Sunday, May 13, 2012

Luther, relics and churches

I have been looking at Martin Luther's ninety-five thesis on reformation teachings about the church verses the individuals salvation and saving grace. God cares little, if at all, how big the edifices man erects in his honor. I see martins Luther's battles with the catholic church over spiritual extortion are almost identical of today's reformed churches. Having lost sight of the purpose for such institutions. "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs"; and he insisted that since pardons were God's alone to grant, those who claimed indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error. Christians, he said, must not slacken in following Christ on account of such false assurances. Those false assurances finance all the great cathedrals in the world. I believe mans promiscuity and penance built them.

 I started studying martin after looking at the ancient holy relics the roman church exploits. We sort of arrived at the same conclusion on some things, Mr. Luther and I. One was how could Germany have eighteen apostils buried there, when I am almost certain there were only twelve, and most should be buried close to where they once lived? Although it is likely that during the crusades some where dug up and removed elsewhere. At last count there was a dozen churches in France claiming to have the only part of Jesus left behind, his little jewish foreskin. Charrtes is in the foreskin lead for the most fans, they drag it out once a year to have a look, pray over it. Offerings and miracles are freely given for a pass to heaven on that special day.
Roman churches all over Europe have parts of the cross, probably enough wood to build a sturdy latter down to hell. The churches have enough of Marys breast milk to nurse maid every child in Geneva, remarked john calvin once.

 Martin began to teach that salvation is a gift of God's grace in Christ received by faith alone.. The first and chief article is this, Luther wrote, "Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, died for our sins and was raised again for our justification… herefore, it is clear and certain that this faith alone justifies us… Nothing of this article can be yielded or surrendered, even though heaven and earth and everything else falls."

I believe a church's biggest expense ought to be out-reach. If the church spends more on electric than out-reach you got yourself a lukewarm too big place of worship. Out-reach is the only reason to meet. Since relationship with God is personal. Physicians and healers do not ply their trade among the well, neither should spiritual healers and enlightened ones, seems foolish to save the saved practicing rituals and vein reputations.

The jewish carpenter from Jerusalem never cut a board too short, or carried one too long. I will try to cheerfully do the same. Some times I think I enjoy criticizing the church bit too much. There are many good people in church and I believe most do more good than bad. I must not forget and throw the baby out with the bath water. Common sense should be more common somehow.

'Gross hypocrite, thou and thy companions will gain little by your pains. If you do not save yourselves by flight, nobody shall prevent your overthrow, and you will curse the hour when you left your monkery. Warning has been already given that the devil and his renegade priests were come hither to ruin every thing. But after people have suffered long they avenge themselves. Take care that you are not served like Mons. Verle of Fribourg [who was killed in a fight with the Protestants, while endeavoring to save himself by flight]. We will not have so many masters. Mark well what I say.' ML

Keep fighting the good fight,  with your minds as weapons!!

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