Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Secret of Fatima

Flashback video of the year (from Aug. 25, 2011): Freemason Pat Robertson was beside himself when the largest Masonic obelisk in the world was destroyed in an earthquake at the end of our Fatima/Daniel 70 week countdown. The United States was Rocked on August 24, 2011 by two major earthquakes, one in Colorado, one on the Eastern Side of the country, centered around Washington D.C. This was a sign that the gates of hell have not prevailed against the Catholic Church. The shattering of Freemasonry's largest occultic symbol is a death blow to the NWO, and Freemasons like Pat Robertson simply are beside themselves. Luciferian Freemasons know all too well that their goal of deceiving the entire world into universal Lord worship has been exposed for the lie that it is. Their Lord, who comes like a thief in the night, 500 years in the making, has been exposed.
The Apocalypse has been interrupted by our release of the Third Secret of Fatima. The very effective Rosary prayers that have somehow survived the last 5 Centuries despite all efforts to destroy its form ARE WORKING. When the world falls back into 100% Lord worship, Lucifer will be free to give Freemasonry the greenlight to start WWIII and the Armageddon War will commence. This is what the occultic leaders of Israel are currently waiting for, but it isn't going to happen anytime soon. When the world gives up on the truth, watch out. This is a spiritual stand-off and neither the Illuminati, nor the Fatima crowd knows what will happen next. This stand-off is unprecedented........??  I want the thoughts of what athiest/secular...  some antithesis to weigh this,  and those adult that can still listen and debate intellectual discourse with civility. help kosmicdebris..........this boils down to lukeskywalker shit.. 

Pentagon-funded researchers have come up with a new plan for busting leakers: Spot them by how they search, and then entice the secret-spillers with decoy documents that will give them away.
Computer scientists call it it “Fog Computing” — a play on today’s cloud computing craze. And in a recent paper for Darpa, the Pentagon’s premiere research arm, researchers say they’ve built “a prototype for automatically generating and distributing believable misinformation … and then tracking access and attempted misuse of it. We call this ‘disinformation technology.’”.................

who the hell threw andy coop out the closet?  It's o.k., the guy has history inside...pressure him! to tell the truth!!  just saying, we need facts, not corp bullsh$$ exploit who when ever and how ever, as they do us plebs, we must not only block the door to federal any we can. STOP BUYING SHIT!!  I will go to jail for you,  tell me why you cannot? I will take your place in the fight for justice....kosmicdebris in the trenches

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