Sunday, August 4, 2013

Truth never grows old........The Paradigms They Are A-Shiftin’


For all the beauty, hope all are glad as I for letting me share this space, this demarcation (a parenthesis noted on my eternal timeline) , this time........rite the fuck NOW. We can make [it] happen.


[Written over a year ago, I was reminded of this poem today and found it particularly apt for where we are right now. Keep heart folks, something very big and wonderful is happening all around us and we're about to see changes so vast and profound they can only be likened to complete shifts in perception and human consciousness. Don't be fooled by the boogey-men and all their fear trips and machinations - it appears real but in fact it is all smoke and mirrors. Always remember that with no foundation in Truth, no matter how many get duped into supporting it, their magick matrix is destined to collapse under its own ugly inertia and wither into oblivion like the wicked witch of the West that it is. - Love, Zen]

The Paradigms They Are A-Shiftin’

by Zen Gardner

(Adaptation of Bob Dylan’s prescient song “The Times They Are A-Changin’”, written in 1963,  50 years ago.)

Come gather ’round people
Get out of your car
The cameras around you
All know who you are
You thought this would happen
In some time afar
But it’s happening right now before you….
As the waves you saw mounting
Now flood where you are
For the paradigms they are a-shiftin’.

Why The Real News can call a war crime a war crime

Why are the bees dying?  shoud we look first between their little bee legs? Bees know what is best for bees, as humans you'ld think we might as well try and survive/sustain also. Ruled by fruit-cakes we are, the whole lot!!


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