Friday, March 14, 2014

Armies are necessary, before all things, for the defense of governments from their own oppressed and enslaved subjects.

We cannot pretend that we do not see the armed policeman who marches up and down beneath our window to guarantee our security while we eat our luxurious dinner, or look at the new piece at the theater, or that we are unaware of the existence of the soldiers who will make their appearance with guns and cartridges directly our property is attacked.


if it can be manmade, it shall be man broke..kos

   Food Fight! from Anarchy Now on Vimeo.

Parallels to 1914?

What History Teaches Us About the Ukraine Crisis

On the 100th anniversary of World War I, it is tempting to compare events in Ukraine to 1914. But the current crisis bears little resemblance to the geopolitical situation of the time. The answers history provides are anything but singular and absolute.

News Stories
March 14, 2014
CIA vs. Senate: Who Is Obama Protecting?
Elizabeth Goitein: President Obama is protecting senior CIA officials and himself
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Will Tipped Workers Get Excluded Again From Minimum Wage Hike?
Federal tipped workers' $2.13 hour wage hasn't been raised since 1991, but will the Harkin-Miller bill do enough to raise workers out of poverty
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TRNN Debate: What's Driving Inflation in Venezuela? (1/2)
Greg Wilpert and John Weeks discuss the causes and possible solutions to the high inflation in Venezuela
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After Late Mayor Lumumba is Laid to Rest, What's Next for Jackson, Mississippi?(1/2)
Kali Akuno and Glen Ford discuss the next steps for the grassroots movements in Jackson, Mississippi that propelled late mayor Chokwe Lumumba into office
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TRNN Replay: A Look at Who's Poised to Become No.2 at the Fed
Gerald Epstein: Former Bank of Israel Chief Stanley Fischer will likely become the Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve, but his record shows consistent catering to Wall Street rather than bringing the country to full employment
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