La majestueuse égalité des lois, qui interdit au riche comme au pauvre de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier dans les rues et de voler du pain.
The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.
Le Lys Rouge [The Red Lily] (1894)
All animals are equal
But some animals are more equal than others
George Orwell, Animal FarmBut some animals are more equal than others
Tony Abbott attacks ABC for ‘taking everyone's side but Australia's’
Prime minister takes issue with national broadcaster’s reporting on asylum seeker claims and ‘traitor' Edward Snowden
Abbott took issue with the ABC's reporting of claims by asylum seekers of mistreatment at the hands of the Australian navy, saying journalists should give the navy the benefit of the doubt. more
label this mis information/dis information........ counter intuitive, breach of secrecy? media jujet-su
theses guys do not talk, ever! about intel unless to benefit the construct.
When we have had enough, expect us to set things right. |
US congressman threatens reporter: 'I'll break you in half'
Edward Snowden nominated for Nobel peace prize
US lifts veil on Obama's Guantánamo detainee review process
Common Crop Pesticides Kill Honeybee Larvae in the Hive
Study: High Level of “Food Insecurity” Among College Students
Activist Post
3rd Grade Government Homework: 'Good Citizens Do Not Argue'
Heather Callaghan
Big Pharma and Corporate Media Team Up For Pro-Vaccine Propaganda
Brandon Turbeville
Gates Foundation/CFR Propaganda Against 'Anti-Vaccine' Movement Backfires
Sayer Ji
Obamacare Abortion Coverage Update
Vaccine Court Settlements Mostly for Flu Vaccines Damage
Catherine Frompovich
The War on Journalism: Local to Federal
Derrick Broze
More Gov’t Data Mining: EPA to Track Keywords About the Flu on Twitter
Melissa Melton
Common Core: The Business Side of the New Modern Global Education System
Jamie Lee
Thailand: Regime Assassinates Protest Leader on Eve of Sham Elections
Tony Cartalucci
New Must-See Videos
The War on Journalism: Local to Federal
New Snowden Interview (Full Video)
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Enabled more than a million counterfeit downloads - DoJ
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Readers' corner Please help this commentard with his planning questions
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Barack Obama used his State of the Union address last night to call
on Congress for a “fast track” for trade agreements like the
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The pressure's on Congress, and that
means it's never been more urgent that we stop the secrecy surrounding this undemocratic agreement.
Protests Across North America
What's so dangerous about
“fast track”? If Congress passes the bill (HR3830/S.1900), it severely
limits its own ability to review or amend agreements. That means
Hollywood won’t have to worry about our elected representatives standing
in the way of TPP and its extreme copyright provisions. That's why we need to stop the Fast Track bill—to defeat TPP.
If you're a US voter, visit now to call and message your elected representatives. Once you get to the site, you can enter your ZIP code and you'll be connected to your Congressperson.
Privacy Info: This telephone calling service is powered by Twilio
and will connect you to your representative. Information about your
call, including your phone number and the time and length of your call,
will be collected by Twilio and subject to Twilio's privacy policy.
You can also use EFF's action tool to contact your representatives about opposing this bill.
This Friday, January 31,
hundreds of groups and thousands of individuals across the US and around
the world are planning protests against TPP and the Fast Track bill. Check out this map to see if there's a protest organized near you. Then show up and tell others about why you're against TPP.
We want to generate
thousands of calls and messages this week leading to Friday's protests.
Once you've taken action, please remember to share this on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and other social networking sites to ask your friends to join you. It’s as easy as posting this message:
Congress is dangerously close to giving
#TPP the “fast track.”
Speak out now:
We need all the help we can get to defeat secret copyright agreements.
Defending your rights in the digital world,
............keep fight the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!...........................