Tuesday, December 30, 2014

"Laws: We know what they are, and what they are worth! They are spider webs for the rich and mighty, steel chains for the poor and weak, fishing nets in the hands of the government." - Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) French mutualist political philosopher

"Sic semper tyrannis" actually means "Get your foot off my neck."

"Every ambitious would-be empire clarions it abroad that she is conquering the world to bring it peace, security and freedom, and is sacrificing her sons only for the most noble and humanitarian purposes. That is a lie, and it is an ancient lie, yet generations still rise and believe it! ...  

If America ever does seek Empire, and most nations do, then planned reforms in our domestic life will be abandoned, States Rights will be abolished -- in order to impose a centralized government upon us for the purpose of internal repudiation of freedom, and adventures abroad.  

The American Dream will then die -- on battlefields all over the world -- and a nation conceived in liberty will destroy liberty for Americans and impose tyranny on subject nations."  

George S. Boutwell  - (1818-1905) American statesman, Secretary of the Treasury under President Ulysses S. Grant, Governor of Massachusetts, Senator and Representative from Massachusetts 



Irony 101: Study Ethics with Legal Ace Who Sanctioned NSA Wiretapping, CIA Torture

Featured photo - Irony 101: Study Ethics with Legal Ace Who Sanctioned NSA Wiretapping, CIA Torture 
Waterboarding: Yes or no? It’s OK to selectively violate the Geneva Convention, right? Spying on Americans is illegal, but aren’t rules made to be broken?

The world is a confusing place and it’s hard for young people to answer complicated questions like these on their own. Fortunately, students at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, have Professor Robert Deitz to help them navigate the contemporary moral morass. “All of us are familiar with basic ethical notions,” he writes in the syllabus for his Spring 2015 course, Ethical Challenges in Public Policy. “We learn from childhood the idea that some conduct is right and other conduct is not right.”

How’d Deitz get so smart about ethics? He’s magna cum laude from Harvard (like President Obama) and then spent eights years as General Counsel at the National Security Agency, serving as the official Yes Man for General Michael Hayden, and after that three years as his Senior Councillor at the Central Intelligence Agency until 2009. At the former post Deitz rubber-stamped NSA surveillance. At the latter, he sought to derail an independent investigation by then-CIA Inspector General John Helgerson into the agency’s torture and rendition of terrorism suspects.

After retiring from public service Deitz joined GMU as Distinguished Visiting Professor & CIA Officer-in-Residence, and he’s now on the regular faculty. In his course syllabus Deitz (also author of “Congratulations — You Just Got Hired: Don’t Screw It Up”) promises that “ethical matters of current interest will be discussed in class.”    <read more>


The 2.6 Billion Dollar Welfare Payment That The U.S. Government Gives To Wal-Mart

Michael Snyder
Activist Post

Should the federal government be spending billions of dollars to pump up Wal-Mart’s profits?  I know that question sounds really bizarre, but unfortunately this is essentially what is happening.

Because Wal-Mart does not pay them enough money, hundreds of thousands of Wal-Mart employees enroll in Medicaid, food stamps and other social welfare programs.  Even though Wal-Mart makes enormous profits, they refuse to properly take care of their employees, so the federal government has to do it.

And of course this is not just a Wal-Mart problem.  There are hundreds of other major corporations doing exactly the same thing.  And they will keep on doing it as long as they can because relying on the federal government to take care of their employees allows them to make much larger profits.  This gives these companies an enormous competitive advantage and it distorts the marketplace.  If you love the free enterprise system, you should be aghast at this.  Our big corporations have become the biggest “welfare queens” of all, and Wal-Mart is near the top of that list.

Does your local Wal-Mart store seem like it needs help from the federal government?<read more>


Hacker steals fingerprint from photo, suggests politicians wear gloves in public

A German computer hacker has demonstrated how easy it is to foil biometric fingerprint security by using nothing but commercial software and a couple of high resolution photos of one’s hand. To prove it, he recreated the German defense minister’s print.

Op-Ed Articles
Putin: It Is Time to Play Your Ace in the Hole

By Ron Holland

Russia has an ace in the hole that can win the financial and economic battle going on today.

NATO in Ukraine Means Asking for War with Russia

By Michael Levitis

Ukraine joining NATO would be a threat not just to the region but to the very existence of life on Earth.

China to Start Payments With Russia in National Currencies on December 29

By Sputnik

From December 29, China, Russia, Malaysia and New Zealand will start the usage of national currencies in mutual transactions. Beijing hopes to make the yuan an alternative to the US dollar in global trade.

We Can Conclusively Confirm North Korea Was Not Behind Sony Hack

By Charles C. Johnson

Sony hack was an inside job.

The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood
False Flagging The World Towards War.

By Larry Chin

Almost all wars begin with false flag operations. The coming conflicts in North Korea and Russia are no exception.

An Unstoppable Avalanche Toward Palestinian Statehood?

By Raphael Ahren

Saeb Erekat said Friday that the Palestinians will submit their UN Security Council statehood resolution to a vote by Monday at latest.

Another Torture Report and Still No Prosecutions

By John LaForge

In the case of Cheney's torture program, we have all the suspects, evidence, witnesses, motives and victims-other than the murdered ones-that a prosecutor could want.

Magic Growth Numbers From The Government

By Paul Craig Roberts

Everyone wants good news, so the government makes it up. The latest fiction is that US real GDP grew 4.6% in the second quarter and 5% in the third.

2014: The Year Propaganda Came Of Age

By Raúl Ilargi Meijer

I don't think Joseph Goebbels had anything on US and European media today.

Hard News

Coalition airstrikes kill 86 ISIL militants in north Iraq:
U.S.-led international coalition airstrikes on Saturday killed 86 ISIL militants in the Hawija district of Kirkuk city, northern Iraq, according to a police source.

Months of Bombing Makes Small Impact on ISIS' Military Capabilities:
After more than three months of air attacks against ISIS forces in Iraq and Syria, U.S. intelligence and defense officials say minimal progress has been made toward President Barack Obama's stated goal to "degrade and destroy" the Islamic terror group.

U.S. Stockpiling Fighting Vehicles Near Iraq Ahead of Anti-ISIS Offensive:
Since June, the U.S. military has been slowly stockpiling massive amounts of its gear coming out of Afghanistan at a depot in Kuwait adjacent to a bustling commercial port, in preparation for ultimately shipping it across the border into Iraq for an allied offensive against the Islamic State group.

17 opposition fighters killed in clashes south of Syria:
Up to 17 fighters of the Syrian opposition have been killed in clashes with the regime's forces and allied militias in Quneitra city south of the country, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Saturday.

Syria says, ready to discuss Russia peace plan talks, opposition rejects:
Syria said on Saturday it is willing to participate in "preliminary consultations" in Moscow aimed at restarting peace talks next year to end its civil war. But members of the Western-backed Syrian opposition dismissed the Russian plan on Saturday, saying there was "no initiative."

Erekat: UN vote on Palestinian statehood by Monday:
Top PA official, in interview with Arab media, makes extreme comparison between Islamic State's al-Baghdadi and Netanyahu

PM: Israel to stand firm against Palestinian statehood bid:
Netanyahu meets powerful Republican senator who warns of 'violent backlash' that may include suspending funds if UN 'takes over' peace process

Graham: Senate will vote on Iran sanctions legislation in January:
During an appearance alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, Graham said there will be a vote on legislation drafted by Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) in January.

Afghanistan: 44 insurgents killed in raids:
At least 44 armed Taliban were killed and eight others wounded in different crackdowns within past 48 hours.

Pakistani forces say 39 "militants" killed in airstrikes:
The Pakistani military says airstrikes carried out Friday evening in the North Waziristan tribal region near the Afghan border killed 39 militants. The military said several important militant commanders were killed.

US steps up Pakistan drone murders amid crackdown over school attack:
US officials are increasingly reluctant to discuss Washington's barbaric drone murder program, as it has been condemned by the UN for violating international law and is seen as deeply sinister by masses of people worldwide.

North Korean Internet, 3G mobile network 'paralyzed:' Xinhua:
North Korea's Internet and 3G mobile networks were paralyzed again on Saturday evening, China's official Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday, with the North Korean government blaming the United States for systemic instability in the country's networks.

AirAsia Flight QZ8501 with 162 on board goes missing on way to Singapore:
The aircraft, flying from the Indonesian city of Surabaya to Singapore, went missing as it flew at 38,000 feet over the Java Sea between the islands of Belitung and Borneo -- a heavily traveled shipping channel with shallow waters, according to Indonesian authorities, who are leading the search and rescue operations.

Australia: Were injured hostages shot by police bullets:
Police are investigating whether the hostages who suffered gunshot wounds were shot by police when the Sydney siege ended in gunfire

20 soldiers killed in clash between rival rebels as fire spreads across largest oil reserve in Libya:
The tanks in the al-Sidra export terminal were attacked by rockets launched from speedboats by Fajr Libya - or Libya Dawn - which killed four petrol guard soldiers until three of the group's vessels were damaged in air counter-attacks.

Policeman, two militants killed in Egypt:
Gunmen on a motorbike killed a policeman and wounded another in a drive-by shooting in the Egyptian capital Saturday, the Interior Ministry said, a day after police killed two militants from the Ansar Beit al-Maqdis militant group in the capital's region.

Pakistan airstrikes, gun battle kill 55 alleged militants:
At least 55 "militants" were killed in airstrikes and a gun battle with ground forces in Pakistan's troubled northwest where the military launched a major offensive this year, officials said Saturday.

Afghanistan against US plans to transfer military equipment to Ukraine - Kabul official:
American specialists in Afghanistan are currently preparing US army MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicles to be transferred to Ukraine, according to the information obtained by the Afghan presidential administration

Ukraine and Rebels Exchange Hundreds of Prisoners:
Ukrainian authorities and separatists exchanged hundreds of prisoners of war on Friday, a spokesman for President Petro Poroshenko said, part of a 12-point plan aimed at ending the pro-Russian uprising in the east of the country.

Ukraine Faces Stone Age. Russia Electricity to the Rescue;
Russia will supply electricity to Ukraine at discount prices

Gorbachev: Putin saved Russia from disintegration:
He added that saving Russia during that crucial period was a "historical deed."

Crude price drop triggers major layoffs in US oil industry:
Thousands of recently highly paid workers have been laid off after the oil price plummeted 50 percent in 2014. At least four American oil-producing states are already facing budget problems due to decreasing oil revenues.

NSA Drops Christmas Eve Surprise:
The National Security Agency on Christmas Eve day released twelve years of internal oversight reports documenting abusive and improper practices by agency employees.

ACLU accuses NSA of using holiday lull to 'minimise impact' of documents:
Released on Christmas Eve, the documents are heavily redacted versions of reports by the NSA to the President's Intelligence Oversight Board

Hundreds Turn Their Back on de Blasio at NYPD Officer's Funeral:
Hundreds of police officers turned their backs on a screen showing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio as he spoke at the funeral of one of two officers killed last week in what has been called an "assassination."


Security News

13,000 leaked accounts are likely stale data, expert claims

Sony fingers DDoS attackers for ruining PlayStation's Xmas
Malefactors turned festivities into a turkey for online gamers

PlayStation clambers back online days after DDoS attack PARALYSED
Gaming service STILL struggling to return to life

Vawtrak challenges almighty ZeuS as king of the botnets

Lizard Squad hacking gang moves from PlayStation, Xbox Live to Tor
Floods network with 3,000 relays, project devs shrug

NSA's Christmas Eve confession: We unlawfully spied on you for 12
years, soz
Agency cynically dumps blunder dossier at 1:30pm on Dec 24

ISC.org website hacked: Scan your PC for malware if you stopped by
Cryptographically signed BIND, DHCP code safe, we're told

Online armour: Duncan Campbell's tech chief on anonymity 101
Of Tor, TAILS and Jabber

White hats do an NSA, figure out LIVE PHONE TRACKING via protocol vuln
SS7 hole already used in Ukraine & Russia

Christmas Eve email asked Oz telcos for metadata retention costs by Jan
7-day extension allowed for questions inc. 36-month retention option
and benefits to telcos of storing data

Rackspace restored after DDOS takes out DNS
11-hour incident blocked traffic from reaching rackspace.com and some

ICANN's technical competence queried by Verisign report
Upcoming dossier highlights dozens of problems with domain name

POS malware crooks hack IP cams to validate targets
Is that a cash register or are you just pleased to see ,e?

Hack flings bootkits from Macs' Thunderbolts
Thunderbolt not lightning, very, very frightening

JPMorgan Chase mega-hack was a simple two-factor auth fail
Bank bods didn't follow security 101, mayhem happened

GCHQ: We can't track crims any more thanks to Snowden
Whinge, whine, sniffle, et cetera

Doh! WikiLeaks' PDF viewer springs XSS vuln
Just link directly to the docs, says frustrated surfer

EU flings €1m at open source security audit wheeze
Might also think about encrypting stuff. Maybe. You know... next year,

China fingered for Afghan Govt attacks
Aussie embassy among Govt websites serving malware

Easy Tinder prank hack lets you play stupid cupid
Engineer details method for 45-minute romp arranging dates for
unwitting mates

Microsoft patch mashes Office forms and macros
Fixing Redmond's fixes … AGAIN!

Sucker for punishment? Join Sony's security team
Wanted: experienced hacker to pen 'cohesive vulnerability management

Edu-apps may be STALKING YOUR KIDS, feds warn
Vendors scolded over possible privacy violations

NUKE HACK fears prompt S Korea cyber-war exercise
Reactor blueprints leaked on social media

Sneaky Russian hackers slurped $15 MILLION from banks
ATM malware, remote employee monitoring - you name it, they did it

Hackers pop German steel mill, wreck furnace
Phishing proves too hot for plant

Malefactors turned festivities into a turkey for online gamers

Science News

Vid Watch as the ISS speeds through Northern Lights

Business News

pirate bay, chop, chop

America's Longest War
Activist Post

DARPA's Autonomous Microdrones Designed to Enter Houses
Nicholas West

Billionaire Warns Of Massive Economic Crash That
Will Wipe Out America’s Colleges

Mac Slavo

New Must-See Videos

America's Longest War: A Film About Drug Prohibition

Billionaire Warns Of Massive Economic Crash That
Will Wipe Out America’s Colleges

Flashback: Controlled Media's ''Rising Gas Prices'' Edition

Are Farms Coming to an Industrial Park Near You?

Other Key Articles From Around the Web

Policing is a Dirty Job, But Nobody's Gotta Do It: 6 Ideas for a Cop-Free World

Breaking: AirAsia Flight from Indonesia to Singapore Confirmed Missing

Revealed: Hacker Who Took Down Sony Playstation and Xbox Shows His Face

From Energy War to Currency War: America’s Attack on the Russian Ruble

Are Cars About to Crash? Auto Bubble Looks Ready to Burst

That solid pension benefit? It may be subject to change

Ukraine's parliament approves austerity laws needed for draft budget

Key decisions on drones likely from Congress

Civil Asset Forfeiture: The Final Stage Of Collapse Of Empire

Prying Eyes: Inside the NSA's War on Internet Security

Russia says to supply coal, electricity to Ukraine

Despite a lack of shelter, a third of U.S. cities ban homeless camps

U.S. formally ends the war in Afghanistan

Male Birth Control, Without Condoms, Will Be Here by 2017

The Disturbing Facts Regarding Refined Sugar

Climate Scientist Blows Whistle on Jet Aerosol Dumps – Chemtrails

“It’s Just A Matter of Time Before [Torture] Spills Back
Into Domestic Territory. Historically, It Always Has”

Victoria launches crackdown on sale of 'raw' unpasteurised milk

Assad government agrees to Russian talks with opposition

When Child Protective Services becomes Child Abductive Services

Food hubs link consumers with locally farmed food

The Wisdom of Sitting Bull’s Grandson

by Phil Lane Jr.
In 1969, my Grandfather, Frank White Buffalo Man (grandson of Sitting Bull), shared with me a wonderful spiritual insight and understanding that relates, among other things, of how we must learn to respect, honor, love, support, and understand each other as different nations, tribes, communities, peoples, religions, and cultures of the human family and the spiritual qualities needed to be victorious in manifesting freedom and human rights.   He said, “You know grandson, the Great Spirit has given all people wisdom.  To every living thing, he has given something special.  Some people receive their knowledge and understanding through books.  In your life grandson, you too must read and study books, but remember to take with you on your journey only those things that bring more unity within yourself and others, that bring goodness and understanding and help us to serve one another in better ways.”

“The Great Spirit,” he continued, “also gave our Indigenous peoples and all other peoples who live close to Mother Earth, both wisdom and knowledge through dreams, visions, fasting, and prayer, and the ability to see the lessons the Creator has put in every part of creation.  Look at those trees standing over there; the alder does not tell the pine tree to move over, the pine does not tell the fir tree to move over, each tree stands together in unity, their mouths pressed toward the same Mother Earth, refreshed by the same breeze, warmed by the same sun, with their arms upraised in prayer and thanksgiving, protecting one another.  If we are to have peace and true freedom in the world,” he said, “we too must learn to live like those trees.  Look, grandson, at the beautiful teachings the Creator has put in the little stream.  Feel the water and see how gently and lovingly it touches your hands.  It travels through deserts, mountains, and many places, but it never turns its back on anyone or anything.  Even though it gives life to all living things, it is very humble, for it always seeks the very lowest spot.  But it has great faith, power, and patience for even if a mountain stands in it’s path, it keeps moving and moving until finally that mountain is washed into the sea and is no more.  These are spiritual gifts that the Creator has given each one of us and if we are to be happy within ourselves and with one another, and find true freedom, we too must develop these sacred gifts,” he concluded.


Cherokee WWII veteran’s copy of Lord’s Prayer donated to Smithsonian


The late Cherokee citizen and U.S. Army veteran Woodrow Roach carried this copy of the Lord’s Prayer in Cherokee while serving in Italy and the Philippines during World War II. The copy of the prayer is now in the permanent collection of the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C.
TAHLEQUAH, Okla. —  A copy of the Lord’s Prayer in the Cherokee language carried by a Cherokee World War II veteran is now in the possession of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C.

The late Woodrow Roach of Tahlequah fought for the U.S. Army from 1944-45 and believed the prayer to be his good luck charm while serving in Italy and the Philippines.

Roach’s family says they donated the prayer to the museum as a way to honor their patriarch’s sacrifice.

“Our family has so much respect for veterans and the sacrifices they all make,” said Della Boyer, of Denton, Texas, Roach’s granddaughter. “We just wanted to share a special piece of our family history with others from around the world. I know there will be many veterans and families that can relate to my grandfather carrying this prayer with him during the war. Many soldiers needed that one thing that gave them comfort and security during very trying times.”

Thirty-two years old when he went to war, Roach chose to fight for his country even though the Army said he could opt out since he had three young children at home. He completed his basic training at Fort Chaffee near Fort Smith, Arkansas and then joined the fight in Italy.

While serving in Italy, a road grader of the Army came under fire and blocked the path of Roach and the other men. Roach crawled to the grader on his stomach and moved the machine so the men could proceed down the path and fight back.

After his heroic efforts, Roach was sent to the Philippines and transferred to an engineering company that built bridges since he was able to operate heavy machinery.

“I’m not surprised that my grandfather would crawl out in enemy fire to move the grader. He was a little bitty guy who could kick butt and take names later,” said Boyer. “He was tough, but he cared about his fellow man.”

After completing his service, Roach worked for the Bureau of Indian Affairs and taught at Sequoyah High School for several years.

The date for showcasing Roach’s prayer at the museum has yet to be determined.

The National Museum of the American Indian is located on the National Mall in the nation’s capital. The museum possesses an expansive collection of Native American artifacts, photographs and other objects. The museum is part of the Smithsonian Institution, which consists of 19 world-class museums, nine research centers and a zoo.

For more information on the National Museum of the American Indian, visit http://www.nmai.si.edu/.
Cherokee Nation News Release
For Media Inquiries:
Julie Hubbard 918-207-3896

For General Information:
© Cherokee Nation - All Rights Reserved


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