Wednesday, October 9, 2013

nom de guerre kosmicdebris j'accuse Fabiens freedom fight

"There's no free will," says the philosopher; "To hang is most unjust."
"There is no free will," assents the officer; "We hang because we must."

Once more, alas, I find myself unable to follow the best Liberal thought. What the World's contention amounts to, at bottom, is simply the doctrine that a man engaged in combat with superstition should be very polite to superstition. This, I fear, is nonsense. The way to deal with superstition is not to be polite to it, but to tackle it with all arms, and so rout it, cripple it, and make it forever infamous and ridiculous. Is it, perchance, cherished by persons who should know better? Then their folly should be brought out into the light of day, and exhibited there in all its hideousness until they flee from it, hiding their heads in shame.

True enough, even a superstitious man has certain inalienable rights. He has a right to harbor and indulge his imbecilities as long as he pleases, provided only he does not try to inflict them upon other men by force. He has a right to argue for them as eloquently as he can, in season and out of season. He has a right to teach them to his children. But certainly he has no right to be protected against the free criticism of those who do not hold them. . . . They are free to shoot back. But they can't disarm their enemy.

The meaning of religious freedom, I fear, is sometimes greatly misapprehended. It is taken to be a sort of immunity, not merely from governmental control but also from public opinion. A dunderhead gets himself a long-tailed coat, rises behind the sacred desk, and emits such bilge as would gag a Hottentot. Is it to pass unchallenged? If so, then what we have is not religious freedom at all, but the most intolerable and outrageous variety of religious despotism. Any fool, once he is admitted to holy orders, becomes infallible. Any half-wit, by the simple device of ascribing his delusions to revelation, takes on an authority that is denied to all the rest of us. . . . What should be a civilized man's attitude toward such superstitions? It seems to me that the only attitude possible to him is one of contempt. If he admits that they have any intellectual dignity whatever, he admits that he himself has none. If he pretends to a respect for those who believe in them, he pretends falsely, and sinks almost to their level. When he is challenged he must answer honestly, regardless of tender feelings.




Most Russians do not get to see russian tv from america.....go figure?

2020 stadium illumination work suspended, enough half-life through 3030, country should be well lit for a few generations 'quote unquote'

The atlantic and most gulf sea are also soiled, geenpeace ops are foeced to fighting in the arctic regions on both tips of the planet, the last virgins of the epoch. Poison water air land but plenty of green paper and black goo with the rest of the decomposition stench laying about.  Perhaps a few politicians survive, sure hope so.

They all want to point fingers rather than find real solutions........there are many solutions, Shakespeare to Cesaur?  First KILL all the lyers/ lawyers------all synonymic terms, economist next, maybe a Robespierre cure for the rest as the ultra-wealthy hoarders could stand a 'good' culling as well.  The taxman targets. Those that rape the working folks so that may be down for debt collects later with unconditional loyalty....should we bow now?  How 'we' can pay homage to our leadership after letting security and defense slurp all the homage giving money? You fuckers left a trillion dollars worth of war implements to rot on battlefields and compounds all over the Arab sand, under the pretense of selling spare parts later down the road? wtf, one of those humvees over there, we abandoned, is my student loan debt, fucking pricks ............ a kos mini rant

clean water scarcity is now critical on '25-.35% of the planet, current estimates now are the earth loses 2500 species of plant and animal life every single day due to man-made pollution and deforestation..Impossible to really know.......... a great many died before documentation by modern taxonomy.

For the right moment you must wait, as Fabius did most patiently, when warring against Hannibal, though many censured his delays; but when the time comes you must strike hard, as Fabius did, or your waiting will be in vain, and fruitless.

  Boers were anachronisms in the age of empires. In order to hold onto the Empire, the British needed to fully exploit the trade opportunities secured by war; maintain the British armed forces in a high state of readiness to defend the Empire; the creation of a citizen army to replace the professional army; the Factory Acts would be amended to extend to 21 the age for half-time employment, so that the thirty hours gained would be used in "a combination of physical exercises, technical education, education in civil citizenship...and field training in the use of modern weapons".

they are even too scared and would rather build more prisons than train them for something more your education fail becomes cash for police state profits.......average joe pays and you do not mind. why? schoools and bridges not bombs and bribes.

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 11:17 AM PDT
8 October 2013
 - Japanese scientists have found that dogs can distinguish people with colorectal cancer, reporting that a retriever can scent bowel cancer in breath and stool samples as accurately as hi-tech diagnostic tools.
The findings published in the British Medical Journal support hopes for an ‘electronic nose’ that will one day be able to sniff out the specific chemicals that are produced by cancer cells and circulate in the blood stream before being expelled by the lungs.
again, dogs are cheaper and reproduce quickly fuck big-pharma to build a better dawg dog. you will pay, no profit, no life.
we do not have to work unless you like breathing [they are ready to sell you 'clean' air] too, the 6th is us.

day 8 or 9?

for John..............Happy B-day

sean and jullian yoko love
 and thoughts

When the levee breaks thay'll be no place to stand..oh yeow!!

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