Monday, December 31, 2012


"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein

"It is difficult to live in the present, ridiculous to live in the future, and impossible to live in the past. Nothing is as far away as one minute ago." - Jim Bishop,

"Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account." - Oscar Wilde 


The correlation between psychiatric drugs and random acts of violence and homicide is well documented as the Food and Drug Administration requires black box warnings on the inserts of psychotropic drugs with regard to their relationship to violent behavior.

Also, America has seen hundreds of cases where high-profile acts of mass murder which were committed by individuals under the influence of psychiatric drugs.

Our nation is united in mourning over the tragic and needless loss of life at Sandy Hook Elementary. Our nation is also divided on how to minimize similar tragedies in the future. Many have said that America should have armed guards in its schools in order to prevent the catastrophic and further loss of life. Many liberals disagree by stating that having guns in schools, in any form, is a very bad idea.

The Undeniable Link Between Psychotropic Drugs and School Shootings

Our nation has been riddled with mass shootings in our schools dating over two decades. The correlation between psychotropic drugs and violent enacting behavior are unmistakable.

Here is a partial list of psychotropically drugged individuals who have perpetrated gun violence in our public schools:

  • Patrick Purdy, 25, in 1989 opened fire on a school yard filled with children in Stockton,Calif. Five kids were killed and 30 wounded. He had been treated with Thorazine and Amitriptyline.
  • Steve Lieth of Chelsea, Mich., in 1993 walked into a school meeting and shot and killed the school superintendent, wounding two others, while on Prozac.
  • In Springfield, Oregon, on May 21, 1998, 15-year-old Kip Kinkel murdered his parents and then proceeded to school where he killed two and wounded 25. Kinkel had been taking the antidepressant Prozac. Kinkel had been attending anger management classes and was also under the care of a psychologist. READ MORE

Syria Swings Between Hell and Dialogue
By Ismail Salami
Lakhdar Brahimi has predicted 100,000 people could be killed "in the next year as Syria moves toward Somalization and rule by warlords."
Syria Rebels 'Beheaded Man and Fed Him to the Dogs'
By Nick Fagge
There have been a growing number of accounts of atrocities carried out by rogue elements of the Syrian Free Army, which opposes dictator Bashar al-Assad and is recognised by Britain and the West as the legitimate leadership.
Will Syria Go on Offense at The Hague?
By Franklin Lamb
Were Syria, and others, to take the illegal and immoral US-led sanctions case to the World Court and other available venues, they would shift their diplomatic position from a defensive status to taking the offense.
Hagel, the Lobby and the Limits of Power
By Muhammad Idrees Ahmad
The former Republican senator is guilty of a cardinal sin which has cut short many promising careers in Washington.
A "hit list" of the most "anti-Semites" in the world.
By Ludwig Watza
Criticism of Israeli government policy is more than necessary because the Netanyahu government violates democratic and other Western values by colonizing another people for the past 45 years.
Yours, Mine, but Not Ours
By Corey Robin
Why the politics of national security means that we're all living in failed Hobbesian states.
A Wee Comparison of Civil Liberties in the United States of America
By Kevin Drum
The agency has new authority to keep data about innocent U.S. citizens for up to five years, and to analyze it for suspicious patterns of behavior.
The Idol Smasher
By Chris Hedges
Something has to be done soon to fight against the rapid reconfiguration of the United States into a corporate, feudal state.
8 Striking Parallels Between the U.S. and the Roman Empire
By Steven Strauss
Is our republic coming to an unceremonious end? History may not be on America's side.
Secret Human Testing Revealed in Declassified U.S. Army Documents
By Nicholas West
It is always a challenge attempting to describe how sick and power mad are some of the elite who have taken up positions within the military-industrial-scientific complex.
Arundhati Roy Speaks Out Against Indian Rape Culture
The writer Arundhati Roy tells Channel 4 News she believes rape is used as a weapon in India and that women in the country are "paying the price".
Hard News  

23 killed in wave of Iraq attacks:
A wave of bombings and shootings across Iraq killed 23 people on Monday as the country grappled with anti-government rallies and simmering political crises ahead of major Shiite commemoration rituals.
Iraqi PM questions role of Turkey in unrest:
Nouri al-Maliki says Ankara and Syria's rebels may have hand in stoking strife, as Sunni protests enter 10th day.
Protesters grab, hit Iraq deputy PM in Ramadi:
Two people were wounded when security forces opened fire to disperse protesters who attacked Iraq's deputy premier on Sunday, forcing him to flee a rally he was addressing, an AFP reporter said.
Iraqi PM orders release of female prisoners to appease protesters:
Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki ordered on Sunday the release of female prisoners, who were arrested for terrorism charges without judicial warrants or because of terror crimes committed by their relatives, to appease to protesters who want to see the scrapping of anti-terrorism measures in the country
Obama regime kills 3 civilian in Yemen:
Sheikh Khaled Al-Dahab, a prominent social leader in Rada'a, said the three people were killed by a drone meant for Al-Qaeda members. He said the men killed are civilians and have no links to Al-Qaeda.
Obama Regime Killed 223 People In Yemen This Year:
In Yemen, 223 people have been killed by 40 US drone strikes this year, up from 10 airstrikes in 2011.
UN envoy Brahimi announces tentative Syria peace plan:
UN and Arab League envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi said Sunday he had created a ceasefire plan for the war-torn country that could be backed by the international community, as he warned that the conflict is getting worse "by the day".
British public wants to 'keep out of Syria':
 While David Cameron is rallying support among EU leaders to send arms to the rebels opposing the Assad regime in Syria, he also faces a battle to persuade the British public to back the plan. According to a survey for The Independent, people do not believe Britain should provide military supplies to the rebels
Russia sends another naval ship to Syria:
The reports gave no information on the ship's intent, but said that it is expected to arrive in the Tartus area, where Russia has a naval base, in early January.
Chuck Hagel's big problem: being a realist about American power and Iran: Op-Ed:
The former Nebraska senator faces fierce opposition to possible nomination as defense secretary from Washington's militarists
Ahmadinejad slams push for Islamic life:
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has spoken out against the use of pressure to impose Islamic values on people, especially university candidates, media reported.
9 Taliban militants found dead in Pakistan: officials:
Pakistani intelligence officials say they have found bodies of nine militants dumped in the North Waziristan tribal region. Three intelligence officials say the nine people were shot several times in the head and chest.
Afghans angry at US soldiers who drove away in the night leaving rent for base unpaid:
Only sign of huge US base is pile of rubbish and broken vehicles - and a festering land dispute in a volatile province
2 Killed As Coptic Christian Church Attacked In Libya:
Libya's small Christian community was in shock on Monday after an attack on a Coptic church near the city of Misrata killed two Egyptians and fanned fears of rising extremism.
Gunmen fire on protesters in Tahrir Square: -
Egyptian security officials say masked gunmen drove into Cairo's Tahrir Square and opened fired on an anti-government sit-in, seriously wounding two activists.
Central African Republic crisis: Bozize offer rejected:
Rebels in Central African Republic have dismissed the president's offer to form a national unity government. "We don't believe in [Francois] Bozize's promises," rebel spokesman Eric Massi told the BBC.
US troops sent to aid Central African Republic evacuation:
Fifty troops deployed to Chad to help evacuate US citizens and diplomats in rebellion-hit Central African Republic.
Venezuela's Chavez in 'delicate' state:
Venezuela's vice president, had arrived in Havana on Saturday in a sudden and unexpected trip to visit Chavez. He said on Sunday that he would remain in Havana "for the coming hours" but did not specify how long.
Hillary Clinton hospitalized after doctors discover blood clot:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was hospitalized Sunday after doctors discovered a blood clot during a follow-up exam related to a concussion she suffered this month, her spokesman said.
US drug legislation to slow Mexico violence?:
In his first month as Mexico's new President, Enrique Pena Nieto has promised a different strategy to fight the so-called war on drugs.
Economists expect UK to lose AAA credit rating:
At least one of the three main credit ratings agencies expected to downgrade UK's status as experts predict tough 2013
'The fiscal cliff is a hoax':
The fiscal cliff is a hoax, according to Paul Craig Roberts, American economist and former assistant secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan Administration.
Judge gives 'shock' probation release of $13 million mortgage fraud chief: -
State District Judge George Gallagher has ordered the shock-probation release of a woman who has served less than two months of a 10-year sentence for a key role in a $13 million mortgage fraud scheme, prosecutors said Saturday.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth

There is nothing of such force as the power of a person content merely to be himself, nothing so invincible as the power of simple honesty, nothing so successful as the life of one who runs alone. ~ Louis Bromfield ~

He is now fast rising from affluence to poverty.  It [the press] has scoffed at religion till it has made scoffing popular. It has defended official criminals, on party pretexts, until it has created a United States Senate whose members are incapable of determining what crime against law and the dignity of their own body is—they are so morally blind—and it has made light of dishonesty till we have as a result a Congress which contracts to work for a certain sum and then deliberately steals additional wages out of the public pocket and is pained and surprised that anybody should worry about a little thing like that.    Mark Twain

The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule.   Sam Adams

[N]either the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt. He therefore is the truest friend to the liberty of his country who tries most to promote its virtue, and who, so far as his power and influence extend, will not suffer a man to be chosen into any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man. We must not conclude merely upon a man's haranguing upon liberty, and using the charming sound, that he is fit to be trusted with the liberties of his country. It is not unfrequent to hear men declaim loudly upon liberty, who, if we may judge by the whole tenor of their actions, mean nothing else by it but their own liberty, — to oppress without control or the restraint of laws all who are poorer or weaker than themselves. It is not, I say, unfrequent to see such instances, though at the same time I esteem it a justice due to my country to say that it is not without shining examples of the contrary kind; — examples of men of a distinguished attachment to this same liberty I have been describing; whom no hopes could draw, no terrors could drive, from steadily pursuing, in their sphere, the true interests of their country; whose fidelity has been tried in the nicest and tenderest manner, and has been ever firm and unshaken. The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy this gift of Heaven, let us become a virtuous people.  Samuel Adams  

Why I am Here: My 'Agenda' is to undo the lie that is humanity's primary role in global warming, we contribute a small fraction; and to differentiate the observation of real earth changes from the far extreme aspect of the 'truth movement'.

The Solar Killshot:

Kenya Flood:


NDBC Buoys:
Tropical Storms:
HurricaneZone Satellite Images:
Weather Channel:
NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory:
Pressure Maps:
Satellite Maps:
Forecast Maps:
TORCON: [Tornado Forecast for the day]

Precipitation Totals:
GOES Satellites:
Severe Weather Threats:
Canada Weather Office Satellite Composites:
Temperature Delta:

SOHO Solar Wind:
HAARP Data Meters:
Planetary Orbital Diagram - Ceres1 JPL:;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb
GOES Xray:
Gamma Ray Bursts:
BARTOL Cosmic Rays:
NOAA Sunspot Classifications:

MISC Links:
JAPAN Radiation Map:
RSOE: [That cool alert map I use]

Modern technology and recent physics experiments have enabled people studying climatology and atmospheric physics in the last few years to recognise a paradigm shift in our understanding of climate change and whether or not there is a greenhouse effect involving carbon dioxide and producing global warming. Spend 10 minutes to open your mind on this debate.

The P.U.-litzer Prizes for 2012
Recalling some of the stinkiest media moments of the year

They're back: The P.U.-litzers, FAIR's annual rundown of some of the stinkiest moments in American journalism. 
As usual, there were more contenders than we could possibly consider. So think of this as just a sampling of the bias, spin and misinformation that we noted over the course of the year.
Without further ado...

--Factchecking the Dark Arts Award: Alex Altman, Time
When Time set out to compare Obama and Romney distortions, there was a big problem: Romney's campaign produced bigger, more substantive lies. How to "balance" that reality? Altman explained (10/3/12) that  "sometimes the most effective lie is the one that is closest to the truth, and Obama’s team has often outdone Romney's in the dark art of subtle distortion."

--CEOs Know Best Award: CBS Evening News

With the Beltway media in full panic mode over the "fiscal cliff," CBS Evening News turned to some curious experts: Corporate CEOs. On November 19, the show presented Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs as a budget expert. The next night: Honeywell CEO David Cote. And the night after that? Why, more from Blankfein. The pair are part of the corporate-backed "Fix the Debt" campaign, pushing for cuts in social spending--along with tax breaks for themselves. 

--Factchecking Your Friends Award: David Gergen, CNN
When a debate broke out over whether the Obama campaign was exaggerating claims about Mitt Romney and Bain Capital, the long-time TV talking head weighed in with a column, "Facts Don't Support Obama's Charges Against Romney" (7/16/12). But Gergen admitted that he has "a past relationship with the top partners at Bain that is both personal and financial"-- including getting paid to speak at Bain events. So how did this conflicted factchecker investigate criticisms of his friends? He "reached two of the top people whom I know in the company." Well, that's one way to get at the truth.

--Half-Baked by the Heat Award: George Will, ABC
"How do we explain the heat? One word: summer. I grew up in central Illinois in a house without air conditioning.... Now, come the winter, there will be a cold snap, lots of snow, and the same guys...will start lecturing us, there's a difference between the weather and the climate. I agree with that. We're having some hot weather. Get over it." (This Week7/8/12)

-Killing Their Four-Year-Old Girls to Save Ours Award: Joe Klein, Time
MSNBC's Morning Joe (10/23/12) had an unusually blunt discussion about U.S drone attacks. When host Joe Scarborough talked about "four-year-old girls being blown to bits," Time's Joe Klein responded:

The bottom line, in the end, is: Whose four-year-old gets killed? What we're doing is limiting the possibility that four-year-olds here are going to get killed by indiscriminate acts of terror.

-Hunky Wonk Award: Michael Crowley, Time
Reporters and pundits have spent years praising Rep. Paul Ryan, and his selection as Mitt Romney's running mate did little to temper their enthusiasm.  The Washington Post's Dan Balz (8/14/12) wrote that Ryan "is a numbers person who likes to break down problems and solve them after digesting reams of data." But Time's Michael Scherer outdid him (8/27/12): "Ryan is to budget math what Carl Sagan was to the science of the cosmos."

-Anonymous Smears Award: Scott Shane, New York Times
When the British-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism released a report on civilian drone victims, the New York Times (2/6/12) felt compelled to quote an unnamed "senior American counterterrorism official" in response, who retorted: "One must wonder why an effort that has so carefully gone after terrorists who plot to kill civilians has been subjected to so much misinformation. Let's be under no illusions--there are a number of elements who would like nothing more than to malign these efforts and help Al-Qaeda succeed."
The Times officially forbids the granting of anonymity "as cover for a personal or partisan attack." But how about to smear critics of U.S. policies as terrorist sympathizers?

-A Game That Needs Changing Award: PBS
In the first episode (4/11/12) of a four-part series called America RevealedPBS reported that the agriculture industry "needed a game changer" in the fight against pests—and found it in genetically modified corn. Remarkably enough, the sponsor of the program, Dow Chemical, just happens to be lobbying for approval of its own brand of genetically modified corn.

-Strange Problems in Distant Lands Award: New York Times
A New York Times story (6/18/12) reported that "the television revolution some respects been bad news for Pakistan":
Some shows have given an unchallenged platform to extremists.... Conservative clerics have used the airwaves to reinforce prejudice and even urge violence against minorities. Editorial independence is sometimes curtailed by the businessmen who own the stations and unashamedly use them to peddle their interests. 
Controversy also surrounds the anchors, some of whom view themselves as players on the national stage rather than impartial observers of its machinations.

Extremists given a platform? Owners shaping the news? Self-important anchors? It's hard to imagine what life would be like in such a country.

-Fake News Award: New York Post
"OWS MURDER LINK," declared the New York Post's front page (7/11/12), announcing a report that DNA from the scene of a 2004 murder had supposedly been matched with DNA from a chain used to hold open a subway gate in an Occupy Wall Street protest. The Rupert Murdoch-owned paper had 37 paragraphs on the story, along with three large photographs. The story quickly evaporated--turns out the DNA was from a police employee--so the Post gave its follow-up story to the previous day's front-page story four whole paragraphs, under the headline "'04 Slay DNA 'Contaminated.'"
Apparently unreliable police work isn't as exciting a story as a sensational smear against a progressive protest movement.

-Apocalypse Non Award: Gloria Borger, CNN
In 1968, at the height of the Vietnam War, Mitt Romney was a pro-war college student exempt from the draft. The conflict killed 16,000 U.S. soldiers that year. But that doesn’t mean he wasn’t at personal risk. According to CNN’s Gloria Borger (8/26/12), life as a Mormon missionary in France was rough:

In 1968, France was a dangerous place to be for a 21-year-old American. But Mitt Romney was right in the middle of it... The streets of France were in chaos.

Somehow he got through it.

-Asked and Answered Award: David Gregory, NBC
The Sunday after Hurricane Sandy devastated New York and New Jersey, NBC's David Gregory asked in the opening of Meet the Press (11/4/12): "Should more attention be paid to a changing climate’s impact on the severity of these storms?" The answer, apparently, was "no"--that was the last mention of climate change on the show.

...................keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!...............

One reason the Military Services have trouble operating jointly is that they don't speak the same language. For example, if you told Navy personnel to "secure a building," they would turn off the lights and lock the doors. The Army would occupy the building so no one could enter. Marines would assault the building, capture it, and defend it with suppressive fire and close combat. The Air Force, on the other hand, would take out a three-year lease with an option to buy.

One reason the Military Services have trouble operating jointly is that they don't speak the same language. For example, if you told Navy personnel to "secure a building," they would turn off the lights and lock the doors. The Army would occupy the building so no one could enter. Marines would assault the building, capture it, and defend it with suppressive fire and close combat. The Air Force, on the other hand, would take out a three-year lease with an option to buy. 


"A verbal contract isn't worth the paper that it's written on"- Samuel Goldwyn

Saturday, December 29, 2012

I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate-it's apathy. It's not giving a damn

"If once [the people] become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions." - Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1787

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein 

"I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate-it's apathy. It's not giving a damn." - Leo Buscaglia

"Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." - Scott Adams

Fiscal Cliff: Going Nuclear and the Grand Betrayal
Bill Black: GOP threatens to use debt ceiling as leverage, creates conditions for more austerity measures by Obama
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The Fed Targets Unemployment With More Money for Banks
Robert Pollin: The Fed breaks ground with unemployment target but pushing more money into banks without requiring more lending won't solve the problem
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Israeli Cmte Disqualifies Only Palestinian Woman in Parliament from Reelection
Noam Sheizaf on the elections committee that disqualified Hanin Zoabi, the only Palestinian woman in the Israeli parliament from re-election.
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December 27

Congress Delays Aid Bill As Sandy Victims Suffer
Joel Kuperfman: Increased funding and accountability needed for government's response to Superstorm Sandy
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What's Wrong with Baltimore Public Schools?
A discussion with Lester Spence and Marc Steiner about the historical roots of the problems facing Baltimore public schools
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Ambassador: Iran and US Must Reach a Comprehensive Deal in Direct Talks
Ambassador Hossein Mousavian: The nuclear issue is not the real problem; the US objects to Iran's influence in the region
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December 26

Why the "Fiscal Cliff" is a Scam
TRNN Replay - James K. Galbraith: Is there a looming crisis of debt or deficits such that sacrifices in general are necessary?
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The History of Military Dictatorship in Egypt
TRNN Replay - Gilbert Achcar: Military rule in Egypt began with Nasser's overthrow of King Farouk and increasing independence from the US
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December 25

Hezbollah and the modern history of Lebanon
TRNN Replay - Traboulsi: Wealthy elites directly control government, indebted the state to their own banks
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The National Security State with Gore Vidal
Watch to find out how to get the DVD The History of the National Security State
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December 24

Wal-Mart Targeted Over Corruption and Labor Practices
Global investigations, protests and strikes highlight need for change at world's biggest private employer
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Iranian Ambassador: It's Not in Iran's Interest to Build a Nuclear Bomb
Seyed Hossein Mousavian: IAEA has a political agenda that goes beyond its mandate to inspect
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Why is Israel Undermining the Palestinian Authority?
Sher Hever: After shoring up the PA, Netanyahu now trying to push back further right parties in Israeli elections
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2012 in Review: Biometric ID Systems Grew Internationally …
And So Did Concerns About Privacy

Going to Hope in a Handbasket

How The Fed’s Quantitative Easing Increases World Hunger

NASA plans to 'lasso' asteroid and turn it into a 'space station'

Deadly GM Food

Army seeks exemption for DU in Hawaii after found in urine of residents

The Inactivation of the Body Scanners

Guardians of Currency Race to Debase

Pedophile Savile's Letters to Thatcher Edited After Abuse Scandal

Preppers: Real troops readying for the worst

Gun Control Tramples On The Virtues Of An Armed Citizenry

Tax Dollars: Obama Orders Raise for Biden, Members of Congress, Fed Workers

Chinese Hackers Suspected in Cyber Attack on Council on Foreign Relations

US Kills 12 Civilians and Destroys a Community.
By Letta Tayler
A torched woman clutched her daughter in a lifeless embrace. Four severed heads littered the pavement. "The bodies were charred like coal.
Agenda Prevails Over Truth
By Paul Craig Roberts
The American left is the enabler of the police state, and the American right is its progenitor.
Syria Faces Humanitarian Catastrophe
By Bill Van Auken
Looting "has become a way of life" for the so-called rebels. "'Spoils' have now become the main drive for many units as battalion commanders seek to increase their power."
Obama Signs Law Against Iran's Influence in Latin America
The Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act, passed by lawmakers earlier this year, calls for the State Department to develop a strategy within 180 days to "address Iran's growing hostile presence and activity" in the region.
The Larger Question of Chuck Hagel
By Ray McGovern
The up-in-the-air nomination of Chuck Hagel to be Defense Secretary has become a test of whether the Israel Lobby can still shoot down an American public servant who is deemed insufficiently passionate regarding Israel, a test that now confronts President Obama.
The National Security State's Embrace of Dictatorships
By Jacob G. Hornberger
Why is the U.S. government supporting the brutal dictatorship in Bahrain while opposing, say, the brutal dictatorship in Syria? The answer is very simple.
GOP and Feinstein Fulfill Obama's Demand for Renewed Warrantless Eavesdropping
By Glenn Greenwald
Obama successfully relied on Senate Republicans (the ones his supporters depict as the Root of All Evil) along with a dozen of the most militaristic Democrats to ensure that he can continue to eavesdrop on Americans without any warrants, transparency or real oversight.
Why Are People More Scared Of Facebook Violating Their Privacy Than Washington?
By Scott Shackford
Secrecy keeps the public from even knowing what these violations actually mean.
Oliver Stone: 'US Has Become An Orwellian State'
Americans are living in an Orwellian state argue Academy Award-winning director Oliver Stone and historian Peter Kuznick, as they sit down with us to discuss US foreign policy and the Obama administration's disregard for the rule of law.
The Deep Wound of Wounded Knee
By Johnny Barber
December 29th marks the 122nd anniversary of the Massacre at Wounded Knee. It is a story that remains fresh in the lives of many indigenous peoples across America. Each generation is taught to never forget.
War Made Easy
Video Narrated By Sean Penn
This guide to disinformation analyzes American military adventures past and present to reveal striking similarities in the efforts of various administrations to justify, and retain, public support for war.
America's Deceptive 2012 Fiscal Cliff
By Michael Hudson
Holding the bottom 99% in debt, the top 1% are now in the process of subsidizing a deceptive economic theory to persuade voters to pursue policies that benefit the financial sector at the expense of labor, industry, and democratic government as we know it.
Why the "Fiscal Cliff" Bores the Snot Out of Me
By Matthew Rothschild
The "fiscal cliff" has been a tiresome charade, and it disguises the fact that both parties are taking us down the path of austerity.
Hard News  

17 Afghan policemen killed:
A wave of betrayal has left at least 17 Afghan policemen dead in the past 10 days -- all slain in their sleep at the hands of those close to them.
5 "Insurgents" Killed in Attack on Afghan Outpost:
At least five Taliban insurgents were killed in an attack on an Afghan National Army outpost in the eastern Nuristan province Friday night, local officials said.
Video Shown of Apparent Execution of Afghan Soldier:
In a distressing video aired on national television stations here on Thursday night, the Afghan National Army soldier first has his army identity card stuck in his mouth and is then ordered to say his name out loud, but can only mumble unintelligibly because of the card.
US scraps entire fleet of Afghan cargo planes:
Despite spending nearly $600 million on the program, the U.S. is canceling the contract for the aircraft and disposing of all 16 planes delivered to the Afghan Air Force, the Journal reported.
Blast kills six on a bus in Pakistan: Video -
An explosion on a bus in the Pakistani city of Karachi has killed six people and wounded 48 others.
Obama regime kills 4 people in Pakistan:
An official said eight missiles hit the house and the bodies were burnt beyond recognition. "We have no information about the identity of those killed in the missile strike," the official said.
3 Policemen gunned down in SW Pakistan:
The incident took place in the Satellite Town of Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan province. Police sources told KUNA that a police mobile van was on routine patrol when armed motorcyclists opened indiscriminate fire at the van.
Obama regime kills 2 people in Yemen: :
The two men were riding a motorcycle west of the coastal town of al-Sheher when the pilotless aircraft fired at them, the official told Reuters
Gunmen kill Yemeni intelligence officer:
Lieutenant Colonel Mutei Baqatyan, a member of the state security apparatus in the city of Mukalla, was targeted by two gunmen on a motorbike, the security official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Syrian government forces seize Homs district from rebels:
The army moved into Deir Ba'alba, a neighborhood on the northeastern edge of Homs, they said, leaving the rebels controlling just the central neighborhoods around the old city and the district of Khalidiyah, immediately to the north.
Russia hopes 'reasonable' Syrian opposition will seek dialogue:
Moscow representatives have already had contacts with the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, Lavrov said on Friday. Now Russian diplomats are ready to meet for talks with the leader of the group - Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib. The National Coalition does not object to talks either, he added.
Syrian rebels reject Moscow invitation for peace talks:
Russia said it was behind the efforts of UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi, fresh from a five-day trip to Damascus where he met Assad.
UN envoy Brahimi holds Syria peace talks in Moscow:
The UN and Arab League special envoy for Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, held talks on Saturday with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as Moscow stepped up its diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the 21-month conflict.
UN Syria "Peace Plan" a Fraud: Op-Ed:
The proposal of a "transitional government" in the midst of what is in fact a foreign invasion, funded, armed, and perpetuated openly by foreign interests violates both Syria's sovereignty and the UN's own founding charter.
Syria jihadists accuse U.S. of keeping Assad in power;
"The continued US and international support for prolonging the regime's lifespan by giving extensions (for a political transition), sending observers and trying to negotiate peace is clear to everyone," the group's leader, Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani, said in a voice recording posted online.
Only political process can save Syria from 'hell'-envoy:
The international mediator seeking peace in Syria warned of "hell" if no deal is struck to end 21 months of bloodshed, but his talks in Russia capping a week of intense diplomacy brought no sign of a breakthrough.
Syrian rebels sidetracked by scramble for spoils of war:
Looting, feuds and divided loyalties threaten to destroy unity of fighters as war enters new phase.
Israel shrugs off Abbas threat to dismantle PA:
Palestinian leader has no intention of quitting, says Likud minister; Labor warns Israel will find no better partner
Arab League chief arrives in West Bank calls last 20 years of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations 'waste of time':
"Our next move in agreement with the Palestinians and with full support from the Arab countries and the European Union is to change the current formula (for the peace process)," he added. "We cannot continue with the methods of the last 20 years. It was a waste of time."
After cease-fire, Palestinians still suffer unjust controls:
Palestinians, still live under occupation, and they are constrained by a damaging Israeli blockade. Even the United Nations is affected. It needs to apply to Israel for permission to buy construction materials for schools. Remarkably, Israel often says no.
Iraq mass protests mount pressure on Maliki:
Tens of thousands of Sunni Muslims take part in largest day yet in week of rallies against allegedly sectarian policies.
Ali Ismail Abbas, Iraqi Boy Hit by American Missile 10 Years Later:
The first and last time I saw Ali Abbas was in 2003. Ali, a then-12-year-old boy whose home had been hit by an American missile. His father, mother, brother and 11 other relatives had been killed. A neighbor found Ali in the rubble, improbably still alive.
Seven Suspected Militants Killed in Dagestan :
Law enforcement officers have killed at least seven suspected militants in the Russian North Caucasus republic of Dagestan, a law enforcement source said.
At Least 15 Killed in Sect Attack in North Nigeria:
 Gunmen suspected to belong to a radical Islamist sect attacked a village in northeast Nigeria, tying up men, women and children before slitting their throats, killing at least 15 in the troubled region's latest attack, witnesses said Saturday.
Rebels in Central African Republic seize another city:
 Rebels in Central African Republic (CAR) have continued their advance, seizing the city of Sibut, 185km from Bangui, the capital, a government official has confirmed.
Protests against militias in Benghazi:
Some 2,000 people rallied in Libya's second city Benghazi yesterday to demand that militias made up of former rebels who helped oust dictator Muammar Gaddafi disband and join the army or police.
Morsi warns against unrest, tells Egypt to focus on economy:
Mohammed Morsi said all sides must "realize the needs of the moment" and work only through "mature democracy while avoiding violence." He said violence from any faction was "totally rejected."
India mourns death of gang-rape victim:
Protesters gather in New Delhi to pay their respects to gang-rape victim who died from organ failure in Singapore.
Russia's ban on US adoption isn't about children's rights:
The uncomfortable truth is that underneath the posturing, Vladimir Putin has a point. The international adoption trade is a shady business - the perfect micro-example of how America's concept of itself as a benevolent superpower is so often at odds with reality.
'US, Russia plunging into new Cold War':
Tit-for-tat moves between Russia and the US are plunging the two nations into a new Cold War, says Russia expert Stephen Cohen. Washington's longtime policy towards Moscow is to blame for the growing tensions.
Senate Renews Controversial Law Which Allows Warrantless Wiretapping Of US Citizens:
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, approved by the House of Representatives in September, passed the Senate with a 73-23 vote and broad bipartisan support, and now goes to President Barack Obama for his signature.
How They Voted: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 112th Congress :
A bill to extend the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 for five years
The NRA Myth of Arming the Good Guys;
Mass shootings in the US are on the rise-and ordinary citizens with guns don't stop them.
Verizon patents targeted advertising method that determines if viewers are laughing, cuddling, sleeping or singing:
Verizon (NYSE: VZ) has filed a patent application for targeting ads to viewers based on information collected from infrared cameras and microphones that would be able to detect conversations, people, objects and even animals that are near a TV.
France repeals 75% tax on high income:
 France's Constitutional Council has annulled a 75% tax rate on income above 1mn euros due to be introduced in 2013, which has already forced a number of wealthy residents to leave the country.
Bolivia nationalizes Spanish-owned electrical utilities:
It was the latest in a series of such seizures by the Bolivian government. Back in May Bolivias nationalized a subsidiary of another Spanish power group, Red Electrica Corporacion.
Executives at collapsed Iceland bank jailed for fraud:
Two former executives at an Icelandic bank which collapsed in the 2008 financial meltdown were sentenced to jail on Friday for fraud which led to a 53 million euro loss, in the first major trial of Icelandic bankers linked to the crisis.
Ron Paul: Republicans And Democrats Pretend They're Fighting:
Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) Joins CNBC's Money in Motion to discuss the impending fiscal cliff.
U.S. pending home sales hit 2-1/2 year high in November:
Pending home sales were up 9.8 percent in the 12 months through November.
Warren Buffett: 'America Has Faced A Lot Tougher Problems Than This One':
"The United States is richer than it's ever been. We have $50,000 or so of GDP per person. But we've overpromised and we've also undertaxed to some extent, so we find ourselves with this great fiscal imbalance
Dismal holiday sales belie talk of US "recovery":
US retail sales over the holiday shopping period grew at the slowest pace since the depths of the 2008 recession, according to a report released Tuesday by MasterCard Inc.'s SpendingPulse unit.