Monday, October 13, 2014

Columbus doesn’t deserve a holiday any more than Hitler





Monday, October 14, 2014

Columbus doesn’t deserve a holiday any more than Hitler

 In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other.….Voltaire (1764)

Columbus’s Road to Perdition

Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it; anything but live for it. A lot of so-called Christian souls are not fine. People need to look inside themselves and look at the lives they’re leading and fix themselves before they try to fix other people. Truth-tellers are not always palatable. There is a preference for candy bars. You can close your eyes to reality but not to truth.

I am not whining when I speak of the indigenous injustice, I see the irony of the decline, and believe every American must fully understand where we came from so that we can more painfully appreciate what is going to happen next; and accept with a little grace and humility the hope of progress combating evil for the good of all future outcomes. 

This next very persuasive essay was written by an eight grade public school student gleaned from Mass. School district curriculum example. Taught 1985-95.…persuasive speech  is no longer offered, was dumped into a rhetoric sub-category, shushsshhssh. Sense there is no defense against historical records verses the truth. Only the victors write the endings to their story. War is not about who is right only who is left. The strategy is simple, do not teach the teachers to teach this stuff.  Forgotten., minor detail of history books omitted, ethnic cleansing 90 percent of native population biologically.  

Native Americans again are ready to take care of their own immigration policies, why would anyone object, if it was any of anyone’s, but themselves, business anyway. Let people be and no one will conspire to take us over. M-kay…the Spanish brought us conquistadors to deal with, not much has changed in 2500 years in looking for gold under the banner of the righteous…crown, cross equals creed. Formula for evil.

Columbus’s Road to Perdition
…“In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” Taken from a poem written about Columbus’s voyage from Spain to America, it is a true enough statement. As for the rest of the poem, chances are, that most of what is said of Columbus is false, or “glossed over”, for this is the way of victors and Columbus was certainly named a victor. Victors write history and if history says it is so for long enough, the future will believe them. This is the case with Columbus’s story. So many gruesome, vicious things went on during Columbus and his follower’s time that our ancestors had to censor most of the details, just erase them in order to come up with a story fit to tell in the classroom. So now most of us know a story 95% hoax, absolute fiction. When in truth, Columbus doesn’t deserve a holiday any more than Hitler. (see some lies)

Through the years a story fit to tell Americans has evolved, a story told of a man named Columbus, who did great exploring and made great discoveries. And using his excellent navigational skills came upon America, where native Indians tried to viciously and savagely drive him back and take his provisions. But Columbus triumphed and conquered the Indians and in doing so, paved the road to opportunity for our future settlers.

This story is both untrue and offending, for in true retrospect the native people that Columbus came upon were neither savage nor vicious, but it was Columbus who most deserves the title. And he did not so valiantly fight the natives (Tainos). He slaughtered, raped, tortured, enslaved and mutilated them with many times more force than was necessary, all for the love and obsession of gold (something that was very rare in the natives lands).

As for his excellent navigational skills, Columbus didn’t even land in America. He landed amongst a group of islands off the coast of North America. And certainly not because he intended to, Columbus had originally meant to find a shorter means of travel by sea from Spain to the Indies. But he was blown off course during a storm. And when he and his three ships landed in the midst of a group of islands off the coast of North America he thought himself to be off the coast of India. He had not factored in the fact that 2 whole continents lay in his way. The information to prove these facts true can be found in books and movies such as 500 Nations and “Rethinking Columbus”.

I have nothing better to say of Columbus’s “discoveries” for as you now know, when he ran into the group of islands there were already natives there, and I’m sure that they were well aware and proud of their civilized cities and their way of living. The Taino’s for example had lived quietly and peacefully for hundreds of years before Columbus came and massacred their villages and stole their land and people. In fact all the islands and later continents that Columbus “discovered” already had inhabitants. Yet none of these inhabitants were treated with courtesy.

During Columbus and his followers rein of terror, natives’ hands were cut off if they did not bring the Spaniards enough gold. Entire villages were burned to the ground and millions died. Whether on their way back to Spain to be sold as slaves or at the hands of the Spaniards themselves.

Several would rather kill themselves than live to work or die at the hands of their brutal captors.

By the time Columbus had died only a handful of the natives remained, and the road to perdition had been paved, not the road to opportunity.

“Within 100 years of contact with European and American settlers the Native American population was reduced by 90%, (Howard Zenn.)

So, can you now believe that Columbus deserves his holiday? Do you still think he deserves his day of worship? My grandfather was of Inca heritage, and most of that civilization was wiped out by Spanish conquistadors following in Columbus’s footsteps.

If not for Columbus I may have gotten to know more of my history. I should only hope that ones conscience and compassion would make you realize that no man shape or form that causes this much pain and suffering to millions of innocent people deserves to have his name connected with anything more than genocide. Why not celebrate the natives? If anyone should be remembered because of those years it is the innocent lives that were left in ruin.

Reconsider Columbus Day
By Peter Rothberg
If you'd like to know the true story about Christopher Columbus, please read on. But I warn you, it's not for the faint of heart.

 The Moral:
“No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible. Optimists and pessimists differ only on the date of the end of the world.”


"If those who support aggressive war had seen a fraction of what I've seen, if they'd watched children fry to death from Napalm and bleed to death from a cluster bomb, they might not utter the claptrap they do". - John Pilger 

.................keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons...................

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