Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Send tax Money to Oklahoma not terrorist in Syria

 "The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity": André Gide
"Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people": Spencer Johnson
"Every violation of truth is not only a sort of suicide in the liar, but is a stab at the health of human society": Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime": Ernest Hemingway

koch, or kook?

oh canada??? hey steve harper, or charly harper wake the fuck up dudes....the silent coup

an educated person..here..to the others: pay it forward!! come on humanity is in peril.

Obama asked Pentagon to prepare Syria no-fly zone plans - report

Published time: May 28, 2013 22:25
AFP Photo / Joseph Eid
AFP Photo / Joseph Eid
Officials from the Obama administration have revealed that the White House asked the Pentagon to outline plans for a military no-fly zone over Syria, continuing strategy discussions that have been ongoing for more than a year.
If enacted, the no-fly zone would be enforced by the US military with help from France, Great Britain and other allies.
This update is the latest in President Obama’s strategy to publicly advocate for a negotiated peaceful solution while, after speculating that Syria's President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons, he has reportedly been weighing the benefits of direct military aid to the country's insurgency. Two administration officials, speaking with The Daily Beast, stressed that no military decisions have been finalized.
The White House is still in contemplation mode but the planning is moving forward and it’s more advanced than it’s ever been,” said one official, who remained anonymous. “All this effort to pressure the regime is part of the overall effort to find a political solution, but what happens if Geneva fails? It’s only prudent to plan for other options.”
More than 70,000 people have been killed in Syria as the conflict has continued for more than two years, and another three and a half million have been forced out of their homes and across the border into Jordan. 

A rebel fighter of the Syrian Kurdish Popular Protection Units (YPG) has a flower in his Russian made 'AK-47' kalashnikov gun as he holds a position in the Sheikh Maqsoud neighbourhood in the Syrian city of Aleppo on May 9, 2013 (AFP Photo / Str)
A rebel fighter of the Syrian Kurdish Popular Protection Units (YPG) has a flower in his Russian made 'AK-47' kalashnikov gun as he holds a position in the Sheikh Maqsoud neighbourhood in the Syrian city of Aleppo on May 9, 2013 (AFP Photo / Str)
Pentagon Press Secretary George Little denied the anonymous White House quotes, reminding the public that the US has closely monitored the unrest since the dawn of the Arab Spring. However, Richard Engel of NBC News reported that no-fly zone discussions had been ongoing for more than one year. 
There is no new military planning effort underway with regard to Syria,” Little said. “The Joint Staff, along with the relevant combatant commanders, continue to conduct prudent planning for a range of possible military operations.” 
A no-fly zone is often enacted as a final precaution before military intervention. The no-fly zone in question, according to The Daily Beast, was requested shortly before US Secretary of State John Kerry traveled through the Middle East last week attempting to convince Syrian rebel forces and President Assad to negotiate the end of the Syrian civil war next month in Geneva, Switzerland. As a precondition for negotiation, the rebels have demanded Assad leave power, a scenario that is difficult to imagine. 
Before this news was made public lawmakers pushed Obama and his advisors to clarify the exact goals of any means of intervention, most notably those of a no-fly zone, which would be difficult to implement.  
One thing about the Pentagon, if they don’t want to do something, they will tell you all sorts of reasons why they can’t do it,” Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) told The Daily Beast last week. “It’s going to take significant pressure for them to come up with realistic plans. They will invent ways for us not to do it until the president of the United States says we’ve got to do it.”

US Senator John McCain (C-L) posing for a picture with Syrian rebel leader General Salim Idris (C-R) and other members of the Syrian opposition in the Syrian border town of Bab al-Salam, near Turkey, on May 27, 2013 (AFP Photo / Mouaz Moustafa / HO / Syrian Emergency Task Force)
US Senator John McCain (C-L) posing for a picture with Syrian rebel leader General Salim Idris (C-R) and other members of the Syrian opposition in the Syrian border town of Bab al-Salam, near Turkey, on May 27, 2013 (AFP Photo / Mouaz Moustafa / HO / Syrian Emergency Task Force)
A previous, failed peace conference led to another year of bloodshed, while another administration official told The Daily Beast that the meeting in Geneva next month “is a Kerry initiative.” 
Government sources previously told the New Yorker that military action in Syria would likely constitute a “nightmare scenario” both tactically and on the home front, where Americans are “exhausted” from the seemingly endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 
A no-fly zone would be perceived as the first step in getting bogged down in another, possibly unwinnable war. Gary Bass, a Princeton professor who has written about intervention overseas, warned that military action could be unnecessarily costly. 
The political price is always heavily slanted against intervention when there is no core national-security interest involved,” he said.


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Anonymous Hacker Jeremy Hammond Pleads Guilty To Stratfor Hack, Could Face 10 Years In Prison

One by one, the Anonymous hackers who rampaged across the Internet in 2011 and early 2012 are confessing to their actions and asking for lenient sentences. The latest, Jeremy Hammond, may not be so lucky.
On Tuesday, Hammond pleaded guilty in a Manhattan court to one count of computer fraud and abuse in response to charges that he hacked into the network of the privacy intelligence firm Stratfor, stealing millions of emails that eventually were given to WikiLeaks and published over the course of 2012. The plea agreement could carry a sentence of as much as 10 years in prison, as well as millions of dollars in restitution payments, though Hammond’s official sentence won’t be handed down until September.
In a statement released on his supporters’ website, FreeJeremy.net, Hammond confessed to helping to penetrate a variety of corporate and government targets–albeit for ethical reasons, not for profit–as part of the LulzSec hacker group that split off from Anonymous in 2011 and went on a summer-long hacking spree that included the security firm HB Gary, Newscorp, Sony, and several military contractors. “Now that I have pleaded guilty it is a relief to be able to say that I did work with Anonymous to hack Stratfor, among other websites,” he writes. “Those others included military and police equipment suppliers, private intelligence and information security firms, and law enforcement agencies. I did this because I believe people have a right to know what governments and corporations are doing behind closed doors. I did what I believe is right.”
Hammond was one of several hackers caught in an FBI dragnet that penetrated LulzSec with the help of informant Hector Monsegur, a.k.a. Sabu, a 28-year-old New Yorker who doubled as one of Anonymous’ most active hackers and organizers. With Monsegur’s involvement, the stolen Stratfor documents were even stored for a time on a server owned by the FBI.
As part of his plea agreement, Hammond would not be asked to testify against any fellow hackers, according to Nathan Tempey, a supporter and communications coordinator for the National Lawyers Guild.”The terms include that he’s not asked to help the government to prosecute anyone else, and he’s not providing any new information about any crimes,” says Tempey.
In his statement, Hammond admits that he was likely to lose at trial and would face as much as 30 years in prison without a plea deal. Even if he were to win, he notes that the government has threatened to indict him on other charges. “If I had won this trial I would likely have been shipped across the country to face new but similar charges in a different district,” he writes. “The process might have repeated indefinitely. Ultimately I decided that the most practical route was to accept this plea with a maximum of a ten year sentence and immunity from prosecution in every federal court.”
Four other members of LulzSec were sentenced earlier this month in a London court, but received sentences of 32 months in prison at most and 300 hours of community service at least.
A petition posted to Change.org by Hammond’s brother Jason Hammond asks the judge in Hammond’s case, Loretta Preska, to sentence him to time served, given that he’s already spent 15 months in lockup. “Jeremy did nothing for personal gain and everything in hopes of making the world a better place,” reads Hammond’s brother’s petition. “Jeremy is facing a maximum sentence of ten years, but the minimum is zero. He has been in jail since March 2012 awaiting trial and now sentencing. It’s time for him to come home.”


 The Office of Special Counsel investigates federal whistle-blower complaints. In October 2008, then-special counsel Scott Bloch resigned amid an FBI investigation into whether he obstructed justice by illegally deleting computer files following complaints that he himself had retaliated against employees who disagreed with his policies. Then-Senator Obama made a campaign vow to appoint a special counsel committed to whistle-blower rights. It was not until April 2011 that Obama administration appointee Carolyn Lerner was confirmed by the Senate.

How Obama and Al-Qaeda Became Syrian Bedfellows
By Shamus Cooke
It's now clear that Obama's foreign policy in Syria is actively encouraging terrorism.
EU Allows Syrian Arms Embargo to Expire
By Christoph Sydow
Beginning Saturday, member countries will be permitted to supply weapons and other military support to rebels, but all previous economic sanctions will remain in place.
Russian Arms 'to Deter Foreign Intervention in Syria'
Russia says it will go ahead with deliveries of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Syria, and that the arms will help deter foreign intervention. Russia also criticised an EU decision not to renew an arms embargo on Syria.
Israel Warns Russia Over Syria Missiles
By Josef Federman
Israel's defence chief said Tuesday a Russian plan to supply sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles to Syria was a "threat" and signalled that Israel is prepared to use force to stop the delivery.
Nowhere Safe for Hezbollah, Warns Syria "Rebel" Chief
By The Daily Star
Salim Idriss, the commander of the Syrian rebel forces, gave Lebanon's president, the U.N. and Arab League 24 hours to force Hezbollah to withdraw its fighters from Syria, warning that rebels could target Hezbollah's fighters wherever they are.
The Unraveling of Sykes-Picot
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Who Are The Neoconservatives?
By Laurent Guyénot
Neoconservatism is essentially a modern Jewish version of Machiavelli's political strategy.
Robo-Snipers, "Auto Kill Zones" to Kill Palestinians
By Noah Shachtman
The Israeli military has been trying to figure out a way to keep Palestinian "militants" in the Gaza Strip. The latest tactic: create a set of "automated kill zones" by networking together remote-controlled machine guns, ground sensors, and drones along the 60-kilometer border.
Torture and Human Rights Violations in Israel and Palestine
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An Introduction to the Intellectuals and Institutions of American Imperialism
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The War on Terror and the Fate of US Democracy
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Harper Helping the Rich Get Richer Around the World
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Hard News  

18 Taliban Insurgents Killed in Helmand Raid:
"The incident took place on Monday in the Garmsir district of the province, when several Taliban insurgents attacked an Afghan force's caravan," Provincial Governor's Spokesman, Omar Zwak said.
Seven Afghan police killed by dinner guests:
Suspected Taliban militants killed seven police in southern Afghanistan after persuading the officers to invite them into their checkpoint for dinner, officials said on Tuesday.
5 killed in Kabul blast:
At least five guards of AWCC were killed and three others wounded, their vehicle struck an insurgents-placed mine on the way between Kabul and Parwan provinces, an official said Tuesday.
Four civilians killed, wounded in Kandahar mine blast:
An insurgent-emplaced improvised explosive device exploded, killing two civilians and wounding two others in the vicinity of Arowgh village, Khakrez district, Kandahar province, the alliance said in a statement Tuesday.
New Pakistan government to try Pervez Musharraf for treason, says Nawaz Sharif's aide:
"Yes we have decided to try General Musharraf for treason in the Supreme Court. General Musharraf had violated the Constitution and he should face the music," PML-N parliamentarian Tariq Azeem said.
Muslims and Buddhists clash in northern Myanmar:
Witnesses reported several large fires and said a mosque and Buddhist monastery appear to have been torched.
India troops hunt Maoist rebels after 24 killed in attack:
Thousands of troops searched through the densely forested stronghold of Maoist rebels in eastern India on Monday for those who ambushed a convoy of ruling party officials and supporters, killing 24, police said.
Arundhati Roy: Maoists have no choice but to indulge in 'counter-violence'.
What I saw when I went into the forests was this - that non-violent resistance has actually not worked
"Cut off my hand and save me":
Aanna Akhter, a 16 year old Dhaka garment factory worker was trapped in the wreckage of the Rana Plaza. She explains how she could only be freed after her rescuer amputated her hand.
Iraq: 18 people killed, 44 wounded in fresh attacks:
Up to 18 people were killed and 44 wounded in attacks, including a suicide tanker truck bombing, in central and northern Iraq on Tuesday, the police said, APA reports quoting Xinhua.
Iraq PM pledges to hunt down 'outlaws':
In a show of cabinet unity, al-Maliki appeared on Tuesday with four leading ministers, including the country's two most senior Sunni politicians, to speak of his government's insistence on facing down the fighters.
Syria: At least 15 prisoners killed in fighting at Aleppo jail:
The UK-based Syrian Human Rights Observatory cited prison sources as saying the inmates were killed when rebels layed siege to the jail.
11 killed as Syria "rebels", Kurds clash: Activists say:
Eleven rebels have been killed in clashes in northern Syria with Kurdish rebels of the main Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Sunday.
Rebels kidnap hundreds of Syrian Kurds in Aleppo: activists:
Syrian rebels have kidnapped hundreds of Syrian Kurds in the northern province of Aleppo. The kidnappers are holding the hostages in a town north of Aleppo, the Observatory said, giving no further details about the circumstances of the kidnapping.
Gunmen kill three soldiers in east Lebanon:
Three Lebanese Army soldiers were killed Tuesday in an attack on their checkpoint in the eastern border town of Arsal. The armed group managed to escape and then later crossed the border into Syria, the sources added.
Syria rockets hit Hermel, four wounded:
Four rockets from Syria struck Lebanon's eastern Hermel region Tuesday afternoon wounding two people, security sources said, raising the day's total number of wounded to four by seven rocket strikes in the area.
Syrian troops gain ground in Qusair offensive, TV reporter covering fighting killed by gunfire:
Syrian troops gained ground Monday in a nine-day offensive against a key rebel-held town, and a Syrian TV correspondent covering the fighting there was killed by gunfire, state media and a pro-opposition group reported.
Last Report by Journalist Martyr Yara Abbas from Qussayr: Video -
The following is the last report journalist Yara Abbas sent - May 27, 2013
Russia slams end of EU arms embargo, calls S-300s 'stabilizing factor' in Syria:
The failure of the European Union to agree on a new arms embargo for Syria is undermining the peace process, Moscow says. But the delivery of S-300 surface-to-air missiles may help restrain warmongers.
Russia S-300 missile exports may stave off Syrian invasion - diplomat:
"In our opinion, these deliveries play a stabilizing role. We believe that such steps will largely help stop certain hotheads from turning it into a possible international conflict, from considering a scenario that would make this conflict international with the involvement of external forces that are not averse to such ideas," he said.
Israeli defense chief indicates if Russia ships advanced missiles to Syria, they could be hit:
"At this stage I can't say there is an escalation. The shipments have not been sent on their way yet. And I hope that they will not be sent," he said. But "if God forbid they do reach Syria, we will know what to do."
Saudi Arabia strikes arms deal with Turkey':
Saudi Arabia has struck an arms imports deal with Turkey worth one billion dollars during a recent visit of Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to Turkey, reports say.
Qatar seeks to send Yemen's military elite to fight alongside the Free Syrian Army:
Qatar is now looking to by-pass the hurdle by sending Yemen Republican Guards to the front. Of course the men would go in their civilian capacity, hired as mercenaries by the State of Qatar.
Inside McCain's secret trip to Syria : Video -
Mouaz Moustafa, who helped plan McCain's trip to Syria, discusses details of the trip with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
Syria $4 billion credit line:
Iran has opened two lines of credit totaling $4 billion to Damascus and expects to open up a third to counter the effects of an international embargo, Syria's central bank said on Monday.
Syrian "rebels"in Golan Heights "stole" UN's armored trucks:
Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade now has two 'virtually indestructible' vehicles, which Israeli expert warns could be used in surprise attacks
Israel's New Neighbor: Syrian Al-Qaeda Rebel Group:
Syrian rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra, closely identified with al-Qaeda, has "moved in" to Golan Heights
Israel doesn't want peace::
Netanyahu will not freeze settlements in return for resumption of negotiations:
An Israeli official has claimed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not freeze West Bank settlements in order to facilitate the resumption of peace talks and negotiations with the Palestinian Authority.
King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Of Saudi Arabia Reported To Be 'Clinically Dead': Report:
The Saudi Arabian monarch, who has not been seen publically for many months, is reported to have been dead since Wednesday following failure of his heart, lungs and kidneys.
C.African Republic rebels attack villages, kill 25:
Namssene Paulin, a Red Cross worker in the region near Bossangoa said that elements of the Seleka rebel alliance are spreading fear in the area with these attacks, and villagers have fled to find safety.
Somali Militants Claim To Have Shot Down U.S. Drone:
A suspected U.S. reconnaissance drone has crashed in a region of southern Somalia controlled by the al-Shabab militant group, a governor of the region says.
Pentagon: The Chinese stole our newest weapons:
The designs for more than two dozen major weapons systems used by the United States military have fallen into the hands of the Chinese, US Department of Defense officials say.
The NSA Reportedly Tested Its Top Spyware on New Zealand:
With the cooperation of allied governments, the US reportedly tested its most sophisticated surveillance software on the citizens of friendly nations.
Canadian Judge Confirms: 2011 Election Fraudulent: Video -
The Canadian Federal Court has confirmed that the country's 2011 federal election, which led to the victory of Stephen Harper's government, was fraudulent.
Election Fraud Ruling Prompts Calls For Accountability:
The judge pointed the finger at the Conservative Party's database CIMS, the Constituency Information Management System, and said it was the source of information used by somebody to engage in voter suppression tactics, including phone calls to non-Conservative voters telling them their polling station had been moved.
Eric Holder Under Investigation By House Judiciary Committee For Lying Under Oath:
Will he too receive an extended absence of leave (with pay) after pleading the fifth, or will the circle of lies slowly but surely start to unwind?
Europe's Banks Turn to U.S. Subprime for Salvation:
The U.S. mortgage bonds that were exported around the globe and triggered the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression are now helping Europe's banks and governments repair balance sheets after jumping in value.
The heroic story of working-class Detroit: Op-Ed:
Almost 50 years after the Civil Rights Movement won the 1965 Voting Rights Act, racist politicians and their wealthy sponsors are finding new ways to disenfranchise Black workers. In Michigan, the Emergency Manager Law is a big hammer.


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Channel News

Troubled print biz lost £8.5m in fiscal '12

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Adds two facilities, expands in eight

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Vids Samsung, Apple pocket-strokers swim with the fishes

Policy News

China denies scooping plans for new Oz spook HQ

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OpenShift Origin stack now bundled by default

Science News

'Waiting for certainty will fail as a strategy' say Oz boffins

you would think I did'nt have to tell were the real priorities lie (lie),  WAKE-UP

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