seems to me we have grown distressingly used to war... War and the
military have become a part of our environment, like pollution.
is our most important product. We have been spending nearly $80
billion a year on the military, which is more than the profits of all
American business, or, to make another comparison, is
as much as the total spending of the federal, state, and local
governments for health, education, old age and retirement benefits,
housing, and agriculture.
millions of Americans who have a vested interest in the expensive
weapons systems spawned by our global military involvements are as much
a part of the military-industrial complex as the
generals and the corporation heads." - Sen J. William Fulbright - Pentagon Propaganda Machine, p11 - Vintage Books, 1971.
Ted Cruz don't matter |
Abby's Mea Culpa on Pope Francis, Heightened UNGA Tensions, Getting to Know Your Clit
Cops Arrest Man, Force Wife to Delete Video
Tech Report: Twitter's IPO, California's Online Eraser Bill and your privacy
"Stun Cuffs" The New Shock Collar For The Sheeple
About the Snowden disclosures, the Oregon Democrat told the NSA chief: 'the truth always manages to come out'
Monsanto Protection Act stripped from Senate spending bill
Guest Column — Fukushima Facts — by Takashi Hirose
Readers have asked that I write about Fukushima.
About all I can tell you with confidence is that we are getting no
more truth about Fukushima from the presstitute media than we are about
any other subject.
As I understand it, which I hope is incorrectly, Fukushima has the
prospect, if the wrong events occur, of essentially eliminating Japan as
a country.
Why Japan, the only country to suffer attack by nuclear weapons, made
the decision to rely on nuclear plants for its electricity is a
mystery. Perhaps the Japanese government was pressured by Washington to
accept US nuclear energy technology as a form of tribute payment.
Whether or not Japan under Washington’s thumb was a coerced market
for Westinghouse, Fukushima is sending radiation into the Pacific Ocean
and, apparently, into the groundwater that supplies Tokyo.
if the fuel rods that must be removed from a damaged building ignite, calamity will result.
Nuclear energy plants are now sprinkled all over the developed world.
Each and every one is subject to accident. An accident, and sustainable
life ends for that area of the world.
Consider how was it possible for the Japanese, an intelligent people,
to locate the Fukushima nuclear energy plants in a tsunami coastal
area. This decision shows a lack of any thought whatsoever. Elsewhere
nuclear energy plants are located on earthquake faults. Ongoing
climate change subjects others to forest fires.
Have humans greedy for cheap energy destroyed the world?
Nuclear energy is said to be “clean.” But, of course, radiation is
not clean, and its death dealing power lasts a very long time. Will the
human greed for the moment at the expense of the future exterminate all
life on earth?
No one in the western orbit should expect any answer from the bought-and-paid-for-government.
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How Russian hero Stanislav Petrov stopped the Cold War turning hot
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Mirror, mirror on the port, is this something I can rort?
Software News
Platforms to unite in ONE APP STORE TO RULE THEM ALL
Update brings Google one step closer to sentience
'Eye candy really is as bad as classical candy is for the teeth,' writes one
You're stuck with those crayon graphics forever, chum
Now your buddies can play NSA spook
Science News
Video M28's massive matter maw
Not for weapons, honestly
Truly, they are as powerful as the Emperor has foreseen
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Soyuz crew confirms spacewalk planned to promote Olympics
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Homemade Sarin Was Used In Attack Near Damascus - Lavrov
has enough evidence to assert that homemade sarin was used on August 21
in a chemical attack near Damascus, the same type but in higher
concentration than in an Aleppo incident earlier this year, Russian FM
Sergey Lavrov said.
AIPAC Gears Up for War with Obama
By M.J. Rosenberg
intends to use the United States Congress to cause Rouhani to abandon
negotiations by making clear that Congress will accept nothing short of
an Iranian surrender on nuclear issues.
Now's The Time To Strip Israel of its WMDs
By Gilad Atzmon
Israel is
doomed to bring a tragedy on itself and the region. Even God won't be
able to save his chosen people from themselves.
Rouhani's Message to the American People:
Christiane Amanpour speaks with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in New York.
Revealed: Qatar's World Cup 'Slaves'
Migrant Workers Forced To Work For No Pay in World Cup Host Country
Each month dozens of young Nepalese migrant workers are returning home in coffins.
Glenn Greenwald to Haaretz: Why Whistleblower Snowden Came to Me
By Noam Sheizaf
promise of the Internet was that it would liberate people and bolster
democracy, but it has become a tool for suppression and control. In
fact, it is one of the most powerful instruments of control ever
Bragging Rights
The American Exceptionalism Sweepstakes
By Tom Engelhardt
Eight Exceptional(ly Dumb) American Achievements of the Twenty-First Century.
Crushing the Middle Class
By Mike Whitney
Central Bank and the political establishment in Washington are working
hand-in-hand to restructure the economy along the same lines as they
would any third world banana republic. And that's the real goal of the
current policy.
Looting the Pension Funds
By Matt Taibbi
All across America, Wall Street is grabbing money meant for public workers.
Why No One's Investigating Wall Street
By David Sirota
The government finds money to crack down on food stamp "fraud." If it wanted to go after finance crooks, it could.
'One Million Truckers' Ride to Restore Constitution Next Month
By Ralph Lopez
A group
spearheaded by the Independent Truckers of America is calling for a
three-day 'buy nothing' period from October 11 - 13.
Wilson Goode, Barack Obama and the Good Negro
By Margaret Kimberley
On May
13, 1985, the mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, allowed a lynch mob
comprised of the police and fire departments to kill eleven black
people, including five children. He also allowed them to burn 61 houses
to the ground which left more than 200 people homeless.
Police State USA
Making the Victim Pay for the Bullet
By William Norman Grigg
shock and trauma caused the elderly woman to urinate on herself, and
she wasn't permitted to clean herself up or change her clothes.
Civil Forfeiture, Police Piracy, and the Third-Worldization of America
By The Polemicist
practice of civil forfeiture has become a lucrative system of
"policing for profit," a system that has literally legalized highway
robbery and turned police into pirates.
Hard News
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Peace and Joy
Tom Feeley
At least 27 dead in Sudan fuel subsidy protests: medical source:
At least
27 people have been killed in protests in Khartoum over fuel subsidy
cuts announced by President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, a medical source
said on Thursday, in the worst outbreak of unrest in Sudan's capital in
Prepare for blood, says al-Shabaab chief:
In an
audio posted on an al-Shabaab-linked website, Ahmed Godane, also known
as Mukhtar Abu al-Zubayr, said the attack was in retaliation for
Kenya's incursion in October 2011 into southern Somalia to crush the
Scott Horton: U.S. Government to Blame for Somalia's Misery: Op-Ed:
in the midst of the global economic crisis, there is enough wealth in
the world that it is an outrage so many should die of such extreme
poverty and deprivation
Mali says Sahel needs rapid reaction force to fight Islamists:
in Niger, growing instability in southern Libya and clashes between
Tunisian government troops and Islamist militants have shown how
al-Qaeda-linked rebels have taken advantage of a security vacuum in the
region since French-led forces intervened in Mali earlier this year to
oust them.
From riches to rags:
Libya seeks its first loans:
holder of Africa's largest crude reserves, is weighing its first bank
loans as the Opec member seeks financing to more than double refining
and expand chemical production, in projects forecast to cost $60
Bomb attacks at markets in, near Baghdad kill 23:
ripped through outdoor markets in and near Baghdad on Thursday,
killing at least 23 people and wounding dozens, the latest in a deadly
wave that has hit Iraq in recent months, officials said.
Iraqi woman killed when mortar shell hits Iraqi Consulate in Damascus:
An Iraqi
woman died and several others were injured Thursday when a mortar shell
hit the Iraqi Consulate in Damascus Thursday, Syrian state-run media
Desperate Syrian refugees beg on Yemen streets:
"There is
nowhere else to go to now. We're begging on the streets," said
Mustafa, who, dressed in black from head to toe, stationed herself at
one of Sanaa's main thoroughfares hoping cars would slow down to give
her a few Yemeni riyals.
U.N. diplomats: Apparent deal on Syria resolution:
The five
permanent members of the divided Security Council appear to have
reached agreement on a resolution to require Syria to dismantle its
chemical weapons stockpiles, U.N. diplomats said Thursday.
US Syria plans face setback as key rebels break from coalition:
Some of
Syria's most effective rebel forces, including at least three that
previously were aligned with the U.S.-backed rebel command, have formed
a new alliance with an al Qaida affiliate, a development that
undermines Obama administration efforts to build up Syria's moderate
Al Qaeda-Linked Syria Group Enjoying USAID? You've Got to See This to Believe It:
appears to prove all the concerns among U.S. lawmakers and analysts
that aid to the Syrian rebels could end up in the hands of Al Qaeda.
Assad: We have weapons that could blindside Israel:"
Syria has
deterrent weapons, more advanced than anything in its chemical
arsenal, that could blindside Israel in mere moments, Syrian President
Bashar Assad claimed Thursday.
Iran nuclear: Kerry and Zarif meet at the UN:
The highest-level talks on Iran's nuclear programme for at least six years have been held at the United Nations in New York.
Rohani: Israel must join non-nuclear treaty:
president says Israel must join Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons. 'No nation should possess nuclear weapons,' he adds
Rouhani sees a nuclear deal in 3 months:
stressed that he is "fully empowered to finalize the nuclear talks" by
Iran's supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, a claim confirmed by Western
intelligence reports.
16 "Militants" Killed in Joint Afghan Operations within Day:
Taliban militants were killed in a series of joint operations carried
out by the Afghan forces and the NATO-led coalition troops since early
Wednesday, said the country's Interior Ministry on Thursday morning.
US-Led Occupation Force Trooper Killed in Insider Attack in Afghanistan:
officials say the attack was carried out on Thursday, when the soldier
turned his gun on his NATO trainers in a military base in the province
of Paktia, press tv reported.
Fukushima's Worst-Case Scenarios:
Much of
what you've heard about the nuclear accident is wrong. The true story
of what happened at Fukushima is not exactly suitable for a horror
movie, but it is mind-boggling in its own way.
Special Forces Reserve Union calls for coup in Greece:
The union
of reservist soldiers in Greece made a plea to the Greek government to
step down and make way for the establishment of a national unity
assembly on their official blog page last night. The statement, which
lists a total of 15 demands, called on the Greek people to unite with
the army in order to bring down the current coalition.
Venezuela's leader Maduro blames axed UN trip on 'plot':
"When I
got into Vancouver I evaluated the intelligence which we received from
several sources. "I decided then and there to continue back to Caracas
and drop the New York trip to protect a key goal: safeguarding my
physical integrity, protecting my life," he said.
NSA planted bugs at Indian missions in D.C., U.N.:
Permanent Mission of India at the United Nations and the embassy in
Washington, DC - were targets of such sophisticated bugs implanted by
the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) that entire computer hard disks
might have been copied by the American agency.
US websites should inform EU citizens about NSA surveillance, says report:
existing data sharing agreements between Europe and the US should be
revoked, and US web site providers should prominently inform European
citizens that their data may be subject to government surveillance,
according to the recommendations of a briefing report for the European
Surveillance Reform Package Ends Bulk Collection Of Phone Records;
bipartisan group of lawmakers have introduced legislation to reform
domestic surveillance laws. The Intelligence Oversight and Surveillance
Reform Act will prohibit bulk collection of Americans' records, shield
Americans from warrantless searches of their communications.
US intelligence chiefs lobby to prevent Congress curbing surveillance powers:
NSA director and director of national intelligence to appear before Senate committee a day after senators propose reform bill
Declassified NSA files show agency spied on Muhammad Ali and MLK:
Minaret set up in 1960s to monitor anti-Vietnam critics, branded
'disreputable if not outright illegal' by NSA itself
"Stun Cuffs" The New Shock Collar For The Sheeple : Video -
is scary about this new technology is the incredible potential for
abuse, since the mere press of a button will administer 80,000 volts
through the wearers body
U.S. to exhaust borrowing capacity by October 17: Treasury: -
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned Congress on Wednesday that the
United States would exhaust its borrowing capacity no later than
October 17, at which point it would have only about $30 billion in cash
on hand.
The Fed's 'hidden agenda' behind money-printing:
would you feel if you knew that almost all of the money you pay in
personal income tax went to pay just one bill, the interest on the
debt? Chances are, you and millions of Americans would find that
completely unacceptable and indeed they should.
JPMorgan in talks to settle government probes for $11 billion: sources:
Chase & Co is in talks with government officials to settle federal
and state mortgage probes for $11 billion, two people familiar with
the matter said on Wednesday.
Wal-Mart Cutting Orders as Unsold Merchandise Piles Up:
Stores Inc. (WMT) is cutting orders it places with suppliers this
quarter and next to address rising inventory the company flagged in
last month's earnings report.
Food Stamp Growth 75X Greater than Job Creation:
"For Every Person Added to Jobs Rolls Since January 2009, 75 People Added To Food Stamp Rolls."