Friday, June 13, 2008

The FreeBees have re-upped it

I hope everyone will forward the Free Bees link to everyone they know. This has the potential to go viral in a big way! Some professional musicians obviously put real effort into making this as good as it is. Not only is it professional, it manages to hit exactly the right note of conveying a serious message while also being hilarious and fun to watch.

I know there was alot of hope in certain quarters that Steve Alten s book would propel 9/11 truth into the big time, and it didn t. This little gem offers greater potential, in my opinion, than the Steve Alten book. That book was over $25, this video is free. A book requires a significant commitment of time, this video can be watched in 3 minutes. You can t forward a book to a friend, but a link is quick and easy.

Why is the potential power of the Free Bees video being underestimated by the Truth community? I think it s because most of us who have figured out the truth way ahead of our peers are by nature serious, disciplined and intellectual. I know for a fact that none of my friends and family will ever plant their behind in a chair and do the kind of research I've done. So there is a reason I know and they don't......
So being somewhat nerdy by nature, Truthers may overestimate the power of, say a recorded lecture from David Ray Griffin and underestimate the power of a terrific little piece of entertainment like the Free Bees video.
Please put yourself in the shoes of every fun loving, non-intellectual friend you have, and consider how much more effective the Free Bees music video could be than mountains of information about the melting point of steel and the speed of the fighter jets that should have intercepted the "hijacked" planes.
I had nothing to do with creating this video, but having worked in advertising most of my life, I recognize a winner. Please do all you can to get it out there, especially to young people who live online and will forward to friends.
The video has been removed from YouTube but is still available for DOWNLOAD here:
I'm about to put it on my hard drive so we don't lose it.
Thanks, Sheila

Don t underestimate the potential of the Free Bees music video | "Bee Gees | viral | YouTube

Arizona State Senator Karen Johnson Honors Blair Gadsby & Brings 9/11 Truth to the Arizona State Senate - June 10, 2008.

keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!


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