this site updated regularly as truth is exposed
Secrecy, being an instrument of conspiracy, ought never to be the system of a regular government." - Jeremy Bentham
Secrecy, being an instrument of conspiracy, ought never to be the system of a regular government." - Jeremy Bentham
Brother in the form of an increasingly powerful government and in an
increasingly powerful private sector will pile the records high with
reasons why privacy should give way to national security" - William O. Douglas
knows that corruption thrives in secret places, and avoids public
places, and we believe it a fair presumption that secrecy means
impropriety." - Woodrow Wilson
Posted: 12 Jun 2013 01:38 AM PDT
recovery room is a company that claims to offer assistance to people
who are the victims of boiler room fraud. For a fee, of course. The
recovery room is the second part of the boiler room scam. Recently, a
company calling itself the OTC Registry has contacted people who bought
carbon credits from MH [...]The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions. -- Alfred Lord Tennyson
Good News of the Day:
Psychology professor Sonja Lyubomirsky is an expert on the subject of our most common happiness myths. One pervasive myth is that a desired change in lifestyle such as getting married or striking it rich will make us irrevocably happy. Research has shown that while these events may cause happiness in the short term, their positive effects are unlikely to last as long as we might hope. A second myth is that a number of eventualities could result in our permanent unhappiness -- such as a cherished dream being unfulfilled. But the truth is, by and large people are quite effective at normalizing both positive and negative change. This phenomenon is termed "hedonic adaptation", and ensures that nothing is really as joy-producing or misery-inducing as we think it may be. This fascinating article shares more. Read More

By Russ Baker on Jun 11, 2013
a country is truly run by a handful, how can they ever let up on
surveillance? They can't, and won't. But we can make them do it.
However, not if we wait for instructions from the establishment.
By Russ Baker on Jun 5, 2013
In new court filings, the FBI has tacitly admitted that it knows about
ties between members of the Saudi royal family and 9/11 hijackers, that
it lied about not knowing, and that no one should learn more about this
-- for reasons of "national security."IN CASE YOU MISSED IT:
- On June 7, WHY Editor-in-Chief Russ Baker appeared on RT to discuss the revelations of mass domestic surveillance by the National Security Agency
by LionDeva
These days, constant overwhelm is the soup du jour for those of us who do a lot of online (and other) research on what’s really going on. It’s as though there are a thousand cooks madly stirring the broth and throwing in everything, including a kitchen sink-ful of murky info, breathless insights, and strident commentary – all topped off with a dollop of FEAR and chopped-up confusion. Quite the recipe for crazy-making, eh?
For many of us who are sincere truth-seekers and fact-checkers out here in Info-land, the situation is exhausting. It’s also confusing, frustrating and irritating beyond belief at times!
Recently, on the back porch of this site, Zen and I have had some interesting exchanges about how to navigate through the muck and get a clear sense of where to put our attentions and energies. We wanted to reference ‘the long view’ while wading daily through the challenges and surprises that come so thick and fast now. At the height of these conversations, Zen challenged me to pen something about this for our group here in his Garden of Info-delights – because I have a rather unique ‘take’ on what’s going on. And I accepted.
Quickly, so the flow keeps on truckin’, here’s why Zen made his request:
I was born ‘different’, back in the late ’40′s. I didn’t know then, but quickly learned that not everyone had invisible friends who talked to them and told them ‘things’. I think you get the drift. I was born with a gift that allowed me to see things ‘way’ ahead of time, to know things about people and to hear information coming from other ‘places’. So it’s been an interesting life! These days I use these gifts as an indigenously initiated shaman following a very old African tradition.
(Please Note: I dislike how the word ‘shaman’ has been bandied about in recent years . . . but it’s become a well-known term for those of us with an indigenous bent who work with unseen forces, receive information from ‘elsewhere’, etc., so it’s useful. I’m using it here with respect for the fact that there are many variations of that ability lumped together under this heading.)
As for my gifts, I see visions, have downloads, and am shown powerful images that tell me things. I also compare notes with friends in other traditions who have similar abilities – and what we see usually tallies, especially about where we’re all about to go and what we can expect . . . down the road apiece.
That said, I’d like to keep this particular article fairly short and simple by just hitting the high points – for now.
The biggie for me was being shown, way back when, the beautiful image of a huge Hourglass, lying on it side, sorta like the Infinity sign with the ends flattened. The mirky, agitated left chamber held our Past; the dark sooty neck, our Present; and the golden, light-filled right chamber, our Future.
When I was really young, that image made little sense . . . but today I know what it means and I’d like to share that with you because I want very much to give us all something to hold onto while we go through the very real and exceedingly unpleasant experiences we’re now facing.
The mirky left side of the hourglass is our collective past, filled with conflicting information, viewpoints, ‘histories’, and agenda, all stirred – not shaken – into absolute, long-engineered chaos. No wonder we have a hard time discerning The Truth from all this mess! Countless elusive threads weave in and out of each other, especially now in the Age of the Internet – and it’s like untangling spaghetti to try to get a clear sense of where we come from and what the real history of our world is.
Not an easy journey, although there are some bright lights out there who stand out in terms of getting it right. Names later (upon request) . . .
The neck of the glass reflects what we must go through now to get to the goodies on the other side. Nothing worth having is easy, as the old saying goes . . . and it turns out to be very true in our case. We cannot simply leap past all the nastiness and grab the golden world that awaits us. We have to earn it. It’s why we’re here right now.
Hourglasses taper both inwards and away from their centers, a good metaphor for our situation. We’ve gathered up aeons of collective pasts, all of which are now producing a pressure cooker bottleneck environment filled with darkness and clogged with conflicting energies that cross the negative with the positive at almost every turn. It’s a tight little space where light and dark collide constantly, producing all of the stress and confusion we are experiencing right here, right now. But the good news about all of this is: It Has An End.
This will not go on forever – it’s growing awfulness is intended to shake, rattle ‘n roll ALL of us into getting The Message:
Take Responsibility for Your World and Your Life. Respect each other. Do the Work. Hold Truth, Integrity and Clear Intention in your sights daily . . . and Keep Moving Forward, no matter how scary, how messy, how upsetting and how overwhelming it all SEEMS.
Remember, we’re all Spirits living a material illusion, a mental matrix that we have collectively created by going along with some truly crazy structures set in place by some really off-the-wall beings . . . not all of whom come from here. There’s an agenda. It’s being played out. We are the actors on its stage. BUT – We have the POWER as to how it rolls out, when it rolls out – and how this story ends. Please remember that.
Nobody here is a victim. We all chose to be here. And that is such good news!
Each of us has a part to play in getting through this tight little tunnel and working together to birth that golden reality that fills the far chamber of the hourglass. No one is exempt from participation, even if they choose to do so by hiding their head in the sand with their behind up in the air. That’s still a choice – not a great one, but a choice.
Those awake enough to wash up on the shore of Zen’s little paradise here have probably been yelling “WAKE UP!” like crazy from the rooftops for ages, and feeling SO frustrated by the somnolent grazing of the glassy-eyed ‘lil sheoples down there in televised La-La Land!
I mean, one could just SPIT! Yes?
But this is a necessary situation. Sometimes it takes a flipping’ 2×4 plank upside the ‘haed’ to gain the attention of those who would reallyreallyReallyREALLY rather avoid the whole thing, yes please!
In a nutshell – THAT’s why the neck of the glass is soooo sooty: this is a really dark episode in the drama that is Humanity right now – so that the sleepers will awake! I mean, what ‘cha gonna do when that major tornado/EQ/flood/fire/lockdown/oppression/starvation/Agenda 21 scenario kicks your soft little butt all to heck and back???
NB: We’ve been here before. Hopefully after this time, we won’t ever need to do this again!
Believe you me, things are gonna change for the better, either nicely . . . or with a lot of OMG! stirred in along the way. But them’s the breaks. Keep that in your hearts and minds and please – focus on the ‘Good Stuff’. Really!
I’m not the only one who’s been shown this vision. Other folks who blog and investigate and blow big whistles have seen this very same image. That gives me tremendous comfort about just pulling up my socks and wading on through all of this nasty dreck on the way to the Gold Mine.
Will it be an easy transit? Don’t think so.
Messy? Yep.
Do-able? Also, Yep. Each of us can do this! We wouldn’t be here, otherwise.
The difficulty I see most of us running into is getting b(l)ogged down in the fear, the ‘small stuff’ and the distractions thrown like rocks onto our paths by the dis-info mavens and the control-freaks. That’s relative of course, since stuff doesn’t seem very small when it’s happening to us or to our loved ones. But truly, it IS small, over the long run.
In the overall scheme of things, these are small teacup-size disturbances in an immense, Universe-size transformation that is going on in The Field, both here on Earth and out there amidst the Cosmos. Big stuff for sure.
Each of these smaller events are opportunities for us to make choices and exercise that big muscle of Free Will we hear so much about lately. It’s good for you – like spinach and lima beans! Remember them? Not necessarily pleasant as a life experience but oh, so true right now. Each day we have a chance to stand in our truth and stand off the dark stuff In small, manageable increments. When we do this and succeed, it feels like nothing else in the world and gives us a direct experience of how powerful we truly are!
But – no eating the elephant whole, okay? It goes down ‘way better in tiny bites. Think of a swarm of bees or a fleet of dive-bomber mosquitoes! That’s us in the 99%, once the momentum gets rolling. And it’s starting. The Monsanto event was a fabulous indicator of how truly pissed-off we of the mass herd are becoming with these crazy plans and schemes of those who would be ‘little gods’ over the rest of us. (Watch the streets of Europe and take notes!)
I feel for them, frankly, because I’ve been shown where this is all going. There will be ‘win some, lose some’ for awhile, and there will be more tears and awfulness . . . but in the end the grand cycle of the Universe will again win out, the stage-strutting of today’s major ‘players’ will become only a memory (Ozymandias, anyone?) – as will a lot of artificial, human-smooshing tech that we’re being spoon-fed like glittery crumbs leading us into Baba Yaga’s house of horrors deep in the woods.
‘They’ can stir the kettle all they want, but this witches’ brew of techno-chemical-genetic broth is going to be dumped out on the ground of a collective awareness that IS coming . . . and then allowed to sink out of sight for a very, very, very looooong time.
Count on it.
So, my children – take heart, be brave and look towards a truly golden future, beyond all the messy stuff. Continue to stand in your truth . . . while you are also ‘walking the walk’. This isn’t like patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time, BTW – but it’s close. Once you’ve got the knack and have slipped past the roadblocks of fear and hesitation and mental wrestling, you’ll get the rhythm of the thing, God willing, and dance us on down the road into a very exceptional future.
We’re due!
Blessings & Light to All of the Flowers in Zen’s Wonderful Garden,
We are non-violent, we are not there to shout down the oppressors, we are there to make a statement, an appeal to the American public, (the neocons call them talking points), if you cant defend your position verbally, keep your mouth shut…when the media ignore us we have a constitutional right to petition the gobernment.
you will, like above, appear smarter and above abusive and petty “might make right arguments“….note them as fools and walk around them…find the PRESS, the press will ignore until all of us get out in any real numbers, and show them how many of us believe there is a better way.. because we have the capacity to reason, violent denomination is counter to all life sustaining mechanisms and organisms, our current path is seppuku.
representing ourselves and the country we love.
We do not owe our loyalties to a party or a family, we owe our loyalties to our country, our nation, the liberty of the people, the very land we stand upon.
The bush regime is not the commander in chief of me.
The money congress spends is our money, period! .we got the sheet music to a new musical chair game.
All three branches of government belong to the people, accountable by our proxy.
Out the supreme court as impotent, both figurative and literal…?
We want everyone in the bush regime held accountable, start to finish, to impeach bush now would be a pardon.
We will spend our money on education and infrastructure instead of arms, aircraft and illegal wars, spying on people, star wars shit?.
Our security depends on the quality of character of our educators be they in the home or state, fear and demagoguery will no longer be tolerated.
Our continental borders will be secure when we quit arming everyone. guns, drugs, intel money ie. private contractors......kosmicdebris
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