Thursday, May 31, 2012

Chief Wilma

In memorial:    Wilma Pearl Mankiller (November 18, 1945 – April 6, 2010)

If we don't frame the issues, someone else will frame the issues for us.
She told my social work class here in Tahlequah thirty-five years ago this same message. They were scary times for natives, the possibility existed then that 25% of indigenous population  could be wiped out by hiv/aids. Just as it was sweeping through tribal life in Africa it would do also here, after already taking a generation of ignorant gays here. Wilma led us people through it with education, she also brought moral authority of her elders to light, personal responsibility and consequences of irresponsibility to man and nature.

I been doing this 30 years now and she is still right. She takes care of her people because she cares for all people. I dig her name, too.  If I had a choice: tea with the queen, a beer with 'bama, or audience with the pope,  I would choose none, I’d just as soon have Iced Tea and fry-bread with Wilma, at home, than walk across the street for a photo op with any of the others.... If all those folks really cared about what I thought, they would ask me, no one but her has asked me anything, they seem to tell me what I need to think without any input from me….if the news media will not do their jobs, we all, the human race,  must frame the issues now, before mass die-offs occur due to apathy and over-consumption. These are the issues we should be framing for a or any future.

-- Wilma Mankiller said American Indian journalists can break down barriers just as she did 30 years ago when she became the first woman in modern history to lead a major Indian tribe........ "This is a time when the unique perspective of Native American journalists is needed," she told 25 students and others attending the American Indian Journalism Institute that day.

"Perception is as much of a threat as anti-sovereignty legislation. We have to regain control of our image," said Mankiller, who in 1985 became principal chief of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, the second largest tribe with more than 140,000 enrolled members and an annual budget of $75 million. (tribal assets are currently mushrooming exponentially 2012.)

American Indians can accurately portray themselves and their many issues and accomplishments by training more Indian journalists through programs such as AIJI, Mankiller said..... "There are dangerous stereotypes. We have to tell our own stories," she said............. "If we don't frame the issues, someone else will frame the issues for us."

Mankiller said, for example, the story needs to be told that American Indians have the best military service record of any ethnic group in the United States.

She offered recommendations for success to the college students: critical thinking, standing up for American Indian values and culture, educating others about tribal traditions and history, and responding with education rather than anger or impatience.

"The Mohawks said they teach young people to respond not with anger, but to always look forward. They say it's hard to see the future with tears in your eyes," she said.

"I add that it's hard to see the future with anger in your heart and tears in your eyes."

She challenged the students to uncover and share important stories affecting American Indians.

"There are wonderful, inspiring stories that never get reported," she said.

She made me believe I could change the world, by doing my part. Between chief Wilma and Sarah Brown of Columbia University, they shocked my social conscience into hero mode, god save the queen and at least half of the women and a few liberals!  Eager and pragmatic I wanted to fix all the social ills yesterday single-handed. didn’t take but a few years and few cases of beer to figure out I didn’t have the tools, beers or the patience to do the job yet. I was stealing when I should have been buying.

I think we should concede the native American immigration policy was flawed from the start. We are fixing a leaking canoe now with all of us and everything we own in it. First thing I would do is drive that dam Plymouth  rock about two miles inland so they wont tie anymore boats to it. Leave a hole in the fence so the Yankee carpet baggers can get out and go back to the old country. Once you take everything we are free again. File this under puritans, hypocrisy of democracy.   

History Lessons and urban myths………..framing the issues. Lesson 3.

.......................keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons........................

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it........ John Lennon

.....................keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons..........

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial day memories too soon forgotten

James Turber  December 8, 1894 – November 2, 1961

 Why is it the Mongols of this world always tell us they're defending us against the Mongols? ~ Edward Whittemore ~

Tolstoy POV.............  There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one; the regeneration of the inner man.
How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.

 Not only does the action of Governments not deter men from crimes; on the contrary, it increases crime by always disturbing and lowering the moral standard of society. Nor can this be otherwise, since always and everywhere a Government, by its very nature, must put in the place of the highest, eternal, religious law (not written in books but in the hearts of men, and binding on every one) its own unjust, man-made laws, the object of which is neither justice nor the common good of all but various considerations of home and foreign expediency.

 The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order, and in the assertion that, without authority, there could not be worse violence than that of authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that Anarchy can be instituted by a revolution. "To establish Anarchy." "Anarchy will be instituted." But it will be instituted only by there being more and more people who do not require protection from governmental power, and by there being more and more people who will be ashamed of applying this power.............. Tolstoy

Jesus is the ultimate 'Christian anarchist', as a matter of fact started the movement that day on a mountain sharing Perfect Diction.....  the discourse titled "Sermon on the Mount". Moral agency of the individual accountable to the Source. Start practicing perfection now........else you aint mov'in on up.

Perfection...what is it? I like to use that line from Trainspotting:  ........ 'take the best orgasm you ever had in your life and multiply by 1000..............and you are in no way close to perfection.  My human interface has no vocabulary for things I don't know I don't know. I know someone who does, my spiritual interface for hard wired humans. Meditation the Kosmic-Rosetta Stone. 'In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was made flesh.........................

ST. John talks of 'the beast' in revelations.  The government fits this description according to 99.99% of us. Ahimsa shall be our primary offensive weapon!  The arsional should include but limited to boycotts of global markets and local politic polls, civil disobedience and culture-jamming. Keep talking................... folks everywhere are starting to see with new social filters, waking up to realities that if this movement does not reach critical mass ................certain annihilation assured.   Silence tends to confirm those convictions of the status quo. We shall never want nor have need for another Memorial Day....One death is one death too many!!  Non-violent resistance in the name LOVE, PEACE and Justice.

..............keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons.........................


Friday, May 25, 2012

science, pragmatism. duck prosthesis


Fifty years ago if someone ask a scientist if he believed in God, He would most likely say, of course not I am a scientist. Today if you ask a scientist he may just say of course I do, without a doubt I am a scientist. This probably is the greatest scientific breakthrough of the millennia and salvation for mankind. Research can prove today we are connected, connected to each other in a science lab. Leading researchers know that south Africa is the Mecca for medical research due to liberal ethics policies in the name of medical science. The entire African continent is a smorgasbord of medical study owing to no shortage of volunteers/victims, in various states of health, disease, malnourishment, wars, much human suffering and calamity. Meager rewards are offered up for guinea pigs, or for certain tissues like kidneys or donors for whatever. Victims to exploit. Believe me, the guinea pigs are fed better than seventy-percent of the whole African population. I reserve the African political and social trains to spot later.

 I thought I would share some hope that we may see this thing through. It is no secret that science has make it possible to remove live tissue from one and insert onto anther. A heart can be made to function independent of the body, this we know. Biopsies are routinely ordered on diseased hearts, they also perform these biopsies on healthy areas of the same hearts and sent to pathologist worldwide for comparison studies, and or diagnosis of disease. The live tissue is kept in a sterile medium that mimics the hearts natural environment; they can even apply mild electrical current that stimulates the heart or tissue to contract. No big deal, right? What if this living tissue sample spontaneously begins to contract with its hosts exact rhythm in the test dish. Can do. What if the tissue sample was sitting in another continent some 6 thousand miles away. How did that tissue sample know when to beat in rhythm all by itself, the unmistakable exact rhythm of its host? No wires or blood vessels gonna reach that far. Because of an invisible connection unknown and unseen, but they are connected science now agrees. That is proof of God in the lab in my book. Concrete empirical truth. Scientist now agree there is order amid the chaos of the universe, an intelligent design, order by unknown source. It may be a jump, but if a part of the heart knows when to get in tune with its source, we can realize as men we are connected and recognize God as our source, now that science is starting to come around to truth, Cool huh? There is always hope. Smart guys looking at biology today can openly express their faith in science circles. That is the real science break-through. Christian science scholars can prove God in the laboratory now that the atheist were forced to let them in. This is a good thing for mankind. Pragmatist like me have to have proof.

.......................keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons........................


Early Birds

  Oh , look he has dropped his banner;

I consider F. Scott Fitzgerald one of our modern forbearers of pragmatism: "the true test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas the mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function, one should for instance, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determine to make them otherwise."

 I gave my self a challenge a few years ago to be as honest as I knew how to be. And search for my truth, my raison d'etre. To figure on what I believe and why. Without out any props, a from memory improvised deal. What I believe on paper so I could see where I was lying to myself. All I could come up with was a few lines of scripture I had committed to my hard drive as a kid, thousands of gigs of songs about what I believe; but those few verses kicked off a landslide in my life; told me I was connected to everything else in this world and someone has been looking out for me; someone from heaven. Turns out I was good. I had to write it down, state what I believe in writing on paper. So if God ask I wont have to look at my notes.

 If a man cant tell another what he believes, he hasn't a voice worth hearing.

 I sort of got this idea from soren kirkigaard, he used to give his class an assignment to write down who they were/is d' etre and then without using labels. Not family roles such as father, mother, brother. Not professional labels, spiritual or church rolls, nothing, no stereo-types of social convention. Who are you? It's not easy. What is your reason for being, larry. A after a few lines I had nothing, might as well stomp on my toe to arouse any passion. Maybe I could produce reams of what I believe with a surprise involuntary colonic for inspiration, just pitiful. I realized I would not know truth if it come up and bite me in the ass. So I set about reading, I read the bible, surveyed the great religions text,  I read obscure history, read auto/biographies first for no second hand opinions. Met Joseph Campbell, went inside Plato's cave,(with a spiritual flash light), walking Ockham's razor painfully,  I surveyed mythology and philosophy and the latter was more frightening of the two. Truth. The riddles of the sphinx. Theology I did prudishly wade, this is the crux of the biscuit. The meaning of get what you give.....reap/sow.    My philosophy is use 'Ockhams razor' and not cast labels nor aspersions.  "Follow your bliss not your blisters"
Arm-chair pragmatism:

Early Bird,
Oh, if you're a bird be an early bird and catch the worm for your breakfast plate.
If your a bird be an early early bird………………………..
But if you're a worm, sleep late............ shel silverstein

Sometimes I go to bed early as the bird and wake-up late as the worm. I only get up bird-early when I am hungry, and sleep worm-late when I'm not. Ever wonder how many people there would be in the world if it wasn't for birth control, abortions, bullet/but-holes and blowjobs? I do. Man cannot stop a souls light from shinning through, I think contraception has little to do with the equation when all is said and done.

Pragmatism is a word in ordinary use, with senses that range from a term of abuse to a term of art. From time to time, a professional philosopher will pick up the banner of pragmatism with very little awareness, or little more than a nodding acknowledgment, of those who bore it before, and run off in a direction that bears but token kinship to the aims of its forbearers.

Pragmatism as a philosophy, as common sense, practical outcomes for the common good that benefit all mankind and me as a man least of all is where I found my bridge between intellectual science, empirical knowledge of monkeys and the formless truth of perfect thought, thereby opening the metaphysical door to spiritual infinity. Where all things are possible.

 Atheist have no arguments for as to why the bible is the only everlasting document that, when compared to all other documents of the ancients, never changed and kept its original meaning. Passing thought 1000's of generations of socially filtered culture. Tells me it's no accident. Voltaire had to concede the fact the Hebrew documents remained unchanged was unexplainable. They do not know why Jesus is not in his tomb, while all their profits still lay.

 Social scientist say that is impossible that for to be, historical perversions has occurred with all others history notes. Historians admit the actual crucifixion happened or it wouldn't be important enough to take note of; to write about and have it today as true. Definitive proof of truth Is we still have it today unchanged. If Darwin theory where to be held true, in a million years we should have six arms and a dozen fingers on each for text messaging, driving, eating, mousing, running, and picking our nose who knows what else, maybe the Hindu were on to something with the extra extremities.

 I am firmly convinced that we as a human race are connected unseen, unknown by mechanical measure. The philosophy of pragmatism is a sturdy plank familiar to my belief system. My pragmatism was why I think pay it forward was such a good idea.

An example of a grassroots movement to show the love of God by blessing his children the opportunity to love and be loved by God. The way Christ paid it forward for our eternal souls. Wouldn't it just blow your mind, if after a days hard work, tired wore-out you standing in the check-out lane of the grocery store, just finishing up the transaction, the cashier tells you your groceries are paid for by an unknown benefactor? Have a nice day. Thank you , Jesus thank-you for the love-cross thing too. Wouldn't that be fantastic. If the benefactors motives were purely anonymous, unseen blessings of God will come from everywhere and begin to break into unknown areas in their life.

Pay it forward is angel tag, and we feel good about doing it; a blessing is your soul smiling, and you always know when you done good. Maybe I will stiff the collection plate this week and feed somebody else. Which dollar is God looking at? If someone did it for me I would someday in deed pay it forward. You know, I still today, when someone unexpected visits me I never let them leave without giving them something of mine to take with them when they leave, that s the Indian way, and especially if you bring for me something, they believed in pay it forward. Pay it forward's the old way.

Nothing on earth is a mistake, everything is as it should be. If society must label things, label me in the pragmatist camp; we are not going to deny stepping into cow-shit to get to the cows, cows are more important than our shitty boots. We must quit working on the barn and if teachers don't know how to use God's spiritual boots, they need to step aside and quit tracking up the place, consider forewarned. A blue car:

That henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. Eph.4.14. 
This here verse is a spiritual bomb that will bare much calamity to the false witnesses of the riotous. Implode a mine-ministry in seconds; Pray it when needed or where. Prn.

........................keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons.....................


The other duck tale

The one-legged duck theory of evolution. I call it my circle theory and a discussion. Does a one-legged duck swim in circles? Is a lame duck doomed for life? Can a damaged duck learn from the osprey and albatross to take off vertically binding the wind ; doubling the strength of his wings? Will his flight path be altered owing to unequal weight distribution and resist the tendency to fly in circles, or may he gain an edge from his asymmetry; to profit from misfortune? being so selective and strong he could fly further find the richest places to grub and grow bigger, still bigger. What a blessing this leg cost. In addition to stronger wings, he went with a tripod configuration using two-wings and the stronger one leg; wings made good crutches which made them good weapons :he had success with such a mating approach. Does faulty landing gear lead to increased mortality and opportunities for predators, or should sharpen to be keenly selective in his glide-path to safety? Most of the biggest ducks in the puddle are lame ducks; most all virgin duckettes surrender to the biggest duck voluntarily and prefer to mate on land; the water mating issues one legged ducks face are almost insur-mountable, water hazards many times have fatally claimed our stumpy brothers.

 One legged ducks learn to compensate for the absent limp and become stronger than the daffys with two good paddles. This often leads to increased mating opportunities for the crippled quakers; ducks strength of character to be passed on leaning to his left, curiously physically stronger wings stronger than the others and favors one foot over the other, like his dad, by example of his father making wider circles out into the future. The ducks offspring still swim in circles and walk with a limp though they have two healthy flippers today. Maybe, just maybe one duckling bares to the right.

I have been working on a prosthetic device fabricated out of the economical biologic polymer: balsa wood. Choose most any random summer evening my neighbors may see me sitting outside in the cool breeze propped on my steps whittling on a piece of wood with my pocket knife; I'm actually working on a duck-leg-ski-paddle-brake outfit prosthesis for Gods quackery. I wonder how to make a better duck; with my mental duck model if you start messing with too many of the parameters the model dies out.

So don't ask what I am working on or what I am thinking about when I am whittling; unless you got a minute, otherwise, you can go milk your own goat. We, my team, my cat and I are starting the Bata trials come spring, wind tunnel clocks sometime June. Nature has it's own intelligent design way above my plain plane, just trying to help out as best I can. Most of the ducks I spoke to have declined public comment claiming this was an internal duck-God matter. God said shut-up or ill snatch you other leg too, fool. Remember a duck with no legs is a divine slob that consumes more duck butter than he produces, i.e. ? Should we starve him or our children to feed him? I'm for feeding him to our hungry children, hungry dogs care not for kinship. Next time I whittle this is my target. It's hard to keep your ducks in a row. Huh God.

………….keep fighting the good fight with your minds as weapons!!.........


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tsalagi, The way things stand…

THE WAY THINGS STAND - Impressions on the Uneasiness of Being an American
In this
Our country
Our home
Our land
If you think you, and only you, know where it's 'at'
Chances are you're a republican
If you think anyone who doesn't agree with you is a 'rat'
Chances are you're a democrat
If you think the sick, the poor and the unemployed need a kick in the 'rear end'
You'd be a republican
If you think you can solve all the problems in the system with 'tax and spend'
You'd be a democrat
If you think the president sits in the 'oral office'
Chances are you're a republican
If you think the president sits in the 'oval orifice'
Chances are you're a democrat
If you think the public should know where a president puts his cigar
You'd be a republican
If you think the country has gone one corporate scandal or another country too far
You'd be a democrat
If you think the U.S. should rule the world because it can
Chances are you're a republican
If you think the U.S. should lead the world because it can
Chances are you're a democrat
If you think it's better we should 'smart-bomb-the-shit' out of them
And tragically murder thousands
You'd be a republican
If you think it's better to 'economically sanction' rather than occupy them
And quietly starve millions
You'd be a democrat
If you're confused after reading this
Because you believe both sides are really that different
Chances are you're most likely
A true red-white-and-blue patriotic American.
Nothing wrong with that really
It's good to have pride in one's country
You'd be justified historically
However isn't too much pride a sin
To the Christian Way of thinking?
To the brave and the free: Never forget
That you have History in your hand
When you cast a vote
To balance things out
Or write a politician a note
To point things out
To the brave and the free: Never forget
That you can sign petitions
That aim to bring about change
Or Refuse a draft because the reasons
For going to war seem strange
To the brave and the free: Never forget
Voice your opinion, Do Not Remain Silent,
Do not be afraid to be labelled 'anti-American'
By some, and follow your conscience
To the brave and the free: Never forget
There's always room for improvement
That being a citizen, instead of a subject,
Is much more than having a gun in your closet
Or reading a left-leaning pamphlet.
To the brave and the free: Never forget
There is much good in this land
If not bold political enlightenment.
We, the people, are only Human.
Both republicans and democrats
And the disenchanted voters
The way things stand,
We're sure as hell trying….
In this
Our country
Our home
Our land
Copyright 2006, the minute menace
I am fortunate that where I live I am surrounded by fresh water springs and many 'native Americans' that know how to live somewhat outside conventional society, for the most part, share the knowledge of what our natural flora and fauna provides for food, medicine and survival in general; they are capable of maintaining and defending of social order by banding together to preserve life and liberty of the benefit of the original "we, the people". As evidence, the Tsalagi were never a conquered people only subjugated. 

'Cherokee' is Creek for 'people with another language'. (It's amazing how white settlers always managed to learn another tribe's name for any group of Indians. They learned the Creek word for the Cherokee tribe, but not the Creek word for themselves.) Anyway, our original name for ourselves was Aniyudnwiya, but Cherokee is fine too (though we say it Tsalagi). There are 350,000 Cherokee people today, mostly in Oklahoma and North Carolina. 

 The best-known episode in Cherokee history was also the worst: the Trail of Tears, the forced relocation of the Cherokee Indians from their ancestral home in the southeast to Oklahoma. The Cherokee  people were civilized  urban, Christian, agricultural, intermarried society who had supported the United States against other tribes. In the end this was all for nothing. Though prominent Americans like Davy Crockett and Daniel Webster spoke against Removal, and though the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional, President Andrew Jackson sent in the army. Fifteen to twenty thousand Cherokee Indians (along with Choctaw, Creek, and other tribes) were rounded up and herded to Oklahoma in the winter of 1838-1839. Driven from their homes without being allowed to collect their possessions first, even their shoes, the Cherokees were no better equipped for an 800-mile forced march than people today would be. Between four and eight thousand Cherokee people died of exposure, starvation, disease, and exhaustion along the Trail of Tears. If you understand this, both the extent to which the Cherokees had adopted American standards of civilization before the Removal and the ultimate futility of it, you will go a long way towards understanding the Cherokee mentality and also the attitudes of other Indian peoples towards federal control. 

A few other things to keep in mind, learned before, during and after the betrayal and removal, besides survival.
1. Most have a very good memory and elders to remind them that a distrust of the federal government in general is historically justified and verified by attempted genocide.

2. Their political loyalties are to the tribe first, are capable of governing themselves. White settlers settled nothing.

3. They are educated and socialized in western ways, but retain and maintain a cultural identity separate and apart from many of those ways. 

4. Western education has afforded them with history, lawyers and guns. The will and determination to keep what they have was already possessed before western encroachment and ultimate removal. Of course, a justifiable distrust of the federal government came after guns, lawyers and history, henceforth, the Tsalagi have educated many lawyers accordingly and many have armed themselves as a result of this history to protect tribal sovereignty.

5. Most important of all, the indigenous peoples of this land never lost their unyielding faith in the 'Great Spirit', a belief they held long before the arrival of early American colonists. That faith is something settlers couldn't give, something impossible for the pale ones to take away; knowing no man can give something he does not himself have to give. The Tsalagi see the goodness of God in all of creation, all of the time…everywhere, in everything; not in little white buildings only on Sunday morning. God may be there in that place, but for the red-man, he knows God is not there unless he brings God with him to that place or any other place anyone red or white wonders on this earth.
*Remember this, republican and democrat alike, you may find forgiveness and you may find sympathy, we are all brothers of the human race, but like the sacred hoop of life….*what goes around…..

Freedom is a state of the mind, not a mind full of the state….

To the brave and the free: Never forget!!
The way things stand…
In this
Our country
Our home
Our land

Keep Fighting the Good Fight - with your minds as weapons! 


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Qui plume a, guerre a……

Clever tyrants are never punished. Les habiles tyrans ne sont jamais punis………To hold a pen is to be at war. Qui plume a, guerre a…………….Voltair 1760

The French revisited. Some may wonder why I hold the ideologically pernicious French with such contempt. Upon the world stage the French are the economic whores of humanity. The collective persona of the French are historically noted for being free thinkers with bad attitudes. I can spot a character flaw in a nation as easy as I can any mans tell. French nationals, diplomats, and commanders will not look you in the eye when diplomacy determines detriment/benefit are questioned. They like to talk their way into being the pie cutter; after someone else's sword has liberated the pie. Their eye is on the prize, French cut; with stipulations addressing support to rebuild your pie-plate; a war we that we're opposed to on record, wink. French engineers are only too happy help rebuild a funnel to france , 'for modest operational expenses, we do get hungry sometimes', wink, wink and looks down.

The French diplomatic core are more prolific than cockroaches in Compton. This very minute the French have more engineers building bridges in Lebanon, Egypt, Syria , on a Saudi dollar than French troops on the ground in Iraq/afgan on our American dime. The French are shrewd businessmen selling nato(usa)  tech, intel……. I could tell you about the time Israel destroyed the entire air fleets of both Egypt and Syria.
Perfect scenario for France.

  Israeli pilots flying French built mirage jet-fighters shot down 266 Russian mig combat fighters belonging mostly to Syria, without loosing a single mirage. Most of the Egyptian planes were destroyed on the ground by French and American (NATO) weapons systems, oh and Egyptian and Syria also used more French war implements and logistical support than American or domestic sources. Israel bought their French-built mirages, armed with American technology, from the Americans. American technology manufactured the aircraft. Those planes never touched down on U S soil were brokered using US as the middleman. This spared the French the political fallout from other European nations from having to defend selling weapons to the Jews. The jets flew directly from France to Israel.

Six day war is over and the post war critique: French diplomats strike a deal with Egypt, we will rebuild your runways so the planes we sell you to defend the runways will be able to take off from, you don't want Israel pulling that one on you again, do you? We French may point out that your Russian bullets failed; you need our best bullets that fit in our guns only. We French learned to produce high grade weapons systems as a benefit of joining the North American Treaty Alliance, we can deliver any conventional weapons system a la carte, carte' blanche.

 Syria, you need our French missiles to shoot down those Israeli planes. America puts out world fires and France throws gasoline, and stokes the flames. Good for business. Trust me the French tell this story to any camp he invites himself to sponsor, like Nike sponsoring a football game; only both teams don the same uniforms and pads. But it wouldn't be futbol either because they(French) have only one ball. Two balls are required, and I cant say there are two among the lot.

 Through the auspicious blanket of the united nations we French will also be setting up channels of distribution for humanitarian aid; we are after all ,the chief suppler of body bags, bandages, and bridges; and one more thing ,we will rebuild your damaged water vessels, its too expensive to ship water for our people from france; we will just put it on the tab, unicef will reimburse us if there is any francs left after our administrative dispersal fees. I don't know what the French need so much water for, certainly not to bathe. That's just one of my beefs with the French. I have a hard time liking someone that eats snails at sixty dollars a plate. I have to temper my social outrage. Least my passions overtake me, always something to rage about, huh Dylan.

These war mongers must be exposed. The hidden agenda the French protect today is not so hidden anymore. French industry merrily delights at the economic windfalls that war fuels; cheers escalation; rejoices at prolonged aggressions; keeps hostilities stirred up indefinitely for unlimited future growth potential. The mass social implications in the middle east are almost incomprehensible; as dire as any other epoch in history ancient or modern.

 The French have very precise meanings to the words in their vocabulary. English has borrowed many, many words from france, but the French borrow few words from neighbors to convey new meaning. This alone gives rise to attitudes of arrogance. My French language is superior to yours because we have thought deeper and invented new words to describe our novel ideas; give old concepts words that carry heavier weight for all the world to bare.... fools.  How about the term: "smells like a French whore"? We can lend new meaning to the phrase and re-coin the term…. to mask the fetid odor of reality. Ethnocentric is our word for them. Einstein said it best: "Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."

I say france is a whore-house with the only hot whore in Damascus or Tel Aviv. Discrimination without discretion keeps fools out of heaven and hell booked eternally. The French have a chronic incurable case of self centeredness that euthanizes the unknowing world. Psst, psst… Iran and north Korea are building , have built nuclear reactors for their local power grids, guess where they got the technology? We hear little about Frances socio-economic franchises for a reason; they are good at what they do.

 If America tore the talons off the eagle and gave the Arabs and the Jews one each; Sit safely perched and wait until one ask for the eagle fathers to stop the bleeding;  invite the French vultures to clean the battlefield, what would the people do? Nothing and nothing equates apathy. When one spots trains from a French platform one must be vigilant as to which side one is standing. I walk with a purpose, today mine is to count blue cars:

In war, science has proven itself an evil genius; it has made war more terrible than it ever was before. Man used to be content to slaughter his fellowmen on a single plane--the earth's surface. Science has taught him to go down into the water and shoot up from below and to go up into the clouds and shoot down from above, thus making the battlefield three times a bloody as it was before; but science does not teach brotherly love. Science has made war so hellish that civilization was about to commit suicide; and now we are told that newly discovered instruments of destruction will make the cruelties of the late war seem trivial in comparison with the cruelties of wars that may come in the future.
William Jennings Bryan 1925.
……. Think about it.

keep fighting the good fight,  with your minds as weapons!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

spiritual halitosis

Spiritual halitosis and the reprebates mouthwash.

Everyone that has any passion at all for life, for the value of human breath, also share other personal traits, among the strongest traits are the curiosity and wonderment duties; childish distrust challenging any new information is a sound survival strategy. Tony de saint-exupery said: "Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them."

Children intuitively sense and then process our physical environment outside science and physics concepts. So does a spiritual child do the same with God. Those that have a passion for life share God. I am in wonderment and curiosity. That's why I share most of my daily devotions of late, they are of God you can be sure of that; I spent the first half of my adult life looking everywhere for God, and this last half talking to him; get my ga-zillions of questions out there, invariably he points out that he already told me and I had known all along.

Certainly by now I have had a survey of everyone's god, but my God I knew not. My god is of passion, how can you taste pleasure if you have never known the bitterness of pain? Would there be a need for the word pleasure? I share to make the internet less evil by my temporal measure. One of the things I have to do is speak out at social incrustations, institutions of social benefit turned profit centers.

 I have witnessed a lot of shit in my life and one of the most heart breaking shits I ever saw was a wino shitting on the side of a building right behind a jumbo dumpster; leaning back cause he couldn't stand up, the splatters contrasted the yellow wall that overcast day. The thirsty homeless have a name, or several names actually. The common name for this behavior is a malady known as "dollar store diarrhea " dsd, caused by mouthwash ingestion. As you can imagine the scope squirts present acutely; the only option being pants up, pants down; where on maslows hierarchy of human needs is unimportant; periscope squirts is when you dry heave so hard and baring down so forcefully that part of your lower intestines periscope out your asshole a bit; followed closely is a very aggravated hemorrhaging hiatial hernia varicele topside for relief, you have a choice you can spit the blood up or swallow it and shit it up later all at once or at any time on any wall; today an offering from the bottom studio, a study on yellow taco mayo titled: coffee grounds running mint fresh semi-digested blood flecks$$$? Everything south is shut down due to the mass die off of all the beneficial enterobacteria formally used to process nutrition. Compose himself and start all over.

Once, when there was bad weather and no-one allowed out; even the cops are summoned out to catch homeless like rats and pin them up till after the storms clears. Seems the locals detest homeless peoples frozen stiff to their sidewalks and doorways, something about bad-press, let them in for good press lady.

 He had his last withdrawal seizure in the shelter; in front of the water fountain, because they wouldn't let him out to beg; necessary to keep his hungry habit at bay. I was right behind him, he was laying there on the floor doing the chicken; the guy at the fountain started throwing water on him. Me I was taking off my clothes because the guy behind me had some soap-powder, thought maybe the spasms could jerk us a load of clean clothes or so he could die with clean underwear; some tiny shred of dignity, trying to help; while waiting for my water ration and or to convulse with dignity, Gods call. I call it opportunity. God just gave this convulsing man the opportunity to serve man, maybe his last; is that jesus flopping around like a halibut; the guy I caught shitting on my dinner in the dumpster behind the taco mayo, que? Blue car; Love thy neighbor as thyself. You cannot step over Jesus to get to God. Does he qualify as the least of my brothers or the last of them? The guys shitting on our walls and pissing in our bushes that become seizing washing machines in our shelters are black-holed into world-pool drains of hells design; death by our authority?

Are there some you have to step-over; some fish; to get to where you going; some inconvenient irritant; be it to the water fountain or to hell? The drunk was drinking one dollar half gallon bottles of legal mouthwash; twenty-five percent pure grain alcohol; from the "dollar-general" or "family-dollar". Most likely the cashier inside any doller-store supported community has an extended family member in similar conditions; if you prefer stats denial is close by. This stuff happens and happens everywhere. If folks don't understand metaphors and simile how about some reality. Seems the mouth wash has claimed many a broken and useless bum. Who cares, less bums, fewer reprobates. Apathy took this mans soul, whose name only God keeps now. No doubt many more than our wars.
 Something that would make Thoreau, Gandhi, MLK, Mamma T spirits live is for the non-violent masses to boycott; to speak without speaking the silent tongue as one mouth: Boycott All mouthwash retailed with alcohol as the active ingredients. If Listerine killed 40 solders in Iraq/afgan. all at once, all mouthwash would be removed from the entire Arabian peninsula. Move all that mouthwash shit next door to the pharmacy; if your breath is that bad it is a medical condition; charge twenty dollars for a dollar high like you do pills.

 The reprobate is a matter of debate. This would do well to keep our leaky vessels from marring our outside walls; the walls, these same walls, our fauna foul inside; issues over the frequency of flora irrigation are petty. We are killing our own; throwing away repairable damaged vessels wholesale.

 It is not hard to get one-dollar to forget I haven't a dollar; the soul motivation. Where are you giving your dollar? Inside the dollar store or outside the dollar store? If peoples got breath they need fix' in by the half-gallon; they is trying to stick a diamond up a goats ass with mouthwash. Apathy the anti-passion is spiritual halitosis. That's real bad-breath, people. He that pisseth on the wall is the same you seethe in the mirror. As a social band-aids utility diminishes, new dressing applications from time to time are beneficial. I count only blue cars when I spot trains from this platform. Here comes one now:

I am totally convinced from my experience of working with poor people that they can get themselves out of poverty if we give them the same or similar opportunities we give to others. The poor themselves can create a poverty-free world; all we have to do is to free them from the chains that we have put around them. In America first, look at home before we go trying to adjust everyone's global thermostats. The home fires our children sleep warmly by are becoming difficult sustain and impossible to maintain if left unattended. Tending your neighbors fires too often has fatal consequences much closer to home. They wrote a book about it, genesis, must be important …the bible, who knew. God? This blue car: (this with an Irish-welsh flair)
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly…. Get Einsteined, is what al and me think. I shall challenge all the mediocre wherever exposed, get off the fence and declare your allegiance. As sancho prepares my worthy steed Racine. I boldly, as the heavens rumble, call you out pray send your best: "Stand and deliver or the devil he may take you."

.........Help is on the way

………………Help is on the way

True stuff:, because of all the lawsuits against "good Samaritans" whose efforts end badly, fewer people are willing to stop and lend assistance at the scene of an accident. As a result, experts are wondering whether or not we need laws compelling us to help each other.

I am not surprised in this day and age that we have to be told to help our neighbor. What I am sad about is this is the world we are leaving our next generation. I read a recent study that stated the bigger the crowd the less likely anyone would offer aid to someone in distress. A lone person is more likely to help, summon help, insist on resolution, than from others acting as one.

We can put together groups and societies to effectively promote animal rescue and welfare to minimize animal suffering, only to euthanize seventy percent later out of sight. The results are that there are fewer stray animals and many lost humans about. Humans have institutions in place but they have forgotten their purpose here; to save souls, to show the love of God is real. Those who are professed Christians, yet whose hearts are insensitive to the suffering and needs of others give sure evidence that they do not have eternal life abiding in them. 

My God is real, that is why you are reading this, it is my responsibility to act upon the holy spirits love within me and not to harden my heart. You shall know them by their fruits.

 In Jesus' parable, the good Samaritan, a priest and a fellow Levite both walked past this half-dead man. Seems this insensitive behavior has been going on for some time. Should a society with indifference to human suffering like the one above deserve any of humanities rewards, physical or eternal? I see cruelty and civility(zation) as the same philosophical foot print.

There are already laws on the books for failure to report an accident. It is illegal to just ignore and drive past dead bodies and do nothing. You know, I bet a man down would get more attention still today in Samaria, just north of Jerusalem, than here. Simon of Cyrene was made to carry the heavy cross member the rest of the way for Jesus, Simon didn't volunteer to help, he was whipped. Ain't nothing changed, then or now.
"And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross." ………Matthew 27:32

When we discover the fatal nature of our situation. Then, and only then, do we become as open-minded to conviction and as willing to listen as the dying can.

.....................keep fighting the good fight with your minds as weapons...............

Monday, May 14, 2012

Deliver us a double expresso.

Diliver us a double expresso.
THE PEOPLE SPEAK: Is your church doing what God wants?

Does your church follow a strict routine every Sunday? Does your bulletin dictate to you the way you should worship God? Is every Sunday the same old routine? Can you remember the last time you saw someone accept Jesus in your church or has it been so long that you can't remember? Does your church give an altar call after every service or does your congregation feel it isn't necessary anymore? As you drive up to your church, do you feel God¹s presence already there? Would the church you attend be happy to have Jesus attend every service you have, or would they hope he would stay away? In the Bible, Revelation 2 and 3 state how God treats churches that no longer honor him. Have you ever stepped back and taken a good look at the church you attend? Would your church pass the test of Revelation? Thomas Dick Fort Gibson, ok., last week phoenix.

We have two kinds of morality side by side: one which we preach but do not practice and another which we practice but seldom preach. Using Revelations God told me to stop criticizing organized Christianity, something about being His domain, myob, He did clear up the Luke-warm thing. The best device I have found so far to detect a hypocrite is my bathroom mirror, I guarantee, gaze in there, you will catch a glimpse of one. If you cant find one in yours? Come over to My house, said God and take a peep in Mine and find two. I always do. Remember, those eyes you see in the mirror are unmistakably the windows to the soul. You are looking into Gods eyes. God is in that mirror too, God isn't there unless you bring Him, sometimes you have to bring Him where He is not.

I love your Christ, but I do not like Christians. Your Christians are nothing like your Christ, said Gandhi. Gandhi's ideas and values were not unlike Christians: teach, preach, baptize and trust God clean house, help others clean house, clean house keep house clean, wash, rinse, repeat. Basic rules to follow.

 I am finding the sincerity of modern churches dubious, I went to one, a big church here in Tahlequah, walked in and looked around, thought I interrupted the judging of a beauty contest. I saw more cleavage in the main sanctuary than playboy Hugh Heffner's last pool party. There must have been enough silicon in that room to seal the asphalt cracks between Barstow and Needles. Vanity.......... 'A conceited person! These words are not exactly what you would call a compliment! Yet the highest goal of a conceited person is to be complimented. Externally he tries to have an attractive appearance and wear smart clothes. Internally he seeks the facade of a pleasant personality.'.........Mother Basilea 

 'I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.'

 Most times you can find a sincere church in rural areas. Jaded city living are spawning selfish people ignorant to the consequences of being indifferent to human suffering. At a country church they take care of their own; tending to each other providing an inner circle of love. Big city churches don't care bout individuals, only the abundance of conspicuous consumption. Some that claim to be temple of God and have a friggn starbucks and mini malls in them? God gets His coffee at star bucks? The rest of us, Moses and Aaron included, get wal-mart folgers. If God liked starbucks so much he would have put a good café latte recipe in exodus when they needed some motivation and a kick in the spiritual behind to get them the literal hell out of Egypt. What is up with that?

If we could just turn a few of the deacons to expel the money changers, abruptly dismantle those profit centers with righteous indignation. The people that sell this stuff(exploit God) for personnel profit cement their feet firmly in hell. Some target teens heavily, shameful. Those who choose vanity over God imperil their soul. Pry for their deliverance.

................................keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!.............

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Luther, relics and churches

I have been looking at Martin Luther's ninety-five thesis on reformation teachings about the church verses the individuals salvation and saving grace. God cares little, if at all, how big the edifices man erects in his honor. I see martins Luther's battles with the catholic church over spiritual extortion are almost identical of today's reformed churches. Having lost sight of the purpose for such institutions. "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs"; and he insisted that since pardons were God's alone to grant, those who claimed indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error. Christians, he said, must not slacken in following Christ on account of such false assurances. Those false assurances finance all the great cathedrals in the world. I believe mans promiscuity and penance built them.

 I started studying martin after looking at the ancient holy relics the roman church exploits. We sort of arrived at the same conclusion on some things, Mr. Luther and I. One was how could Germany have eighteen apostils buried there, when I am almost certain there were only twelve, and most should be buried close to where they once lived? Although it is likely that during the crusades some where dug up and removed elsewhere. At last count there was a dozen churches in France claiming to have the only part of Jesus left behind, his little jewish foreskin. Charrtes is in the foreskin lead for the most fans, they drag it out once a year to have a look, pray over it. Offerings and miracles are freely given for a pass to heaven on that special day.
Roman churches all over Europe have parts of the cross, probably enough wood to build a sturdy latter down to hell. The churches have enough of Marys breast milk to nurse maid every child in Geneva, remarked john calvin once.

 Martin began to teach that salvation is a gift of God's grace in Christ received by faith alone.. The first and chief article is this, Luther wrote, "Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, died for our sins and was raised again for our justification… herefore, it is clear and certain that this faith alone justifies us… Nothing of this article can be yielded or surrendered, even though heaven and earth and everything else falls."

I believe a church's biggest expense ought to be out-reach. If the church spends more on electric than out-reach you got yourself a lukewarm too big place of worship. Out-reach is the only reason to meet. Since relationship with God is personal. Physicians and healers do not ply their trade among the well, neither should spiritual healers and enlightened ones, seems foolish to save the saved practicing rituals and vein reputations.

The jewish carpenter from Jerusalem never cut a board too short, or carried one too long. I will try to cheerfully do the same. Some times I think I enjoy criticizing the church bit too much. There are many good people in church and I believe most do more good than bad. I must not forget and throw the baby out with the bath water. Common sense should be more common somehow.

'Gross hypocrite, thou and thy companions will gain little by your pains. If you do not save yourselves by flight, nobody shall prevent your overthrow, and you will curse the hour when you left your monkery. Warning has been already given that the devil and his renegade priests were come hither to ruin every thing. But after people have suffered long they avenge themselves. Take care that you are not served like Mons. Verle of Fribourg [who was killed in a fight with the Protestants, while endeavoring to save himself by flight]. We will not have so many masters. Mark well what I say.' ML

Keep fighting the good fight,  with your minds as weapons!!

Crisis Intervention...........Advancd Life Saving Techniqus


YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF......You make sure that everyone in church knows about it when you do something good. Matthew 6:2

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF......You seldom find fault with yourself but have no trouble seeing other peoples faults. Matthew 7:5

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF.......You go to church,
sing the songs, teach the classes, sing in the choir, amen the preacher but don't love God. Matthew 15:6-8

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF.....You are very religious but really don't care what happens to others that have needs. Matthew 23:14

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF.......You are great at public speaking and praying and feel proud after you make a beautiful prayer that others can hear. Matthew 6:5

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF.....You helped finance a beautiful church building, proudly accept the glory for all you did to make it happen and love to hear your name mentioned telling of all the sacrifices you made to do such a great thing. Matthew 23:26-28

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF.....You got all dressed up Sunday morning and couldn't wait to get to church but didn't stop to help the family with car trouble or the homeless person that you passed on the way because it would make you late for service. Luke 10:30-34

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF.....You profess to be a Christian but base all your beliefs on what your preacher says instead of what Jesus said. Luke 6:46

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF...You are well off and have convinced yourself that you do not love money more than God yet you still think you need to work to make more money. Matthew 6:24

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF...You are a preacher that relies on your education, denominational doctrines and teach others to do the same. Matthew 15:9

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF....You have become enlightened by the new "Christian Psychology" and believe you have discovered the answers to you and your families problems. John 15:5Romans 8:5

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF....You believe that if you give 10% to your church you are relieved of any Christian commitment to help the poor or those in need..Matt.25:41-45

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF....You profess to be a Christian and to have been forgiven of sin but have not forgiven others that you think have done you wrong. Mark 11:26

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF....You do not or cannot recognize Blue Cars.

YOU MIGHT BE A HYPOCRITE IF....These comments make you angry and you are too lazy to look up the scriptures. then CLICK 

keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!...........................


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Blue cars

Your religion is the relationship between you and your church. Your spirituality is your relationship between you and God, individually first and foremost. (a disclaimer: my closest friends are pure atheist, from many disciplines, and even they are being forced to entertain "intelligent" design schools of unconventional thought / learning / enlightenment)

If the authorities told you that you must own a blue car to get knowledge. Not just any knowledge, but something everyone would want to know. Wonder who would rush out and buy one? How many people do you know already own one? How many would rush out and immediately have their car painted blue; or even steal one; just to own one what desperate thing would any do to get a blue car? How many would wait until the last minute to get one, only to find out it was too late, that all the blue cars were gone? How about the ones that  say screw you ‘I don't care about blue cars, Ill drive any car I bloody well please.’ I know everything I need to know, no one can tell me what color to drive anything. What about the people that can't afford a blue car or are infirmed and can't drive? What if you got up one morning and found a blue car in your driveway delivered from a generous unknown benefactor? Would you keep it, sell it, give it away if you already have one; maybe you would just ignore it and mentally make it go away. Dismissed like you do when someone farts in public and everyone hears or smells it but pretends it didn't happen and ignores it.

 Tomorrow when you get up and are out and about your business count the blue cars. Every blue car you see think of God, make a deliberate mental effort and say allowed God. Everyday every single blue car think about God until it becomes a habit. After you automatically think of God, ask for truth. And then start counting them. Blue cars is the knowledge that I have a soul that lives forever if I recognize and start counting blue cars things will only get better. My people perish for lack of a blue car.

I know my euphemistic expressions may be too simplistic, but most folks are conditioned to dismiss the cold hard truth wholesale; don't ever stop to think there might be something to this truth that can benefit me, my family, my station in life, my soul. They know it is there, but choose to tune out, change the station, just ignore it and tell themselves it can't be true so they don't have deal with it.

 The term psychologists use for this behavior is "observed inattention." Example, my micro-scale booger model: like a friendly stranger that has a booger the size of Cleveland partially exposed from his honker or when a stranger tells you that God loves you. I think it's cute on a four year old but not so much on a forty year-old one, funny yes, cute no. A child would say something about the nasal mutiny, mommy, mommy that man has a big booger snot hanging out his nose; you have tissues in your purse; give him one. Mommy says come along Fauquier and whispers shush, red-faced don't stare at him, observed inattention is being taught here.

 Once, in the grocery store rolling up to check out my six year old baby-girl spotted the girthy women in front of us was leaning forward over her shopping cart. My daughter turned around and told her mother in audible range "mommy, she got a big hinney". Some things we are taught to ignore; like the poor, the homeless, the handicapped, the different; that we have a soul. Started somewhere. Those that are different become faceless nameless oxygen respirators and nutrition absorbers that have bodily functions just like we do they. We start learning to use our social filters early.

Then six year old Fauquier says what if Jesus had a booger; you say you love him and you love me don't cha'? and you give me tissues. Confusion begins. Here mom can pull out a tissue, and offer it to the stranger silently with a gesture motion as to where it is needed. Small gestures have blessings which ripple out you cannot see now, others see, some in high places, but the wee miss nothing. Chances are you spotted the hanging chad before young Fauquier did. Deal with it directly. Maybe you are little embarrassed, but after it is over, you begin to realize you preserved this mans dignity by showing this stranger that someone noticed enough to care and thus minimized public ridicule, a rich blessing for him; this makes you feel good about yourself for doing the right thing, blessing for you; young Fauquier sees the example set compounded by observation of your cumulative behaviors in dealing directly and mimic when the situation arise independent of your direction; more blessings for both of you and future grandkids; also anyone else with observed inattention watching this semi-mucus morsel drama play out; a simple lesson in brotherly love, blessings. I just blessed this booger enough now to become a holy relic I must remember to hide it before the next cardinal convention convenes this spring lest the catholic faithful will enshrine my nasal nugget; I guess I'll just put it back where I got it.

Has anyone ever heard the saying: you can't graft a new idea into a closed mind. I have literally heard it from the pulpit, from a political platform; the great historic prophets and philosophers east and west almost without exception have expressed this sentiment when they shared new ideas. Anybody that's read any of my work has noticed I am partial to employing blue cars. I do like the song dishwalla song counting blue cars, I am not a fanatic, I just like the dishabille feeling the song lends. A comfortable human being, being human.

Trainspotting is a peculiar British convention invented by those wishing to pass the time watching trains pass while standing on the boarding and unloading platforms. Some do it because they have more time than money, surprisingly, some have money and the time both. I am not talking about just a few there are many over most of the entire European theater. Trainspotters even have an informal guild to compare notes; since 9/11 and the tube bombings in London, some local civil authorities have (secretly all of them), trained a few officially to provide an informal layer of security. Not even the rail personnel are as familiar with particulars as a spotter. Who knew they would become handy spotting terrorists; finally a use for them. They spent hours and hours watching arrivals and departures keeping meticulous notations of the time, the particular engines that drive the trains, which tracks, how many cars coming and going, every minute detail, color of the rail cars; what freight carried, all day long. Is counting blue cars a mind-numbing waist of time and human potential? Each have a specialized area, mine is blue cars. When I stand with them I count the blue cars. All cars other than blue are lost souls in denial; absent the knowledge about how to get a blue car; otherwise had they known the truth they would have had one already. ‘Mans spiritual blindness only hardens his stupidity to deny his poor sight’
……………….keep fighting the good fight,  with your minds as weapons….


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Persons of little worth found cumbering the soil of a newly discovered country. They soon cease to cumber; they fertilize.

A weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure. A total abstainer is one who abstains from everything but abstention, and especially from inactivity in the affairs of others.

Formally to detain one accused of unusualness.
God made the world in six days and was arrested on the seventh
-The Unauthorized Version

An ingenious instrument which indicates what kind of weather we are having.

A person who talks when you wish him to listen.

An instrument employed in the rectification of national boundaries.

A soft indestructible automaton provided by Nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle.

One who believes that the New Testament is a divinely inspired book admirably suited to the spiritual needs of his neighbor. One who follows the teachings of Christ in so far as they are not inconsistent with a life of sin.

I dreamed I stood upon a hill, and, lo!
The godly multitudes walked to and fro
Beneath, in Sabbath garments fitly clad,
With pious mien, appropriately sad,
While all the church bells made a solemn din --
A fire-alarm to those who lived in sin.
Then saw I gazing thoughtfully below,
With tranquil face, upon that holy show
A tall, spare figure in a robe of white,
Whose eyes diffused a melancholy light.
"God keep you, strange," I exclaimed. "You are
No doubt (your habit shows it) from afar;
And yet I entertain the hope that you,
Like these good people, are a Christian too."
He raised his eyes and with a look so stern
It made me with a thousand blushes burn
Replied -- his manner with disdain was spiced:
"What! I a Christian? No, indeed! I'm Christ."
- G.J.

The civility of envy.

An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.

A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be. Hence the custom among the Scythians of plucking out a cynic's eyes to improve his vision.

A malevolent literary device for cramping the growth of a language and making it hard and inelastic. This dictionary, however, is a most useful work.

That which discloses to the wise, and disguises from the foolish, their lack of understanding.

The cause of all natural phenomena not known to be caused by something else.

A wife, or bitter half.

A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling.

The stomach, heart, soul, and other bowels.

An unsuccessful revolution.

A commodity which in a more or less adulterated condition the State sells to the citizen as a reward for his allegiance, taxes and personal service.

The kind of ignorance distinguishing the studious.

The art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding.

A temporary insanity curable by marriage.

The state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress and two slaves, making in all, two.

One of the sauces that serve the French in place of a state religion.

A minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue.

A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing.

To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled on behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.

Devoid of all delusions save those of observation, experience and reflection.

A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable.

A strip of land along which one may pass from where it is too tiresome to be to where it is futile to go.

A weekly festival having its origin in the fact that God made the world in six days and was arrested on the seventh.

The instrument and symbol of a freeman's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country.

1, an ugly and repulsive old woman in a wicked league with the Devil; 2, a beautiful and attractive young woman in wickedness a league beyond the Devil.

The Period of Possibility, when Archimedes finds a fulcrum, Cassandra has a following and seven cities compete for the honor of endowing a living Homer.
Youth is the true Saturnian Reign, the Golden Age on earth again, when figs are grown on thistles, and pigs betailed with whistles and, wearing silken bristles, live ever in clover, and cows fly over, delivering milk at every door, and Justice is never heard to snore, and every assassin is made a ghost and, howling, is cast into Baltimost--Polydore Smith.

A certain nervous disorder afflicting the young and inexperienced.

.....keep fighting the good fight with your minds as weapons!!


Monday, May 7, 2012

In The Light

All men should strive to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why…James Thurber

Living, loving, learning…..For me, if I am not doing something to better myself continually by staying curious and informed I have no right to criticize, doing nothing only serves to weaken me, complacency is a fatal condition. I believe when I stop asking questions and exploring the world I live in with awe and wonder it will be time for me to die. If I am not moving forward and adapting to change I will get left behind, because when I stop to rest and admire my handy work the world goes on without me. It is better to ask some of the questions than to know all the answers.

Many things lead me back to where my inquisitive nature started and those that influenced me the most are still the ones I seem to be drawn back to. After living for a while I recognize how truths stay and sometimes the new is not always better. Other times I am looking at the same ideas only with different labels. Original psychology is even rarer with regard to motivations of man, love or money. And money is not that important if love is the motivator, the source of most of the power struggles in the world are over the latter. So, if I am not loving and learning, I am not living.

Attempting to articulate abstract thought and translate into digestible concepts that can be easily understood in everyday language, I have found, is no easy feat. Love is particularly tricky. If I have succeeded, thank Him, if I failed, pray for me. But try I must, as Mother Teresa and Gandhi both suggested….."be that change you want to see in the world," love is a verb indicating action or state, the light to see positive change.
An old Zen saying….when the student is ready (to learn), the teacher will teach. Carl Rogers…. "you know I don't believe that anyone has taught anything to anyone. I question the efficacy of teaching. The only thing I know is that anyone who wants to learn will learn. And maybe a teacher is a facilitator, a person who puts things down and shows people how exciting and wonderful it is and asks them to eat." The old lead a horse to water, thirst thing.

That's all I can do….I can't force anyone to eat, no matter what. No teacher has taught anything to anyone. People learn for themselves. If I look up the word "educator," it comes from the Latin "educare" meaning to lead, to guide. That's what it means, to be enthusiastic yourself, to understand yourself and to put this stuff before others and to say, "look how wonderful this is" come and join me in eating of it. Auntie Mame said it best: "life is a banquet and most damned fools are starving to death.

I look for the same truths on many different levels, humanistic is what I relate to best; that's why I enjoy reading Mark Twain and Will Rogers so much; they were gifted reaching everyone with simple plain language based on common sense, intellectually sound rationale. Cervantes was another with witty sayings that our modern language is peppered with, I was surprised at how many of our everyday sayings we still use today that I found in his work. And he didn't come up with them probably, the sayings of that day, last still to this day, because they are still true, still socially relevant, truth is truth and doesn't change. Sometime Google Cervantes quotes and have a look, surprising, from ."Can we ever have too much of a good thing?" goodness and love can do no harm, only selfish applications. To "all is not gold that glitters", but one of my favorites by Cervantes is this one about love..…"'Tis said of love that it sometimes goes, sometimes flies; runs with one, walks gravely with another; turns a third into ice, and sets a fourth in a flame: it wounds one, another it kills: like lightning it begins and ends in the same moment: it makes that fort yield at night which it besieged but in the morning; for there is no force able to resist it." a brilliant truthful observation from 16th century Spain, or is it 21st century universal wisdom?

But with the folksy styles I also have to have an intellectual point of view to tell me what my spiritual side has already recognized inside to bridge the gap between, body, mind, and spirit, kind' a like doubting Thomas, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" Jesus was like, dude, have you not heard anything I just said? "I am the way and the truth and the life! No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." oh, ok.

Pitirim Sorokin, a giant in the field of sociology, wrote in his book the ways and power of love : "the sensate minds, our minds, emphatically disbelieve in the power of love. It appears to us something illusionary…we call it self-deception, the opiate of a people's mind, idealistic thoughts and unscientific illusion. We are biased against all theories that try to prove the power of love in other positive forces in determining human behavior and personality, in influencing the course of biological, social, moral and mental evolution, in affecting the direction of historical events, in shaping social institutions and cultures." he then proceeds to lay out scientific studies to support why this is so.

Well, what a shame if everyone believed something exists only by being shown statistically. I feel sorry for you indeed if you are ruled only by what you can measure, because I am intrigued by the immeasurable. I am intrigued by the dreams, not only by what is here. I really don't give a damn what is here. I can see it. That's fine, measure it if you want to, spend your life measuring it. There is so much that we don't see, we don't touch, we don't feel, we don't understand. If that's not looking for love in all the wrong places, then I don't know what is. Well, maybe I do…..

Reminds me of the fellow that was outside one night looking down frantically searching and searching, looking and looking for his lost keys. Soon another fellow came by and ask: what are you looking for? Maybe I can help. I have lost my keys would you please help me look for them? I know they are around here somewhere. Sure I'll help you look. And together they look for awhile, finally the one ask, exactly where were you standing when you lost them? Oh well, right over there, in the house….. In the house! What the….? Why sir…. then, are we out here looking for them like fools? Well, uh, uh, I don't have any lights inside the house and it's dark in there, but out here there is plenty of light……

My God of love and truth is that way too, love is impossible to see without a spiritual flashlight found inside myself, my house. That light will go everywhere with me, shines on others, helps recognize other peoples light and together the light only gets brighter for more people to see. All I have to do is ask. I will never find the keys to happiness or heaven looking outside in the world unless I find the eternal light inside me first to see them with. In this light, let's not look back in anger, or forward in fear, but around in awareness. Me loving me is me loving you. My battle against apathy begins with me.

We assume that reality is the box we've been put in, and it's not! I assure you it's not. Open the door sometime and look outside and see how much there is. The dream of today will be the reality of tomorrow. Yet, we have forgotten how to dream, how to love.

A few quotes from the gospel of St. John from the man that taught me to love myself…"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life,.….A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world's light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light, The man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going….Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light,"…. Hey buddy, got a light?

My hats off to those great authors, preachers and teachers, past and present, that have managed to penetrate my socially encrusted pea brain, to unlock a door to a room with a better view of me, man and God. I have great hope in tomorrow. And my hope lies in the following three things….Truth, youth, and love. In order to achieve great things, we must live as though we were never going to die.

Keep fighting the good fight, with your minds as weapons!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Message to the messangers

There are two ways of spreading light: to be The candle or the mirror that reflects it....

For me, the different religions are
beautiful flowers from the same garden,
or they are branches of the same majestic tree.
Therefore, they are equally true,
though being received and interpreted
through human instruments equally imperfect.
~ Mahatma Gandhi ~

I see American style religions today more like a very thorny bush that bares little fruit and few flowers anymore, perhaps the variety that can be used to weave crowns. As I mentioned before, truth is out there in the world, to find it we must seek it, many in this world have found it and tossed God aside not knowing what they had found, most are led away from truth to protect the status quo.

I have to wonder sometimes how many times a preacher thinks I better not preach about this or that subject, i.e. abortion or war e.g. for fear of getting the boot or alienating some of the more generous tithing base of supporters. I have witnessed both. "Don't come in here trying to change things with that nonsense about truth, we like things just the way things are, heretic, blasphemer, you bastard!" He goes or I go, seems I read something about this very thing before:

 On another Sabbath he went into the synagogue and was teaching, and a man was there whose right hand was shriveled. The Pharisees and the teachers of the law were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal on the Sabbath. But Jesus knew what they were thinking and said to the man with the shriveled hand, "Get up and stand in front of everyone." So he got up and stood there. Then Jesus said to them, "I ask you, which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?" What would Jesus do?…..He looked around at them all, and then said to the man, "Stretch out your hand. He did so, and his hand was completely restored." But they were furious and began to discuss with one another what they might do to Jesus, Luke 6:6-10.

The poor pastor is only allowed to preach about sunshine and the pretty flowers, prohibited from any discussions about the rain currently falling and the severe storms forecast for the future, for heavens sake. For hells sake, he might remind his flock about the west-coast tsunami of sinful idol worship, or the east-coast hurricane of hypocrites and warmongering Whitehouse.

What's the difference between wants and needs? Today's heaven and tomorrows hell, for some I suppose, according to Luke's testament. Wealthy need more money for tomorrow's want, the hungry need food today for want of another tomorrow. The ministers want to speak of these but also has a need to buy groceries today and gas for tomorrows wants and needs of others. I can't blame him really, he loves his family, wants them to be happy and has to provide for their needs as best he can. To keep his job he has two choices: tell them what they want to hear or tell them what they need to hear and learn a trade. I hear carpentry is a noble profession, he'll need a hammer, and may want to join the union for steady work. Depends whom he's really working for, God's wants or the committee of benefactors that need a tax-deduction for build the new fellowship hall, we should be grateful to brother moneybags for needing to rob IRS Paul to pay for wanting St. Peters massive Church house. Let us not forget to thank God for brother moneybag's selfish dad that died prematurely, needing salvation wanting heaven, and left Junior all that cash needlessly wanting more. Those new digital church bells sure sound nice. The world doesn't want another church with new bells, the world needs a church with big iron cast balls, noisy clanking cajonnes! The sixth chapter of Luke lays out who is going to get what they need and why Jesus wants to give it to them, and it looks like some very important people, in their own mind, are going to be painfully disappointed needing comfort and wanting relief. That, my friends, is the difference between venal wants and humble needs. Hell's needs may become heaven's wants.

Rare and gifted is the pastor that can perform miracles….that is, job security, a charitable congregation, and Gods Blessings, the greatest miracle or blessing being walking that tight-rope and still able to get a good nights sleep. I couldn't do it, I mean caring for my flock and all and then still worry about those minor details Jesus ask us to take care of for him… know, the hungry, the poor, the homeless, the funerals for dead Christian soldiers fighting for peace, comfort tearful widows and orphans left behind, then find time to visit sister Mary moneybags after her needed gallbladder surgery along with her wanted tummy-tuck surgery. Amen.

 Most of my prayer time lately have been going out to those spiritual shepherds, than the hungry politico wolves devouring the flock.

Please don't be confused about being religious and being spiritual. My m-word dictionary definition of:
1. beliefs and worship: people's beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or deities, and divine involvement in the universe and human life

2. particular system: a particular institutionalized or personal system of beliefs and practices relating to the divine

3. personal beliefs or values: a set of strongly-held beliefs, values, and attitudes that somebody lives by

4. obsession: an object, practice, cause, or activity that somebody is completely devoted to or obsessed by

 1. of the soul: relating to the soul or spirit, usually in contrast to material things

2. religion of religion: relating to religious or sacred things rather than worldly things

3. temperamentally or intellectually akin: connected by an affinity of the mind, spirit, or temperament

4. refined: showing great refinement and concern with the higher things in life.

Note that religion mentions nothing about your soul. Teaching someone that he has a free spirit is dangerous to a religion that creates social and dogmatic boundaries for control. Religions main objective seems to be teaching acquiesce of separateness through intolerance.

My spirit is boundless and my concept of God doesn't stop at the borders between, Baptist, Catholic, Jewish, Hindu….. Whatever. Look around, are we being led by example as individuals or by a committee as sheeple?  Most of the world religions I see today want to argue about how to worship Him and the proper mechanics of the rituals, they have literally threw the Holy Baby and his teachings out with the baptismal bath water. As an earth bound human I do not and cannot know the unknowable, nor do I need to, but my spirit knows the Truth, can recognize the truth, the only thing I need to know is greater is He that is in me than in the world. I am part and particle connected to everyone and everything, I am the kosmic debris born of He who created all I can and can't see or explain and quantify.

Carl Jung whose profession was the scientific study of the human mind, his influence on psychology is profound especially in the field of comparative religion and the relationships of a groups collective social conscience. He once said that religion was a manmade roadblock to true spirituality. Jung came to the conclusion that the existence of the soul was real from scientific clinical study of his patients, that we all have this unconscious, but not unknowable, connection to one another that is stored non-locally, meaning outside the physical body. Each of us are born with connections to this universal source, a higher power, cosmic consciousness, I choose to call my source God. Call it whatever you want, semantics doesn't change what God is.

Carl's observations and his pioneering methods as a psycho-analyst revealed that most of mans neurosis and psychosis was rooted in mans inability to reconcile between religion, being manmade, and the spiritual, being God made, what man sees outside compared to what he feels inside are in constant opposition to each other. Result, go nuts or go postal. Medicine has no cure, only pills to pacify the unquiet mind.

There are many ways man compensates for this internal conflict, the obvious negative ones are what we have today….when denial fails, things religion was not designed to fix, intolerance is a biggie. ….. addictions,  are the main ones, the seven deadly sins…..Luxuria (extravagance, later lust), Gula (gluttony), Avaritia (greed), Acedia (sloth), Ira (wrath, more commonly known as anger), Invidia (envy), and Superbia (pride), pretty much sums up all the worlds problems, don't it. Sounds like American Christianity, a collection of phony hypocrites, to me " What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say."…..Emerson.

Smile and greet me with your heart and not just with your face muscles if your are sincerely glad to see me, otherwise don't bother, I can more often than not tell difference these days. For instance, when I meet and greet at new church and someone says to me: "I am glad you are here," sometimes, what they're really saying is "I'm glad you're here…..just not right here." I usually say: "thank-you, you have a beautiful church," what I really mean is…..just not this beautiful church.

To the man that prays with his heart, the whole planet is his church. (heart = soul/spirit) Listening with your heart is meditation, prayer is speaking with your heart. Meditation has the potential for immediate knowledge of something instinctively, without actual physical evidence for it. Like speech we all possess this innate quality, slowly you begin to trust and use these perceptions as a natural reflex, like smell or taste.

So you see the religious institutions are responsible directly or indirectly, perhaps unintentionally, for many of the things they themselves call sins. I like to call this behavior, ( the seven deadly sins) temporary social Band-Aids for chronic spiritual wounds, but the remedies don't seem to heal, must be changed often and is never a cure. Without holistic treatments these, physical, social, spiritual maladies are progressive…get worst, the illness metastasizes….spreads to others in the body of humanity, and in all cases fatal, it will kill us….due to a self will run riot.

Apathy is what I see today, indifference is spiritual-self mutilation, don't know and don't care is blasphemy, conformity to these attitudes are fatal eternal errors, they can be corrected. Though it is interesting that the cures for spiritual disease are free……the seven holy virtues are chastity, abstinence, temperance, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. I am guilty of most, the deadly ones, at some time or another, I am working on the latter virtuous list more these days. Some of it must be working, people no longer shout: "hide the women and children" when I roll up somewhere.

Jung was one of the first of modern times with strong ties to the scientific community bold enough to say that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Carl's work with Bill Wilson and the oxford group, helping to lay the foundations of alcoholics anonymous, the twelve spiritual principals has proven time and again that Dr. Jung was onto something from a higher authority. Most all of the successful self-help support groups use a variation of this same12 step spiritual program tailored to fit that particular obsessive/compulsive disorder.

 Those twelve steps can and do neatly fit anyone sane, drunk or sober, does not conflict with any religious teaching, they are a simple roadmap to becoming a healthy, happy, wholesome, productive spiritual being. Something that is really simple to understand: Trust God, Clean house (internal baggage), Help others. Repeat until it becomes an incurable habit. Any faith that apply these are going to be on the righteous side and in tune with His universe. The teachings apply universally to every human on the planet, not just to users and abusers. In my case, I thought I was a larry with substance abuse problem, turns out I was spiritually sick substance abuser with a larry problem. This obsessive behavior was only a symptom and not the real problem. Denial of the problem because of pride only made things that much worse. Self-medicating was like pouring gas on a fire.

I have to seek through prayer and meditation to improve my conscious contact with God to grow spiritually. If I have no time for prayer and meditation, I will have lots of time for sickness and trouble. "We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking, only to learn it is God who is shaking them."…..Charles C West

Religion has its place in society and many receive the Word there, the truth is there, but that does not replace my commitment to God. Actually, I like to go to church and I have visited many of the different faiths edifices. Each body of faith has its own strengths and weaknesses like people. I don't know when it happened but I feel the church has lost its primary mission, socialize our children and help the needy. One day those children are going to be in charge of that church and I am afraid if Oprah and Dr. Phil, or whoever is the next feel good guru, will have more influence there than God. I do not look for God in those places anymore because my God goes with me everywhere I go, besides God has never gotten lost and had to be found, people look for him in the wrong place, that's all. Everyone must work out their own salvation. I don't expect to find blessings in church either, although sometimes I do.

 The greatest blessings I have ever received was when I did the right thing when no one was looking. God is not going to ask me how many times the preacher prayed for me, but he is going to know how many times I prayed for the preacher. I know my views are strong, but if my beliefs don't fit everyone then they are fit for no one. Especially the One that created the universe of which I am irrevocably part of.

The spiritual promises from the aa big book, "If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self-seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves."
"Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us—sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them." Find you heart inside your spiritual self and you will know He was never lost outside.

"To me, God is Truth and Love;
God is ethics and morality:
God is fearlessness.
God is the source of Light and Life
and yet He is above and beyond all these.
God is conscience...
He is a personal God to those who need His personal presence.
He is embodied to those who need His touch.
He is the purest essence.
He simply is to those who have faith.
He is all things to all men."

~ Mahatma Gandhi ~

Who am I to argue with this mans definition of God? Who can? There is no argument to be had that will hold up to this scrutiny. I can only say that Gandhi knows God. Do you?
Fight the good fight!! With you minds as weapons…………