"Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food.
Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its
safety is the F.D.A.'s job" - Philip Angell, Monsanto's director of corporate communications. "Playing God in the Garden" New York Times Magazine, October 25, 1998.
"Ultimately, it is the food producer who is responsible for assuring safety" — FDA, "Statement of Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties" (GMO Policy), Federal Register, Vol. 57, No. 104 (1992), p. 229
"It is not foreseen that EFSA carry out such [safety] studies as the onus is on the applicant to demonstrate the safety of the GM product in question". Comments from the European Food Safety Authority
"Wait a second. What Robert Shapiro says is one thing. But what we do is something else. We are here to make money. He is the front man who tells a story. We don’t even understand what he is saying" - Unnamed Monsanto Vice President speaking to Kirk Azevedo, one time facilitator for GM cotton sales in California and Arizona and later turned whistleblower.
"These Monsanto scientists are very knowledge about traditional products, like chemicals, herbicides and pesticides, but they don’t understand the possible harmful outcomes of genetic engineering, such as pathophysiology or prion proteins. So I am explaining to him about the potential untoward effects of these foreign proteins, but he just did not understand.... Anything that interfered with advancing the commercialization of this technology was going to be pushed aside." - Kirk Azevedo
Writing Contest: EXPOSE Agenda 21
HFCS Food for Bees Found to Increase Colony Collapse Disorder
Multiple Scientific Studies Link Pesticides to Cancer
Food History in the Making
US Army Veteran Denied Hurricane Sandy Aid by FEMA
Dissolving Micro-Chip Will Tell Big Brother Your Every Move
The covert op to destroy the word “freedom”
Gut Biota Never Recover from Antibiotics: Damages Future Generations
Kraft Foods Denies GM Wheat but ADMITS GMO in Products
California Senate Approves Industrial Hemp Bill
Nestle’s Wet Dream: They Mark Up Water 53 MILLION Percent
We're All Bradley Manning
New Must-See Videos
Manning Supervisor Calls Into Question Government's Statements About
HFCS Food for Bees Found to Increase Colony Collapse Disorder
Mind-Controlled Drones Take Flight
Kraft Foods Denies GM Wheat but ADMITS GMO in Products
Dylan Ratigan Quits TV to Become a Hydroponic Farmer
Martial Law Has Come to America
Syria Rebels Caught with Sarin Gas in Turkey
You Call That an IRS Scandal?
The Racist War on Weed
Today's Forum Topics
A New Empire is Rising - Montage
Other Key Articles From Around the Web
Revealed: NSA collecting phone records of millions of Americans daily
When All Else Fails, Try Anarchy
Lindsey Graham Isn't Sure If Bloggers Deserve 'First Amendment Protection'
Wi-Fi in your home can track your moves like Xbox Kinect
Bilderberg 2013: welcome to 1984
Parents angered after schools conduct 'Minority Report-like' iris scans on
students as young as six without asking their permission
Court’s DNA Ruling Brings U.S. a Step Closer to 'Gattaca'
Food Allergies: What’s To Eat? Part 1
WhoWhatWhy has launched an investigative analysis and reporting blitz to dig deeper into the unanswered questions and anomalies concerning the Boston Marathon bombing story.
You can see what we've produced so far at these links:
A close reading of a New York Times piece psychoanalyzing those who demand answers in the Boston bombing and other national traumas:
An examination of the strange shooting of MIT officer Sean Collier, and how the official explanation has changed over the ensuing weeks:
A concentrated replication of materials and conditions to determine whether those backpacks the purported bombers carried could actually have contained the pressure-cooker bombs:
Key questions that prompted further in-depth examination:
A thorough analysis of the degree of knowledge during the first week following the bombing, the response, and the larger issues encompassing it:
These stories have captured wide attention and are now being distributed on credible sites across the internet, with links and reprints on other popular sites. And there's more to come. Current stories in the works include (1) An investigation into the mysterious and as-yet-unnamed "carjacking victim," who, we are told, received a crucial confession from one of the suspects before the suspect was gunned down. (2) A deeper look at the strange death of a related suspect while in custody in Florida. (3) An exploration of Craft International, the secretive private security firm whose employees are said to have been on hand at the time of the bombing.
Let's be clear: We're not saying that the official version of things, constantly leaked by "law enforcement sources" to their friends in the conventional media, is necessarily a deliberate untruth. And we're not saying we buy into the sensational rumors that are circulating. Some, such as claims that no one was killed at the marathon bombing-that it was staged and involved "crisis actors"-are clearly bonkers. Unfortunately, this reaction is only encouraged by the many inconsistencies and irregularities that have been manifest in the official reporting.
The information muddle, seemingly of no concern to the authorities, has fueled a growing sense of urgency to uncover answers to the big questions about the lockdown, the large military presence in Boston, the propensity of law enforcement agents to silence potential witnesses by preemptive gunfire, and other potential encroachments on our general liberties. At a minimum, the behavior of officials in this affair is bad for civic morale, it erodes trust in government and is generally bad for our country, and they need to be held accountable.
At a time when the national media is letting the public down yet again by failing to conduct serious inquiries, at WhoWhatWhy we're primed to do it right. We've got a bunch of folks "on the ground" providing us with guidance and accountable research, and I myself recently spent two weeks in town--and plan on being back soon. It's satisfying and important work, but it requires considerable resources, as you can imagine.
The bottom line is this: We cannot do it without the support of those who believe in our mission.
The good news is that one very generous donor has offered to underwrite part of our work on this story and the wider issues involved. But he'd like to see others match him. Will you be part of that response? Will you enable WhoWhatWhy to help our citizenry obtain crucial information-information that we all need to function in this increasingly uncertain environment? Boston has implications for every one of us.
If you're able to be part of this donation matching process, please hit REPLY to this email and let me know. I'll get right back to you.
Many thanks in advance,
Russ Baker
Editor-in-Chief, WhoWhatWhy
This what modern direct action looks like.....................
THIS WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR RIGHTS TO KNOW THE TRUTH.......we are not 'aiding' the enemy, but only sympathizing with cognitive dissidence i.e.c euphomistic term for a 'CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE', as chuck hagle said ONCE, IN CONGRESS,.........these are humans!!!! NOT BEANS.........
Activist Post
We have spoken to Nathan Fuller at Bradleymanning.org who has given us gracious permission to reprint his daily firsthand reports. Day 3 is posted below. We also will be adding commentary, as well as analyses from other sources to provide a constant update to what is happening in this essential trial for whistleblowers and their mission to reveal the truth.
At the heart of Day 3 was the inability of Bradley Manning's supervisor, Captain Casey Fulton, to issue the same statement of authority as the U.S. government that WikiLeaks = Al Qaeda. In fact, she couldn't mention WikiLeaks as a specific source at all, but only that social media was a known general hangout of America's enemies. As Amy Davidson at The New Yorker, illustrates: social media, Google, Google Maps and other news outlets could easily be "aiding the enemy" in much the same way.
Many more essential details are provided by Nathan Fuller's excellent coverage of this trial, as it enters Day 3, and will recess until the 10th. This trial will determine whether telling the truth should be punishable by life in prison. It is a determination that is guaranteed to affect us all.
History streaming LIVE..............
To grant the franchise to an entity, generally meaning to grant the
privilege of voting to a person.
The hand of the aggressor is stayed by strength — and strength
--Dwight D. Eisenhower
for a list of us senators that betrayed the public...go here http://kosmicdebris.blogspot.com/2013/05/sen.html
"Ultimately, it is the food producer who is responsible for assuring safety" — FDA, "Statement of Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties" (GMO Policy), Federal Register, Vol. 57, No. 104 (1992), p. 229
"It is not foreseen that EFSA carry out such [safety] studies as the onus is on the applicant to demonstrate the safety of the GM product in question". Comments from the European Food Safety Authority
"Wait a second. What Robert Shapiro says is one thing. But what we do is something else. We are here to make money. He is the front man who tells a story. We don’t even understand what he is saying" - Unnamed Monsanto Vice President speaking to Kirk Azevedo, one time facilitator for GM cotton sales in California and Arizona and later turned whistleblower.
"These Monsanto scientists are very knowledge about traditional products, like chemicals, herbicides and pesticides, but they don’t understand the possible harmful outcomes of genetic engineering, such as pathophysiology or prion proteins. So I am explaining to him about the potential untoward effects of these foreign proteins, but he just did not understand.... Anything that interfered with advancing the commercialization of this technology was going to be pushed aside." - Kirk Azevedo
Writing Contest: EXPOSE Agenda 21
Mind-Controlled Drones Take Flight
Manning Supervisor Calls Into Question Government's Statements About
WikiLeaks Plot (Day 3)
Activist Post
HFCS Food for Bees Found to Increase Colony Collapse Disorder
Heather Callaghan
Multiple Scientific Studies Link Pesticides to Cancer
Military-Industrial Complex Offers New Biotech Passwords for "Health"
Brandon Turbeville
Food History in the Making
Catherine Frompovich
US Army Veteran Denied Hurricane Sandy Aid by FEMA
Americans Searched on a Hunch? DHS Reaffirms Broad Power
Daniel Jackson
Dissolving Micro-Chip Will Tell Big Brother Your Every Move
Syria Ravaged By Outbreaks Of Disease: Typhoid, Cholera, Measles & Tuberculosis
Chris Carrington
The covert op to destroy the word “freedom”
Jon Rappoport
Gut Biota Never Recover from Antibiotics: Damages Future Generations
Heidi Stevenson
Kraft Foods Denies GM Wheat but ADMITS GMO in Products
Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton
California Senate Approves Industrial Hemp Bill
Phillip Smith
Nestle’s Wet Dream: They Mark Up Water 53 MILLION Percent
Daisy Luther
We're All Bradley Manning
Obama Wants Whistleblowers Silenced
Stephen Lendman
New Must-See Videos
Manning Supervisor Calls Into Question Government's Statements About
WikiLeaks Plot (Day 3)
HFCS Food for Bees Found to Increase Colony Collapse DisorderMind-Controlled Drones Take Flight
Kraft Foods Denies GM Wheat but ADMITS GMO in Products
Dylan Ratigan Quits TV to Become a Hydroponic Farmer
Martial Law Has Come to America
Syria Rebels Caught with Sarin Gas in Turkey
You Call That an IRS Scandal?
The Racist War on Weed
A New Empire is Rising - Montage
Other Key Articles From Around the Web
A Junk Decision on Warrantless DNA Collection
This Week’s Harvest: AsparagusRevealed: NSA collecting phone records of millions of Americans daily
When All Else Fails, Try Anarchy
Lindsey Graham Isn't Sure If Bloggers Deserve 'First Amendment Protection'
Wi-Fi in your home can track your moves like Xbox Kinect
Bilderberg 2013: welcome to 1984
Parents angered after schools conduct 'Minority Report-like' iris scans on
students as young as six without asking their permission
Court’s DNA Ruling Brings U.S. a Step Closer to 'Gattaca'
Food Allergies: What’s To Eat? Part 1
Hey, have you heard?
Barcelona. Tunis. Cairo. Tripoli. Sana’a. Santiago. Bahrain. Wisconsin.
Yo Soy 132. Indignados. Red Square. #OccupyWallStreet. Pussy Riot.
Blockupy. Damascus. #IdleNoMore… Istanbul.
can we learn from the beating heart of Gezi Park, the blood soaked
Taksim concrete, the barricades of Beşiktaş? One thing: the dream of a
Global Spring is not dead. It is still in its infancy, kicking and
Look around! This is what
democracy looks like. The future is being built as we speak. What will
it be? Singularity, or Nightfall? A sane sustainable future or a 1000
year Dark Age?
Dare to dance without knowing
the next step. And then take that step with others. Beijing, you’re
next. London, Moscow, Delhi and Ottawa. Then… we retake New York.
the second anniversary of Occupy approaches, the indignation, the
precarity — the gnawing feeling that life under corpo-capitalism is a
dead-end, and that the future it leads to does not compute — is
culminating in some kind of global big bang. The world as we know it
must burst. The call is out for a new way of being… and it is being
heard. A chain reaction of refusal against corpo-capitalism is underway.
The global insurrectionary pulse is going steady, and now we’re racing
There are no more bystanders at this point in the game. Let’s all get off our asses and pitch in to build this new world.
at Culture Jammer HQ, we’re just about to toss another mindbomb into
the mix. After many months of hard work from our Spanish translator
team, we are thrilled to announce the official launch of Adbusters en
español into cyberspace!
Using our independent Spanish App for iOS, you can immediately access a high-res, English-less version of Adbusters, and peruse through volumes like the Big Ideas of 2013 and the Mental Breakdown of a Nation issue and the first installment of our Epic Human Journey series.
the revolutionary spark settles in your fingertips, submit all your
reflections, mind-bombs and ideas de rebelión en español to barbara@adbusters.org — make the radical Spanish and Latin American voices a rising tide that can’t be quelled!
Meanwhile, we’re composing Part 3 of the Epic Human Journey
and ordering new Corporate America flags in preparation of July 4 in
the USA, where everyone deserves to be reminded of the corporations that
stand behind the blinding, glittering stars. We’re also mining the
cybersphere for the next generation of #Killcap players, campus-borne meme warriors, and the latest edgy jams — like this one in the UK.
We won’t stop doing what we do until our current global system heaves… Are you with us?
Time to play jazz.
For the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ ...........please help OH, canaduh.....kosmicdebris
Culture Jammers HQ ...........please help OH, canaduh.....kosmicdebris
| ||||||
Help us end the violent police crackdown in Turkey.
Dear L.J.,
What began as a peaceful demonstration to save a park in Istanbul has turned into a terrible wave of police repression against protesters throughout Turkey. More than 100,000 people have turned out to protest the shockingly excessive measures used by police to disperse peaceful demonstrators. Amateur video footage from one demonstration shows police officers kicking seemingly defenseless protestors and beating them with batons. This is an escalating human rights crisis. Amnesty needs your help now. Call on Turkey to end the use of excessive force on peaceful protestors. Thousands of protesters have been injured, many seriously, and there is at least one confirmed death. In fact, the use of tear gas in closed areas is now becoming a health risk for protesters and bystanders alike. Not only have police used tear gas canisters as a weapon by deliberately firing them directly at nonviolent protestors, but tear gas has also been fired directly into homes, businesses and even at the entrance of a hospital. Video footage has also captured very young children being treated for the effects of tear gas. What does Turkey's Prime Minister have to say for this violence? Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan blames "foreign governments" and social media for corrupting "his people". He's called Twitter a "curse" and social media "a pain in the side of society." I think I'm safe in saying that Twitter was not the cause of the outrageous and abusive force used by Turkish police. Please help us turn up the pressure so that Prime Minister Erdogan and his administration get the message -- stop the blame game, respect human rights and end the abuses now. The repression must end. The right to peaceful protest is under attack. Only massive international outrage can move the needle now. Defend human rights with us now -- sign this online petition demanding Turkey respect the right of peaceful protest and stop the excessive use of force against demonstrators. In solidarity, Howard Eissenstat Turkey Country Specialist Amnesty International USA | ||||||
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WhoWhatWhy has launched an investigative analysis and reporting blitz to dig deeper into the unanswered questions and anomalies concerning the Boston Marathon bombing story.
You can see what we've produced so far at these links:
A close reading of a New York Times piece psychoanalyzing those who demand answers in the Boston bombing and other national traumas:
An examination of the strange shooting of MIT officer Sean Collier, and how the official explanation has changed over the ensuing weeks:
A concentrated replication of materials and conditions to determine whether those backpacks the purported bombers carried could actually have contained the pressure-cooker bombs:
Key questions that prompted further in-depth examination:
A thorough analysis of the degree of knowledge during the first week following the bombing, the response, and the larger issues encompassing it:
These stories have captured wide attention and are now being distributed on credible sites across the internet, with links and reprints on other popular sites. And there's more to come. Current stories in the works include (1) An investigation into the mysterious and as-yet-unnamed "carjacking victim," who, we are told, received a crucial confession from one of the suspects before the suspect was gunned down. (2) A deeper look at the strange death of a related suspect while in custody in Florida. (3) An exploration of Craft International, the secretive private security firm whose employees are said to have been on hand at the time of the bombing.
Let's be clear: We're not saying that the official version of things, constantly leaked by "law enforcement sources" to their friends in the conventional media, is necessarily a deliberate untruth. And we're not saying we buy into the sensational rumors that are circulating. Some, such as claims that no one was killed at the marathon bombing-that it was staged and involved "crisis actors"-are clearly bonkers. Unfortunately, this reaction is only encouraged by the many inconsistencies and irregularities that have been manifest in the official reporting.
The information muddle, seemingly of no concern to the authorities, has fueled a growing sense of urgency to uncover answers to the big questions about the lockdown, the large military presence in Boston, the propensity of law enforcement agents to silence potential witnesses by preemptive gunfire, and other potential encroachments on our general liberties. At a minimum, the behavior of officials in this affair is bad for civic morale, it erodes trust in government and is generally bad for our country, and they need to be held accountable.
At a time when the national media is letting the public down yet again by failing to conduct serious inquiries, at WhoWhatWhy we're primed to do it right. We've got a bunch of folks "on the ground" providing us with guidance and accountable research, and I myself recently spent two weeks in town--and plan on being back soon. It's satisfying and important work, but it requires considerable resources, as you can imagine.
The bottom line is this: We cannot do it without the support of those who believe in our mission.
The good news is that one very generous donor has offered to underwrite part of our work on this story and the wider issues involved. But he'd like to see others match him. Will you be part of that response? Will you enable WhoWhatWhy to help our citizenry obtain crucial information-information that we all need to function in this increasingly uncertain environment? Boston has implications for every one of us.
If you're able to be part of this donation matching process, please hit REPLY to this email and let me know. I'll get right back to you.
Many thanks in advance,
Russ Baker
Editor-in-Chief, WhoWhatWhy
This what modern direct action looks like.....................
More than 130,000 of us have joined in just 48 hours. Let's reach
200,000 before we deliver our message directly to the Guatemalan
delegation at the OAS summit tomorrow--
Dear friends,
Now, for the first time in history, Latin American leaders are separating themselves from the extremism of the U.S. and demanding policies that deliver results. In 12 hours, Guatemala will bring together the Heads of State of the region to push for a new proposal that gives each of our countries the freedom to buck the US and adopt drug policies like those that have worked successfully in Europe.
It’s urgent -- high level officials have told us that for all the leaders to agree and have the power to stand up to the US, they need to see a groundswell of public support in the next few hours for changing the failed status quo. Click below to sign the urgent petition and share with everyone -- when we reach 100,000 our voices will be personally delivered to the Guatemalan commission that is leading the summit. Join in:
For decades we have seen governments ignore all the experts’ advice and all the scientific evidence that has proven the failure of the War on Drugs, fearing voters will throw them out of office if they support alternative approaches, as they will appear “weak on crime”. Now, for the first time, science and politics have a chance to walk together and help shut the door on an age of suffering. The Organization of American States (OAS) is the first international organization that has produced a technical report laying out real alternatives like supporting new, peaceful, effective approaches in each country instead of using international law to repress innovation. And, for the first time a group of Heads of State want to act on that expert advice.
Momentum for change is building and now is the time to act: Guatemala, Colombia and other countries in the region want reform; and opinion polls show that citizens know the current approach is a catastrophe. Uruguay is developing a smart plan to regulate cannabis and two US states have already voted to legalize and regulate it. And while countries that have experimented with regulation-based policies have seen significant reductions in drug-related crime, addiction and deaths, the lobbies that have fiercely defended the status quo, including military, law enforcement, and prison departments whose budgets are at stake are losing ground in the debate.
From the streets of Chicago to the streets of Bogota, families across our region are scarred by the wounds of failure, and this is our chance to try success! The Guatemalan President wants to get all the American states to agree to experimentation this week. And those at the negotiating table have told us if we come out in force to say yes to change, we can push back on stalling from fearful countries.
Let’s ensure our continent, that has suffered most deeply, leads the world to review and reform failed international drug laws. We have just hours before the meeting -- sign now and share with everyone -- let’s help our leaders take this crucial step to save lives and restore hope:
When politicians take a stand against failed orthodoxies in the face of political risk, as Guatemalan leaders are doing now, and the people don’t rally behind them, they go down in flames. But when mass movements rise up to support them, that’s how history gets made. Let’s make history in Guatemala.
With hope and determination,
Pedro, Maria Paz, Alice, Ricken, Laura, Bissan and the whole Avaaz team
PS - Many Avaaz campaigns are started by members of our community! Start yours now and win on any issue - local, national or global: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/start_a_petition/?bgMYedb&v=23917
OAS chief calls for drug violence debate (AlJazeera)
OAS Secretary General Presents Report on the Drug Problem in the Americas (OAS)
The Drug Problem in the Americas (OAS Analytical Report)
Numbers Tell of Failure in Drug War (New York Times)

Avaaz.org is a 21-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
Dear friends,
Now, for the first time in history, Latin American leaders are separating themselves from the extremism of the U.S. and demanding policies that deliver results. In 12 hours, Guatemala will bring together the Heads of State of the region to push for a new proposal that gives each of our countries the freedom to buck the US and adopt drug policies like those that have worked successfully in Europe.
It’s urgent -- high level officials have told us that for all the leaders to agree and have the power to stand up to the US, they need to see a groundswell of public support in the next few hours for changing the failed status quo. Click below to sign the urgent petition and share with everyone -- when we reach 100,000 our voices will be personally delivered to the Guatemalan commission that is leading the summit. Join in:
For decades we have seen governments ignore all the experts’ advice and all the scientific evidence that has proven the failure of the War on Drugs, fearing voters will throw them out of office if they support alternative approaches, as they will appear “weak on crime”. Now, for the first time, science and politics have a chance to walk together and help shut the door on an age of suffering. The Organization of American States (OAS) is the first international organization that has produced a technical report laying out real alternatives like supporting new, peaceful, effective approaches in each country instead of using international law to repress innovation. And, for the first time a group of Heads of State want to act on that expert advice.
Momentum for change is building and now is the time to act: Guatemala, Colombia and other countries in the region want reform; and opinion polls show that citizens know the current approach is a catastrophe. Uruguay is developing a smart plan to regulate cannabis and two US states have already voted to legalize and regulate it. And while countries that have experimented with regulation-based policies have seen significant reductions in drug-related crime, addiction and deaths, the lobbies that have fiercely defended the status quo, including military, law enforcement, and prison departments whose budgets are at stake are losing ground in the debate.
From the streets of Chicago to the streets of Bogota, families across our region are scarred by the wounds of failure, and this is our chance to try success! The Guatemalan President wants to get all the American states to agree to experimentation this week. And those at the negotiating table have told us if we come out in force to say yes to change, we can push back on stalling from fearful countries.
Let’s ensure our continent, that has suffered most deeply, leads the world to review and reform failed international drug laws. We have just hours before the meeting -- sign now and share with everyone -- let’s help our leaders take this crucial step to save lives and restore hope:
When politicians take a stand against failed orthodoxies in the face of political risk, as Guatemalan leaders are doing now, and the people don’t rally behind them, they go down in flames. But when mass movements rise up to support them, that’s how history gets made. Let’s make history in Guatemala.
With hope and determination,
Pedro, Maria Paz, Alice, Ricken, Laura, Bissan and the whole Avaaz team
PS - Many Avaaz campaigns are started by members of our community! Start yours now and win on any issue - local, national or global: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/start_a_petition/?bgMYedb&v=23917
OAS chief calls for drug violence debate (AlJazeera)
OAS Secretary General Presents Report on the Drug Problem in the Americas (OAS)
The Drug Problem in the Americas (OAS Analytical Report)
Numbers Tell of Failure in Drug War (New York Times)

Support the Avaaz Community! | ||
We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way. | ![]() |
Avaaz.org is a 21-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
THIS WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR RIGHTS TO KNOW THE TRUTH.......we are not 'aiding' the enemy, but only sympathizing with cognitive dissidence i.e.c euphomistic term for a 'CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE', as chuck hagle said ONCE, IN CONGRESS,.........these are humans!!!! NOT BEANS.........
Manning Supervisor Calls Into Question Government's Statements About WikiLeaks Plot (Day 3)
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image source |
We have spoken to Nathan Fuller at Bradleymanning.org who has given us gracious permission to reprint his daily firsthand reports. Day 3 is posted below. We also will be adding commentary, as well as analyses from other sources to provide a constant update to what is happening in this essential trial for whistleblowers and their mission to reveal the truth.
At the heart of Day 3 was the inability of Bradley Manning's supervisor, Captain Casey Fulton, to issue the same statement of authority as the U.S. government that WikiLeaks = Al Qaeda. In fact, she couldn't mention WikiLeaks as a specific source at all, but only that social media was a known general hangout of America's enemies. As Amy Davidson at The New Yorker, illustrates: social media, Google, Google Maps and other news outlets could easily be "aiding the enemy" in much the same way.
“The prosecution has specified Al Qaeda and one of its affiliates, as well as a third organization whose identity, also disturbingly, it classified. (Overclassification is one of the scandals of this story.) At what point could “enemy” mean anyone who doesn’t like us? Can it mean us ourselves, at moments when we think that something has gone wrong, and has to be exposed?”
The prosecutors intend to bring in a witness from the Navy Seals to testify that he found a published document from the WikiLeaks website in Osama Bin Laden’s compound in Abbotabad. But just how can one news agency, or public online forum control who their readers are and how can they avoid the government’s harassment if their readers are considered the “enemy” ? (Source)Furthermore, it appears that some of what Manning was collating and preparing for distribution were specific assignments from his superiors and not a premeditated plot. This is fundamental in the government's central "aiding the enemy" argument. Rather, it seems that Bradley Manning had been cited often by other intelligence analysts for his extraordinary natural abilities. As Fuller states below, that means it is likely that Manning "was simply doing his job" -- and excelling at it. In short, he was working for the Army, not for WikiLeaks.
Many more essential details are provided by Nathan Fuller's excellent coverage of this trial, as it enters Day 3, and will recess until the 10th. This trial will determine whether telling the truth should be punishable by life in prison. It is a determination that is guaranteed to affect us all.
History streaming LIVE..............
To grant the franchise to an entity, generally meaning to grant the
privilege of voting to a person.
The hand of the aggressor is stayed by strength — and strength
--Dwight D. Eisenhower
for a list of us senators that betrayed the public...go here http://kosmicdebris.blogspot.com/2013/05/sen.html
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