Thursday, April 15, 2010

education/ more social problems


There must be a commitment to a free education for all. There should be free school lunches, school supplies, and free athletic events, free insurance, transportation. If we provided for all children rich or poor then there would be no stigma attached to poverty. All would have equal access to programs offered. Children should not be forcibly segregated by financial status. Offering free education to everyone equally would reduce drop out rates among low income children.

* special supplemental food program for women, infants and children has reduced rates of infants mortality and low-birth weight babies. One dollar invested in pre-natal component of WIC (women, infant, children) saves three dollars in short term hospital costs.

* Prenatal coverage by Medicaid has led to a decrease in neonatal and infant mortality. One dollar on comprehensive prenatal care saves three dollars and thirty-eight cents.

* The success of childhood immunization program has meant dramatic decreases in mumps, rubella, measles polio and other diseases; one dollar spent saves ten in later medical costs.

*Head start has had great results in preparing youngsters for school; one dollar invested in quality preschool saves $4.75 in costs of special education, public assistance and crime.

* extra educational help provided by chapter 1 compensatory education to disadvantaged students has been linked to achievement gains in reading and mathematics; for every 500 dollars annually saves 3,000 dollars repeating a grade.

* Job corps and youth training programs resulted in gains in employability, wages and success while in school and afterwards; one dollar yields $1.45 to the American society.

……………….Education is the most important variable in determining the success of our society as a whole, education or the lack there of decides our social order. How we solve the social problems facing us now and in the future will depend upon the resources invested now into education.

Keep fighting the good fight, with our minds as weapons………….kosmicdebris