Saturday, May 12, 2012

Blue cars

Your religion is the relationship between you and your church. Your spirituality is your relationship between you and God, individually first and foremost. (a disclaimer: my closest friends are pure atheist, from many disciplines, and even they are being forced to entertain "intelligent" design schools of unconventional thought / learning / enlightenment)

If the authorities told you that you must own a blue car to get knowledge. Not just any knowledge, but something everyone would want to know. Wonder who would rush out and buy one? How many people do you know already own one? How many would rush out and immediately have their car painted blue; or even steal one; just to own one what desperate thing would any do to get a blue car? How many would wait until the last minute to get one, only to find out it was too late, that all the blue cars were gone? How about the ones that  say screw you ‘I don't care about blue cars, Ill drive any car I bloody well please.’ I know everything I need to know, no one can tell me what color to drive anything. What about the people that can't afford a blue car or are infirmed and can't drive? What if you got up one morning and found a blue car in your driveway delivered from a generous unknown benefactor? Would you keep it, sell it, give it away if you already have one; maybe you would just ignore it and mentally make it go away. Dismissed like you do when someone farts in public and everyone hears or smells it but pretends it didn't happen and ignores it.

 Tomorrow when you get up and are out and about your business count the blue cars. Every blue car you see think of God, make a deliberate mental effort and say allowed God. Everyday every single blue car think about God until it becomes a habit. After you automatically think of God, ask for truth. And then start counting them. Blue cars is the knowledge that I have a soul that lives forever if I recognize and start counting blue cars things will only get better. My people perish for lack of a blue car.

I know my euphemistic expressions may be too simplistic, but most folks are conditioned to dismiss the cold hard truth wholesale; don't ever stop to think there might be something to this truth that can benefit me, my family, my station in life, my soul. They know it is there, but choose to tune out, change the station, just ignore it and tell themselves it can't be true so they don't have deal with it.

 The term psychologists use for this behavior is "observed inattention." Example, my micro-scale booger model: like a friendly stranger that has a booger the size of Cleveland partially exposed from his honker or when a stranger tells you that God loves you. I think it's cute on a four year old but not so much on a forty year-old one, funny yes, cute no. A child would say something about the nasal mutiny, mommy, mommy that man has a big booger snot hanging out his nose; you have tissues in your purse; give him one. Mommy says come along Fauquier and whispers shush, red-faced don't stare at him, observed inattention is being taught here.

 Once, in the grocery store rolling up to check out my six year old baby-girl spotted the girthy women in front of us was leaning forward over her shopping cart. My daughter turned around and told her mother in audible range "mommy, she got a big hinney". Some things we are taught to ignore; like the poor, the homeless, the handicapped, the different; that we have a soul. Started somewhere. Those that are different become faceless nameless oxygen respirators and nutrition absorbers that have bodily functions just like we do they. We start learning to use our social filters early.

Then six year old Fauquier says what if Jesus had a booger; you say you love him and you love me don't cha'? and you give me tissues. Confusion begins. Here mom can pull out a tissue, and offer it to the stranger silently with a gesture motion as to where it is needed. Small gestures have blessings which ripple out you cannot see now, others see, some in high places, but the wee miss nothing. Chances are you spotted the hanging chad before young Fauquier did. Deal with it directly. Maybe you are little embarrassed, but after it is over, you begin to realize you preserved this mans dignity by showing this stranger that someone noticed enough to care and thus minimized public ridicule, a rich blessing for him; this makes you feel good about yourself for doing the right thing, blessing for you; young Fauquier sees the example set compounded by observation of your cumulative behaviors in dealing directly and mimic when the situation arise independent of your direction; more blessings for both of you and future grandkids; also anyone else with observed inattention watching this semi-mucus morsel drama play out; a simple lesson in brotherly love, blessings. I just blessed this booger enough now to become a holy relic I must remember to hide it before the next cardinal convention convenes this spring lest the catholic faithful will enshrine my nasal nugget; I guess I'll just put it back where I got it.

Has anyone ever heard the saying: you can't graft a new idea into a closed mind. I have literally heard it from the pulpit, from a political platform; the great historic prophets and philosophers east and west almost without exception have expressed this sentiment when they shared new ideas. Anybody that's read any of my work has noticed I am partial to employing blue cars. I do like the song dishwalla song counting blue cars, I am not a fanatic, I just like the dishabille feeling the song lends. A comfortable human being, being human.

Trainspotting is a peculiar British convention invented by those wishing to pass the time watching trains pass while standing on the boarding and unloading platforms. Some do it because they have more time than money, surprisingly, some have money and the time both. I am not talking about just a few there are many over most of the entire European theater. Trainspotters even have an informal guild to compare notes; since 9/11 and the tube bombings in London, some local civil authorities have (secretly all of them), trained a few officially to provide an informal layer of security. Not even the rail personnel are as familiar with particulars as a spotter. Who knew they would become handy spotting terrorists; finally a use for them. They spent hours and hours watching arrivals and departures keeping meticulous notations of the time, the particular engines that drive the trains, which tracks, how many cars coming and going, every minute detail, color of the rail cars; what freight carried, all day long. Is counting blue cars a mind-numbing waist of time and human potential? Each have a specialized area, mine is blue cars. When I stand with them I count the blue cars. All cars other than blue are lost souls in denial; absent the knowledge about how to get a blue car; otherwise had they known the truth they would have had one already. ‘Mans spiritual blindness only hardens his stupidity to deny his poor sight’
……………….keep fighting the good fight,  with your minds as weapons….


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