Tuesday, February 4, 2014

“Today, humanity faces a stark choice: save the planet and ditch capitalism, or save capitalism and ditch the planet.” – Fawzi Ibrahim

Three waves of revolt

Where do we aim our fists to strike a death blow to capitalism's body?

So shall we strike the muscles, the mind, or the lifeblood of capitalism … or all three at once? Rekindling the wildcat strike, abolishing debt, and dethroning money, the last god of Western civilization – these could be the triple waves of a tsunami that flattens capitalism for good.

To all the governments negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement:

As concerned global citizens, we call on you to make the TPP process transparent and accountable to all, and to reject any plans that limit our governments' power to regulate in the public interest. The TPP is a threat to democracy, undermining national sovereignty, workers' rights, environmental protections and Internet freedom. We urge you to reject this corporate takeover.

 C.O.P.s. = Cowardly Opportunistic Predatory Sadists............these are the ones that are paid to be something less than human.  That thin blue line gives all in uniform a stigma most do not deserve.............silence, poor training and supervention lead to abuse of the public's trust.  You chickenshit gun happy thugs with a badge need to find another line of work if you are too scared and your only answer is a firearm to do the job.  Because if that is the case then anyone that can pull a trigger, punch and kick a restrained individual is qualified for the job.  Those in the ranks that witness abuse by peers and remain silent are reinforcing this illegal behavior and should be punished as well ......pussys

This video was created as an example of the importance of filming the police. Video provides transparency, accountability, and an accurate account of incidents that occur. It is no secret that the United States has a serious problem with police abuse, brutality, and corruption. It is essential for civilians to document their encounters with police officers to ensure transparency, accountability, and safety to all of those involved.

Police departments have, for too long, tried to bully, intimidate, threaten, arrest, or otherwise harass law abiding citizens from recording the activities of law enforcement in public. Enough is enough! It is time for all of us to take a stand and expose police brutality when we witness it. Even if the officers behavior is correct, and justifiable, we still encourage the recording of the police activities for the transparency and accountability that is desperately needed in many departments.

If you see something, film something, the freedom of press begins with you!

More information about other clips:

Suspect with Crowbar Shot Outside Carls Jr Monterey Park

Oscar Grant Shooting

Cops on Camera (multiple segments)

Citizen attacks Baltimore Police -- caught on tape

Houston Police BEATING Teen Suspect Chad Holley

Police Brutality: NYPD Beat Man's Legs w/ Baton For Not Getting Up!


MSNBC on NYPD Police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Lawrence O'Donnell with "The Last Word"

Raw Video: Police Beating Caught on Tape

Paris Texas Police Officer Throws Teen on Car

Raw Video: Deputy Shown Kicking Teen Girl

#OWSwest #J20 #SFPD Attacks Innocent Protesters; Officer M. Ali #619 Breaks My Cam

Raw Video: Ala. Officers Fired After Beating Man

Cop Punching Handcuffed Man Video Now Has Sound

Surveillance video: Iraq War veteran beaten

Sante Fe cop caught beating handcuffed teen; fired, rehired!

officer beating 66-year-old man suffering from dementia

Female Cop Tirelessly Beats Man with her Baton

Police Brutality: Dog Walker w/ Camera Beaten By Cops!

ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators

You Said You Were Investigating The Banks. What Happened?


Stand Your Ground Absurdity, Animal Activists Now Terrorists, Aiding Torture Regimes

Bacon: NAFTA Hurt Workers on Both Sides of the Border

We have four days to stop a top-secret global corporate power grab that attacks everything from a free Internet to environmental protections. This agreement is being negotiated right now by bureaucrats backed by corporate lobbyists. Click below to crash their secret meeting with our global call to kill the TPP deal:

Details are leaking of a top-secret, global corporate power grab of breathtaking scope -- attacking everything from a free Internet to health and environmental regulations, and we have just 4 days to stop it.

Big business has a new plan to fatten their pockets: a giant global pact, with an international tribunal to enforce it, that is kept top secret for years (even from our lawmakers!) and then brought down like a Death Star on our democracies. Big Tobacco, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Walmart and almost 600 other corporate lobbyists are all in on the draft -- including limits on smoking laws, affordable medicines and free speech on the Net.

The latest round of negotiations ends in just 4 days -- but outcries in each of our countries could shake the confidence of negotiators and scuttle the talks forever. Let's get to a million against the global corporate takeover. Sign below and forward widely. Avaaz will project our petition counter on the walls of the conference so negotiators can see the opposition to their plan exploding in real time:


The deal, called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), is written to protect investors from government regulation, even if that regulation is passed in the public interest. Leaked versions suggest the TPP would undermine protections for air and water safety and reintroduce measures from the US Internet freedom attack as well as steamrolling efforts to produce generic affordable medicines. Worse still, lawmakers who fail to conform to the TPP’s rules face sanctions in an international tribunal -- a place where corporations can sue us for deals previous governments signed in secret!

Negotiators say this is just a trade agreement, written to facilitate investment and profit for all. But the leaked draft imposes so many limits on citizen protections, it's clear this "trade" agreement is skewed to put corporate profit above people's needs -- that's not surprising since it's been drafted in secret with almost 600 corporate lobbyists.

But there is hope: Australia is bucking against the international tribunal system, and New Zealand is objecting to the takeover of its medicine-pricing protections that keep drugs affordable. Massive public opposition, casting doubt over each country's ability to sell TPP at home, could derail the talks for good. Sign the petition now, and forward widely -- the delegates and lobbyists are watching the wave of opposition grow in real time:


US Candidate for Senate, Elizabeth Warren in a recent speech said: “Corporations are not people. People have hearts, they have kids, they get jobs, they get sick, they cry, they dance. They live, they love, and they die. And that matters, because we don't run this country for corporations, we run it for people." Let’s reach one million to stop the corporate takeover of our governments.

With hope,

Iain, Pedro, Laura, Ari, Emma, Lisa, Luca, Ricken and the whole Avaaz team

PS - Avaaz has launched Community Petitions, an exciting new platform where it's quick and easy to create a campaign on any issue you care strongly about. Start your own by clicking here: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/start_a_petition/?do.ps.tpp


The Nation: "NAFTA on Steroids"

The Guardian: "The Pacific free trade deal that's anything but free"

Huffington Post: "Leak Cracks Open Trans-Pacific Partnership Scandal"

Reuters: "Lawmakers press for open Trans-Pacific trade talks"

TechDirt: "Hollywood Gets To Party With TPP Negotiators; Public Interest Groups Get Thrown Out Of Hotel"

Electronic Frontier Foundation: "Background and analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement"

Stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a proposed international trade agreement, involving 12 countries and covering a range of topics including intellectual property, the environment and workers’ rights. The TPP has been negotiated in secret for almost four years.

The 12 countries are: United States, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Chile, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, New Zealand and Brunei Darussalam. The TPP agreement would cover 40% of global GDP and one-third of global trade.

Last week, Wikileaks released a draft environment chapter of the TPP.

The US Trade Representative, Michael Froman, has said that President Obama, “will not support a TPP agreement that does not have strong environmental provisions.” He said this in November 2013, at a lunch hosted by World Wildlife Fund, shortly after a group of US NGOs wrote to Froman urging him “to ensure that a strong and enforceable environment chapter is included in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.”

The draft environment chapter is neither strong nor enforceable. Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, slammed the leaked draft in a statement:

“If the environment chapter is finalized as written in this leaked document, President Obama’s environmental trade record would be worse than George W. Bush’s. This draft chapter falls flat on every single one of our issues – oceans, fish, wildlife, and forest protections – and in fact, rolls back on the progress made in past free trade pacts.”

In May 2007, President Bush reached an agreement with the Democrat-controlled Congress about what had to be included in the environment chapter of any US free trade agreement. This included making the environmental chapter enforceable through trade sanctions. All US trade agreements since then have complied. Until now.

Obama hopes to bulldoze the TPP through using a mechanism called Fast Track trade authority, that would allow the White House to negotiate and sign trade deals without Congressional oversight. An “unlikely coalition of groups” is opposing Fast Track – click here for more information and readers in the US can sign the petition opposing Fast Track:

A discussion featuring some of these groups on a reddit_AMA (AMA = ask me anything) covers much of what is wrong with the TPP.

Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and WWF-US have highlighted four main problems with the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s environmental chapter:
  • There is no enforcement. Julian Assange describes the draft environmental chapter as “a toothless public relations exercise with no enforcement mechanism.”
  • It does not discourage overfishing. The draft text states that “each Party shall seek to operate a fisheries management system that regulates marine wild capture fishing and that is designed to prevent overfishing and overcapacity”. The words “seek to” and “designed to” provide a loophole the size of a factory trawler.
  • It does not take a strong enough stand against trade in illegal wildlife.
  • It does not go far enough to prevent illegal logging. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and other groups are calling for each country in the TPP to enact legislation similar to the US Lacey Act prohibiting the import of illegally logged timber products.
While the environmental chapter is not enforceable, other chapters are, as Professor Jane Kelsey of the University of Aukland notes:
The core chapters of these agreements, especially on investment, agriculture, intellectual property and services, impose pro-corporate rules on governments and communities. Those rules are toxic to biodiversity, ecosystems, indigenous knowledge and resources, human and animal health, water, forests fish and other natural resources, and other aspects of conservation and the environment.
The issue of Trade and Biodiversity in the TPP is important from the perspective of indigenous peoples’ rights. In a commentary on the Wikileaks website, Professor Kelsey points out that most of Article SS.13: Trade and Biodiversity is “weak and aspirational”.

Paragraph 4 of Article 13 recognises the rights of States over natural resources and rather than acknowledging the right of indigenous peoples and local communities to control who has access to genetic resources on their lands and forests, it hands over that right to the State. Similarly, in the next paragraph the right to give or withhold prior, informed consent over access to genetic resources is given to the State. And the benefits obtained from using these genetic resources are to be shared fairly and equitably with the State, not with indigenous peoples and local communities.

As Kelsey points out, this “falls far short of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”. It undermines indigenous rights and risks leaving indigenous peoples and local communities wide open to the threat of biopiracy.

Several of the governments involved in negotiating the TPP are also interested in REDD. The TPP could have serious consequences for REDD. The financial services chapter could affect trade in carbon credits. The draft environment chapter recognises “the role that market and non-market approaches can play in achieving climate change objectives”. The environment chapter is weak on illegal logging, and the TPP could lead to increased deforestation. The TPP could make national REDD legislation more difficult, because mining, logging, or oil palm corporations could sue governments that pass REDD legislation considered to be in breach of the TPP.

Climate campaign group 350.org has produced a great info-graphic explaining the broader issues behind the TPP (click on the image to sign on to 350.org’s petition to stop TPP):

Sachs: Approval of Keystone XL Would Be A Disastrous Move

Frightening Report Won't Sway Obama On Keystone Pipeline

Mining Tar Sands Produces Much More Air Pollution Than We Thought


Research shows that emissions of a class of air pollutants are two to three orders of magnitude higher than previously calculated.  read Smithsonian.com

Anti-War Goes AWOL: Divide and Conquer in Action

Mike Ludwig, Truthout: Democrats in Congress have introduced legislation that would restore net-neutrality rules struck down last month by a federal appeals court. But the bill faces a steep uphill battle in the House, where some Republicans oppose any expansion of regulatory power at the FCC.
Michael Boldin, Truthout: On January 28, Vermont state representatives introduced legislation that would block some of the practical effects of mass data collection by the National Security Agency.


First in the nation: Arizona senate committee passes 4th
Amendment Protection Act to thwart NSA spying

Activist Post

Monsanto Spoof - Picking Up God's Slack
Heather Callaghan

Will Fukushima's Leaking Radiation Contaminate Tokyo's Water Supply?
Richard Wilcox

Super Bugs from Antibiotics the FDA Knew About
Catherine J. Frompovich

Why Are American Hospitals Charging Up to $800 for a $1 Bag of Salt Water?
Melissa Melton

Our Special today is corn chowder with Agent Orange
Under the radar: prestigious mainstream editor torpedoed the FDA
Jon Rappoport

Due To Extreme Drought, The Number Of Cattle In The U.S. Is The Smallest It Has Been Since 1951
Michael Snyder


New Must-See Videos

Monsanto Spoof - Picking Up God's Slack

'Breathtaking': Corruption cost in EU equals its annual budget

Tor Mail Spied On By FBI

Anti-War Goes AWOL: Divide and Conquer in Action

Due To Extreme Drought, The Number Of Cattle In The U.S. Is The
Smallest It Has Been Since 1951

Other Key Articles From Around the Web

D.C. Council Votes To Decriminalize Marijuana

Dell to lay off 15000 workers

Feds: NSA ‘Probably’ Spies on Members of Congress

Duke Energy Plant Reports Massive Coal-ash Spill in NC River

Nine Cops Raid Home Over Alleged Credit Card Fraud, Find Nothing,
Still Make Arrests

How American Food Companies Go GMO-Free

Feds to mandate car-to-car communication, tracking

Matthew Mills able to infiltrate Super Bowl 48 despite massive police
state security measures

Supreme Court Justice Warns FEMA Camps Are Coming

Some FEMA (Death) Camps Location Mix

Published on Feb 4, 2014
Thanks To These Channels:

As an independent "Anonymous" reporter against all governments corruptions. I have a duty to report and bring to the attention to the People of Our World, the possible dangers, in which by warning the People, may save their lives. I have a right to distribute this video.

This is the one in Beech Grove but It's much sharper and larger. I did some research on the "so called" furnaces and the white AGA Gas Inc. Cylinder. The "so called" furnaces are exhaust fans. AGA Gas Inc. Sells mostly asphyxiation type gases. You can verify this by doing a search via dogpile for AGA Gas Inc., look for web site MDS, and they will list the gases there. In the video, it shows a gas main, you can see there are 2 or 3 connections with regulators on top. Regulators are used to regulate pressure and gas mixtures. It seems that this is indeed a death camp, for those on the red and blue list. It can process 26,000 people every 24hrs. The site has since been cleaned up to look inconspicuous.


Rotten To The Core
Pentagon Investigates Thousands of Soldiers in Massive Fraud Case
BY Gordon Lubold , Dan Lamothe
The numbers of soldiers and money involved are staggering.
Investigator Probes Alleged US Marine Corps War Crimes Cover-up
By Dan Lamothe
Did Marine brass unlawfully concealed crucial evidence in the cases?
Iraq: The 'Bad Years' Are Back
By Ramzy Baroud
American companies are abandoning their investments in the south of Iraq where the vast majority of the country's oil exists.
Will Mobocracy Triumph in Ukraine?
By Pat Buchanan
Despite our endless blather about democracy, we Americans seem to be able to put our devotion to democratic principles on the shelf, when they get in the way of our New World Order.
West Manufactures 'Opposition Movements'
From Egypt, Ukraine, the Turkish-Syrian border, Cuba and Thailand
By Andre Vltchek
What the West is now doing to the world; igniting conflicts, supporting banditry and terror, sacrificing millions of people for its own commercial interests, is nothing new under the sun. It is called 'ordinary fascism'.
AIPAC's Annus Horribilis?
By Jim Lobe
The Democratic retreat is particularly worrisome for AIPAC precisely because its claim to "bipartisanship" is looking increasingly dubious.
Character Assassination
Senior US Congressman Mike Rogers: Glenn Greenwald 'A Thief'
By Spencer Ackerman
Greenwald said that the claim was foolish, unfounded, and designed to intimidate journalists.
What Is Supply-Side Economics?
By Paul Craig Roberts
How can America save itself when its public intellectuals have no idea what they are talking about?
Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham - HD
Is creation a viable model of origins in today's modern, scientific era?
Live Video
Leading creation apologist and bestselling Christian author Ken Ham is joined at the Creation Museum by Emmy Award-winning science educator and CEO of the Planetary Society Bill Nye.?
Neil Young - Mother Earth (Live)
Watch a video for the song "Mother Earth" from Neli's stop on his "Honour The Treaties" tour.

Hard News

Central African Republic clashes 'kill 75' in Boda town:
Sectarian fighting in the Central African Republic town of Boda since Tuesday has left at least 75 people dead, a local priest has said. Father Cassien Kamatari said help was needed to stop the violence between Muslims and Christians.
24 killed in central Nigeria village attacks:
At least 24 people were killed on Monday night in separate attacks by gunmen in two communities of Plateau State in central Nigeria, a state lawmaker said Tuesday.
Eight people killed in Tunis suburb:
A Tunisian security official says eight people including a police officer have died after a day-long standoff between the national guard and militants in a seaside Tunis suburb.
Tripoli residents leave as security crumbles:
Both Christian and Muslim residents of Tripoli are considering leaving the volatile northern city in light of the deteriorating security situation and the rise of religious extremism.
'Death is better than staying in Libya':
Women are raped, men sexually abused. People are kidnapped, trapped into forced labour, made to go for days without food and forced to drink from toilets.
Zeidan denies Le Figaro report of foreign troops in south Libya:
Speaking at yesterday's press conference, Prime Minister Ali Zeidan denied categorically the claim by French newspaper Le Figaro that US forces were present and training in the Southern desert of Libya.
Syria: Activists: At least 11 killed in attack on mosque in Aleppo:
 A video supplied by activists includes scenes of the carnage today at a mosque in the city of Aleppo that the activists say was being used as a school.
U.N. report details child abuses by Syria rebels, government troops:
Western-backed opposition groups in Syria are recruiting refugee children in neighboring countries and Syrian government forces are detaining and torturing children with rebel links, U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon said in a report on Tuesday.
Senators: Kerry Admits Obama's Syria Policy Is Failing:
In a closed-door meeting, two senators say, the Secretary of State admitted to them that he no longer believes the administration's approach to the crisis in Syria is working. Peace talks have failed, he conceded, and now it's time to arm the moderate opposition-before local al Qaeda fighters try to attack the United States.
White House disputes reported Kerry remarks:
The Obama administration Monday defended its policy on Syria and disputed media reports that Secretary of State John Kerry had told a group of U.S. lawmakers the current U.S. policy on Syria was not working.
Syria: At least 50 Americans have joined extremist units, US says:
At least 50 Americans have joined the mix of extremist groups that are fighting to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad, and some could try to mount terrorist attacks at home, U.S. intelligence officials said Tuesday.
Australian fighters in Syria alarm officials:
The Australian government has confiscated passports in an effort to prevent attacks by returning fighters.
Russia says Syria will ship chemical weapons:
"Literally yesterday the Syrians announced that the removal of a large shipment of chemical substances is planned in February. They are ready to complete this process by March 1," Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Gennady Gatilov, said according to the state-run Russian news agency RIA.
Bush- Blair Legacy Continues As -
Two rockets hit Baghdad's Green Zone, car bombs kill 10:
Rockets hit Baghdad's heavily fortified "Green Zone", home to the prime minister's office and several Western embassies, on Tuesday and car bombs elsewhere in the capital killed 10 people, police and medical sources said.
Contractors flood into Iraq to give Al-Qaeda a run for the money:
It is Baghdad that spends money on American weaponry, vehicles and equipment, while American defense companies are earning money in Iraq by placing military contractors there.
Yemen bus bomb kills two:
Attack on bus carrying troops in the capital Sanaa leaves at least two soldiers dead and several wounded
Poll Shows Diminishing Support for Two-State Solution:
The poll, conducted by Zogby Research Services, showed that barely one-third of Israelis (34 percent) and Palestinians (36 percent) still believe that a two-state solution is feasible
EU ambassador warns Israel of isolation:
Lars Faaborg-Andersen says if peace talks collapse, move to pressure the Jewish state could be led by private companies
Bombing in Pakistan kills nine people:
A Pakistani official says a bomb blast in the northwestern city of Peshawar has killed nine people near a mosque belonging to the Shiite Muslim minority sect.
In Afghanistan and Pakistan the Taliban seem to be winning:
Hamid Karzai and Nawaz Sharif share an interest in peace talks with the Taliban but both appear to have drawn a blank
Afghanistan's Karzai in secret talks with Taliban:
"I can confirm that ... Taliban are willing more than ever to join the peace process," Aimal Faizi said. "Contacts have been made and we are also in touch with them."
New Afghanistan law to silence victims of violence against women:
Small change to criminal code has huge consequences in country where honour killings and forced marriage are rife
Guantanamo detainee cites POW stipulation in bid for freedom:
Fawzi Odah of Kuwait, whose father worked with U.S. troops in the 1991 Gulf War, contends in a lawsuit he should be freed when America withdraws from Afghanistan.
NSA spied on Germany's Schroeder over Iraq War opposition - report:
The paper added that NSA spying involved not only the detection of connection data, but also written and spoken communications.
Pirate Party nominates Snowden and Manning for Nobel Peace Prize:
Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2014 in a joint nomination by the Pirate MPs of Iceland and the Pirate MEPs of the European Parliament.
FBI has your TorMail mailbox:
The FBI has seized the entire email database of a popular anonymous webmail service called TorMail meaning that all those secret mails now can be read by the US government.
California company builds 5-foot android robocops.
Knightscope recently unveiled a line of K5 robots that it believes will "predict and prevent crime with an innovative combination of hardware, software and social engagement."
Recruiting fraud, kickback scandal rocks Army:
More than 800 soldiers are under criminal investigation for gaming a National Guard program that paid hundreds of millions in bonuses to soldiers who persuaded friends to sign up during the darkest years of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, USA TODAY has learned.
Poll: 51% disapprove of Obamacare:
In a Gallup Poll, released Tuesday, 51 percent of Americans said they disapprove of the Affordable Care Act and 41 percent say they approve of the law.
RAID FILMED: Police in Iowa terrorize Family: Video -
Sally Prince is afraid to stay in her own home. "I've been so traumatized. I don't sleep at night," Prince says.

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