Thursday, May 3, 2012

Arthur Schopenhauer

 kosmicdebris, these videos have been corrupted, I can only speculate,  most of the truth can be found, these roadblocks serve only to validate that if I was wrong the videos wouldn't be gone.

There are three steps to the truth: first ridiculing, then denial and finally acceptance
Arthur Schopenhauer


Whether or not you choose to believe these conspiracy theorist something is going on. I don’t know what, I have spent the better part of three years (NOW SIX YEARS) trying to prove or disprove this bullshit, but the facts have been obscured from either complicity or conspiracy and cover-up.

Consult from your own experience, things did not used to be this way. As more and more creditable people with social consciences are starting to step-up, without saying what exactly is happening, they are trying to tell us that things are not as they appear. Their really is a paradigm shift occurring today, it’s not just paranoia talking.

When I have a question I go find what the expert are saying before I make up my mind. Educated intellectuals that have spent their life observing social behavior like Noam Chomsky, Howard Zenn, Michael Perenti, to journalist like Robert Fisk, John Pilfer, and many other social activist like David Suzuki, and lesser known, all the way down to you and me are clueless or uncharacteristically silent as never before. These lack of answers from the experts that are supposed to be in the know has my imagination working overtime.

Those social conscience intellectuals(dissidents, liberals?) ,that are supposed to know all to well what the problems are now…..suggest correction to insure the future can be certain for all the planet, at least not to march towards utopia , extinction absent divine essence meriting eternal salvation.

Has convinced me something is not right, either out of fear for family or the absence of any knowledge to weigh the meanings, they have become silent. Nobody knows what is going to happen, with any certainty, in the next five years, no one.

The media is not reporting the truth, whatever truth is these days. I don’t need truth, I need facts to extrapolate my own meanings. What I am really afraid of is that they are saying: we knew the truth all along and either through denial and our collective arrogance, complacency and apathy we refused to accept the truth to make necessary changes to head off a greater disaster we can‘t fix. …

We may has missed our window of opportunity to turn this megalithic pseudo-democracy around or put in reverse, and now, the experts and us, are only waiting to see how this thing plays out in history. The common thread that runs through all those that are supposed to be in the know is the need for society to be better informed, but they don’t say about what in particular. What I do know is if it was good we would have heard about by now.

Anyway, because all the uncertainty, I am looking elsewhere for answers and if this neo-progressive point of view of ole Joel here has any, I am at least willing to listen today, whereas before, I would have dismissed his ideas wholesale, with only minimum amount of brain time spent on his delusional democracy ideologies.

I keep going back independently to 9/11 and the third reiche parallels and it doesn’t matter which angle or school of thought I take, they almost always lead back to these two events.

Hirschhorn is right about one thing: democrat or republican, the right or the left are two stripes on the same tiger, that I do know. And the reason I know is because the last election that put the dems in control of congress that had the right to cut funding without harming troops, they chose to feather bed like the lame duck prez. .

Incompetence, conspiracy, complicity, complacency? whatever it is, it has risen to the point of criminal treason and high crimes against “we the people” and humanity. Is it fascism wrapped in the American flag carrying a cross? “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.”…JFK

The American spirit, the backbone of working America, will not surrender willingly, and I see the tolerance threshold being crossed. I about ready to round me up a posse of minute men and catch a couple of those DC sewer rats and see if they can tell me if waterboarding is torture or the truth.
Attn: media types "A Text without a Context is a Pretext." Lies, half truths are whole lies, do your fucking jobs, assholes.

9/11 Truth Manifesto, by Joel S. Hirschhorn
12/20/07.……For evidence that America’s political system is a criminal conspiracy, open your mind to piles of new analyses that prove beyond doubt that the official 9/11 story is a lie. Years of a bipartisan cover-up of 9/11 lies make it much more than one horrendous past event. It endures in infamy as a symptom of a corrupt and dishonest government.

Every day we pay for what 9/11 and its cover-up have burdened us with, including the costly Iraq war and the erosion of the rule of law and constitutional rights. Power elites have suppressed the truth because they fear what will happen when the public understands that 9/11 was not accomplished solely by foreign terrorists.

Technically sound analyses of what happened at the World Trade Center have unequivocally shown that the official 9/11 story is not credible ( Truth seekers have met their burden of proof; the government has not met theirs. Simply put, controlled demolition brought down three buildings, not fires from the impact of planes on two of them. Not only was the US government involved, it has also conspired to hide the truth from the public. Why? Republican and Democratic politicians and power elites fear that 9/11 truth will remove what little public trust remains in government. The truth will produce political instability, perhaps breaking the two-party stranglehold on our political system. And it should. And it must, if we are to finally obtain the deep political reforms our nation desperately needs.

The decline started before George W. Bush and his criminal co-conspirators accelerated it with their blatant disregard for the rule of law and our Constitution. It will continue, even with a Democratic administration, unless we reform our political system. We must remind Americans that our nation was born in an insurrectionist, populist rebellion against political tyranny – and that 9/11 teaches us that we need a Second American Revolution. We must destroy the domestic Axis of Arrogance of our plutocracy more than fear a foreign Axis of Evil. How?

A vast nationwide grassroots 9/11 truth movement is ignored by the mainstream news media. Its success will be the catalyst for renewing American democracy. It will produce a shock wave that rattles the brains of all Americans: Shock therapy from a truth so powerful and unsettling that Americans finally see the decline of American democracy that allowed 9/11 and its cover-up.

Make no mistake, the 9/11 truth movement holds the future of the United States. We are not subversive “conspiracy theorists” or enablers of foreign terrorism. We are patriotic warriors working to nullify group delusion produced by government propaganda. Dozens of books and websites reveal countless technical contradictions and inconsistencies with the official government 9/11 story and the laws of physics. The weight of the evidence supports one painful verdict: Our federal government played a role, probably through a large “black op.” The “why” is obvious: To justify an unjust war to serve corporate interests and greed.

Here is our opportunity: To make 9/11 the tipping point for American democracy renewal. Our enemies fear that if this movement succeeds, their plutocratic, elitist cabal – the Axis of Arrogance – run by the two-party duopoly will collapse. Corruption keeps our political system stable – truth must clean it up. Instability is the necessary price for restoring democracy.

A Paradigm Shift
9/11 lies have sustained the ruling terrorism-threat paradigm. 9/11 truth must energize a new political-reform paradigm. Patriotism framed as defending the nation against terrorism must be replaced by patriotism focused on repairing American democracy.

Already, status quo protectionists lie about us to defeat our movement. Things will get worse as our movement draws closer to bringing down the corrupt political system. And we are getting closer. Only 16 percent of Americans believe that members of the Bush administration are telling the truth about what they knew about terrorist attacks on the US prior to 9/11, according to a New York Times/CBS News poll. But what people say in polls is not the same as coming out publicly and vociferously for 9/11 truth, or seeing the roots of 9/11 in the decay of American democracy, not merely the actions of a few evil people.

The deceived public must be re-educated to see the arrogant power elites running our national plutocracy as worse than radical Islamic terrorists. Paul Craig Roberts captured the essence of the problem: “Americans think their danger is terrorists. They don't understand the terrorists cannot take away habeas corpus, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution. ... The terrorists are not anything like the threat that we face to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution from our own government in the name of fighting terrorism. Americans just aren't able to perceive that.”

9/11 is a history lesson to inform the nation about democracy decline. As John McMurtry asked, “So which goes - the faith in America’s greatness and goodness in the world, or the facts which disclose the opposite at the very top?” We must always remember that Americans are better than their government. They do not get the government they deserve. They get the government that the rich and powerful impose. That must end.

We confront more than power elites. There is psychological resistance of millions of Americans to painful 9/11 truth – a shameful, “unthinkable” truth about their elected government. Even if they have doubts about the official story, they instinctively recoil and erect mental barriers to block out the full truth. They want to keep believing that they live in a great democracy. They want to believe that when the Bush administration is replaced our democracy will be in good shape again. Hard to accept that 9/11 truth could not have been suppressed this long without the tacit or explicit approval of Democratic politicians and power brokers.

It is as if we are telling children that their parents are mass murderers. Distracted, time-poor, depressed, political disengaged, cynical and insecure Americans do not want to hear that their government had a hand in 9/11. That for years their two-party-controlled government has blatantly lied to them. That thousands of good Americans have died and been terribly injured in a war propped up by the false-flag 9/11 fiction. In sum, that despite elections a vast criminal conspiracy has been so successful for so long. Such thoughts hurt.

Also, political instability is scary to ordinary Americans. But stability based on corruption and lies is destructive. Only when Americans see 9/11 as a political attack (by Americans on Americans) – not solely a terrorist attack (by foreigners on Americans) – will they understand that revealing 9/11 truth must lead to major political reforms. Instability is the cost of democracy renewal.
Here are powerful messages: The collapse of the rule of law is more important than the collapse of buildings. Countless more have died because of 9/11 than on 9/11. The events of 9/11 ultimately are less important than the reasons for and consequences of 9/11.
As John McMurtry said, “[9/11] allowed an illegitimate administration to transmute into America’s patriotic champion at war - above accountability and the rule of law. ‘Defending America from another terrorist attack’ became a political blank check for corporate corruption of government expenditures with impunity, war criminal acts and threats across the Islamic and alternative third world, and attacks on civil rights and commons at home.” All this persists as 9/11 lies persist.

Despite record-low levels of public trust in Congress and the president, too many Americans still believe that elections are the path to major political reforms. Despite a solid history of campaign lies from politicians, and overwhelming belief that the nation is on the wrong track, Americans keep hoping that they can vote their way into a better future. Most Americans do not have a Boston Tea Party mentality. They are unready to revolt despite revolting conditions. Our truth movement must help Americans accept painful truth and its political fallout. We must put all the technical truth discovered by reputable scientists and engineers to work for systemic reforms.

We must do more than oust the official story and obtain a new 9/11 investigation that now has wide support by hundreds of respected Americans ( We must guide Americans into a more patriotic and courageous mental state. We must help Americans become outraged and rebellious, yet also optimistic about major political reforms.

Political Strategy
Success against the power elites running and ruining our nation requires building an army of Americans openly revolting against the two-party corporatist state now in control. The 9/11 truth movement must use political strategies to defeat the status quo political establishment. Here are three actions.
First, with detailed technical analyses unequivocally proving that the official story is false, the movement can draft a bill that might be titled The 9/11 Truth Act of 2008. This proposed federal legislation should be delivered to every member of the House and Senate early next year. It would clarify the investigation: What its scope and objectives must be. What reliable entity, public or private or a combination, must be used. How the public must be given opportunities to present information. What resources must be provided and what time frame must be adhered to.

We must take the initiative and specify exactly what kind of new official 9/11 investigation is necessary, recognizing that professionals in the truth movement have limited resources and cannot address all questions. The 9/11 truth movement itself must define exactly what the first real credible and comprehensive government sponsored investigation must consist of. We can have no confidence in anything that the political establishment might devise to silence our movement. We must tell the public, the media and the political world what is required to reveal the total truth as to what caused, for example, the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings, especially building 7 not even hit by a plane.

Developing and submitting this legislation must then be followed up by all 9/11 groups urging their supporters to bombard Congress with demands for hearings and passage of the bill. This is the way to engage more Americans politically to obtain full 9/11 truth.
However, few politicians’ comments support the truth movement. A rare statement came from presidential candidate Ron Paul. In a radio interview in January, 2007 he said that the 9/11 investigations to date are “more or less cover-up and no real explanation of what went on.” However, later in the year when he became more visible he was asked about the possibility of the official story being orchestrated by the government. He said emphatically “absolutely not.” In another interview, when asked whether he thought 9/11 was an inside job that our government made happen, he responded forcefully “No.” So apparently Paul sees a cover-up but not about the involvement of our government. Would he support legislation for a new investigation?

Thus the second critical political action is this: Proclaim that only politicians that actively support passage of our legislation will earn support in the 2008 elections from the millions of Americans doubting the official 9/11 story. This threat is an absolute necessity. If the legislation is not passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bush, then we must aggressively support a boycott on voting for all Democrats and Republicans in the 2008 federal elections.

Third, all those committed to 9/11 truth should honor what the Founders gave us in our Constitution in case some day Americans lost confidence in the federal government, especially in Congress. That day has arrived. 9/11 was that day. They gave us the option in Article V for a convention of state delegates to propose constitutional amendments. We must see SYSTEM reforms as only achievable through constitutional amendments that Congress will never propose nor achieve through normal legislation.

Congress and the entire elitist political establishment have intentionally denied us a convention for over 200 years. The one and only requirement in Article V has more than been satisfied by over 500 state applications from all 50 states. Enough is enough. Our truth movement should join the effort of Friends of the Article V Convention at by urging truth group members to join FOAVC. The political establishment fears both 9/11 truth and an Article V convention. We must grasp that 9/11 truth can bring us to the brink of political reforms and the convention is the process to obtain them.

The 9/11 truth movement must also be a political movement – but not in any partisan sense. 9/11 truth can help Americans take back their country. 9/11 truth can end the criminal, corrupt and conniving plutocracy that stole our government and mutilated our democracy.

We must transform 9/11 from a catalyzing event for imperialistic war-mongering to one for democracy renewal. We must convert terrorist-transfixed fear into political reform enthusiasm.

The pursuit of truth is not always the pursuit of happiness – not when the truth hurts. The 9/11 truth movement is not about finding immediate happiness. It is about rebooting American democracy and, after accomplishing that, earning happiness.

A former full professor of engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and then senior official with the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the National Governors Association, Joel S. Hirschhorn is now an activist writer and can be reached through This article is based on presentations given at a recent conference sponsored by Boston 9/11 Truth.

If any question why we died, tell them because our fathers lied….. Kipling"When even one American-who has done nothing wrong-is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth-then all Americans are in peril" Harry S. Truman

Buffalo Springfield

Document Your Arrest
Designers have begun to tackle the erosion of our rights. Gabriel Lam has created Miranda, a wearable black box-like arrest documentation device that records video, audio, motion, impact, location, and other data and streams it over cell phone networks to third party observers such as the ACLU. By creating a visual, aural, and data snapshot of an arrest, it can provide evidence of police brutality (or stop it before it happens), or can prove that officers conducted themselves properly.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THIS ADVICE. A wide variety of people are arrested every day and the majority of the individuals make the same mistakes which make there situation even worse. Many of these reactions are understandable, however some defy logic and reason. Nobody plans on being arrested, but you may be arrested for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Share this with your colleagues, friends and family because it will come in handy for many of you. The basic rule is to simply listen to the officer and do as your told, "Put Your Hands Behind Your Back" and do NOT do any of these Ten Things:
Do not say a word to the officer. Shut the F. up! I cannot stress to you the importance of this rule. Do not talk! Do not attempt to convince the officer of your innocence. Everyone is innocent, no one should be arrested and no one should be in jail and that is all the officer hears all day every day. He / she does not care generally whether you are innocent or guilty and there is nothing that he / she can do at this point. Most times, when people speak to officers they say something that makes their situation far worse. Keep your mouth shut, there will be plenty of time to talk later.
I said above to listen to the officer and follow his / her instructions. Do not be scared and do not let the liquid courage aka alcohol convince you that you can outrun the twelve officers and helicopter that will track you down. Also, police become highly suspicious that someone running has a weapon and may be quick to draw their weapon. Additionally when they do run you down expect much stronger force used to subdue a fleeing suspect.
3Resist Arrest.
Perhaps the most important thing not to do is touch the police officer at all! Again, sober up quick and follow what the officer says. Many people attempt to bump the officer or swat an officers hands away. This often falls under the assault statutes and now a minor misdemeanor arrest becomes a FELONY. Thus a reckless driving charge leads to a year or more in state prison. Additionally, touching the officer in any way can lead to a batton in the mouth.
4. Believe the Police.
It is perfectly legal for the police to lie to get you to make an admission. The police frequently separate two friends and tell one the other one ratted him / her out. Because of the lie, the other friend now rats the first friend out. Police and detectives also state that "it will be easier" to talk now...LIES!!! DON'T BELIEVE THIS BS! It will only be easier for the police to prove their case!
5. Searching.
Do not allow the police to search anywhere! If the police officer asks, they do not have the right to search and must have your consent. If you are asked make sure you proclaim to any witnesses that "You (the police) do not have consent to search." If they perform the search anyway, that evidence may be thrown out later. Also, if you consent to a search, the officers may find something that you had no idea you had placed somewhere, ie: marijuana left by a friend.
6. Look At Places Where You, Want Police to Search.
Police are trained to watch you and react to you. They know that you are nervous and scared and many people look to the areas that they don't want the police to search. Do not react to the search and do not answer any questions. LOOK DOWN AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!
7. Do Not Talk Shit to the Police.
I don't care if you have been wrongly arrested and the true culprit is standing in front of you. Don't talk shit! Police hear all day that my dad is the Governor's Assistant's Intern and I will have your badge for this! Police have a lot of discretion in the upcoming charges brought. Police can add charges, change a misdemeanor to a felony, or even talk to the prosecutor that is ultimately prosecuting you.
8. If Police Come to Your Home, Do not Let Them In and Do Not Step Outside Your Home
If the police are confident you have committed a felony, they are coming in anyway, because they generally don't need an arrest warrant. Make it clear to the police by stating: "No you may not come in", or "I am comfortable talking right here", or "You need a search warrant to enter my home." If they return, your attorney can arrange for you to turn yourself in should that be necessary and you will spend no time in jail between the hearings.
9. Outside Your Home Arrested, Do Not Accept Offer to Go In Your Home for Anything.
The officer may say to you, how about you go inside and change, freshen up, talk to your wife, husband, get a jacket, or any other reason. The police will graciously escort you in and then tear your home apart searching through it. Also, do not let them secure your car. Your car is fine. Remember they are lying to you. They don't give a damn if you are really cold or if you need to talk to your wife or husband.
10. Don't say a word.
It's incredible how many people feel that they can convince the officer, the booking officer or a detective (if your case reaches that stature) that they are not guilty. YOUR CASE IS NOT DECIDED BY THESE PEOPLE. They have no affect on your records. Wait to speak to your lawyer! The courts give enormous weight to "confessions" during this stage. A suspect is almost NEVER released after being arrested.
Follow these ten simply rules religiously and many of your rights will remain intact. I don't care how nervous, scared or drunk you are, THESE RULES ARE VERY IMPORTANT, and will help you tremendously in the short and long run.
Quick Test Question
An altercation occurs with your live in girlfriend. When the police arrive they find you on the sidewalk, a few houses down the street. Your girlfriend points you out and the officers then arrest you for assault. During the arrest, they let you know that they do not intend to question you. They just need your name and address. What do you do?
Well the police are lying to you and rule number 1 is to keep your mouth shut, so you don't say anything. Your name is all you may need to give. If you give your address, that may indicate that you live together converting your alleged crime from a misdemeanor to a felony. An officer will attempt to get you to make an admission, especially when they have no evidence. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!

I have a few more practical suggestions. I am not trying to sound alarmist anymore because nothing can surprise me the days, my paradigm has totally shifted!! Hell I am not even a realist anymore, I’m more of an acceptance-ist?, working on the courage to change. A few thoughts from experience, some observations and critical scenarios I have put under scrutiny. In no priority, but to be aware.

We are non-violent, we are not there to shout down the oppressors, we are there to make a statement, an appeal to the American public, the neocon’s call them talking points, if you cant defend your position verbally, keep your mouth shut…and the media ignore us we have a constitutional right to petition the gobernment, you will, like above, appear smarter and above abusive and petty “might make right arguments“….note them as fools and walk around them…find the PRESS, the press will ignore until all of us get out in any real numbers, and show them how many of us believe there is a better way.. because we have the capacity to reason, violent denomination is counter to most all life sustaining mechanisms and organisms our current path is seppuku.

representing our selves and the country we love.
We do not owe our loyalties to a party or a family, we owe our loyalties to our country, our nation, the liberty of the people, the very land we stand upon.
The bush regime is not the commander in chief of me.
The money congress spends is our money, period! .we got the sheet music to a new musical chair game.
All three branches of government belong to the people, accountable by our proxy
Out supreme court is impotent, both figurative and literal…?
We want everyone in the bush held accountable, start to finish, to impeach bush now would be a pardon,
We will spend our money on education and infrastructure instead of arms, aircraft and illegal wars, spying on people, star wars shit?. Our security depends on the quality of character of our educators be they in the home or state, fear and demagoguery will no longer be tolerated.
Our continental borders will be secure when we quit arming everyone. guns, drugs, intel money
I personally didn’t ask bush to beg the Saudi for the second time for more gas, then go to isreal and kiss ass……saying basically that at least 290 million of us don’t mean fuck to you…….much less what the rest of the world thinks…prince gorge the fool, has selfish-heart been takeN?
Wearechange has identified agent provocateurs. (if you don’t know what agent Pee’s are, well….you might not need to be protesting-war alone at a peace functions). All ways, every minute out, make sure someone’s got your back, and sees everything you see, as above camera phone’s may be our salvation, if possible and even if familiar with the area go ahead and scout out the area of the protest, note the resources and connivances, potential hazards and emergency/escape/evac/ redeploy locations at secondary. rally points
don’t worry about their tesla ray guns the got at big crowds here yet, they are just to serendipity scare us into submission…(if anyone got killed, social change happen for real after kent state, I know, I was very socially aware and a potential target at the time)

Remind them historically when the first amendment doesn’t work, the seconded one will!! And I mean that, there are some mad hostile folks on both sides, most of us true hardcore libertarians have grown weary as peacemakers………some body pick-up the torch or the fire is going out.Country joe

keep fighting the good fight....with your minds as weapons!

Ultimately, it all comes
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/08/2008 - 18:37.
Ultimately, it all comes down to who you know. ie: I was followed on the highway by an off-duty police officer one evening, there was nothing I could do to get him off my ass! He changed lanes every time I did!!! I became so fed up with him following me after about an hour that I got off at the next you can guess, he followed me! He parked behind me in the right lane of the exit, got out of his unmarked car, came over to my driver side door. I rolled down the window and asked the man why he continued to follow me around the interstate? He said that I passed a car from the center lane ending up in the right lane. I replied, "Yes, I was trying to get you off of my ass, Sir!!! I then pulled out one of my Dad's business cards(my Dad was a Lieutenant on the police force, at that time...he is now retired) and stated that I would be happy to let my Dad know that you followed me for at least an hour on the highway, putting me in danger and the others on the highway in danger with your irrational following techniques. He handed me his business card in return, apologized very nervously and asked me to call him if I needed any legal help in any way in the future and asked me to please not tell my Dad about this. How empowering!!(sp) I have been pulled over for speeding, as well, in the past and got out of it EVERY TIME by mentioning who my Dad is!!! This may sound unfair to those of you that think I used my resources to my benefit unjustly. My reply to you is, your damn right I did!!!; if the police in USA continue to use their resources unjustly, you are damn right that I will do the same to them!!!!

fate, destiny, karma, providence, luck, fortune, coincidence, accident, kismet, chance
antonym: design

keep fighting the good fight , with your minds as weapons!!


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