Wednesday, January 29, 2014

If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace. --Thomas Paine

La majestueuse égalité des lois, qui interdit au riche comme au pauvre de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier dans les rues et de voler du pain.

The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.
Le Lys Rouge [The Red Lily] (1894)

All animals are equal
But some animals are more equal than others
George Orwell, Animal Farm


Food Stamp Hypocrites, Whale Wars Breaks the Set, State of the Union Fail

 Obama out Orwelled Orwell | Lee Camp Interview

Forcing God on Buddhist Children, GMO Contamination: Farmer v. Farmer & R.I.P. Pete Seeger

"The News" - [RAP NEWS 21: S02E01] - feat. Sage Francis 




Verizon v. FCC just crushed democracy, justice, AND cat videos in one swoop! Absurdity Today

Tony Abbott attacks ABC for ‘taking everyone's side but Australia's’

Prime minister takes issue with national broadcaster’s reporting on asylum seeker claims and ‘traitor' Edward Snowden

tony abbott
Tony Abbott wants the ABC to show some 'basic affection for the home team'. Photograph: Lucas Coch/AAP
The prime minister, Tony Abbott, has mounted a fresh attack on the national broadcaster, suggesting the ABC instinctively took "everyone's side but Australia's" and should show "some basic affection for the home team".

Abbott took issue with the ABC's reporting of claims by asylum seekers of mistreatment at the hands of the Australian navy, saying journalists should give the navy the benefit of the doubt. more

label this mis information/dis information........ counter intuitive, breach of secrecy? media jujet-su
theses guys do not talk, ever! about intel unless to benefit the construct.


When we have had enough, expect us to set things right.
Egypt to charge al-Jazeera journalists with damaging country's reputation Rights groups says move to indict 20 employees of news channel marks escalation in state's campaign against foreign media

US congressman threatens reporter: 'I'll break you in half'

Edward Snowden nominated for Nobel peace prize

US lifts veil on Obama's Guantánamo detainee review process


Common Crop Pesticides Kill Honeybee Larvae in the Hive
Study: High Level of “Food Insecurity” Among College Students
Activist Post

3rd Grade Government Homework: 'Good Citizens Do Not Argue'
Heather Callaghan

Big Pharma and Corporate Media Team Up For Pro-Vaccine Propaganda
Brandon Turbeville

Gates Foundation/CFR Propaganda Against 'Anti-Vaccine' Movement Backfires
Sayer Ji

Obamacare Abortion Coverage Update
Vaccine Court Settlements Mostly for Flu Vaccines Damage
Catherine Frompovich

The War on Journalism: Local to Federal
Derrick Broze

More Gov’t Data Mining: EPA to Track Keywords About the Flu on Twitter
Melissa Melton

Common Core: The Business Side of the New Modern Global Education System
Jamie Lee

Thailand: Regime Assassinates Protest Leader on Eve of Sham Elections
Tony Cartalucci

New Must-See Videos

The War on Journalism: Local to Federal

New Snowden Interview (Full Video)

Other Key Articles From Around the Web

Demolition Planet – Awaken and Rise

Can ‘Operation American Spring’ Avoid Being Co-opted?

We the Internet: Bitcoin developers seed idea for Bitcloud

Bloomberg Editors: The NSA’s Losing Argument

The Legend of Hacker 'Guccifer'

Google to Buy Artificial Intelligence Startup DeepMind for $400M

Radioactivity on CA Beaches and Risks of Strontium-90 from Fukushima

WikiLeaks Gets Bulk of Donation Via Bitcoin and LiteCoin

EXCLUSIVE: Another Famous Business Accepting Crypto Currencies -
This Time its Dogecoin

Obamacare Enrollment Misinformation

China Halts Bank Cash Transfers

Obama Threatens to Bypass Congress, Pass Laws Himself

Policy News

Finer-grained reporting now permitted, sometimes, sort of

Security News

Security vendor points at Palestine

Software News

Readers' corner Please help this commentard with his planning questions

Science News

Find-my-phone app includes 'reset by geolocation'

Electronic Frontier Foundation
 Barack Obama used his State of the Union address last night to call on Congress for a “fast track” for trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The pressure's on Congress, and that means it's never been more urgent that we stop the secrecy surrounding this undemocratic agreement.

What's so dangerous about “fast track”? If Congress passes the bill (HR3830/S.1900), it severely limits its own ability to review or amend agreements. That means Hollywood won’t have to worry about our elected representatives standing in the way of TPP and its extreme copyright provisions. That's why we need to stop the Fast Track bill—to defeat TPP.

If you're a US voter, visit now to call and message your elected representatives. Once you get to the site, you can enter your ZIP code and you'll be connected to your Congressperson.

Privacy Info: This telephone calling service is powered by Twilio and will connect you to your representative. Information about your call, including your phone number and the time and length of your call, will be collected by Twilio and subject to Twilio's privacy policy.

You can also use EFF's action tool to contact your representatives about opposing this bill.

Protests Across North America

This Friday, January 31, hundreds of groups and thousands of individuals across the US and around the world are planning protests against TPP and the Fast Track bill. Check out this map to see if there's a protest organized near you. Then show up and tell others about why you're against TPP.

We want to generate thousands of calls and messages this week leading to Friday's protests. Once you've taken action, please remember to share this on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and other social networking sites to ask your friends to join you. It’s as easy as posting this message:

Congress is dangerously close to giving 

#TPP the “fast track.”

 Speak out now:

We need all the help we can get to defeat secret copyright agreements.

Defending your rights in the digital world,

Maira Sutton
International Team
Electronic Frontier Foundation

............keep fight the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!...........................

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The dirty truth is that many people find fascism to be not particularly horrible. Michael Parenti.....DIRTY TRUTHS, first edition

The love way of love.

Of those who love you as the Lord of Love,
Ever present in all, and those who seek you
As the nameless, formless Reality,
Which way is sure and swift, love or knowledge?

For those who set their hearts on me
And worship me with unfailing devotion and faith,
The way of love leads sure and swift to me.

Those who seek the transcendental Reality,
Unmanifested, without name or form,
Beyond the reach of feeling and of thought,
With their senses subdued and mind serene
And striving for the good of all beings,
They too will verily come unto me.

Yet hazardous
And slow is the path to the Unrevealed,
Difficult for physical man to tread.
But they for whom I am the goal supreme,
Who do all work renouncing self for me
And meditate on me with single-hearted devotion,
These will I swiftly rescue
From the fragment's cycle of birth and death
To fullness of eternal life in me.

Still your mind in me, still yourself in me,
And without doubt you shall be united with me,
Lord of Love, dwelling in your heart.
But if you cannot still your mind in me,
Learn to do so through the practice of meditation.
If you lack the will for such self-discipline,
Engage yourself in selfless service of all around you,
For selfless service can lead you at last to me.
If you are unable to do even this,
Surrender yourself to me in love,
Receiving success and failure with equal calmness
As granted by me.

Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice.
Better than knowledge is meditation.
But better still is surrender in love,
Because there follows immediate peace.

That one I love who is incapable of ill will,
And returns love for hatred.
Living beyond the reach of I and mine
And of pleasure and pain, full of mercy,
Contented, self-controlled, firm in faith,
With all their heart and all their mind given to me –
With such people I am in love.

Not agitating the world or by it agitated,
They stand above the sway of elation,
Competition, and fear, accepting life
Good and bad as it comes. They are pure,
Efficient, detached, ready to meet every demand
I make on them as a humble instrument of my work.

They are dear to me who run not after the pleasant
Or away from the painful, grieve not
Over the past, lust not today,
But let things come and go as they happen.

Who serve both friend and foe with equal love,
Not buoyed up by praise or cast down by blame,
Alike in heat and cold, pleasure and pain,
Free from selfish attachments and self-will,
Ever full, in harmony everywhere,
Firm in faith – such as these are dear to me.

But dearest to me are those who seek me
In faith and love as life's eternal goal.
They go beyond death to immortality.

In February of 1977 I had the privilege of flying out of Dallas/Ft. Worth to San Francisco, then on to catch an overseas flight, a MAC flight out of Travis AFB to Korea via Japan. But anyway, at SFN airport there were these Hare(less) Krishnas that literally pounce on folks and can spot a country bumpkin for across the tarmac. Man they swarmed me. About five or six groups of 50 groups of five or six skulking the airport. Just blew my mind, I was thinking I am going to hell; they are going abduct me and brain-wash me. I really was scared of them. I read that book the family, and was sure hope'n they caught all them Manson people.

 They was wearing gowns and robes maroon and gold, and ball-headed ever single one of them. I knew right away there wasn't any women in the group, I decided right then and there I wasn't joining for two reasons: no hair and no girls, and there was wearing that red bed-sheet thing too. So to get them away from me I threw 10 bucks in their pot hop'in they would back off. They did but two of them followed me to my gate. I could not shake them. They was trying to give me a book and they wasn't taking no for an answer. I finally took the book to get rid of them and they finally left me alone after that and walked off. After they got out of sight I went in the mens room and threw the book away like a good Baptist boy should do.

 Had I known this song/poem/meditation/prayer above was in that book I would sill have the damn thing. The book was the Bhagavad-Gita, the song of our lord. If you sing this song you will get closer to the source whether you want to or not. I like prayers. I believe god answers prayers, some prayers like st. franny of Assisi's prayer, pray that one as a believer and you will get hardship and sorrow much long-suffering; it is a totally unselfish communion with god. When you pray for Polaris you get them both equally. If you only pray for love your, proverbial fountains overflow exponentially!! It may be the only hope man will survive in the cyber-age.

We have got to feed our youth better information if they are to last. When shit starts dying off mankind is next. My theory, my thesis, will be called, the collapsing domino effect of the human- caused catastrophic failure of the echo-system to support oxygen and fresh water demands. We are destroying our planets biologic lungs, kidneys and liver, due to the oligarch's greedy exploitation, obsessed with over consumption of natural and human resources. Humanity's hoarders are raping the globe and life is becoming extinct. The really sad thing is that the masses do not know therefore do not care.........conditioned apathy. The boiling frog is the reality.

 Maybe we can evolve us some new kind'da gill looking thangies to breath filthy air and filter dirty water, I been seeing people with peculiar looking side flaps and strange low hanging gullets? wtf? Or learn to live at the poles for a few tens of thousands of years. Supported by Halliburton engineers and contractors. I sometimes I don't get a good feeling about mankind's ultimate end or beginning. There is too many cruel people in the world to be an accident. Is what I think. Our youth someday will have to realize and minimize, neutralize and correct today's mistakes. I believe we have ill equipt them for only marginal success at best in the future. Mediocrity and conformity rein supreme…………………Kosmicdebris

Deep Inquiry: Not for the Faint of Heart
by Gangaji
Authentic spiritual inquiry reveals the joy of fresh insights and revelation, just as artistic or scientific inquiry does, but if we cling to the latest insight as a thing we know, that thing grows stale.

To be of real spiritual value, inquiry must be alive and fresh. Regardless of what we remember or have discovered from the past, each time we truly inquire, we return to not knowing what the outcome will or should be. No doctrine is needed for discovery. No concepts of multiplicity, duality, or non-duality are needed. In fact, we must put aside all of our doctrines and concepts for our inquiry. All that is needed is the willingness to be unattached to the outcome, conscious, and truthful.
Deep inquiry is not for the fainthearted or weak-minded. It is for those who are ready and willing, regardless of fears and discomforts. It is the challenge and invitation to mature. It is the invitation to give up past reliance on others' discoveries while allowing those discoveries to encourage and even push us into our own inquiry.

Inquiry is not a coping mechanism. It is not present in human consciousness to provide certainty or comfort, except the sublime certainty that one has the capacity to discover truth for oneself. It is a stretching mechanism. It calls on the mind to stretch beyond its known frontiers, and in this way inquiry is support for maturing and evolving the soul. It frees us from the need to define ourselves to experience being ourselves. It is both humbling and a source of profound joy, but it does not provide a neat package of new definitions and stories.

The challenge in inquiry is to be willing to directly discover what exists with no reference points. Inquiry is no small challenge, for it requires facing the death of the inner and outer worlds as they have been constructed with no knowledge of what will take their place. We have the experience of releasing our constructed world when we fall into sleep, and we cherish and need this experience for our well-being on all levels.

The challenge of inquiry appears in releasing the constructed world while remaining conscious.
- Gangaji


Indiana House Committee Approves Anti-Drone Bill by a 6-1 Vote
Activist Post

Kansas Woman Left to Die In Jail Over Small Amount of Marijuana
Amanda Warren

Chilean Legislation Removes Mercury from Vaccines
Catherine Frompovich

Capital Controls Deployed Worldwide By Major Banks. Is It Too Late To Prosper?
Jeff Berwick

NAFTA and the Next Phase of North American Integration
Dana Gabriel

New Must-See Videos

Why Raw Milk Should Be Legal

Bitcoin CEO Arrested While Big Bank CEOs Get Bonuses

Mind Control in American Politics

TSA: Now Hiring!

Did Katy Perry Really Summon Satan at the 2014 Grammys?

Other Key Articles From Around the Web

USGS: Many Will Die in New Madrid Earthquake

Congress secretly approves U.S. weapons flow to 'moderate' Syrian rebels

Bill decriminalizes less than 1 ounce of marijuana in Wyoming

Ukrainian parliament repeals anti-protest laws

Mexico Just Legalized Vigilantism And Then Captured A Huge Cartel Leader

IRS, The Emblem Of Big Dirty Government, Gets Dirtier

Federal security forces at the Super Bowl

Schumer Pushes Law to Put Trackers on Autistic Children

How Americans can kill Obamacare, legalize pot

Russian Bank Halts All Cash Withdrawals

Healthcare "Formularies": The REAL Obstacle to Reasonable Care

Conspiracy Theorist vs. Coincidence Theorist and The Importance of Alt Media

School Ditches Playground Rules and Loses Bullies

Medical Marijuana to be on Ballot in Florida

Advocates Call On Obama To Fire DEA Chief for Marijuana Ignorance

Policy News

'Prolonged legal dispute' just wouldn't look good

Security News

Borg logic: If you can't beat 'em, bait 'em

Site News

Come on in, antipodean commentards, the water's fine

Software News

Science News

Gaze upon the whole Earth in standard def or HD, via the International Space Station

Friday, January 24, 2014

The moral and constitutional obligations of our representatives in Washington are to protect our liberty, not coddle the world, precipitating no-win wars, while bringing bankruptcy and economic turmoil to our people. Dr. Ron Paul

The hills and rivers of the lowland country
You have made your battle ground.
How do you suppose the people who live there
Will procure firewood and hay?
Do not let me hear you talking together
About titles and promotions;
For a single general’s reputation
Is made out of ten thousand corpses.

Ts'ao Sung


Fall of Baghdad, Georgism's One Tax Rule, Ball-Busting Police Brutality

140124 - They're Scared!


Who is Behind the Ukrainian Riots? - New World Next Week 


  Ukrainian Protesters Call For REVOLUTION!

UN: Iraqi 'conveyer-belt of executions... is simply deplorable'

"We The People, Genetically Modified?"

Previously Unreported Second Chemical Spilled into West Virginia River

New Report On Secret CIA BLACK SITE Prison In Poland

Intelligence Officials Make Direct Threats on Snowden's Life

China blocks foreign news sites that revealed elite's offshore holdings Guardian and International Consortium of Investigative Journalists among sites blocked as China Digital Times publishes details of directive

Sam Parker: Digital news sites are obsessed with web traffic, but editors should be wary of going for quantity over quality


Justify GCHQ mass surveillance, European court tells ministers

Judges order government to provide submission about whether spying activities violated European convention on human rights


TN Introduces Bill to Take on NSA Encryption-Breaking Facility at Oak Ridge
Activist Post

Robots to Get Internet Cloud Brain: "Wikipedia For Robots"
Nicholas West

Fed’s Dirty Little Secret: “The Gold Isn’t There…Exists as Paper IOU's”
Crisis Reality: 3 Lessons To Be Learned From The WV Chemical Spill
Mac Slavo

Mexican Citizens Who Toppled Cartels Rewarded With Govt Retaliation
Brandon Smith

Ukrainian Protesters Get Orwellian Texts From the State, 'you are
registered as a participant in a mass disturbance'

Cassius Methyl

Las Vegas Casinos Jump Into Bitcoin
Paul Lawrance

New Must-See Videos

DIG - A Beautiful Short Film About Liberty

How to Resist Tyranny in the US

Oxygen, Baking Soda, and Magnesium Cure with Dr. Mark Sircus

Fed’s Dirty Little Secret: “The Gold Isn’t There … Exists as Paper IOU's”

REVOLUTION X: Revisiting the "Might-geist" of the Millennium

New Radioactive Water Leak Discovered at Fukushima Plant

Other Key Articles From Around the Web

Oxygen, Baking Soda, and Magnesium Cure with Dr. Mark Sircus

Water Vapor Detected on Asteroid-Belt Dwarf Planet Ceres

Sugar battery offers hope of green-powered gadgets within three years

Rural community builds its own 1000 MB fibre network & starts its own ISP

Target to drop health insurance for part-timers

Snowden Calls Russian-Spy Story 'Absurd'

WV Miner: We've Been Dumping Those Chemicals In The Water For Decades

eBay sets rules on bitcoin sales in the UK

LOL: Argentina Limits Foreign Online Purchases to 2 Per Year

We Need to Stop Trusting the Police

Tangerine Compounds Protect Against Long List of Chronic Diseases

Wall St adviser: Actual unemployment is 37.2%, 'misery index' worst in 40 yrs

Psychobiotics: Bacteria For Your Brain?

A 3D printed house rises in Amsterdam

Swine Flu Vaccination Linked to Increased Risk of Narcolepsy in Young Adults

The Big Reset: Why China Bought JPMorgan's Gold Vault

Security News

'Not all spying is bad' but bulk collection has to go, says whistleblower in web chat

Software News

But infringement, competition, false advertising claims still hang over Terix and Maintech

Science News

Pic Shatner gatecrashes press conference to ask about MYSTERY DONUT ROCK
5 Reasons The Latest Report On Syria War Crimes May Not Be True
By Brandon Turbeville
Qatar is the sponsor of the report. Qatar is, one of the major sponsors of the Syrian invasion (aka the Syrian "rebels") and has played a massively important role in financing, training, arming, and directing the death squads.
US Feigns "Horror" Over Cooked-Up Report on Syrian War They Engineered
By Tony Cartalucci
Further details have emerged regarding the authors of the report.
A Tale Of Two Reports: Jonathan Freedland in The Guardian.
By Interventions Watch
Is it an attempt by Qatar to, simply, document regime abuses in the hope of securing justice for the victims, and furthering the cause of human rights in Syria?
War Criminal
Tony Blair 'Sickened' By Syria Photos
Former UK PM Blair says he is sickened by pictures, that allegedly prove Syrian torture.
Israel Grants Oil Rights in Syria to Murdoch and Rothschild
By Craig Murray
For Israel to seek to exploit mineral reserves in the occupied Golan Heights is plainly illegal in international law.
Israeli Government Working To Thwart "Peace" Process
By Jonathan Cook
The feud is not only over Israel's conflict with the Palestinians but on the related matter of US handling of what Israel considers its strategic environment after the Arab Spring.
Pigs at the trough
'This is the million-dollar shot!' Canadian, Tory MP cries out to join Harper photo op in Israel :
Video -
Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem, a site holy in Judaism - and his MPs wanted to be part of the action.
The Blind Alley of J Street and Liberal American Zionism
By Abba A. Solomon and Norman Solomon
J Street equates being "pro-Israel" with maintaining the doctrine of a state where Jews are more equal than others.
War Criminal
John McCain Meets Far-right Group at Heart of Ukraine Protests
By Channel 4
Senator McCain later waved to protesters, standing with Oleh Tyahnybok, leader of the "anti-Semitic" Svoboda party.
Snowden Calls Russian-Spy Story "Absurd"
By Jane Mayer
If "I end up disgraced in a ditch somewhere, but it helps the country, it will still be worth it."
America's Invisible and Costly Human Rights Crisis
By Ralph Nader
Many Americans do not contemplate -- or are simply unaware of -- blatant torture occurring in prisons every day right here in the United States.
Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons
Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were committed in Iraq?
The Millionaires' Congress vs. The People
By Jim Hightower
The rich truly are different from you and me - they tend to hold seats in Congress.
Now We Know. JPMorgan Chase is Worse Than Enron
By Richard Eskow
It's beginning to look as if JPMorgan Chase has had a hand in every major banking scandal of the last decade.

Hard News

Iraq says air strikes kill 50 'militants' in Anbar:
 Security forces "received accurate information and carried out painful and effective air strikes against terrorist gatherings in Anbar yesterday, January 21, that killed more than 50 terrorists," a ministry statement said.
10 "terrorists "killed, 16 others captured in western Mosul:
A force from the Federal Police managed to kill 10 terrorists and capture 16 others in western Mosul on Wednesday.
Kurds declare autonomy in northern Syria ahead of Geneva II:
Syrians Kurds on Tuesday declared an autonomous administration in the northern part of civil war-torn Syria ahead of the international peace conference for Syria, according to news outlets.
Iraq says it intends to make 3 new provinces out of Fallujah, northern areas:
Iraq's Shiite-led government said Tuesday it had decided in principle to create three new provinces from contested parts of the country in an apparent attempt to address Sunni grievances and counter the expansion of the Kurdish self-rule region.
North Yemen clashes kill 20 people:
A day of clashes between Shiite rebels and gunmen from the powerful Hashid tribe in northern Yemen have left 20 people dead, tribal sources said Wednesday.
Gunmen kill rebel envoy in Yemen:
Sharaf Eddin represented the Hawthi rebels, who are members of a Shiite sect, in the so-called National Dialogue talks.
Al-Qaeda slaughters on Syria's killing fields:
More than 1,000 Syrians flee al-Qaeda-linked group as they mow down children and behead prisoners in cold blood.
Children on the Frontline: 'I am scared of dreams' - video:
A documentary teams meets five children who have adapted to life amid the atrocities and death of brutal conflict.
Syrian regime accused of 'systematic torture and killing':
The report was commissioned by the Gulf state of Qatar, which backs the Syrian rebels.
Why one day before the Geneva meeting?:
This report is altogether most unconvincing, based on alleged photos of alleged victims by an alleged 'defector' in QATAR!
Syria says torture report 'politicised,' photos 'fake':
Syria's justice ministry on Wednesday dismissed a report alleging mass torture and killing by the country's regime as "politicised" calling the shocking photos in the document "fake".
Syria Geneva II peace talks begin with bitter exchanges:
The opposition and US said President Bashar al-Assad had no legitimacy and must step down from power. Syria's foreign minister had a terse exchange with the UN's Ban Ki-moon over the length of his speech and said only Syrians could decide Mr Assad's fate.
Many Syrians still see Assad as indispensable in saving their country:
With mourners bearing Ibrahim Yeya Issa's flag-draped coffin proclaiming their readiness to die for President Bashar Assad like the dead soldier they were carrying, the procession through this Mediterranean port city was as much an affirmation of fealty to the Syrian leader as it was an outpouring of grief for the fallen.
Lebanon:: Army says eight soldiers wounded in Tripoli attacks:
The Lebanese Army said separate attacks on the military in the northern city of Tripoli wounded eight soldiers Wednesday as opponents and supporters of President Bashar Assad engaged in sporadic clashes for a sixth consecutive day.
Israeli Raid Kills Two Resistance Fighters:
Two Palestinian resistance fighters were killed in Beit Hanun, North of the Gaza Strip, after midnight Tuesday in an Israeli air strike.
EU envoy: Naturally, Israel will be blamed if settlements wreck the peace process:
Ambassador Lars Faaborg-Andersen also says Europe doesn't understand PM's demand for recognition of Israel as a Jewish state.
Israels Intimidation of John Kerry:
Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon articulated publicly what Israeli leaders say privately: Give us your tax money, weapons and your veto power but "leave us alone."
Pakistan air strikes kills 40 people:
Military sources said that most of the 40 terrorists killed in North Waziristan strikes on the night of January 20 and 21 were foreign fighters which include 33 Uzbeks, 3 Germans and important terrorist commanders, Wali Mohammed, Bhittani, Noor Badshah and Maulvi Farhad Uzbek.
Six Pakistani police officers are shot dead protecting Spanish cyclist:
Six police officers have been killed while fending off a kidnap attempt against a Spanish adventurer attempting to cycle through one of the most dangerous parts of the country.
14 Taliban militants blown up by own explosives in Helmand:
 According to local authorities in southern Helmand province of Afghanistan, at least 14 Taliban militants were blown up by their own explosives in this province. The officials further added that the incident took place on Tuesday afternoon in Nawzad district.
U.S. Military Eyes Afghan Force of 10,000, or a Pullout:
The Pentagon has proposed to President Obama that 10,000 American troops remain in Afghanistan when the international combat mission there ends after this year, or none at all, senior government officials said
5 Killed 20 Hurt In Libya Violence :
Five people were killed and around 20 wounded as armed groups clashed in a western suburb of the Libyan capital on Tuesday.
Libya's Sovereign-Wealth Fund Sues Goldman Sachs :
"Goldman Sachs abused the relationship of trust and confidence with...the sovereign wealth fund of the Libyan people," The transactions in dispute, from early 2008, were in excess of $1 billion and "led to significant losses." said the spokesman for Libyan Investment Authority.
France to expand military presence in Africa:
French Defense Minister said France is moving toward a regional counterterrorism approach in former French colonies such as Chad, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali.
German government extends its military mission in Africa:
The reports say the governing coalition of the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats is preparing a massive enlargement of the German mission in the African country of Mali.
17 already killed in 16 days in Cape Town:
The mother of a 5-month-old baby is one of at least 17 people already shot dead in Cape Town this year, it was reported on Wednesday.
Ukraine : Two people killed in Kiev clashes:
Prosecutors confirmed the two had died from bullet wounds. They are the first fatalities since protests began in November at the government's rejection of a planned treaty with the EU.
Kiev frontline brutality: RT reporter films police beating protesters on ground: Video -
Peter Oliver captured a brutal police beating on film after getting swept up in the crowds being driven from Maidan Square.
'The violence in Ukrainian protests comes from protesters themselves':
Ultranationalists in Kiev have not only been attacking the police, but also left-wing protesters like feminists, gay rights protesters and labor union activists, Mark Sleboda, professor of international relations at the Moscow State University, told RT.
US withholding Fisa court orders on NSA bulk collection of Americans' data:
The Justice Department is withholding documents related to the bulk collection of Americans' data from a transparency lawsuit launched by the American Civil Liberties Union.
UK Court's Drone Ruling Shows the Law Is an Ass : Analysis:
Three British judges said they could not rule on whether British officials were complicit in murdering Pakistani civilians in US drone strikes because that might embarrass our friends in America.
UK: Police to ask home secretary to approve use of water cannon across country:
Police chiefs say water cannon are needed because 'austerity measures are likely to lead to continued protest'
US Army robots will outnumber human soldiers 10 to 1 by 2023: Video -
Each soldier could have one or five robots flanking him, looking for enemies, scanning for land mines."
Shame on them! -
US psychology body declines to rebuke member in Guantánamo torture case:
America's professional association of psychologists has quietly declined to rebuke one of its members, a retired US army reserve officer, for his role in one of the most brutal interrogations known to have to taken place at Guantánamo Bay, the Guardian has learned.
The horror in Ohio's death chamber:
News of McGuire's execution-and details of the gruesome manner in which authorities carried out his death sentence-have evoked disgust and revulsion in the US and internationally.
Florida Man Claims Self-Defense After Hopping A Fence To Shoot, Kill 21-Year-Old In A Hoodie:
Smith even said he feared victim Ricardo Sanes was armed "because his pants were falling down" and his hands were in his hoodie pockets
2013 Was Tied For The Fourth-Hottest Year On Record:
This map shows how observed temperatures in 2013 compared to the 1951-1980 average:
The Worst Drought In The History Of California Is Happening Right Now:
Just check out the current conditions on the U.S. Drought Monitor. About two-thirds of the state is experiencing "extreme drought" at the moment, and Governor Jerry Brown says that it is "not likely to rain for several weeks".
Meet The Fortress Hotel That Separates The Davos Billionaires From The Peasants: Video -
Here is the hotel in which the bleeding heart Davos billionaires are staying: a $170 million fortress surrounded by barbed wire, security cameras, motion sensor and even its own helipad.
Here we go again:
Congress must raise debt cap by late-February: Treasury:
The US Treasury said Wednesday that it would run out of money by late February if the US Congress did not increase the country's borrowing limit.
United States Air Force Spends $1 Billion On Software System Now Declared Utter Failure:
The U.S. military continues to waste billions with little accountability for failed programs or unneeded equipment. This includes tens of billions wasted in our ongoing wars.
Record 20% of Households on Food Stamps in 2013:
The USDA says that there were 23,052,388 households on food stamps in the average month of fiscal 2013, an increase of 722,675 from fiscal year 2012, when there were 22,329,713 households on food stamps in the average month.

Why the GOP has been unable to moderate its image or agenda.

The Republican Party’s total failure to make even cosmetic changes to its image and policy agenda last year has at this point become the kind of cliché-cum-running joke that often attaches itself to accepted truisms in American politics. Like chucking about Bill Clinton’s inability to contain himself in the company of women, or noting that Dick Cheney actually ran the show during George W. Bush’s first term, observing that Republicans have failed to moderate or reinvent themselves after losing badly in 2012 is the kind of thing even sympathetic political wise men can say to signal that they get it. That in what was a tough year for President Obama, Republicans screwed up too.

But the observation of these symptoms is less crucial than the diagnosis. Why are Republicans so stuck?  READ