Thursday, June 14, 2012

Boycott is consumer blowback.

Boycott is consumer blowback.

The thing about greed is that it has a tendency to overextend its hand sooner or later. Once it becomes so big more and more of what is coming in is already allocated out, becomes too dependent on cash inflow to stay afloat. A sudden disruption for any prolonged length of time at all would cause a domino effect and the biggest to collapse first. Highly targeted boycotts could shock the biggest corporations back into reality and force them to address social and environmental concerns for any viable future, or be gone. Other industries would take note, change or die. The wonderful thing about free enterprise and greed, someone is always waiting on deck to please the people for profit.

We the people vote with our dollars about what is tolerated. Renting your personal identity from a large corporations brand logo feeds this beast. The only thing an individual needs to do is take personal responsibility and do their part…simply think of the Nike swoosh or any invasive logo as a sign pointing to the beginning of the end and you will instinctively know what to do, trust this feeling and go with it, or Buy more stuff and speed up the end.

In our society, the health of a nation is determined by the health of its economy, hence monetary policy determines if a country survives an economic crisis and in what condition its people emerge from this crisis.

As with corporations, all empires collapse due to their financial burdens in maintaining their dominance and territory. At this moment, the most powerful empire the world has ever known is on the verge of economic collapse. The United States of America is bankrupt, and the stampede by other nations to dump its currency is well underway. How this crisis resolves itself is yet to be determined, however it is now apparent that the situation is much worse then first reported…….

The following is a re-post of the , The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War With iraq",. It is an analysis of the causes and implications of the coming demise of the United States of America.

Year 2000: Iraq dumps the US dollar and switches to the Euro - The above article which was written before the US invasion of Iraq, lays forth an argument that the war in Iraq was not just about oil but about the currency in which oil is traded. It is mandatory reading for anyone who wants to understand the basic concepts of American foreign policy, economics, and its military operations around the world. This article states that the principle reason why the United States invaded Iraq was because Saddam Hussein in the year 2000 went "ahead with its plans to stop using the U.S. dollar in its oil business"and start using the Euro.
Iraq switching from the US Petro-dollar to the Euro meant that countries would no longer be obligated to buy oil in US dollars, so they would no longer have to maintain their US dollar reserves.

Since reaching a double top in the year 2001/02, the US dollar has been devalued approximately 35%.
Even though Iraq dumping the US currency is no longer an issue because the United States is now occupying Iraq, many countries continue to sell the dollar, converting their reserves to other currencies. Some of these countries include: Sweden, Cuba, U.A.E., China, Russia, India, Indonesia, North Korea, Venezuela, and many more. …….conclusions…….So what are the implications of all this?

........... Unfortunately economists believe that the short term solution to saving the banking theocracies from completely collapsing, with a crisis of this magnitude, is to wage war. However this strategy has the reverse effect, and completely collapses an economy if the war drags on by mushrooming the national debt and depleting the resources of the warring nations. This kind of economic lifeline has two major consequences:

First it devastates the populace and the environment, and second it consolidates assets for the elite.

There is also one major setback to this proposal of a war with Iran: An attack on Iran would be nothing less then World War III. But then again maybe that is what the US economy needs to stay alive, a World War: The Perfect Consuming Machine. After all it was World War II that decisively ended the great depression, and since most economic indicators are worst now then they were then, it would be reasonable to assume that the United States will start World War III for nothing else then to continue the American lifestyle, maintain the banking plutocracy, and consolidate world assets into the corporate coffer.

If World War III (the minimum expected death toll for which is 200 million from bombs and 500 million starved) is allowed to take place to save the banking institutions from collapse, then it is a true sign of corporate economic intelligence and control, however this well not resonate well with humanity, but then again, corporations are anything but human and war is everything but humane. So keep on spending if you are comfortable with the way things are.....this serves only to speed up the END.

....................................keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!..................................

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