Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Do your job, buy more stuff everyone must do their part to speed up the end, so as to mitigate as much suffering in a timely manor, diliver post haste.

"The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment." - Robert M. Hutchins

“In the 24 hours since this time yesterday, over 200,000 acres of rainforest have been destroyed in our world. Fully 13 million tons of toxic chemicals have been released into our environment. Over 45,000 people have died from starvation, 38,000 of them children. And more than 130 plant and animal species have been driven to extinction by the actions of humans. And all this just since yesterday.” - Thom Hartmann

Whistleblower Fights for Our Youth: CPS Exposed as Kidnapping Agency

My Warning To Expatriates

Pedophiles, Drugs and Money in the New World Order - #NewWorldNextWeek

Fmr NM Governor Gary Johnson Says Police Brutality Is A Problem Nationwide Not Just Albuquerque 


 The Kerry-Lavrov Chess Match

By Pepe Escobar

The latest American stunt is a massive propaganda drive of "The Reds are coming" kind, about Russian troops massing at the border.

Countering the Western BIG LIES on Syria on Western Terms


The US's moral integrity is always unquestioningly taken as sacrosanct by the mass media.

Abbas: Palestinians to Seek Further UN Recognition

By Karin Laub

Abbas said he was compelled to take action because Israel had failed to carry out a promised released of veteran Palestinian prisoners.

Carbon Delirium

By Michael Klare

The Last Stage of Fossil-Fuel Addiction and Its Hazardous Impact on American Foreign Policy.

Human Rights Breached by Continued Protest Violence, Venezuelan Ombudswoman Says

By Zoë Clara Dutka

International corporate media has done a poor job of representing the situation, oftentimes using unclear photos to form a negative public opinion.

CIA Misled On Interrogation Program, Senate Report Says

By Greg Miller, Adam Goldman and Ellen Nakashima

The CIA misled the government and the public about aspects of its brutal interrogation program for years - concealing details about the severity of its methods.

NSA Blows Its Own Top Secret Program in Order to Propagandize

By Glenn Greenwald

This demonstrates how brazenly the NSA manipulates and exploits the consultation process in which media outlets are forced (mostly by legal considerations) to engage prior to publication of Top Secret documents.

'Just Salute and Follow Orders':
When Secrecy and Surveillance Trump the Rule of Law

By John W. Whitehead

The American people have been cheated and lied to for so long that we've arrived at a stage of disbelief and skepticism.

In Case You Missed It
The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

By Bill Moyers

Bill Moyers exposes the inner workings of the secret government. Though originally broadcast in 1987, it is even more relevant today.

Is American Democracy Headed to Extinction?

By Stein Ringen

In Athens, democracy disintegrated when the rich grew super-rich, refused to play by the rules and undermined the established system of government.

In the US, Democracy is Now a Sham

Guest post by Ray

What they are really trying to spread is not Democracy but Predatory Capitalism.

The "Billionaire's Primary": Meet America's New Political Bosses

By Terrance Heath

Right-wing billionaires are building their own political machines, to promote their personal interests and preserve their profits.

The Federal Reserve Has No Integrity

By Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler

The Federal Reserve's lack of integrity speaks volumes about the corruption of the US government.

Stock Buybacks and Margin Debt

By Mike Whitney

Investors seem to think that the Fed has superhuman powers and can stop the market from correcting. But that's a bad bet.

RAW Police Video Captures Shooting Of James Boyd


James Boyd had been camping in a spot that the state deemed "illegal." Trigger happy officers were dispatched to the scene and Boyd was murdered by them.



Policy News

Cancer patients missed appointments

Security News

Online bazaar fixes store account hijack flaw, we're told

Software News

MySQL 5.7 'development milestone' release

Science News

Turning research labs into devices

Metallica With cocacola-zero live in Antartica Full Concert (8/12/2013)

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