Friday, June 15, 2012

It might be crazy to expect a high government official to speak the

truth. It might be crazy to believe that government policy will be

something more than the handmaiden of the most powerful interests. It

might be crazy to argue that we should preserve a tradition that has

been part of our tradition for most of our history — free culture. If

this is crazy, then let there be more crazies. Soon.

--Lawrence Lessig

need an editor....i am dumping this stuff, my stuff is free!!  copy and share, DO NOT SELL is what the authorities say, I say steal information like a sponge,  soak in knowledge.  Those that claim copyright need to pay those dudes before them that compounded these wells of ideas before arrival those witch are label and claimed "new and original thought". Then try and make me pay for the truth!  What can they do when I know something, shock it out of me!  us poor folks cannot afford to pay, the public educational system has grossly failed civilized human beings. I left room in the brain above to start fresh with only primitive memory for that is where your measure of faith is contained, that is  if you are the cerebral sort.  wtf..............kosmic

Eclecticism, from wiki, is a conceptual approach that does not hold rigidly to a single paradigm or set of assumptions, but instead draws upon multiple theories, styles, or ideas to gain complementary insights into a subject, or applies different theories in particular cases, in nature, architecture, prose, life.......ect. All built on the backs of humanities past: this buffet of knowledge and achievement through conquest has created and continues to create monsters. Paradigm paralysis........ "The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind." - William Blake.

It can be inelegant, and eclectics are sometimes criticized for lack of consistency in their thinking, but it is common in many fields of study. Experts become myopic to specifics, on to obsessive battles with ego. For example, most psychologists accept parts of behaviorism, but do not attempt to use the theory to explain all aspects of human behavior. A statistician may use frequentist techniques on one occasion and Bayesian on others.

I am trying to identify wells of choices, keystones to creativity without labels. Soren Kierkegaard gave me a lesson years ago and I am still working on it even harder now, than when I took his challenge. Simple: describe your reason for being; who you are without labels, without rolls, identify what is man, most importantly me. He's often quoted. 'you label me you negate me.'

We are a collection of habits, pastimes and rituals: kosmicdebris part and particle of all we can see and cannot see explain or quantify; A spy for God!! "what I am for I am looking with" where am I going? No where you are already there........there is here deal with it now.

Soren and Albert Camus; from Socrates to Tolstoy have influenced my thoughts concerning moral agency. The eclectic thought is a good fit for me, Soren and Joseph Campbell and many others from many, many disciplines help bridge the intellectual gap between absolute science and metaphysical possibilities.....btw
..............Eclecticism, Existentialism, pragmatism..............

These three thought paths have been the most useful to me. Armed with these thought processes, It seems, I can almost predict the future and get out ahead of conventional thinking far enough to see patterns coming, behaviors to follow novelties, the strategy that follows structure. Accurately predicting the outcomes are not left to chance, positive outcomes are the visions first that make it so. The paradigm shift we are seeing today is new-age/nwo. Some think new-age in negative terms like the occult or other separatist teachings. Not so really, new-age spirituality is very, very old indeed. Universal truths simply do not lie and cannot change. Cosmic consciousness-God’s grace….same thing, different paradigm. New-age is simply this new cyber-digital-binary modern world we got going now days. This is my discussion about paradigms shifts, and my thoughts on paradigm paralysis, the old, the new, the same.

This is a banner I wish some lost grad student would pick up, and plant a statement in this social circle. Paradigm paralysis is the only real barrier facing meaningful social change. These thought schools: eclectic, existential, and pragmatic practiced long enough attentively can predict the future of outcomes of most anything, if thought out to a conclusion, ruling out all possible variables real or imagined along the way.

Paradigm shifts are what makes reality programs with sleazy Schadenfreude verses the pure and chaste, sexploitation, so fascinating to the slumbering masses and economically profitable to the corptocracy's infotainment arm. (imbedded functionaries). Shameless brand promotion is beyond absurd to ridiculous, people pay to have Nike’s identity over their own identity. Symbolism of this sort is social cancer causing fanatic infections to fatally metastasize. My optimism for the future is me writing to the future ages of 2448, and the 4902.……message to future…BITEME!

Eclectic…. somebody who selects what is best or preferred from a variety of sources or styles

Existential….involved in or vital to the shaping of an individual’s self-chosen mode of existence and moral stance with respect to the rest of the world. Instead of ‘why am I here?’… who cares, deal with it now, because I am already here!

Pragmatic…..dealing with or looking at the facts of history with particular regard to the lessons that can be learned from them, concerned with practical results than with theories and principles.

Some mix martial arts can be described as eclectic in the sense that they borrow techniques from a wide variety of other arts. The Martial Arts paradigm developed by Bruce Lee called Jeet Kune Do is classified as an eclectic system. This system favors borrowing freely from other systems within a free floating framework. As with other disciplines that incorporate eclecticism Jeet Kune Do's philosophy does not hold rigidly to a single paradigm or set of assumptions or conclusions but encourages a student to learn what is useful for themselves.

Simple common analogy: A simplified analogy for paradigm is a habit of reasoning or the box in the commonly used phrase "thinking outside the box". Thinking inside the box is analogous with normal science. The box encompasses the thinking of normal science and thus the box is analogous with paradigm. "Thinking outside the box" would be what Kuhn calls revolutionary science. Revolutionary science is usually unsuccessful, and only rarely leads to new paradigms. When they are successful they lead to large scale changes in the scientific worldview.

Perhaps the greatest barrier to a paradigm shift, in some cases, is the reality of paradigm paralysis, the inability to see beyond the current models of thinking. Creation and evolution may both be correct and accepted. Eclectic.

Pragmatism….way of evaluating theories: a philosophical view that a theory or concept should be evaluated in terms of how it works and its consequences as the standard for action and thought….

If I draw my thought patterns from these wells, new and original ideas can be born.

Think about it….2500 bc ,

Sun Tzu…subdue the mind, subdue the man, combat unnecessary, necessity necessary......... natural laws, deep conditioning is everything…., be like water, be like wind, be like night, be like light.

paradigm paralysis: …… too ignorant to know how stupid we actually are; too blind to see beyond the boundaries we have arbitrarily let ourselves be placed in.

Stuck in apocalypse now rerun condensed scene reliving a paradigm shift in real time, modern Sisyphus and Icarus..... Happy is he who dares courageously to defend what he loves…..Ovid. Albert Camus, in his 1942 essay The Myth of Sisyphus, sees Sisyphus as personifying the absurdity of human life, but concludes "one must imagine Sisyphus happy" as "The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart."

But not enough to quit staring at a piece of furniture for hours daily. It was harder for me to quit watching tv than to quit wearing a watch. 1984 came and left, compulsory video indoctrination and socialization enthusiastically accepted voluntarily, Sun Tzu would admire the bloodless methods used today to be unknowingly overtaken and assimilated. Orwellian is an understatement Virtual reality is/has been here, cameras on everybody and everyone has one, in the sky, in the woods, underwater, on the moon, on mars....sounds a bit obsessive, to say corporate finance is to say competition for consolidation on a global scale ...the ultimate goal of the game of monopoly, no choice. Thought-crime/police, newspeak'doublespeak, blackwhite, the list goes on and on, Proletarians, we are, us 99%.

Beam me up Scotty….there is no hope for intelligent life on the surface. I got my latest spiritual hitchhikers guide to the universe addendum's 2012.75. The Romans were the most proficient killers, the most efficient thieves; the most profitable subjugators and ultimate exterminators of all biologic organisms….but only on the physical plain,. about 2500 years after Sun Tzu's....… and today, same deal, although Romans are declining rapidly due to over consumption and corruption. Attention: America does have money problems.  America has moral problems.  as HDT would say, 'strike at the root of evil and quit striking at the branches'!

I often wonder in 500 years will my fragments be read out there in cyber-somewhere again or here on earth, what happened and why. If you are reading this in 2500 years, that would be a good thing indeed! What are you Romans calling yourself this age? But continued on our currant temporal path, unlikely to impossible for us to sustain, optimistic I must be? The lesson we ain’t never going to learn. Sup dawgz! Are you surprised caged animals rarely make successful mates, playmates, soul mates, or lasting dinner plates, yet? Who is the new slave nation this millennium? What colors can you still see? We will never be free until we recognize what we are all looking for........ we are looking with. Has the tower of Bable fell upon the once again?

Captains log: twin star-date, Cassiopeia and Pegasus, Andromeda December, 12. 24.2448-2512.5 message to past earth: BITEME. Thank-you good-light/fight....note to self: if i come back a carnivorous being...... The Chinese taste better with soy sauce, the blacks tastes like chicken, free range Indians are tasty but skinny now and harder to catch. Paleface’s are too nasty to clean and not worth the effort, less you real hungry; preservatives in diet has inhibited decomposition, but they are still toxic even after this long, they look sort of goofy with all the silicon leached out...... Paradigm shift, think outside the box.
just unloading my files tonight so I can move on.............

................................keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!....................


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