Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I am supposing, or perhaps only hoping, that our future may be found in the past's fugitive moments of compassion rather than in its solid centuries of warfare. hz

Capitalism has always been a failure for the lower classes. It is now beginning to fail for the middle classes.

There is the past and its continuing horrors: violence, war, prejudices against those who are different, outrageous monopolization of the good earth's wealth by a few, political power in the hands of liars and murderers, the building of prisons instead of schools, the poisoning of the press and the entire culture by money. It is easy to become discouraged observing this, especially since this is what the press and television insist that we look at, and nothing more.

But there is also the bubbling of change under the surface of obedience: the growing revulsion against endless wars, the insistence of women all over the world that they will no longer tolerate abuse and subordination… There is civil disobedience against the military machine, protest against police brutality directed especially at people of color.  
Howard Zinn

Why Rep Schakowsky Voted To Continue NSA Spying

What The Bradley Manning Verdict Tells Us About America

[214] TSA Hires Pedophiles, Whistleblower Protections, Detroit Post Rock Bottom

Glenn Greenwald Attacks Toobin Over Manning, Snowden: Calling For End Of Investigative Journalism!

re-post, never tire of truth....matters not the messenger. message stays

Rand Paul "This Is The King Of Bacon Talking About Bacon!" 


  why don't the coward feds come ask me what i am up to.....but the wouldn't get to use all those nifty spy tools..........might put some out of the business of human exploitation for profit...kos 


Assange calls Manning's conviction 'national security extremism'

Rep Amash "NSA Director DID LIE To Congress! ANY Other American Might Be Facing Jail Time For That!"

Cops mark protesters with invisible ink


Elias Isquith, Salon
By their refusal to even consider President Obama's latest proposal, Republicans show they can't even help their ever-narrowing constituency. READ MORE»

Published on Jul 31, 2013 - In a special 90-minute broadcast covering the Bradley Manning verdict, Democracy Now! gets reaction from Jeremy Scahill, national security correspondent for The Nation. "There was a minor victory that the judge acquitted him of aiding the enemy.' As a journalist that travels to Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan and often meet with people who believe that they are in a battle against the United States and try to get their side of the story — a conviction on "aiding the enemy" would have had far-reaching implications for me and other reporters," Scahill says, who just completed a book and documentary film titled "Dirty Wars: The World Is A Battlefield." "But not just those of us who do this in war zones. Essentially what it would have said is anyone who puts information on the internet or in any kind of publication that is downloaded by anyone the United States designates as enemies or terrorists could have been convicted of, or charged with aiding the enemy. And that would have been a very dangerous precedent to set."

Watch full coverage of the Bradley Manning trial at

Scahill continues:
"What this case really highlights the utter hypocrisy of the U.S. state in the face of whistleblowers and independent journalism. We are at a moment when journalism is being criminalized by this administration, by the Justice Department, where the Espionage Act is being used, where reporters are having their phone records seized. We're all paying attention to the case of Jim Risen of the New York Times who is being ordered now to testify against one of his sources. The Manning case really dramatizes that people who blow the whistle and who are participants in or observers to what they believe or war crimes. When they blow the whistle on it, they are going to face either death or life in prison. But those who are stenographers for the powerful get invited to do interviews with the President and get invited to play super-soaker fight on Joe Biden's lawn. It is a really devastating commentary that Bradley Manning might go to prison for many years, if not for his entire life, while you have legitimate war criminals walking around free who built up a torture apparatus under the Bush administration and this administration refuses to prosecute.

Last month, we teamed up in Chicago with CREDO and Rainforest Action Network to hold our first #NoKXL civil disobedience action against the Keystone XL pipeline, earning national press coverage and helping with many others push President Obama's stance on climate change forward.
This August, we're taking our message straight to the State Department building in DC as they consider whether or not to keep up their thoroughly bogus pro-KXL whitewashing - and we need your help to let the world know we're coming.
Thank you for all you do to make this movement real.
John Sellers, The Other 98%

ask Angela Mirkel's [not now i am in the middle of a Rothschild] opine, as well of Steven Harper, the ozzy head of state AU, whats-her-name? Hillery?,   gorden brown, david cameran, tony blair............the rest of the world are 'inconveniences' because [they] will not stop reproducing...enter Monsanto to curb unnecessary reproduction 'of every fucking thing on the planet'! { that has not been copy-wronged, yet} !

I wrote this back almost 10 years ago.......2005, kos

Words are free. Words, I do not own any word. But when I speak, those words are mine. When I write, mine. I do not to like using name/labels on others……… dubbed, dunked or dominated . Label me, you negate me…said soren kierkegaard ( soren got a cool name I don' no how to put those two dots above the Es and slash the Os ) ……….. I do not cite, by name, the origin, the man, because I want to focus on ……"the message not the media"……….. who said that? A source close to the whiTe house, maybe? . Buddha? via dahli - lahma? Krishna via Vishnu? God via Jesus? Allah via Mohammad , L ron Hubbard via Tom Cruse ? Bill o riley via Fox, Opera via harpo,  who? (God, I symbolize only as OM, I call my source sometimes, my concept of Om is just too big to disrespect with just three letters, Om is no name every name, another discussion/time I got some rants)

Someone mistook menu for message……. Confucius , Buddha.? Krishna got extra arms, comes in handy when you also got the Kama Sutra…………I am a flower child, my core values are of tolerance. I do not steal these words, I have previously cited Malcolm x . some would, if honest, dismiss the quote had they known ," if you don't stand for something, You will fall for anything" riot inciter, was his All ,words spoken ………..scribed words belong to every one. This is the device 'O" gave us to bridge thought into action, action through symbols, symbols into reality . However I assembled /disassembled words may or may not be original but I hope sincere. I don't know how to spell , names are most tricky . Puffery and name dropping is another reason I do not cite sources. All paths, Bible, ..Joyce, Milton, Blake, bhaggavhad ghita & other eastern divinities, Siggy Freud said………..Words are majik ……….and at one time the same……………

Yeah, him and ever skewered priest and crisp witch between here and the equator . I have a good argument for original thought. I do not think there is any , everything that is said/written/ thought/can think /was and will/ now and later/ has all ready been done . Why ?…… Our Source said' in the Beginning there was the Word And the word was made flesh …..and seems pissed at the Jews, cut them off Jesus , pork, and foreskin. Oh , and the Nazi-method of birth control. Me and the Jewish are good, but the Source……….. Implications of an end exaggerated but eminent. ……. so……. got the spiritual pov issue out, on to matters of state…………

The first amendment guarantees the right to free speech . The internet is scrubbed using flag- word combinations , what if I mistype a word?……. ali hawk alu- gi perhaps? Are The 'thought-police/homeland security' ready to urgently scramble a team of laptops eager to control a beehive of drone model air-plane probes, to probe my probe? Armed w/sidewinders wtf?, I could go on. Orwell and his big brother was more right than wrong, there is a camera everywhere in the name of security.

Compulsory video indoctrination is labeled entertainment and submission voluntary. Slow subliminal brainwashing. Sun Tzu would be proud…….. Most work places have the spy equipment , both known and unknown to see everything articulated remotely.

 Orwell talks about 'new-speak' ………. today we just call it "politically correct". Many more , too many government intrusions for my comfort level. 1984, I am afraid , was just a primer for what's really going to happen.

I take from the banquet of humanity my muse al a carte'. So who said, the media is the message or vise versa? My pal from the revolution days Abby Houffman circa 68.……steal this book pages 1-84.….. Bibliographies take up too much space, I do not want to be selfish and claim ownership of words, but I will shamelessly commandeer words to fit my utility . Now who said…………Life is a buffet and most damn people are starving to death?

 ok? the word everyone uses to replace illiterate vocabulary. FUCK, cannot articulate emotions like happy, sad, mad, glad, passion, disgust, dismiss, dissent, some even still employ as verb meaning to practice reproduction, sometimes with a prefix that implys incestuously, Oedipus was on to this rendition... etc. etc.............This is my acrynum representing efferts to:

 FUCK, verb, subject, adjective....affect/mood, indignation admiration stimulation/ word that describes all human and animal emotions:  Fuck the fucking fuckers, they can go fuck themselves..for all i fucking care...the fucking bastards are full of fucking shit!! What the fuck do you fucking think? fuck-wad/tard..and a fucking warty fucking toad face...Ugly mother-fuck'in............this could go on forever, the 'fucking rant'....Federally-Unchecked-Control-Kills


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"Let us be peace and joy" Tom Feeley

 "Let us be peace and joy"

Tom Feeley..........
thanks for all you do; silver and gold 
'I have none'.  In the name of truth arise and rock!

For all the traffic this site generates, ye shall have my lot!!!.......and then some 'pay it forward.  I dnk whom gets credit for the intel........just get everything corp-media omits out there so an informed populace/society?= know what is left to do for sustainable, eternal  'joy and peace', have the tools to make decisions, not about 'a' future, or any forecast of bright light outcomes,  again WTF?, may make.........maybe? provoke thoughts, cultivate honest discourse....... even if UN-(informed decisions) whatever the fuck that is?  Good vibes on the way!! Hang in there:

'I will be with you always........even until the end

"Terror is a tactic. We can not wage "war" against a tactic."  - Ron Paul

"The price of empire is America's soul, and that price is too high." - Sen. J. William Fulbright (Ark.)

"The time is always right to do what is right." - Martin Luther King


Glenn Greenwald Schools Government Prestitutes AGAIN!


 this guy is from OklAHOMa,  cressent.

Halliburton Admits Guilt in Gulf Oil Spill Case, But Why is This Good News for BP?

CrossTalk: Hell Unleashed

Canadians protest fatal shooting of a teen

(my local  new soucerses are paid, handsomely?. )

Bradley Manning's Hometown Reacts To WikiLeak Case Verdict

Posted: Jul 30, 2013 9:19 PM CST Updated: Jul 30, 2013 9:19 PM CST

The 25-year-old Army Private from Crescent, Oklahoma, is now known around the world for admitting to leaking more than a half million military documents to WikiLeaks. The 25-year-old Army Private from Crescent, Oklahoma, is now known around the world for admitting to leaking more than a half million military documents to WikiLeaks.
CRESCENT, Oklahoma -
Oklahoma soldier Bradley Manning was acquitted of aiding the enemy Tuesday, but he could still be sentenced up to 136 years in prison this week.

The 25-year-old Army Private from Crescent, Oklahoma, is now known around the world for admitting to leaking more than a half million military documents to WikiLeaks. Manning was convicted on charges including espionage and theft Tuesday.

7/30/2013 Related Story: Oklahoma Soldier Acquitted Of Aiding The Enemy, Convicted Of Espionage

"I'm not surprised from all the evidence I've heard on TV," Crescent area resident Reita Walker said.
In Manning's home turf, 40 miles north of Oklahoma City, there was widespread reaction to the verdict. People in town who know Manning all seemed to have an opinion on the verdict, but most would not go on camera. Many locals do not even want to be associated with the soldier but family friend Jennifer Kegin didn't mind.

"There should be repercussions for what he did, but [he shouldn't] spend the next hundred years in prison," Kegin said. "I really think that he didn't do it for Internet fame. I think he did it, thinking that he was helping out us Americans."

Kegin has known Manning since he was in grade school. She calls him a whistleblower. Others in town called Manning stupid. Walker says the whole thing is just sad.
"I feel really bad for his family because I know that's hard for them," Walker said. "It gets pretty close to home when it's this close."

Kegin admits the soldier's hometown is divided along with the rest of the world.
"With being a small town, a lot of people stand behind you whether they agree or not," Kegin said.
Manning's sentencing date is scheduled for Wednesday. In this case, there is no minimum sentencing requirements the judge must follow.
  Op-Ed Articles
West War Crimes in Syria Exposed
By Finian Cunningham
Western government and media silence over the latest massacres in Syria is not just a matter of indifference or sloppy journalism. It is indicative of their complicity in the covert genocidal war on Syria.
The Power Behind the Rebels
Why No Revolution Exists in Syria
By Shamus Cooke
Without the massive rebel support from the U.S. and its allies this conflict would have ended long ago and thousands of lives would have been spared.
Egypt: Divide and Conquer?
By Phil Greaves
General Sisi and the Egyptian military - are not a democratic entity in any sense of the word either. They are a military leadership funded in part, and trained by the United States.
Balkanization of Key Mideast States
Arabs, Beware the "Small States" Option
By Sharmine Narwani
If ever a conspiracy had legs, this one is it. Stirring Iranian-Arab and Sunni-Shiite strife to its advantage has been a major US policy objective since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran.
The Illusion of Israeli/Palestinian Peace for Our Time
By Stephen Lendman
No legitimate Palestinian leader would permit Washington's involvement. Collaborators betray their people by doing so.
Ho Chi Minh and the Declaration of Independence
Excerpts from 1981 with Major Archimedes Patti, who during World War Two provided support to the Vietnamese Resistance (Viet Minh) under the command of Ho Chi Minh fighting the Japanese occupation.
That Most Charming of Couples: Nationalism and Hypocrisy
By William Blum
Unlimited power in the hands of psychopaths. My own country truly scares me.
Bradley Manning Cleared of 'Aiding the Enemy' but Guilty of Most Other Charges
By Ed Pilkington at Fort Meade
Bradley Manning, the source of the massive WikiLeaks trove of secret disclosures, faces a possible maximum sentence of more than 130 years in military jail after he was convicted of most charges on which he stood trial.
The Moral Verdict on Bradley Manning:
A Conviction of Love in Action
By Norman Solomon
"I want people to see the truth ... regardless of who they are ... because without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public."
Australia's Election Campaign Is Driven By A Barbarism That Dares Not Speak Its Name
By John Pilger
The policy in Canberra, known as "stop the boats", evokes the hysteria and cynicism of more than a century ago when the "yellow peril" was said to be falling down on Australia as if by the force of gravity.
8 Shocking Ways America Leads the World
By Lynn Stuart Parramore
The New American Exceptionalism: Number one in obesity, guns, prisoners, anxiety, and more...
How Rich is Congress?
By Money Choice
How does the wealth of House and Senate representatives compare to their constituents' wealth?
 Hard News  

134 people killed in clashes in Sudan's Darfur:

"Yesterday's clashes killed 108 from the Salamat and 26 from us," Kheiri told Reuters. "The clashes lasted from 3 am until 6 pm," he added, without giving more details.

Nigeria: 12 killed in blasts in Kano's Christian area:

Multiple explosions that blasted a bar and entertainment area in a Christian quarter of Nigeria's northern and mainly Muslim city of Kano killed at least 12 people, the military said Tuesday.

Gunmen kill 8 Tunisian troops as political tensions grow:

President Moncef Marzouki called the ambush on Mount Chaambi, near the Algerian border, a "terrorist attack" and announced three days of mourning. Tunisian troops have been trying to track down Islamist militants in the remote region since December.

Tunisia's prime minister refuses to step down:
Prime Minister Ali Larayedh's fiery speech, in which he called those wanting to dissolve the government "anarchists" and "opportunists," is unlikely to appease an angry opposition that says the Islamist-led government has failed to carry out the political transition promised after the overthrow of Tunisia's dictator in January 2011.
Dozen bombs defused outside luxury Tripoli hotel:
Libyan security forces on Tuesday defused a dozen bombs that had been placed inside a car that was parked outside a luxury hotel in the capital, the interior ministry said.
Egypt: Despite dozens of deaths, Muslim Brotherhood finds little sympathy at home or abroad:
The group is deeply, deeply isolated. Its members are increasingly targeted by state violence that they have little power to resist, leaving them at the mercy of a military and state security service that has long loathed them.
Clashes leave 12 houses torched in Cairo's Ezbet Abu-Hashish:
Conflicting reports emerge on how clashes broke out in Cairo's Ezbet Abu-Hashish working-class neighbourhood late Sunday
EU envoy says Morsi 'well' after meeting:
Catherine Ashton, the European Union foreign policy chief, said Egypt's deposed president Mohamed Morsi was "well" after meeting him for two hours, his first known contact with the outside world since he was toppled by the army earlier this month.
Egypt restores feared secret police units:
Military-backed government seems to have no intent of reforming practices that characterised both Mubarak and Morsi eras
Jihadists fire 'US-made ballistic missile' at Sinai security HQ:
Jihadists attacked the Egyptian security headquarters in northern Sinai ostensibly using an American-made ballistic missile, Egypt's interior ministry said early Monday morning.
Blair Legacy Continues As
 Around 70 killed in fresh Iraq violence:
Attacks mainly targeting Shiite-majority areas of Iraq killed at least 57 people on Monday, and security forces killed 10 militants, officials said, as the interior ministry warned of civil war.
Assad's forces kill 12 rebels taking flour from mill - activist:
"The Free Syrian Army took over the flour mill after a battle that lasted several hours, but the regime's forces shelled the area and hit it from the air as the fighters were transporting the flour out of the mill," activist Abu Kassem al-Shabawi said from the area.
Air raids 'kill 11 children in Syria's Aleppo, Homs':
Seven children in the northern Syrian province of Aleppo and another four in Homs in the centre were among 17 civilians killed in air raids on Tuesday, a watchdog said.
Syrian Soldiers Executed By Rebels -
Video - Warning -
FSA & Jabhat al-Nusra Public Execution Al-Hasakah :
Video - Warning -
How a Syrian rebel stronghold fell into regime hands:
Syrian Army soldiers have won control of the Khalidiya district in Homs, crushing one of the last rebel bastions in the central city that sits on the route linking Damascus with the coastal heartland of President Assad's Alawite sect.
SNC leader tells Al Arabiya Geneva II conference can end Syria war: Video -
In an exclusive interview with Al Arabiya, Ahmed Jarba, the new president of the Syrian National Coalition (SNC), said he expects the Geneva II conference to take place, adding that the U.N.-backed meeting and the formation of a transitional government can lead to the fall of the Syrian regime.
US kills another 3 people in Yemen:
The official said the attack took place early Tuesday in the town of Saeed in Shabwa province and targeted a car carrying the suspected militants. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with regulations, gave no further details.
Israelis and Palestinians open talks:
The two sides have agreed to continue talking for at least nine months, a State Department official said. "We're going to make every effort to reach an agreement within that time frame, but... if we're making progress and we're continuing to make progress, this is not a deadline," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.
Pakistan elects new president as Taliban attack on prison kills 14, frees 250 inmates:
The fighters freed more than 250 prisoners, including 38 suspected militants, and killed 14 people, including guards and Shiite Muslim prisoners, officials said.
Pakistan: Four armed suspects killed in Quetta:
Acting on a tip-off about the presence of an armed group in Eastern Bypass area, the law enforcement agencies (LEA) launched an operation, killing four armed suspects, official sources claimed.
Afghanistan: Taliban district chief among 4 killed in Konduz operation:
A Taliban named district chief and three of his subordinates were killed and 29 others arrested during a security forces operation in northwestern province of Konduz, an official said Monday.
Bradley Manning guilty of espionage in Wikileaks case:
Pte Manning, 25, has been found guilty of 20 charges in total.
European Parliamentarians call on President Obama to free Bradley Manning:
Open Letter from Members of the European Parliament to President Barack Obama and US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel
Report: New Zealand military collected data on phone calls of McClatchy contributor: -
New Zealand's defense minister said Monday that an investigation is underway into a report that U.S. intelligence agencies helped his nation's military track the mobile telephone calls of a freelance journalist while he worked for McClatchy Newspapers in Afghanistan.
US developing Mind Reading: Video:
The US government is pouring money into a technology called fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging, which measures changes in localized brain activity over time by watching blood flow. And it can now be used to infer information about our memories. It can tell things like what we have actually seen or experienced.
Guns in school: Ark. district arming more than 20 teachers, staff: 
Dougan is among more than 20 teachers, administrators and other school employees who will carry concealed weapons throughout the school day, making use of a little-known Arkansas law that allows licensed, armed security guards on campus.
Myrtle Beach judge rules citizens can't feed homeless in public park:
Hopkins said, as a Quaker, he felt compelled to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, who taught his disciples to help those less fortunate.
Obama Admin. Deported More Than 13,000 Unaccompanied Mexican Children in 2012;
And, when it comes to deportation court hearings, it is not unusual for a toddler or a 6-year-old to appear in front of the judge without a lawyer.
JPMorgan Accused of Energy-Market Manipulation by U.S. Agency:
 JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) manipulated power markets in California and the Midwest from September 2010 to June 2011, obtaining tens of millions of dollars in overpayments from grid operators, the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission alleged today.
The 25 largest Banks in the world:
The largest "private" American bank ranks 8th
US fast food workers walk out in organised strike against low wages:
New York City-based campaign spreads around the country as workers unite to demand minimum $15 per hour wage
41% of Nation's Poor Are White, Nearly Double the Number of Poor Blacks:
As the bottom continues to fall out of the economy, and good middle class jobs are replaced with low wage jobs, one of the most striking demographic changes is the growing number of whites who've fallen into poverty or are in danger of falling below the poverty line:
Audit reveals USDA paid out millions to dead farmers:
The U.S. Agriculture Department paid out $32 million in soil conservation payments and crop insurance aid to dead farmers from 2008 to 2012, congressional auditors said on Monday, calling for stricter rules to prevent improper payments. ME


Fracking or Chemtrails? Water Wells Closest to Fracking are More Contaminated
Writing Contest: EXPOSE Agenda 21...1 Day Remains
Military Judge Acquits Manning of Aiding the Enemy; Faces Life on Other Charges
Activist Post

"Smart" Houses Added to List of Hacker Threats
Kevin Samson

Man Gets His Face Stomped In By LAPD for Riding His Bike Without Lights
John Galt

Myrtle Beach Outlaws Feeding the Homeless on Public AND Private Property
Brandon Turbeville

Whistleblowers, Prison, and More…
Catherine Frompovich

Prepping for an EMP and Solar Flares
Gaye Levy

Why Are The Chinese Gobbling Up Real Estate And Businesses In Detroit?
44 Facts About The Death Of The Middle Class Every American Should Know
Michael Snyder

Pediatrician Says 5-in-1 Vaccine Pushed by Bill Gates’ GAVI, WHO Will Kill 3,125 Babies
Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton

AR School District Arms Teachers Because Hiding & Locking Doors “Is Not a Plan”
Kimberly Paxton

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Oath Keepers Inaugural “NW Patriot & Self-Reliance Rally” a HUGE Success (w vid)

Defense Department Rots While Social Security Administration Gets Spoiled


RT, Al Jezzwea, Current...........  throw down your weapons and follow me;;;;;;;;;;I will be the light  you can finally see.  .kosmicdebris