Saturday, August 11, 2012

World Leaders

World Leaders

Ok, now that most of the death threats have stopped; a new post. I will try and stay out of religion as best I can. I must have touched a raw nerve; but then again that's what I was trying to do. I want challenge conventional thinking. A caveat, nothing is out of bounds for me.

From the what's wrong with America file. I think america has codependency issues as nation. It is inherent in the collective persona of what it is to be American. We believe we are good stewards of the earth as a whole, and we believe we are quick to step-in and right a wrong. We also think our own laws are good enough for everybody. We believe that injury to a few is within-normal-limits so long as the collective is safe or safer as a whole. I do not feel safer. Codependency is when two organisms become mutually dependent on each other by reinforcing harmful behavior patterns. (like when one country has oil and the other country wants it, or when one faith has Jerusalem and the other is, well passionate, about getting it back).

The world opinion of Americans is at its lowest maybe ever. Watch a newscast from just about any other country outside the US, believe me Americans are only getting one side of a story that has two sides. Even our closest alleys routinely slam America in their news-media. We have become a worldwide joke with our leadership being the biggest asses of all. Americans are not good stewards of the earth like we say we are. We seem good at lying to ourselves and believing its true. If you say it enough exactly when does it magically become true? I am going to have to do some forward thinking to solve this one. Why cant I pick easier ones to solve? I am going to need someone that understands both sides and is experienced at conflict resolution. This someone must be appealing to both sides and is not afraid to step between both parties. Must be able to listen and stay on-task and keep focus on the problem. Divide petty and pride from everyone. I think I know of someone like that. She teaches kindergarten. Play nice, hands to yourself, share with your neighbor, say please and thank you. This is common sense stuff. Lets make all the world leaders go to a kindergarten for presidents, kings, cardinals, prime ministers anyone that has influence over say hundred thousand or so. Show them a flow chart and let them see that they all prey to the same God. Stress beans not bullets. Everyone gets extra human rights training, any torture they wish to use they must have it done to themselves. Make them look at hundreds of hours of graphic war footage, concentration camps and the like. Maybe let them go hungry for a couple of weeks so they may feel what it is like firsthand to starve. Tell them about when the Germans laid siege to Leningrad/St. Petersburg the soviet people refused to surrender and ate each other instead. To never underestimate human resolve.

Those Jews at Masada literally threw buckets of shit down on the Romans daily before they gave up the ghost. A kindergarten teacher could sit down over milk and cookies and settle boundary issues; instead of ambassadors over single-malt scotch. Force dub'ya/obama( insert new puppet here) to read or have an aid read it to him, so they can explain the words with more than two syllables, the US CONSTITUTION as well as the "art of war" by Sun Tzu. Show what were the most successful win/win options in history. Elementary stuff, then we could have specialized country classes like, Americans need extra diet, humility and respect training, for the English maybe a course in national oral hygiene, and personal hygiene classes for the French and maybe even try and help them find their balls, Greeks get deviant behavior therapy, stuff like that. And most important teach symbioses, not codependence. That's how to make a better world. Easy .

Last month the Israelis and the Palestinians renewed their hostilities. A war that has been going on for centuries. We are only getting reports from the Israeli side. Everybody is so sympathetic toward their cause. The Israelis have a policy: kill one of us and we kill 10 or 20 of you. It is a shame that Lebanon is rubble again. And it is outrageous that Israel would build walls around Palestinian west bank settlements. Since that is exactly what all of Europe did to Jews for a thousand years, called them ghettos. I believe the Jews have a right to exist; but so do their neighbors. It is not about faith it is about human beings being humane. Mankind has learned nothing from history. So the wars continue.
Now here is some jokes from the other side of the wall:
An Israeli recently arrives at London's Heathrow airport. As he fills out a form, the customs officer asks him: "Occupation?"
The Israeli promptly replies: "No, just visiting!"

Three Hezbollah fighters run out of Beirut's southern suburbs after Israeli raids, flashing the victory sign. Actually, no. They were really pointing out that there were only two buildings left standing.
Why are coquettish elderly Lebanese women very happy about the war? Because it took them back 30 years.

Why will Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah chief, win the Nobel Prize for education? Because he is the only man who sent one million people to school in just two days.

Israeli Prime Minister Hesham Qandil was sitting in his office wondering how to invade Lebanon when his telephone rang. Beirut's most famous imaginary character announces to him in a heavily accented voice: "This is Abul Abed and I am calling to tell you that we are officially declaring war on you." "How big is your army?" replies Qandil. "Right now," said Abul Abed, "there is myself, my cousin Mustafa, my next-door neighbor Abu Khaled, and the whole team from the teahouse. That makes eight!" qandil paused. "I must tell you Abul Abed, that I have 1 million men in my army waiting to move on my command." Abul Abed paused, then said: Mr. Qandil the war is still on! We have managed to acquire some infantry equipment!" "And what equipment would that be Abul Abed?", qandil asked. "Well sir, we have two Mercedes 180s, and a truck." "I must tell you Abul Abed that I have 10,000 bombers and 20,000 fighter planes. My military complex is surrounded by laser-guided, surface-to-air missile sites. And since we last spoke, I've increased my army to 2 million!" "Mr. Mohamed Morsi, we have to call off this war," said Abul Abed. "I'm sorry to hear that," said Morsi. "Why the sudden change of heart?" "Well," said Abul Abed, "we've come to realize that there is no way we can feed 2 million prisoners!"

Early one day, a man rushes desperately to the dentist. "Please take out my bridge, or the Israelis will bomb it!"

After Saudi Arabia decided to donate half a billion dollars to rebuild Lebanon, the Egyptian president, ordered the capture of six Israeli soldiers at the border.  Jews shish

The Palestinians only want a place to call home like us Americans and our friends(that spy on us) from Israel.

........................keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons................


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