Sunday, May 13, 2012

Crisis Intervention...........Advancd Life Saving Techniqus


YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF......You make sure that everyone in church knows about it when you do something good. Matthew 6:2

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF......You seldom find fault with yourself but have no trouble seeing other peoples faults. Matthew 7:5

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF.......You go to church,
sing the songs, teach the classes, sing in the choir, amen the preacher but don't love God. Matthew 15:6-8

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF.....You are very religious but really don't care what happens to others that have needs. Matthew 23:14

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF.......You are great at public speaking and praying and feel proud after you make a beautiful prayer that others can hear. Matthew 6:5

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF.....You helped finance a beautiful church building, proudly accept the glory for all you did to make it happen and love to hear your name mentioned telling of all the sacrifices you made to do such a great thing. Matthew 23:26-28

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF.....You got all dressed up Sunday morning and couldn't wait to get to church but didn't stop to help the family with car trouble or the homeless person that you passed on the way because it would make you late for service. Luke 10:30-34

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF.....You profess to be a Christian but base all your beliefs on what your preacher says instead of what Jesus said. Luke 6:46

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF...You are well off and have convinced yourself that you do not love money more than God yet you still think you need to work to make more money. Matthew 6:24

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF...You are a preacher that relies on your education, denominational doctrines and teach others to do the same. Matthew 15:9

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF....You have become enlightened by the new "Christian Psychology" and believe you have discovered the answers to you and your families problems. John 15:5Romans 8:5

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF....You believe that if you give 10% to your church you are relieved of any Christian commitment to help the poor or those in need..Matt.25:41-45

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF....You profess to be a Christian and to have been forgiven of sin but have not forgiven others that you think have done you wrong. Mark 11:26

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF....You do not or cannot recognize Blue Cars.

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF....These comments make you angry and you are too lazy to look up the scriptures. then CLICK 

keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!...........................


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