocons usually justify their perspectives by laying claim to a "higher moral duty" specific to political leaders, under which the greatest evil is seen to be the failure of the state to protect itself and its citizens, not protecting the citizens from the state. Truth is truth, a duck is…. what ever the state labels it. History marches on……

There is a back door to circumvent free speech and the original ideals America was founded on. Dumb down America by omission of certain schools of thought, thereby limiting critical thinking to only the facts presented and imbedded in the education system as a whole. One of the best tools is to limit the information being taught in public schools is not to teach it to the teachers to teach. Every generation is gradually being short changed. I clipped the next piece a couple of years ago to research, some of the items may be dated. I have added to it from things I have found, reading a few books, rereading history, hundreds of hours on the internet, but things have only gotten worse.

I found this trend startling and set out to disprove, I could not, I have now not only confirmed this downward spiral, it is one of the main reasons I have become so political to do my part to reverse this national (international?) conspiracy.

Just because we are told America is number one does not make it so. This is why I stress independent thinking and common sense (rational thought), and the need to become better informed in all areas. Like I said before above: we have become so open-minded that our brain fell out, and developed and an appetite for destruction of the truth. Go look for yourself like I did, a caveat: government statistical data is not a reliable source, tends to only report the positive, withholding negative data is the norm because of political and bureaucratic job security.

Truth is truth, a duck is a….what's a duck? What's that quacking nose? A duck is what politicians do to avoid answering tough questions, avoid lying or telling the truth, whatever is convenient to conceal or promote hidden agendas, dedicated to self service. History marches on….

credit steve ventura....for education work, all verifiable data. my vetting process is much simpler, does what i see match what i hear against what i know? truth somewhere there?
Statistics on American education tell a dreadful story. No concept lies more firmly embedded in our national character than the notion that the USA is "No. 1," "the greatest." Our broadcast media are, in essence, continuous advertisements for the brand name "America Is No. 1." Any office seeker saying otherwise would be committing political suicide. In fact, anyone saying otherwise will be labeled "un-American." We're an "empire," ain't we? Sure we are. An empire without a manufacturing base. An empire that must borrow $2 billion a day from its competitors in order to function. Yet the delusion is ineradicable.

We're No. 1. Well...this is the country you really live in: the story of an advanced technological society slipping back to a state of ignorance and superstition. If that sentence seems extreme, consider these facts:

The United States is 49th in the world in literacy (the New York Times, Dec. 12, 2004).

The United States ranked 28th out of 40 countries in mathematical literacy (NYT, Dec. 12, 2004).

Twenty percent of Americans think the sun orbits the earth. Seventeen percent believe the earth revolves around the sun once a day (The Week, Jan. 7, 2005).

"The International Adult Literacy Survey...found that Americans with less than nine years of education 'score worse than virtually all of the other countries'" (Jeremy Rifkin's superbly documented book The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream, p.78).

Our workers are so ignorant and lack so many basic skills that American businesses spend $30 billion a year on remedial training (NYT, Dec. 12, 2004). No wonder they relocate elsewhere!

"The European Union leads the U.S. in...the number of science and engineering graduates; public research and development (R&D) expenditures; and new capital raised" (The European Dream, p.70).

"Europe surpassed the United States in the mid-1990s as the largest producer of scientific literature" (The European Dream, p.70).

Nevertheless, Congress cut funds to the National Science Foundation. The agency will issue 1,000 fewer research grants this year (NYT, Dec. 21, 2004).

Foreign applications to U.S. grad schools declined 28 percent last year. Foreign student enrollment on all levels fell for the first time in three decades, but increased greatly in Europe and China. Last year Chinese grad-school graduates in the U.S. dropped 56 percent, Indians 51 percent, South Koreans 28 percent (NYT, Dec. 21, 2004). We're not the place to be anymore.

The World Health Organization "ranked the countries of the world in terms of overall health performance, and the U.S. [was]...37th." In the fairness of health care, we're 54th. "The irony is that the United States spends more per capita for health care than any other nation in the world" (The European Dream, pp.79-80). Pay more, get lots, lots less.

"The U.S. and South Africa are the only two developed countries in the world that do not provide health care for all their citizens" (The European Dream, p.80). Excuse me, but since when is South Africa a "developed" country? Anyway, that's the company we're keeping.

Lack of health insurance coverage causes 18,000 unnecessary American deaths a year. (NYT, Jan. 12, 2005.) That's six times the number of people killed on 9/11.
"U.S. childhood poverty now ranks 22nd, or second to last, among the developed nations. Only Mexico scores lower" (The European Dream, p.81). Been to Mexico lately? Does it look "developed" to you? Yet it's the only "developed" country to score lower in childhood poverty.
Twelve million American families--more than 10 percent of all U.S. households--"continue to struggle, and not always successfully, to feed themselves." Families that "had members who actually went hungry at some point last year" numbered 3.9 million (NYT, Nov. 22, 2004).

The United States is 41st in the world in infant mortality. Cuba scores higher (NYT, Jan. 12, 2005).

Women are 70 percent more likely to die in childbirth in America than in Europe (NYT, Jan. 12, 2005).

The leading cause of death of pregnant women in this country is murder (CNN, Dec. 14, 2006).

"Of the 20 most developed countries in the world, the U.S. was dead last in the growth rate of total compensation to its workforce in the 1980s.... In the 1990s, the U.S. average compensation growth rate grew only slightly, at an annual rate of about 0.1 percent" (The European Dream, p.39). Yet Americans work longer hours per year than any other industrialized country, and get less vacation time. Economic slavery.

"Sixty-one of the 140 biggest companies on the Global Fortune 500 rankings are European, while only 50 are U.S. companies" (The European Dream, p.66). "In a recent survey of the world's 50 best companies, conducted by Global Finance, all but one were European" (The European Dream, p.69).

"Fourteen of the 20 largest commercial banks in the world today are European.... In the chemical industry, the European company BASF is the world's leader, and three of the top six players are European. In engineering and construction, three of the top five companies are European.... The two others are Japanese. Not a single American engineering and construction company is included among the world's top nine competitors. In food and consumer products, Nestlé and Unilever, two European giants, rank first and second, respectively, in the world. In the food and drugstore retail trade, two European companies...are first and second, and European companies make up five of the top ten. Only four U.S. companies are on the list" (The European Dream, p.68).

The United States has lost 1.3 million jobs to China in the last decade (CNN, Jan. 12, 2005).
U.S. employers eliminated 1 million jobs in 2004 (The Week, Jan. 14, 2004). Since 04, who knows? Government data lag time 2 years, estimates range from 3 to 7 million jobs, depends which duck is quacking, today 07 estimates are conservative. This includes jobs created minus jobs lost, the trend is about 2 million net loss per year and dropping, that is jobs lost increasing. Accurate data impossible to confirm. Shush, don't tell nobody, might create a panic. 17 million illegals just might have jobs here, ya think? Most of them pay federal income tax, is I should say the tax is deducted from their paychecks most of the money stays with the employer who knows the undocumented worker will not file for refunds with the feds, and actively reminds Pedro to do so risks deportation by the la migra offeciosos. Por qua? No la guardia, see.
Three million six hundred thousand Americans ran out of unemployment insurance last year; 1.8 million--one in five--unemployed workers are jobless for more than six months (NYT, Jan. 9, 2005). Does not count illegals and those that quit looking, also day labor, nor those working for cash, drug trade, e.g.

Japan, China, Taiwan, and South Korea hold 40 percent of our government debt. (That's why we talk nice to them.) "By helping keep mortgage rates from rising, China has come to play an enormous and little-noticed role in sustaining the American housing boom" (NYT, Dec. 4, 2004). Read that twice. We owe our housing boom (bust today) to China, because they want us to keep buying all that stuff they manufacture. American poison toys, conspiracy? To narrow trade gap, who knows, more to the point who's not telling? Wal-Mart toys Chinese lead, ignorant children, stupid adults: connection or coincidence?

Sometime in the next 10 years Brazil will probably pass the U.S. as the world's largest agricultural producer. Brazil is now the world's largest exporter of chickens, orange juice, sugar, coffee, and tobacco. Last year, Brazil passed the U.S. as the world's largest beef producer. (Hear that, you poor deluded cowboys?) As a result, while we bear record trade deficits, Brazil boasts a $30 billion trade surplus (NYT, Dec. 12, 2004). Rainforest is the planets lungs, declining at 10%(?) annually feeding fat Americans.

As of last June, the U.S. imported more food than it exported (NYT, Dec. 12, 2004). Relabeled and sent back as u.s. relief aid, you think I'm kidding. Go look. Product of china, labeled u. n for relief not to be sold. I have got a feeling the food stuff is relabeled again and sold back to us, that one boat load of rice has been around the world ten times, meanwhile fewer hungry, less humans, bigger banks, morbidly obese Americans.

Bush: 62,027,582 votes. Kerry: 59,026,003 votes. Number of eligible voters who didn't show up: 79,279,000 (NYT, Dec. 26, 2004). That's more than a third. Way more. If more than a third of Iraqis don't show for their election, no country in the world will think that election legitimate. Al Gore won the last one here. Us *plebs still lost. *….common people of ancient Rome: the ordinary citizens of ancient Rome, as distinct from the (re)patricians, wealthy
One-third of all U.S. children are born out of wedlock. One-half of all U.S. children will live in a one-parent house (CNN, Dec. 10, 2004).

"Americans are now spending more money on gambling than on movies, videos, DVDs, music, and books combined" (The European Dream, p.28). Future native American survival.

"Nearly one out of four Americans believe that using violence to get what they want is acceptable" (The European Dream, p.32) that one already got his that way.

Forty-three percent of Americans think torture is sometimes justified, according to a PEW Poll (Associated Press, Aug. 19, 2004). As long as it's not themselves,100% agree torture hurts.

"Nearly 900,000 children were abused or neglected in 2002, the last year for which such data are available" (USA Today, Dec. 21, 2004). These are only what's reported to social services. Dead ones don't count, 70% plus of incarcerated adults where also neglected or abused. Psychological abuse accounts for 80% of mental illness, including addictions. Allowing children to be raised by schools and television is abuse and the root cause to me.

"The International Association of Chiefs of Police said that cuts by the Bush administration in federal aid to local police agencies have left the nation more vulnerable than ever" (USA Today, Nov. 17, 2004). The plan is working.

No. 1? In most important categories we're not even in the Top 10 anymore. Not even close.
The USA is "No. 1" in nothing but weaponry, consumer spending, debt, and delusion. Denial
The United States once ranked first in the world in high school graduation rates. We have slipped to 17th (the New York Times, Feb. 1).

Respect for the free exchange of ideas is dimming among our young. USA Today, Jan. 31: "One in three United States high school students say the press ought to be more restricted, and even more thought the government should approve newspaper stories before people read them." Which means that our Bill of Rights often is taught poorly or not at all--a very dangerous sign for the future of our liberties.

The United States is 49th in the world in literacy (NYT, Dec. 12, 2004). Those who can read and don't are equal to the man that cannot read.

We rank 28th out of 40 countries in mathematical literacy (NYT, Dec. 12, 2004). Accounts for acceptance of the 38% tax rate, that's means you only get to keep 62 dollars for every $100 you earn. If you tithe faithfully you get to keep$56 gross dollars or $52 net to buy food, shelter, clothes, heat, electric, petrol, insurance, health care…add sales tax….wondering why you can't save anything or seem to get ahead? If you forgot to vote, that's ok they assume you don't mind the taxes then.

"Our students, a new report has found, are lagging far behind the pace set by scientific whiz kids in Europe and Asia, and the number of Americans choosing science as a career continues to dwindle" (Los Angeles Times, quoted in The Week, Jan. 14).

Thomas L. Friedman reports "a mounting crisis" (NYT, Dec. 5, 2004). "Because of the steady erosion of science, math, and engineering education in U.S. high schools, our Cold War generation of American scientists is not being fully replenished. We've been filling the gap with Indian, Chinese, and other immigrating brain-power. But...many of those foreign engineers are not coming here anymore." He adds that many who had emigrated here have recently chosen to leave, and there aren't enough Americans with sufficient knowledge to replace them. The Chinese lead toy generation.

The Christian right's influence in Congress is no doubt the source of headlines like this: "Money to Fix Space Telescope May Be Cut by House" (NYT, Jan. 23). The Hubble is our most successful space project to date. The Hubble "established the age of the universe at 13 billion years.... Every week, the Hubble transmits about 120 gigabytes of data...the equivalent of 36,500 feet of books on a shelf. More than 2,600 scientific papers based on these findings have been published so far" (The Week, Jan. 21).

Hostility to science exists at the highest levels of our government. "With rising intensity, scientists in and out of government have criticized the Bush administration, saying it has selected or suppressed research findings to suit preset policies, skewed advisory panels or ignored unwelcome advice, and quashed discussion within federal research agencies" (NYT, Oct. 19, 2006).

These stats combine to paint the portrait of a poorly educated people seeking to compensate for their ignorance with beliefs that spread such ignorance further--while the rest of the developed world laughs in pity or contempt, and leaves us behind.

I believe one cannot claim to be a cultured human being without knowledge of the great religions, their histories, and scriptures. The Bible hit America's shores 300 years before the Constitution and no one unfamiliar with the Bible can claim to understand America (which disqualifies many so-called intellectuals). The great religions should be required study in every high school and college, if only because there is no greater historical force than religious passion. But religion should be taught as religion, not as science. Interesting to note the last pope, John Paul II, held the position that creation and evolution do not conflict with current Catholic doctrine.

Makes no difference to me when we got here only what we can do to stay here and advance our society. How to keep adapting to our changing environment with a moral compass pointing toward goodness, the light, away from darkness and ignorance. Hostility to science is spreading, like an infection, to history...

The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, by Thomas Woods Jr., "is being snapped up on college campuses and helped along by plugs on Fox News... Was No. 8 on the New York Times paperback nonfiction bestseller list." The book features far-right revisions of the Civil War, the Marshall Plan, Jim Crow, and the New Deal . It is "one of a wave of books like this." They include Michelle Malkin's In Defense of Internment, which claims that the World War II internment of California's Japanese-Americans was justified and benign; also, a booklet used in a North Carolina school called Southern Slavery: As It Was, claiming slavery to have been "a relationship based upon mutual affection and confidence." This isn't history. This is propaganda. You don't justify old internment camps unless you hope to build new ones. That's how I found that list from the friends of liberty website, newly built idle camps waiting to be housed, no one told me I had to go find the truth.

The teaching of history is usually slanted one way or another, but not long ago the blatant distortion of science would have been unimaginable. The Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Maoist China excluded or distorted whole branches of science that conflicted with their ideologies; not long ago no thinking person imagined it could happen here. But it is happening. On a massive scale. From the highest levels of government to the littlest rural school. Power-savvy factions are spreading an easy-to-digest but ultimately fatal ignorance. Poorly educated, well-intentioned, fearful people, craving order in a chaotic world, are eating it up. They're no more or less stupid than the well-informed, but they haven't the resources for research and they've no body of knowledge by which to weigh what they're told. The poorly skilled and scantily educated have nothing to judge information by except whether it satisfies their emotions. If it makes them less afraid, it must be right.

Sam Adams, like many of our founders, believed democracy would flourish "as long as education was extended to the masses." An ignorant people cannot remain a free people.

keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!