Tuesday, May 15, 2012

spiritual halitosis

Spiritual halitosis and the reprebates mouthwash.

Everyone that has any passion at all for life, for the value of human breath, also share other personal traits, among the strongest traits are the curiosity and wonderment duties; childish distrust challenging any new information is a sound survival strategy. Tony de saint-exupery said: "Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them."

Children intuitively sense and then process our physical environment outside science and physics concepts. So does a spiritual child do the same with God. Those that have a passion for life share God. I am in wonderment and curiosity. That's why I share most of my daily devotions of late, they are of God you can be sure of that; I spent the first half of my adult life looking everywhere for God, and this last half talking to him; get my ga-zillions of questions out there, invariably he points out that he already told me and I had known all along.

Certainly by now I have had a survey of everyone's god, but my God I knew not. My god is of passion, how can you taste pleasure if you have never known the bitterness of pain? Would there be a need for the word pleasure? I share to make the internet less evil by my temporal measure. One of the things I have to do is speak out at social incrustations, institutions of social benefit turned profit centers.

 I have witnessed a lot of shit in my life and one of the most heart breaking shits I ever saw was a wino shitting on the side of a building right behind a jumbo dumpster; leaning back cause he couldn't stand up, the splatters contrasted the yellow wall that overcast day. The thirsty homeless have a name, or several names actually. The common name for this behavior is a malady known as "dollar store diarrhea " dsd, caused by mouthwash ingestion. As you can imagine the scope squirts present acutely; the only option being pants up, pants down; where on maslows hierarchy of human needs is unimportant; periscope squirts is when you dry heave so hard and baring down so forcefully that part of your lower intestines periscope out your asshole a bit; followed closely is a very aggravated hemorrhaging hiatial hernia varicele topside for relief, you have a choice you can spit the blood up or swallow it and shit it up later all at once or at any time on any wall; today an offering from the bottom studio, a study on yellow taco mayo titled: coffee grounds running mint fresh semi-digested blood flecks$$$? Everything south is shut down due to the mass die off of all the beneficial enterobacteria formally used to process nutrition. Compose himself and start all over.

Once, when there was bad weather and no-one allowed out; even the cops are summoned out to catch homeless like rats and pin them up till after the storms clears. Seems the locals detest homeless peoples frozen stiff to their sidewalks and doorways, something about bad-press, let them in for good press lady.

 He had his last withdrawal seizure in the shelter; in front of the water fountain, because they wouldn't let him out to beg; necessary to keep his hungry habit at bay. I was right behind him, he was laying there on the floor doing the chicken; the guy at the fountain started throwing water on him. Me I was taking off my clothes because the guy behind me had some soap-powder, thought maybe the spasms could jerk us a load of clean clothes or so he could die with clean underwear; some tiny shred of dignity, trying to help; while waiting for my water ration and or to convulse with dignity, Gods call. I call it opportunity. God just gave this convulsing man the opportunity to serve man, maybe his last; is that jesus flopping around like a halibut; the guy I caught shitting on my dinner in the dumpster behind the taco mayo, que? Blue car; Love thy neighbor as thyself. You cannot step over Jesus to get to God. Does he qualify as the least of my brothers or the last of them? The guys shitting on our walls and pissing in our bushes that become seizing washing machines in our shelters are black-holed into world-pool drains of hells design; death by our authority?

Are there some you have to step-over; some fish; to get to where you going; some inconvenient irritant; be it to the water fountain or to hell? The drunk was drinking one dollar half gallon bottles of legal mouthwash; twenty-five percent pure grain alcohol; from the "dollar-general" or "family-dollar". Most likely the cashier inside any doller-store supported community has an extended family member in similar conditions; if you prefer stats denial is close by. This stuff happens and happens everywhere. If folks don't understand metaphors and simile how about some reality. Seems the mouth wash has claimed many a broken and useless bum. Who cares, less bums, fewer reprobates. Apathy took this mans soul, whose name only God keeps now. No doubt many more than our wars.
 Something that would make Thoreau, Gandhi, MLK, Mamma T spirits live is for the non-violent masses to boycott; to speak without speaking the silent tongue as one mouth: Boycott All mouthwash retailed with alcohol as the active ingredients. If Listerine killed 40 solders in Iraq/afgan. all at once, all mouthwash would be removed from the entire Arabian peninsula. Move all that mouthwash shit next door to the pharmacy; if your breath is that bad it is a medical condition; charge twenty dollars for a dollar high like you do pills.

 The reprobate is a matter of debate. This would do well to keep our leaky vessels from marring our outside walls; the walls, these same walls, our fauna foul inside; issues over the frequency of flora irrigation are petty. We are killing our own; throwing away repairable damaged vessels wholesale.

 It is not hard to get one-dollar to forget I haven't a dollar; the soul motivation. Where are you giving your dollar? Inside the dollar store or outside the dollar store? If peoples got breath they need fix' in by the half-gallon; they is trying to stick a diamond up a goats ass with mouthwash. Apathy the anti-passion is spiritual halitosis. That's real bad-breath, people. He that pisseth on the wall is the same you seethe in the mirror. As a social band-aids utility diminishes, new dressing applications from time to time are beneficial. I count only blue cars when I spot trains from this platform. Here comes one now:

I am totally convinced from my experience of working with poor people that they can get themselves out of poverty if we give them the same or similar opportunities we give to others. The poor themselves can create a poverty-free world; all we have to do is to free them from the chains that we have put around them. In America first, look at home before we go trying to adjust everyone's global thermostats. The home fires our children sleep warmly by are becoming difficult sustain and impossible to maintain if left unattended. Tending your neighbors fires too often has fatal consequences much closer to home. They wrote a book about it, genesis, must be important …the bible, who knew. God? This blue car: (this with an Irish-welsh flair)
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly…. Get Einsteined, is what al and me think. I shall challenge all the mediocre wherever exposed, get off the fence and declare your allegiance. As sancho prepares my worthy steed Racine. I boldly, as the heavens rumble, call you out pray send your best: "Stand and deliver or the devil he may take you."

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