Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Want to Fight Government Domestic Spying? Join a 'Restore the Fourth' Protest This Independence Day

The weak willed......will turn
Of all those in the army close to the commander none is more intimate than the secret agent; of all rewards none more liberal than those given to secret agents; of all matters none is more confidential than those relating to secret operations.

Rallies are planned in more than 100 cities from coast to coast.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock
A nationwide protest on July 4 th to declare independence from the federal government’s unconstitutional search and seizure of everyone’s Internet data trails and communications is gaining momentum.
Restore the Fourth is a grassroots, non-partisan, non-violent movement that seeks to organize and assemble nationwide protests on July 4th, 2013 and currently plans demonstrations in more than 100 cities across America, all protesting the disclosures by whistleblower Edward Snowden of unprecedented domestic spying.
The protesters will gather to demand that federal police and spy agencies adhere to the constitutionally dictated limits of the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which were written to stop the King of England from privacy-busting searches and seizure of evidence without a court authorization and search warrant.

“Restore the Fourth maintains that justification of the Fourth Amendment beyond the original text need not be given; the legitimacy of which is self-evident,” its website states, before quoting the Bill of Rights.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
read more  

rt...........Americans are taking notes

trnn, ....Legal larceny of u.s. tax $$, if the multinational corps want war to make profit the greedy bastards need to pitch in and support the cause.....highly targeted boycotts has historically been the most efficient method. Americans want peace but are forced to finance the dubious enterprise of environmental rape of the planet both human and natural resources. My student loan payments are now going to arm the world......... kosmicdebris


mox  msnbc

Why does anyone think Snowden would actually get 'due process' here?  I mean besides indefinite detention, to rot and go mad in solitary confinement, tortured, put to death?  Certainly not from a jury of his peers, why.....why that would anyone think we sill have a democracy? The ptb are afraid, very afraid.  If recent history tells us anything......the zeal the American Goberment are going after truth tellers tells us anything it is that the public is not as dumb as [they] think we mainstream americans are supposed to be. Can anyone else see the the pattern..sibal edmonds, julian assange, bradly manning, tice, hammonds, swartz and the many others who seem to just disappear?  who the fuck is next? And one more thing....was/is there really a Snowden leaker?  maybe, maybe not. The messenger may have already been murdered if there really was one. kosmicdebris


We Are Change sits down with Elliott Hulse for an exclusive interview, delving into the mind of this famous fitness trainer with a knack for liberty, truth, and entertainment. This tantalizing conversation shifts from the relationship between physical health and how this impacts the world we live in, to the problems with public schooling and Western medicine, and how to BECOME the change -- become the Strongest Version of Yourself.

Check Out Elliott Hulse's Channel:
Check Out Red Pill Philosophy:

Music Credits: "Hammerhead" song:

Miss PERI, have you compared the united states to the rest of the world?  full of shit, that's what...look at labor markets..........poor education....workers are struggling, what are the figures for the WORKING POOR, fast food workers can taint your food all all along the food chain feeding fast FAT food consumer slaves...........personally I haven't dined at FF X 10 years.  pity

hey cable news.....pull your head out of your collective asses.....the hacks and shills get to pay their bills.   Cable news goes a long way to sniff out a story.

We demand the GAO audit the members of all three branches of government, asap, stat, mos tic........we will/shall not stop until all are held accountable.........for crimes against human dignity. TRUTH



Hopefully, you have something enjoyable planned for Independence Day.  A parade to go to, a picnic or BBQ, some time with family and friends...or just a day to relax. The "4th" is a great summer holiday filled with tradition, as it should be.


But if you’re like me, this Independence Day feels a little different.  

The news in recent weeks about the IRS using its force against certain targeted groups has reminded us that, absent vigilance on our parts, the government will abuse the power it has accumulated.  Likewise, as we learn more about the massive surveillance being conducted by the NSA and the FBI, a lot of Americans are today thinking and talking about the 4th Amendment and its intended protections against unreasonable searches.  

In short, I believe these “revelations” are bringing long-overdue attention to the liberties the Founding Fathers worked so hard and sacrificed so much to provide and protect.  It is more than a little ironic that the Revolution was prompted, in part, by abusive tax policies and unreasonable searches -- on the part of “tyrants”. And it is worth reminding ourselves that America fought wars to preserve the same freedoms that our own government today seems intent on eroding.

Regardless of our plans for this Independence Day, I hope they include remembering that the battle for freedom NEVER ends, and dedicating ourselves to restoring the liberty on which our great nation was founded.  That is the most patriotic thing we can do tomorrow -- and in all the days that follow.

Best Wishes for a great Independence Day, and thank you for all you do to ensure that freedom, liberty and opportunity are the real American values!

Gov. Gary Johnson

Honorary Chairman



P.S.  The Our America Initiative is working hard to give Liberty a voice in the public square.  Your support is always appreciated.
From the economic slavery files: are we out of our fucking minds?. Blame [this] on education or lack there of.


Let’s abolish student loans altogether!

(Credit: hxdbzxy via Shutterstock/Salon)

A Robin Hood tax on Wall Street could make education free again for millions of Americans


Anyone with a heartbeat knows that Wall Street took down the economy, killed millions of jobs and hasn’t had to pay a penny for the damage it caused. In fact we are paying them for crashing the economy in the form of trillions in bailouts and low interest loans.
Well, maybe it’s time for Wall Street to contribute, rather than siphoning off our wealth. How about a sales tax on all transfers of stocks, bonds, and derivatives in order to fund tuition-free higher education?

Why are high schools free but colleges aren’t?
Access to higher education is vital to our economy and to our democracy. Today a college degree or post-high school professional training are the equivalent to what a high school diploma provided and signified a generation ago. For over 150 years, our nation has recognized that tuition-free primary and secondary schools were absolutely vital to the growth and functioning of our commonwealth.
By the middle of the 19th century, New York City also provided free higher education through what would become the City College of New York. Hunter and Brooklyn colleges also were tuition-free, as was California’s rapidly growing post-WWII state college and university system. The GI Bill of Rights after WWII provided significant resources to over three million returning veterans to go to school tuition-free, which in no small part, helped to build American prosperity for the next generation. (Tuition was even provided if GIs attended private colleges and universities.) A further impetus to free higher education came as America fell behind the USSR during the Sputnik-era space race.

But the spread of free higher education stalled and then retreated precisely as Wall Street began to grab more and more of the nation’s wealth. As financialization transformed the economy starting in the late 1970s, average wages flattened while Wall Street incomes shot through the roof. At the same time taxes on the super-rich collapsed placing more and more of the burden on working people. Lo and behold, free higher education rapidly became “unaffordable.” Wall Street then swooped in with loans as students and their families loaded up on debt in order to gain access to higher education. This is the very definition of financialization. (original re-print from alterNet via Salon)

We must hate our children

This article has been corrected since it first published. 
Next time you’re watching a college graduation, as you look out over the sea of caps and gowns, make sure you notice the ball and chain most graduates are wearing as they march onstage to receive their diplomas. That’s student loan debt, which at over $1 trillion tops credit card debt in the U.S. today. The average burden is $28,000, but add in their credit cards and they’re graduating with an average of $35,000 in debt. It’s no wonder that people who’ve paid off their student loan debt are 36 percent more likely to own homes than those who haven’t, according to new research by the One Wisconsin Now Institute and Progress Now.

What kind of society sends its young people from higher education into adulthood this way? I’m aware I’m only talking about those lucky enough to go to college, when roughly one-third of high school graduates don’t – but if this is the way we treat our relatively lucky kids, the rest of them don’t have a prayer. For many, the school to prison pipeline functions much more efficiently than the school to college one; California is one of at least 10 states that now spends more on prison than higher education. According to the Federal Reserve Bank, two-thirds of college graduates leave with some debt, and 37 million Americans are repaying a student loan right now. Read more

Obama has no answer for 10-year-old killed in Yemen drone strike

News of the boy's death indicates the administration is being less than forthright about civilian casualties

Obama has no answer for 10-year-old killed in Yemen drone strikeFILE - In this Jan. 31, 2010 file photo, an unmanned U.S. Predator drone flies over Kandahar Air Field, southern Afghanistan, on a moon-lit night. An American citizen killed in a U.S. drone strike in Pakistan in 2011 was arrested by Pakistani authorities three years earlier but escaped after being released on bail, officials said Thursday, May 23, 2013. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, File)(Credit: AP)
This originally appeared on ProPublica
 ProPublicaOn June 9, a U.S. drone fired on a vehicle in a remote province of Yemen and killed several militants, according to media reports.
It soon emerged that among those who died was a boy – 10-year-old Abdulaziz, whose elder brother, Saleh Hassan Huraydan, was believed to be the target of the strike. A McClatchy reporter recently confirmed the child’s death with locals. (Update: The London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism today reported that there was “strong evidence” it was a U.S. drone strike, but it could not confirm the fact.)

Australia shuts down the Kalimantan Carbon Forest Partnership: “A lot of funds spent and very little progress”

Australia has quietly shelved its Kalimantan Carbon Forest Partnership project. The US$43 million project will be closed before most of the project’s targets have been met.
read more »

To Throw or Not to Throw a Stone

English (US)  April 14th, 2013 by admin ( Email )

Amira Hass: 'Throwing a stone is the birthright and duty of anyone subject to foreign rule.' (Photo: Tamar Fleishman)
Amira Hass: 'Throwing a stone is the birthright and duty of anyone subject to foreign rule.' (Photo: Tamar Fleishman)
By William A. Cook
A debate rages in Israel today on the truth of Amira Hass’s words “Throwing a stone is the birthright and duty of anyone subject to foreign rule. Throwing stones is an action as well as a metaphor of resistance” (Amira Hass, Haaretz, 4/3/13).
The day after Hass’ comment, Dr. Rosenberg offered these objections: a. throwing stones after all can result in death and Hass does not mention that consequence, b. justifying stone throwing “grants legitimacy to the activities of the government she condemns; and c. stone throwing is “a natural right of every human being is futile and invalid, certainly in ethical terms.” Conveniently, Rosenberg does not mention that the Palestinians have no army, no air-force, no navy, no comparable military ordinance of any kind to throw at the fourth largest state of the art military in the world, only stones; can the stone kill, yes, but so can $300,000 missiles and phosphorus bombs. Do we justify death by missiles and phosphorus but damn death by stoning? Does the throwing of a stone justify the carnage of the Israeli IDF against the defenseless Palestinians? Where is the argument here? Is throwing a stone a birthright as Amira states or is that “futile and invalid” as Rosenberg claims? Given the reality of the Israeli military power versus the feeble efforts of the Palestinians, children and teenagers hurling stones, the debate on birthright avoids the obvious: not to throw a stone.

Gary Johnson.......LIVE FREE!!

The poor are the victims, without resources to hire competent defense,  at the mercy of power abuse.  The apathy of the courts today are shameful.  Citizens rights are usurped by the power drunk judiciary. Karma will answer.

Posted: 03 Jul 2013 12:46 AM PDT
3 July 2013
 - A person who has suffered abuse will tend to either become a perpetrator of further abuse or become self-destructive.
But why would a person who has suffered the emotional horrors of abuse ever afflict abuse on another human?
From a shamanic perspective, there is a type of spirit that is parasitic to us humans. ‘Spiritual Parasites’ propagate themselves through the agency of directed, violent, emotional transference, in a word: abuse.
An individual becomes infected with a Spiritual Parasite through transference from a host (perpetrator) during the victimization of abuse, whether this abuse be sexual, physical or the complex of emotional/mental/verbal abuse.

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Boxee deal rumoured at $US30M

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And it's sort-of 'Made in the USA'

I blogged this almost ten years ago........this issue will be the mass distraction to divert the world and leaves the ptb a window of opportunity.. arrogance to pull off the global end-game as planned the mass culling of the earth DOWN TO 500 how this plays out, but watch your back also..

weather i agree or disagree, everyone has the right to explore and find each and everyone's truth,they have a right to express [their] opinions ..these if et's harm, no foul, if anything [they] are teaching us not/or to destroyed us by now.....using this intel for political gain over race seems counterproductive. If this is the truth then they [they] are using us as a giant game of thrones.

WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT WE DO NOT KNOW AND SURELY WE DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING! ARRAGENT , ignorant BASTARDS, of the universe, WE ARE. HENCE NO NEW DISCOVERY WILL BE MADE.............ask Schopenhauer about truth.... first ridicule, then denial, finally acceptance.
 have a right to an opine.

 *special note:  Tom Feely ICH editor needs our love and light, prayers and meditation wouldn't hurt. remember to keep our love "IN THE LIGHT"

 Secret operations are essential in war; upon them the army relies to make its every move.
 sun tzu, beginning and ending of this post


.....................keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons.........

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