predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the
government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of
taking care of them." - Thomas Jefferson - (1743-1826)
makers of our constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable to
the pursuit of happiness... They sought to protect Americans in their
beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions and their sensations. They
conferred, as against the government, the right to be let alone -- the
most comprehensive of the rights and the right most valued by civilized
men." - Justice Louis D. Brandeis - (1856-1941) US Supreme Court Justice
And a merchant said, "Speak to us of Buying and Selling." And he answered and said: To you the earth yields her fruit, and you shall not want if you but know how to fill your hands. It is in exchanging the gifts of the earth that you shall find abundance and be satisfied. Yet unless the exchange be in love and kindly justice, it will but lead some to greed and others to hunger. - Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet
Direct your anger at the greedy rich, not the Wolf of Wall Street film
Bank of America and JP Morgan's CEOs are more productive targets for rage at injustice than a Hollywood blockbuster
This is Amerikas new Fort Apache in the Middle east, steal one chunk at at a time and poison what is left behind........crumbs for the weak and weary
Front End Loader Dreams from the stimulator on Vimeo.
They no longer look on the floor, they 'LOOK YOU IN THE EYE'...................
2013 highlights and lowlights, rusted root breaks the stage & Carl Sagan’s pale blue dot
khodorkovsky jubilee? #putinpaydayholidaybonus
47 Senators Take AIPAC’s Word Over U.S. Intel Community
By Jim Lobe
January 04, 2014 "Information Clearing House - The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has published the list of senators who so far have agreed to co-sponsor the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2013, aka the Wag the Dog Act of 2014. You’ll recall that the initial list, which was introduced by its principal engineers, Sens. Mark Kirk and Robert Menendez, Dec 19, included 26 co-sponsors equally divided between Democrats and Republicans, to which newly elected New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker quickly added his name. Since then, 20 other senators — all Republicans, unsurprisingly — have added their names, for a grand total of 47 — still short of a majority, let alone one that could survive an Obama veto that the White House has already committed the president to cast if the bill is passed in its present form.
By Jim Lobe
January 04, 2014 "Information Clearing House - The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has published the list of senators who so far have agreed to co-sponsor the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2013, aka the Wag the Dog Act of 2014. You’ll recall that the initial list, which was introduced by its principal engineers, Sens. Mark Kirk and Robert Menendez, Dec 19, included 26 co-sponsors equally divided between Democrats and Republicans, to which newly elected New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker quickly added his name. Since then, 20 other senators — all Republicans, unsurprisingly — have added their names, for a grand total of 47 — still short of a majority, let alone one that could survive an Obama veto that the White House has already committed the president to cast if the bill is passed in its present form.
to the AIPAC list, which is reproduced below, 53 senators,
including 36 Democrats and the two independents who normally
vote with the Democratic caucus, have not agreed to co-sponsor
the bill, or, in the dreaded moniker used by AIPAC to score
voting records (presumably for the benefit of the
“pro-Israel” PACs that decide how to dole out campaign
cash), are labeled “DNC.” They will undoubtedly be the top
targets for AIPAC’s legendary powers of persuasion when the
Senate reconvenes early next week.
What is
remarkable about this list, however, is that very few of the 47
co-sponsors have chosen to publicize their support for the bill
to their constituents through local media or other means. A
handful of the original co-sponsors put out press releases, as
did Rob Portman, a late joiner. Lamar Alexander, another
late-comer, courageously “tweeted” his backing for the bill. “If
this were a bill senators were excited about; that is, something
they thought they’d earn a lot of credit for — and not draw a
lot of heat — from their voters, you’d think all of the
co-sponsors would be proudly touting their support,” one veteran
Hill observer told me. “Clearly, even for the Republican
[co-sponsors], that doesn’t seem to be the case with this bill.”
In other
words, the co-sponsors appear to be targeting a very narrow
constituency — AIPAC, which is now touting their names — rather
than their voters back home, most of whom probably have no idea
of what their senator’s position is or what may be at stake.
Which raises an interesting question: If the folks back home
knew that their senator was supporting a bill that would make
another war in the Middle East more, rather than less likely,
would there be an outcry as there was after Obama (and AIPAC)
asked Congress to approve military action against Syria? Would
some senators feel compelled to reassess their support?
other point: others — most recently and convincingly,
Colin Kahl and
Pillar — have argued just how counter-productive and
potentially dangerous this bill is, and we have republished
their arguments for the benefit of LobeLog readers in recent
days. But it should be stressed that the 47 co-sponsors of this
bill, most notably the 14 Democrats who have signed on to it,
have effectively decided that Bibi Netanyahu and AIPAC are more
credible sources about Iran and what it is likely to do in the
P5+1 negotiations if this sanctions bill becomes law than either
the U.S. diplomats who are directly involved in the talks or the
U.S. intelligence community. Which is a rather startling fact,
especially given, for example,
Bibi’s predictive record on Iraq in the run-up to the U.S.
invasion and his
quarrels with his own intelligence community with
respect to Iran.
officials beginning at the top with Obama, then running through
John Kerry and Wendy Sherman have stated repeatedly that the
passage of a new sanctions bill — even one that would take
effect prospectively — would not only violate the spirit, if not
the letter, of the Nov. 24 agreement; it would also call into
serious question Washington’s good faith; quite possibly isolate
the U.S. within the P5+1 with disastrous results for the
existing sanctions regime; and sufficiently strengthen
hardliners in Tehran to force its government to toughen its
demands at the negotiating table, if not abandon the diplomatic
path altogether (and with it the chances of a peaceful
diplomatic settlement). As the most recent assessment by the
intelligence community, for which these same 47 senators have
approved annual budgets ranging as high as 70 billion dollars in
recent years,
concluded: “[N]ew sanctions would undermine the prospects
for a successful comprehensive nuclear agreement with Iran.”
Of course,
that’s precisely why Netanyahu and AIPAC are pushing the new
sanctions package.
S. 1881
The Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2013
Below is a list of senators who have cosponsored or indicated their intention to cosponsor The Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2013.47 Members Who Cosponsored
First Name | Last Name | State | Party | Status |
Lamar | Alexander | TN | R | C |
Kelly | Ayotte | NH | R | C |
Mark | Begich | AK | D | C |
Richard | Blumenthal | CT | D | C |
Roy | Blunt | MO | R | C |
Cory | Booker | NJ | D | C |
John | Boozman | AR | R | C |
Benjamin | Cardin | MD | D | C |
Bob | Casey | PA | D | C |
Saxby | Chambliss | GA | R | C |
Daniel | Coats | IN | R | C |
Thomas | Coburn | OK | R | C |
Susan | Collins | ME | R | C |
Chris | Coons | DE | D | C |
Bob | Corker | TN | R | C |
John | Cornyn | TX | R | C |
Ted | Cruz | TX | R | C |
Joe | Donnelly | IN | D | C |
Michael | Enzi | WY | R | C |
Deb | Fischer | NE | R | C |
Kirsten | Gillibrand | NY | D | C |
Lindsey | Graham | SC | R | C |
Kay | Hagan | NC | D | C |
Orrin | Hatch | UT | R | C |
Jim | Inhofe | OK | R | C |
Johnny | Isakson | GA | R | C |
Mike | Johanns | NE | R | C |
Mark | Kirk | IL | R | C |
Mary | Landrieu | LA | D | C |
Mike | Lee | UT | R | C |
Joe | Manchin | WV | D | C |
John | McCain | AZ | R | C |
Bob | Menendez | NJ | D | C |
Jerry | Moran | KS | R | C |
Lisa | Murkowski | AK | R | C |
Rob | Portman | OH | R | C |
Mark | Pryor | AR | D | C |
James | Risch | ID | R | C |
Pat | Roberts | KS | R | C |
Marco | Rubio | FL | R | C |
Charles | Schumer | NY | D | C |
Tim | Scott | SC | R | C |
John | Thune | SD | R | C |
Pat | Toomey | PA | R | C |
David | Vitter | LA | R | C |
Mark | Warner | VA | D | C |
Roger | Wicker | MS | R | C |
53 Members Who Did Not Cosponsor
First Name | Last Name | State | Party | Status |
Tammy | Baldwin | WI | D | DNC |
John | Barrasso | WY | R | DNC |
Max | Baucus | MT | D | DNC |
Michael | Bennet | CO | D | DNC |
Barbara | Boxer | CA | D | DNC |
Sherrod | Brown | OH | D | DNC |
Richard | Burr | NC | R | DNC |
Maria | Cantwell | WA | D | DNC |
Thomas | Carper | DE | D | DNC |
Thad | Cochran | MS | R | DNC |
Michael | Crapo | ID | R | DNC |
Richard | Durbin | IL | D | DNC |
Dianne | Feinstein | CA | D | DNC |
Jeff | Flake | AZ | R | DNC |
Al | Franken | MN | D | DNC |
Chuck | Grassley | IA | R | DNC |
Tom | Harkin | IA | D | DNC |
Martin | Heinrich | NM | D | DNC |
Heidi | Heitkamp | ND | D | DNC |
Dean | Heller | NV | R | DNC |
Mazie | Hirono | HI | D | DNC |
John | Hoeven | ND | R | DNC |
Tim | Johnson | SD | D | DNC |
Ron | Johnson | WI | R | DNC |
Timothy | Kaine | VA | D | DNC |
Angus | King | ME | I | DNC |
Amy | Klobuchar | MN | D | DNC |
Patrick | Leahy | VT | D | DNC |
Carl | Levin | MI | D | DNC |
Ed | Markey | MA | D | DNC |
Claire | McCaskill | MO | D | DNC |
Mitch | McConnell | KY | R | DNC |
Jeff | Merkley | OR | D | DNC |
Barbara | Mikulski | MD | D | DNC |
Christopher | Murphy | CT | D | DNC |
Patty | Murray | WA | D | DNC |
Bill | Nelson | FL | D | DNC |
Rand | Paul | KY | R | DNC |
Jack | Reed | RI | D | DNC |
Harry | Reid | NV | D | DNC |
Jay | Rockefeller | WV | D | DNC |
Bernie | Sanders | VT | I | DNC |
Brian | Schatz | HI | D | DNC |
Jeff | Sessions | AL | R | DNC |
Jeanne | Shaheen | NH | D | DNC |
Richard | Shelby | AL | R | DNC |
Debbie | Stabenow | MI | D | DNC |
Jon | Tester | MT | D | DNC |
Mark | Udall | CO | D | DNC |
Tom | Udall | NM | D | DNC |
Elizabeth | Warren | MA | D | DNC |
Sheldon | Whitehouse | RI | D | DNC |
Ron | Wyden | OR | D | DNC |
Lobe is best known for his coverage of U.S. foreign
policy, particularly the neoconservative influence
in the Bush administration. The Washington Bureau
Chief of the international news agency Inter Press
Service (IPS), Lobe has written for various outlets
and was featured in BBC and ABC television
documentaries about motivations for the US invasion
of Iraq. Read his
complete biography.
How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies' Biggest Enemy
By Calder Walton
In World War II's aftermath, MI5 turned to fight a new threat. It wasn't the Soviets. It was bombers from Jerusalem.
BBC Comedy Sketch The Israeli Embassy's Extension
An frank portrayal of the ever creeping dispossession of Palestinians in the guise of comedy.
Ignore Saudi and Israeli Goading for a More Muscular U.S. Mideast Policy
By Ivan Eland
military action against either Syria or Iran may be in the interest of
Saudi Arabia and Israel, but it is not the interest of the United
States or its people.
America's Unhinged Pursuit of Global Domination
By John J. Mearsheimer
America's interventionist policies are the main cause of its terrorism problem.
Pope Needs to Condemn US Warmongering
By Finian Cunningham
The Pope's anti-war sentiment and desire for peace is laudable. But he needs to do more than merely issue vague exhortations.
Necessity: The Argument of Tyrants
By Glenn Jacobs
The idea
that the government can protect us is patently absurd. All the
government can do is to destroy our liberties while promoting the
illusion of safety.
New U.S. Tax Regime is "Devastating," Experts Say
By Alex Newman
facing "pariah" status worldwide due to onerous IRS requirements,
millions of Americans living and working abroad are preparing to deal
with a deluge of even bigger problems in 2014.
The Obamacare We Deserve
By Michael Moore
That is the dirty little secret many liberals have avoided saying out loud for fear of aiding the president's enemies.
Dying Lawyer Lynne Stewart's Jubilant Return Home After Winning Compassionate Release
Now!'s Amy Goodman and Renée Feltz were at the airport to cover the
homecoming and speak with Stewart about her time behind bars.
Capitalism in Crisis: Who are the REAL "Takers"?
By Bernard Weiner
There's an internal time-bomb inside this dysfunctional economic system.
"Society Trap" - Joe Rogan
"Are you part of a machine?"
attn: Orwellian double-speak see be low............mira aquí! vista benieth, cavar más profundo, drill-down
Clanpper did not lie to Congress on NSA, says national intelligence counsel

Citing an editorial entitled “Edward Snowden, Whistle-Blower” which was published on Thursday, Litt wrote that the newspaper “repeats the allegation that James R Clapper Jr … 'lied' to Congress about the collection of bulk telephony metadata” and added: “As a witness to the relevant events and a participant in them, I know that allegation is not true.”
The Times editorial called for Snowden, a former NSA contractor who leaked thousands of files on the agency's surveillance practices to media outlets including the Guardian, to be offered “a plea bargain or some form of clemency that would allow him to return home”. It also listed a number of what it called “violations” which he had revealed.
Hard News
Bush- Blair Legacy Continues As -
30 Gunmen killed in Anbar:
(30) gunmen were all killed within a security operation at
Baghdad-Karma borders in Anbar province.The official spokesperson of
Baghdad Operations Command, Brigadier Saad Maan, declared in a
statement received by IraqiNews.com
Bush- Blair Legacy Continues As -
Iraq's annual death toll highest in five years - UN:
United Nations says at least 7,818 civilians and 1,050 members of the
security forces were killed in violent attacks across Iraq in 2013.
December alone saw at least 759 people killed, 661 of them civilians.
Sunni tribesmen seize buildings in Iraqi city:
Violence in Fallujah seen as measure of anger in Anbar with Shia-led government accused of neglecting Sunni needs.
Iraqi forces, tribesmen battle Qaeda-linked militants:
security forces and tribesmen battled Al-Qaeda-linked militants
Thursday who seized parts of two Sunni-majority cities after days of
violence that erupted when security forces demolished a year-old Sunni
protest camp.
Iraq PM to send reinforcements to restive Anbar: TV:
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Wednesday reversed a decision to
withdraw troops from tense cities in Anbar province, and will instead
deploy reinforcements, state television reported.
20 killed in Aleppo air strike:
least 20 people were killed on Wednesday in Aleppo when a residential
building was hit by a rocket from a warplane as the government's daily
bombardment of the northern Syrian city continued, activists said.
Syrian army kills 17 rebels:
Syrian army Wednesday killed 17 armed rebels in the southern province
of Daraa, media reported. The army eliminated "terrorists" in the town
of Jisa on the eastern outskirts of Daraa, Xinhua quoted the state-run
SANA news agency as saying in a report.
73,000 dead in Syria in 2013, war's bloodiest year: Pro-rebel activists say:
The tally
from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights came as renewed regime
air strikes in the northern city of Aleppo killed at least five people.
The Britain-based group said it had documented the deaths of 73,455
people between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013, including 22,436
Lebanon Army deploys as rebels advance near Syria border:
Lebanese Army deployed heavily along the northeastern border Thursday
as Syrian rebel groups launched an offensive to retake key Syrian
towns, leading to intense clashes with Hezbollah-backed government
forces, a security source said.
5 Killed as powerful explosion hits Lebanese capital:
powerful explosion in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital
Beirut - stronghold of the Shia armed group Hezbollah - has killed at
least five people and left another 20 wounded.
Blast kills Palestinian diplomat in Prague:
Palestinian ambassador to the Czech Republic has died in an explosion
at his residence in Prague, according to a police spokesperson. "He
moved an old case with him to the new house from the old house. And
when he opened it, the explosion happened."
Report: Israel offers land swaps to annex settlement blocs:
has asked the United States to consider a land swap deal that would
give Palestine a section of land in the Triangle area adjacent to the
Green Line in exchange for keeping settlement blocs in the West Bank,
Israeli media said Wednesday
Abbas warns of legal action against Israeli settlements:
"We will
not remain patient as the settlement cancer spreads, especially in
(annexed East) Jerusalem, and we will use our right as a UN observer
state by taking political, diplomatic and legal action to stop it," he
Abbas: All pre-Oslo Palestinian prisoners to be freed:
During a
Tuesday meeting with a committee representing Palestinian prisoners
from areas inside Israel, Abbas said an agreement was in place
stipulating that veteran prisoners from "1948 areas" would also be
released in conjunction with the current set of peace talks, the
statement said.
'Children in cages': Human rights group accuses Israel of torture:
Israeli human rights organization has accused the country of torturing
Palestinian minors, with reported cases of public caging as well as
threats and acts of sexual violence.
Health of Israel's Ariel Sharon worsens: report:
was at the height of his political power in early 2006 when a
devastating stroke incapacitated him. The 85-year-old has been in a
coma since then, connected to a respirator. His family has said that he
sometimes opens his eyes and moves his fingers.
Sex Tapes, Riots, and Corruption: Things Aren't Great in Turkey:
clashes between anti-government protesters and police broke out in the
heart of Istanbul this weekend, following a series of revelations about
corruption within the Turkish government
Erdogan blames 'foreign-backed' elements for dirty plot against Turkey:
Turkish prime minister uses New Year address to tackle allegations of ruling party corruption
11 killed in Somalia twin bomb attacks:
death toll from the twin bomb attacks in Somalia's capital Mogadishu
has risen to 11 after three people died from their wounds, police said
on Thursday.
DR Congo troops fighting Ugandan rebels' commander killed:
Mamadou Ndala has been killed... Apparently it was the ADF-Nalu
(Ugandan rebel force) that killed him and two of his bodyguards,"
government spokesman Lambert Mende said.
DR Congo army regains control of capital:
assailants launched a coordinated attack on the city's airport, a
military camp and the state television station RTNC on Monday in what
appeared to be an attempt to seize power by supporters of Paul Joseph
Mukungubila, a religious leader.
Two killed in Alexandria as pro-Mosrsi marches:
people are killed and three police officers injured in the clashes
between security forces and pro-Morsi supporters in Alexandria
Egypt orders assets of Brotherhood leaders seized:
Justice Ministry spokesman Abdel-Azim el-Ashri said on Tuesday that a
ministerial inventory committee has ordered the "movable and immovable
properties" of 572 Muslim Brotherhood leaders to be confiscated, the
Associated Press reported.
5 killed in eastern Afghan explosion:
Afghan civilians were killed while 18 others wounded Thursday in an
explosion in the country's eastern province of Logar, authorities said.
"An Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attached to a motorcycle was
detonated at around 4:00 p.m. local time in Baraki Barak District
US alarmed over Afghan prisoners' release:
government says the prisoners are innocent and there is no evidence to
prove that they are terrorists. But the U-S military insists that these
prisoners are very dangerous people.
Afghanistan's opium crop sets new records:
poppy cultivation in Afghanistan surged to record heights in 2013,
increasing for the third straight year in a row and confirming the
country's status as the world's No. 1 exporter of the opium crop.
3 Killed in Blast in Southwest Pakistan:
At least
three people were killed and 24 others injured today when a bomb blast
targeted a bus carrying Shia pilgrims to Iran in Pakistan's restive
Balochistan province. The attack on the bus carrying more than 50
passengers took place in Akhtarabad area of Quetta city.
Pervez Musharraf rushed to hospital with heart scare while on the way to treason trial:
In the
latest twist to the saga of Mr Musharraf's travails before the
country's courts, it was reported that police had taken him to the
Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology in Rawalpindi after falling ill on
his way from his house in the Islamabad suburbs.
8 Futuristic Weapons That Have Already Been Invented And Are Being Used In Battle:
future of weaponry is nothing but terrifying, much of it seemingly
taken from the deepest places of a science-fiction writer's mind.
Central America migrants flee turf wars and corrupt states for refuge in Mexico:
violence in Central America is sending a surge of refugees fleeing
north to Mexico where they are caught between official indifference and
yet more danger if they continue to the United States, human rights
activists say.
Pope: 'We have to stop on this road of violence!':
"We all
have a responsibility to act so that the world may be a community of
brothers who respect each other, who accept their diversity and who
take care of one another," the pope said on Catholic World Peace Day.
Japan's State Secrets Law: Hailed By U.S., Denounced By Japanese:
In a
shocking display of brute force, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ruling
party, the Liberal Democratic Party, railroaded into law a sweeping,
vague and hastily drafted secrets protection bill.
NSA worked on iPhone spyware to remotely monitor users, leaked documents show:
documents revealed on Monday show the U.S. National Security Agency has
the capability of deploying software implants on Apple's iPhone that
grants remote access to on-board assets like SMS messages, location
data and microphone audio.
NSA has backdoor access to iPhones:
researcher Jacob Applebaum said Monday at a presentation in Germany
that the spying agency can, among other things, intercept iPhone texts,
voicemails, contact lists, and activate the phone's microphone and
What a load of bull!:
Constitution 'exemption' zone spans 100 miles inland of US border- judge:
federal judge has reaffirmed an Obama administration policy granting
officials the authority to search Americans' laptops, citing a
controversial premise that makes citizens within 100 miles of the
border eligible for a police check.
5 Tips for Living in a Surveillance State -
New York Times and Guardian editorials say Edward Snowden deserves clemency:
the New York Times and U.K. paper the Guardian published editorials on
New Year's Day calling for clemency for NSA whistleblower Edward
Lynne Stewart Freed From Prison, Granted "Compassionate Release":
is further ordered that the defendant shall be released from the
custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons as soon as her medical
condition permits, the release plan is implemented and travel
arrangements can be made."
Bureau of Prisons Fights against Early Release of Dying or Incapacitated Prisoners:
BOP officials have mostly rejected requests from inmates to leave
prison before their sentences are up due to terminal illnesses
afflicting them or their immediate family members.
Colorado's recreational marijuana stores make history:
several recreational weed stores, buyers waited in line for three or
four hours to be a part of opening-day history. Despite the hundreds of
people queuing on public sidewalks, no significant problems emerged
Wednesday, Denver officials said.
£2m: average pay award for JP Morgan's top staff in 2012 revealed:
Banks disclose figures in dying hours of 2013 to comply with new European rule demanding information on bankers' pay
Chicago pension crisis called worst in nation:
city's underfunded pension system for teachers, firefighters, police,
and transit workers threatens to punch a hole in the city budget that
would devastate city services. The teachers' alone are $1 billion short
of funds, while the city as a whole is looking at a whopping $27
billion shortfall
I'm One of the 22,000 Homeless Kids Living in New York:
It's impossible to succeed unless you can escape being homeless. My grades went kaputz when I lived in the shelters.
40 percent of jobless youth facing mental illness symptoms with one-in-three contemplating suicide:
people who have been unemployed in the long-term are also more than
twice as likely as their peers to believe they have nothing to live
for, the study said.
10 budget cities where you can retire in comfort:
Retiring on $30,000 a year is manageable - if you live in a low-cost area.
Customers walk over dead body after Michigan man killed in store doorway : Video -
Customer's walked over the slain man's body for about five minutes after he was shot in the doorway of the Kalamazoo store.
Michigan bans 'WAR SUX' license plate for the 'emotional wellbeing of youth':
The state
of Michigan has told a court that it was protecting children when it
refused to issue a vanity license plate with the phrase "WAR SUX."
Is The Government Stockpiling Iodine In Preparation for Fukushima Meltdown?:
Department of Health and Human Services has ordered 14 million doses
of potassium iodide to be available by no later then the first of
Ruffalo and Scott Smith discuss the issues surrounding the recent oil
train derailments, such as the one in Lac-Megantic, Quebec, Aliceville,
AL and Casselton, ND.
"The People's Voice" Alternative Media Channel Continues Expansion
People Against the NDAA: "The Resistance is Just Getting Started"
Activist Post
The Future of Drone Swarm "Awareness"
Nicholas West
Doctors’ Financial Rewards from Administering Flu Shots
Catherine J. Frompovich
Concealed Carry Has Finally Arrived in Illinois
Lily Dane
Soft Killing The American People Using Toxic Food,
Toxic Water And Toxic Vaccines
Michael Snyder
Is Your State One of the Six Chosen for Drone Testing in 2014?
Chris Carrington
City of Boston Bans Smoking in Public Parks
Andrew V Pontbriand
Market Crash In the Works: “A Canary May Have Just Keeled Over”
Mac Slavo
Thailand: Protest Leaders Demand Justice for Fallen Protesters and Policeman
Tony Cartalucci
New Must-See Videos
Fukushima Responders Starting To Get Sick
The Future of Drone Swarm "Awareness"
Keiser: Empire Kaput, Cryptocurrencies Take Over in 2014!
Life Without Parole for Weed
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A Miracle in Wisconsin
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How Love and Other Emotions are Mapped in the Body
Chinese recycling tycoon says he wants to buy the New York Times
Gov't Increasingly Taxing Healthier Living
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The Manchurian Candidate Wishes You a Happy New Year
Gardasil: The Carnage Continues in France
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Utah law enforcement can take your property
A Miracle in Wisconsin
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FireEye buys outfit that lifted the lid on Chinese cyber-espionage
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Snapchat: In 'theory' you could hack... Oh CRAP is that 4.6 MILLION users' details?
Hey Mr Bull, meet my friend Red Rag
Skype's Twitter account, blog hacked to spread anti-Microsoft messages
Hi! Microsoft here. We p0wn you, so don't use our products
How the NSA hacks PCs, phones, routers, hard disks 'at speed of light': Spy tech catalog leaks
Analysis It's not as bad as you thought - it's much worse
Yes, the BBC still uses FTP. And yes, a Russian crook hacked the server
Convenient file-store a convenient target for crook touting access
Gay hero super-boffin Turing 'may have been murdered by MI5'
LGBTI campaigner Tatchell wants poisoned-apple inquiry
Snowden leak journo leaks next leak: NSA, GCHQ dying to snoop on your gadgets mid-flight
Greenwald blasts US, UK during hacker confab speech
Slurp away, NSA: Mass phone data collection IS legal, rules federal judge
Inter-court fracas means the Supremes will have to dust off robes
Joke no more: Comedy virty currency Dogecoin gets real in big Xmas heist
Wow. So hack. Very theft. Much sorry. Wow
Speaking in Tech: The Snowden Effect... Why 2014 will be the year of PRIVATE cloud
Podcast Plus: SSD pioneer Violin... OMG - Don's gone
Snowden to warn Brits on Xmas telly: Your children will NEVER have privacy
Ex-NSA man tries political pressure in Channel 4's Christmas Day speech
Snowden: 'I am still working for the NSA ... to improve it'
'Mission accomplished', leaker tells Washington Post
F-Secure won't speak at imperialist lackey RSA's 2014 conference
Research head Mikko Hypponen picks up his bat and ball and goes home

We don't need no STEENKIN' exploit brokers: Let's FLATTEN all bug bounties
The good, the bad and the ugly - all $150k apiece

RSA comes out swinging at claims it took NSA's $10m to backdoor crypto
In summary: Yes, the biz worked with spies. But it knew about a gaping hole? No, siree!

How much did NSA pay to put a backdoor in RSA crypto? Try $10m – report
Latest Snowden claims: Flawed encryption tech switched on by default in exchange for cash
Alien SUPER-EARTH: If there is LIFE up there, it'll be moaning about the weather
'The first ten million years were the worst,' said Marvin
Private space truck ready for ISS trip as soon as NEXT WEEK
Cygnus capsule good to go
'New' nova starts to BLUSH
Nova Centauri 2013 is in the pink
Boffins invent LUMINOUS PIGS again, glow-in-dark bacon sarnies presumably imminent
Something's not quite kosher
Coming in 2014: Scary super-soldier exoskeleton suits from the US military
Iron Man-esque armor prototypes next year, deployment in 2018
Cheeky LOHAN chaps in gutsy snatch at El Reg's paper spaceplane crown
Pink missile lunges downward from 31,849m
Britain's costliest mistake? Lord Stern defends his climate maths
Analysis Pass Go and Collect Peerage
2013: A Space Odyssey - a cosmological review of the year
Year in Review Asteroids 'n' comets, our new home Mars and the adventures of Jade Rabbit
Just what they've always wanted! ISS 'naut duo unwrap new space fridge
Cooling system's replacement pump fitted to orbiting station in second spacewalk
song of our lord.....bhagavad Gita / Good News.....New Testament: a parallel paradox, enter the Matrix, programmed on how to behave in any given (atrificial) situation by way of three things....culture-jamming natural instinct (hippy), eugenics-nutrution-geoengineering (the monsanto executive dinning kitchen will not serve GMO items on the menu or buffet.) environmental and/or Mass Distraction, celebrity worship Me? really to describe youself or anyone with out using labels as a philosophy professor challenged(not to spell) me to so many years ago.......and soren waz hiz name-o
"To Label me is to negate me"
Shoot the Messenger: How one journalist's footage from Fallujah in the Iraq War caused a firestorm...
cannot wait Absurdity Today
this why i am a fan kosmicdebris
Posted: 03 Jan 2014 02:47 PM PST
3 January 2014

Chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependency on initial conditions in
which a small change at one place in a deterministic nonlinear
system can result in large differences in a later state. The name of the
effect, coined by Edward Lorenz, is derived from the theoretical
example of a hurricane’s formation being contingent on whether or not a
distant butterfly had flapped its wings several weeks earlier.”
Unfortunately we are not
discussing the effect of butterflies flapping their wings, but of
countless jets spraying toxic metal particulates and chemicals while
circling the biosphere day in and day out. We are talking about dozens
of large “ionosphere heater” facilities and countless smaller
installations scattered around the earth, all taking their toll on the
planets natural systems. We are tailing about a cabal of total insanity
that runs the world, a cabal that has long since decided for us all that
they will be the “Gods” of our weather, of our environment, and of our
The entire global climate
system is being completely manipulated and disrupted by the ongoing
geoengineering/climate engineering assault.
know well that government always kept a kind of standing army of
newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like
truth, invented and put into the papers whatever might serve the
ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means
of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper."
-- Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp, Oct. 13, 1785. (*) ME
5:181, Papers 8:632
examining the CIA's past and present use of the U.S. media, the
Committee finds two reasons for concern. The first is the potential,
inherent in covert media operations, for manipulating or incidentally
misleading the American public. The second is the damage to the
credibility and independence of a free press which may be caused by
covert relationships with the U.S. journalists and media
organizations." - Frank Church
addition to buying propaganda piecemeal, the Station often purchased
it wholesale by subsidizing Chilean media organizations friendly to the
United States. Doing so was propaganda writ large. Instead of placing
individual items, the CIA supported -or even founded- friendly media
outlets which might not have existed in the absence of Agency support."
- Church report - Covert Action in Chile 1963-1973. http://is.gd/Y0qChG
wtf............Tom?? bliss...
peace, love, joy and there is mary..............................
corbett/see boiling frog sebal edmands
is he over playing his hand?

Up to this point I have left the topic of Mr. Edward Snowden pretty much untouched, and here is why.
- See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2013/12/15/mr-snowden-its-time-to-come-out-and-take-a-stand-publicly-as-to-your-intentions/#sthash.iNtIiag5.dpuf
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The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom.
a caviet: Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley.
FEAR OF A BLACK BLOC PLANET from the stimulator on Vimeo.
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