Tuesday, June 4, 2013

megacorporations and the super-wealthy use fancy lawyering and accounting tricks to hide their money in offshore accounts to avoid taxation

Dear friends,

Apple, senior ministers and many others have been caught stashing their cash in tax havens. Now world leaders are drawing up a plan to ensure everyone pays their dues, but it won’t succeed unless we put them on the spot in the next few days. Sign the call for tax fairness:

Investigators just revealed that Apple had been hiding $78 billion in profits on which they paid NO taxes -- $0! And the French minister in charge of preventing tax evasion was caught hiding money in secret overseas accounts.

While we pay our taxes, megacorporations and the super-wealthy use fancy lawyering and accounting tricks to hide their money in offshore accounts to avoid taxation, but finally, there’s a real chance to do something about it. The leaders of the world’s eight largest economies are meeting on June 17 to consider a proposal to crack down on these tax cheats who are robbing us of billions of dollars that should be used for our children’s education, our health care and the environment. If they adopt this plan, the world’s twenty largest economies will likely follow suit.

Public ire at tax evasion is reaching a boiling point -- this is our best chance in a generation to make sure everyone pays their fair share. But we need one final massive push to show these leaders the world’s public demands they act. Sign now and when we reach 1 million, we’ll build a giant wall outside their meeting demanding they say “no more to offshore!”


Apple’s not alone -- Amazon, Starbucks, Google, and tons of other giant corporations and rich individuals stash their money in tropical islands or crafty tax shelters. As a result $1 trillion a year is going missing. Our children’s education is at risk and we’re stuck paying more than we should have to for things like health care, roads and the police.

Dishonest multinationals and wealthy people pay high-priced lawyers and accountants to figure out all the loopholes they can play with to avoid paying taxes. The first step in fixing it all is bringing the behaviour out of the shadows, so our governments can prosecute those who are breaking the law and the public can see who else is using loopholes to hide their money. Then we can go after miscreants’ reputations and tighten the rules to stop this money leaking away.

The G8 proposal world leaders' representatives are set to discuss this Thursday would set up a tax information sharing exchange between countries so each country could find tax evaders hiding money “offshore” and it would require companies to report the taxes they pay country-by-country to expose them when they use tricks to shift money between jurisdictions to avoid taxation.

This is the time we take our money back. Sign now and when we reach 1 million our petition will be delivered via a giant wall that will generate a media splash which G8 leaders can’t fail to notice:

This is the time we take our money back. Sign now and when we reach 1 million our petition will be delivered via a giant wall that will generate a media splash which G8 leaders can’t fail to notice:


Together we’ve taken on unfair economic policies time and time again, and won! Just this year we helped get the European Union to agree a clampdown on bankers’ bonuses and to force banks to publish far more financial information. Now we can fix the holes in the global tax system. If the G8 agrees now, other governments will follow!

With hope,

Alex, Jeremy, Christoph, Marie, Ian, David, Paul, Ricken and the whole Avaaz team

PS - Many Avaaz campaigns are started by members of our community! Start yours now and win on any issue - local, national or global: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/start_a_petition/?bgMYedb&v=25325


David Cameron told to stop moralising to multinationals over tax (The Guardian)

Europe's push against tax fraud gains momentum (BBC)

The Corrosive Effect of Apple’s Tax Avoidance (New York Times)

Factbox: Apple, Amazon, Google and tax avoidance schemes (Reuters)

Tax havens are entrenching poverty in developing countries (The Guardian)

The missing $20 trillion (The Economist)

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