"Since it was first recognized in [the] Magna Carta, trial by jury has been a prized shield against oppression ...." - U.S. Supreme Court
The law is not the private property of lawyers, nor is justice the exclusive province of judges and juries. In the final analysis, true justice is not a matter of courts and law books, but of a commitment in each of us to liberty and mutual respect." - Jimmy Carter
another one bites the dust, and another one gone....gonna get you too
still want to murder the messenger? the message is out!!
I have a little exercise for you. Take a minute and try to identify the parts of your daily life that the government is NOT tracking.
To give you a couple of hints, your answer will be limited to only those things you do or say that don’t involve using your phone, the Internet, a credit card, your car, your bank account, your job or walking down the street.
And don’t forget, when President Obama’s health care “reform” takes
effect, your health information will be going to Washington, DC, also.
Doesn’t leave much, does it?
Just this week, Members of the U.S. House Committee who wrote
the Patriot Act said in a hearing that they never intended that the
government would use the authority under that law to collect EVERYONE’s
phone and Internet records. They pretended to be shocked that a government agency would abuse the power they had given it.
Is anyone else in America shocked?
And then, at another congressional hearing, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve “admitted” that the Fed was “creating” money and using it to buy assets. Bernanke Admits To Congress: We Are Printing Money, Just 'Not Literally' .
not so serious, it would almost be funny that the Fed Chairman has to
be grilled at a hearing to admit something so obvious. Of course they
are printing money. Or, if you want to be precise, “creating reserves”
-- and then spending them to artificially pump up the economy and mask
the fact that we are broke.
This madness must stop. The liberties this nation was founded to preserve and protect are, quite literally, under attack.
And they are not under attack from foreign enemies; rather, they are
being attacked -- successfully -- by our own government and the elected
officials who are running it.
As for the economy, our jobs and our financial security, it is just wrong that arguably the most powerful person in America is the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Even the President needs the collusion of Congress to create money out of thin air and then spend it.
I’m worried. I’m very worried. We all read about these outrages. We hear politicians complain about them. We can ALL see what’s going on. Yet, nothing is HAPPENING to change it.
As I have said many times, it is up to you and me. The politicians aren’t going to fix it. They can complain for the TV cameras, but they LIKE the idea of controlling every aspect of our lives. Government is force, and they love to exert it.
The good news: America is fed up. Congress
may be surprised to learn that the Patriot Act is being abused, but the
rest of us are certainly not. The Fed Chairman may want to play with
words, but we know that our monetary policy is a house of cards.
But being fed up isn’t enough. Americans who believe liberty can be restored and our finances put in order need a voice.
They need to be mobilized for effective advocacy. They need support and
encouragement to engage in the debates we MUST have in this country.
With your help, the Our America Initiative will provide that voice, that mobilization and that advocacy.
We have identified tens of thousands of Americans who are ready to get
to work. We have the communications tools in place to take the message
of liberty and economic freedom to every corner of the country -- and
make it heard in such a way that Washington cannot ignore us.
Your contribution today at www.OurAmericaInitiative.com will help us put those activists and tools to work, and I think you agree with me that we can’t wait any longer.
We face serious challenges, to be sure. But I have never been one to back away from a challenge, and I know I can count on you as we work together to make our voices heard.
Thank you, as always, for your support -- and for your dedication to the REAL American values of liberty and freedom.
Gov. Gary Johnson
Honorary Chairman
Charges Against Bradley Manning Will Not Be Dismissed by Judge
Writing Contest: EXPOSE Agenda 21
Activist Post
The Rise of the Avatars
Nicholas West
Agenda 21 Chapter 8 – The Final Coup
Julie Beal
TSA: Keeping Travelers Safe by Inspecting Cars Left in Valet Parking
Kimberly Paxton
39 Fantastic Prepping Tips
Gaye Levy
5 Examples of When You Might Not Know What You Are Eating
Melissa Melton
5 Reasons Why More Americans Don’t Protest Against The System
Sigmund Fraud
Criminal Enterprise Operations of the Police
Dave Hodges
European Parliament may call on Snowden, NSA chief and Glenn Greenwald to testify about NSA spying
Madison Ruppert
Is The Safety Of The State Really Worth More Than The Truth?
Brandon Smith
Snowden: Nobel Peace Prize Nominee
Stephen Lendman
Everything Is Fine, But…
The U.S. Government Will Borrow Close To 4 Trillion Dollars This Year
16 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True
Michael Snyder
New Must-See Videos
Anonymous Operation NSA - Exposing Dianne Feinstein
5 Examples of When You Might Not Know What You Are Eating
Charges Against Bradley Manning Will Not Be Dismissed by Judge
The Rise of the Avatars
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville discussing Snowden, Syria, Codex regulations, biotech passwords
Why Governments Can Do No Good
Mass Media Psyop On America?
Other Key Articles From Around the Web
JP Morgan Facing $500 Million Fine For Manipulating Energy Prices Just Like Enron
Morsels of Knowledge Banquets of Ignorance: Scientific Fallacies Exposed
Top Children’s Vitamins Full of Aspartame, GMOs & Harmful Chemicals
Who Has Your Back? Companies Demand Transparency Around Govt Data Requests
25 Best Ways to Detox Heavy Metals, Pesticides, Enviro Pollutants, & Metabolic Waste
The Drone That Killed My Grandson
Taking Parents Out Of The Vaccine Equation - National and Interntl Laws Allowing
Children To Consent To Vaccination
Disaster Management:12 Ways To Keep Cool Without Electricity
Policy News
Updated Former President Peanut Farmer rebukes Shrub
That's 402 MEELLION minutes you'll never get back, folks
Cry me a 7,000km river, say ICANN bods
Court orders ISPs to block FirstRow1 on copyright infringement grounds
Beijing wants nearly half of items on list removed
Security News
Scam prompts FBI task force warning
Science News
Sampling suggests Mars lost its atmosphere early in life
Fails to get CHAV off successfully, however
If you're reading this in the pub be aware - it's just trials for now
avaaz is making a big difference globally.............
Across the planet, millions of people young and old are flooding the streets and mobilising online to reject corruption and injustice and speak of a more beautiful world. A new Twitter hashtag in Brazil tells the story: #OGiganteAcordou. Translation: “The sleeping giant has awoken".
And Avaaz - now nearly 25 million strong! - is there almost everywhere it's happening. In one example, the Brazilian Senate repeatedly cited our community last week when they voted to give any 500,000 citizen petition the power to directly introduce measures to the government.
We're growing by well over 1 million people per month, and it's accelerating. As more citizens shake off the slumber we are realising that the world really is ours and, while we face great challenges, what happens next, depends on all of us.
Because when we come together, and stay together, we win. Scroll down for victories and updates, just from the last several weeks:
Brazil says NO to Corruption, YES to 21st Century Democracy!
Even better, the Senate just voted to make it easier and faster for citizens to force politicians to take action. Avaaz was repeatedly cited during the Senate debate, in which they agreed to halve how many people need to sign popular initiative petitions, and they determined that online signatures can count! Now we’re going all out to get the lower house on board. |
Bangladesh: Hope from the Rubble
Avaaz members blanketed the H&M and GAP Facebook pages. And when our ad targeting H&M’s boss was turned down by a leading newspaper in Sweden a huge debate kicked off there, in the media and online. Senior H&M executives got right on the phone with Avaaz, and 3 days later embraced the agreement, prompting more than 75 other brands to follow in their footsteps! GAP and WalMart aren’t on the list yet, but we’re working on them. |
A Victory for Bees in Europe!
It’s been a long haul to take on mighty mega-corporations like Bayer, and it wouldn't have been possible without the collaboration of many scientists, specialists, sympathetic officials, beekeepers and environmental groups. According to Friends of the Earth: "Avaaz's massive petition and creative campaigning helped push this over the edge." |
Stopping the Mass Maasai Evictions
Moving Beyond the Failed War on Drugs
Our petition was crucial. We delivered it directly, in front of the media, to Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina. And the President explained our exact strategy in his own words: "We thank Avaaz for this petition because it gives us as leaders of the continent the strength to debate this issue without it being seen as taboo." |
Ending the War on Women
In each case Avaaz members have helped turn horror into hope, amplifying millions of our voices in the media to pressure governments to pass stronger laws to protect women. In the Maldives, our campaign threatening tourism got us an open door to top political leaders, who said the girl would not be flogged for now, and a poll commissioned by Avaaz hit the front pages showing citizens wanted the laws changed. In India, a big pink bus with a larger than life fake PM Singh touting our message was driven through the streets of Delhi, and there is now growing interest in our call for a massive public education campaign challenging out of date attitudes towards women. These are just the tips of the iceberg in our fight to end misogyny. |
Saving Fin Whales from Butchery
Stopping the Global Tax Scam |
It's an amazing thing to be part of a community of citizens from every corner of the world, united in common and effective action. Click here to see a map of our membership by country, or here to read personal stories from and even correspond with other Avaazers.
Our sleeping giant is waking, bringing tremendous possibilities for change. Can't wait to see what our community does next.
With love, hope, and crazy appreciation for this world-changing community,
Ricken, Jamie, Oli, Alex, Dalia, Joseph, Laura, Mais, Michelle and the rest of the Avaaz team
Op-Ed Articles
Kerry to Present Plan for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations
"Peace" Talks to Resume Based on 1967 Lines, recognition of Israel as Jewish State
By Barak Ravid and Jack Khoury
on borders will be based on the 1967 lines, with land swaps - taking
into account the current reality in the West Bank, i.e. the major
settlement blocs.
Obama UN Pick Pledges to 'Work Tirelessly to Defend' Israel
By Julian Pecquet
Power promised Wednesday to "stand up for Israel and work tirelessly
to defend it" as she sought to put to rest lawmaker concerns about her
support for the U.S. ally.
The World Without Qatar
By Thierry Meyssan
two weeks, the Muslim Brotherhood, to which Washington was promising
the leadership of the Arab world, have lost two of their main levers of
Meet a Moderate Syrian Insurgent
By Pepe Escobar
see how hard is the life of a moderate rebel? Not only we have to
fight the despicable dictator in Damascus - we fight Shi'ite apostates
and we even fight terrorists! Oh, Amrika!
Ex-CIA Milan Chief Held in Panama
By The BBC
former CIA chief who was convicted by an Italian court of kidnapping a
terror suspect has been detained in Panama, Italian officials say.
A 'Black Day' for Liberty - Chris Hedges
Indefinite Military Detention of American Citizens.
By Peter Z. Scheer
1021 and 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2012 would
allow the military to detain indefinitely persons who are deemed to
consort with terrorists or those who commit "belligerent acts" against
the United.
NSA Warned to Rein in Surveillance as Agency Reveals Even Greater Scope
By Spencer Ackerman
National Security Agency revealed to an angry congressional panel on
Wednesday that its analysis of phone records and online behavior goes
exponentially beyond what it had previously disclosed.
Why the U.S. Executive Branch Is a Clear and Present Danger to Our Democracy
By Fred Branfman
an authoritarian U.S. Executive Branch which has focused on war abroad
for the last 50 years now devotes increasing resources to
surveillance, information management, and population control at home,
posing a far greater threat to Americans' liberties than any
conceivable foreign foe.
Jimmy Carter Says U.S. "Has No Functioning Democracy"
By Alberto Riva
U.S. president Jimmy Carter is so concerned about the NSA spying
scandal that he thinks it has essentially resulted in a suspension of
American democracy.
10 Ways That Big Brother Is Tightening On All Of Our Lives
By Michael Snyder
you ever feel like virtually everything that you do is being watched,
tracked, monitored and recorded? If so, unfortunately it is not just
your imagination.
Postcard from the End of America: North Philly
By Linh Dinh
the anti-terror smoke screen, we have created a nation of paranoiacs
and psychos. As we kill and rape, many of us rap about raping and
12 people killed in separate incidents in Afghanistan:
killed eight Afghan civilians employed at a NATO military center near
Kabul and four policemen in two incidents Thursday, authorities said.
Indian border guards kill 6 civilians in Kashmir:
At least
six civilians have been killed and several others wounded in a raid
carried out by Indian border guards against protesters in
Indian-administered Kashmir.
India: Five killed in Maoist attack in Bihar:
The toll
in the Maoist attack targeting security personnel guarding a
construction site in Aurangabad District has risen to six.
Al-Qaeda plans own state in northern Syria :
in the Free Syrian Army claim the terrorist group Al Qaeda plans to
take control over transit routes on the border with Turkey - ousting
other rebel troops from the area.
10 'militants' killed in North Sinai security crackdown:
Egyptian army has killed ten "Islamist militants" in North Sinai over
the last 48 hours, a security source told state news agency MENA on
Rights group says Egypt detainees beaten:
Amnesty International says detained supporters of deposed President Morsi have been beaten and denied access to lawyers.
Egypt's Brotherhood proposes first talks via EU envoy:
Muslim Brotherhood said on Thursday it had proposed through an EU
go-between a framework for talks to resolve Egypt's political crisis,
its first formal announcement of an offer for negotiations since
President Mohamed Mursi was toppled.
NEWSPEAK: U.S. suggests Egyptian military may have averted civil war:
Egypt may
have avoided a civil war this month, U.S. Secretary of State John
Kerry said on Wednesday, saying this was one factor to weigh as
Washington decides whether to cut off most U.S. aid to the Arab nation.
Egyptian Coup Planned Months Ago:
military insiders say overthrow had been in the works for months, just
waiting for popular dissent to reach critical mass
General who toppled Morsi will hold three jobs in Egypt's new government:
Egyptian general who announced that President Mohammed Morsi had been
removed from office was named the country's first deputy prime minister
on Tuesday, a sign that the military, despite asserting it had no
interest in governing, intended to maintain its influence.
Egypt is still not a coup in Washington:
hesitation to use the term has drawn accusations from the pro-Morsi
camp that the US was complicit in the coup. For the White House, it is
an on-going and agonising determination that has legal and possibly
even security implications.
The Egyptian coup is a warning to Turkey - but will Erdogan listen?: Op-Ed: :
strongly condemned the coup, calling it the "killer of democracy and
the future" and referring to Egypt's "so-called administration". Why
does the coup matter so much to Erdogan's AK party?
Erdogan refuses to speak to Egypt's ElBaradei:
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has refused to speak to Egypt's new
Vice-President Mohamed ElBaradei, the latest broadside in a spat that
erupted after the military coup in the Arab world's most populous
Bomb attack kills seven in Iraq tea house: police, medics:
A bomb
blast in a tea house in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul killed at
least seven people on Wednesday, police and medics said.
Three farmers among six killed in Iraq:
magnetic "sticky bomb" killed a man and his wife, both farmers, in the
Dujail area as they drove to work, while another farmer was shot dead
by gunmen near Balad, officials said.
Stray bullets from Syria kill two Turkish citizens:
One man
and a 15-year-old boy were killed when they were hit by stray bullets
from Syria in the Turkish border town of Ceylanpinar, Turkish security
sources and health officials said on Wednesday.
Syria: Clashes between Kurds and Islamists : Video -
erupted between the Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG) and the
al-Qaeda-affiliated Jahbat al-Nusra, killing at least four Jabhat
fighters in the city of Ras al-Ain
Jihadists expelled from flashpoint Kurdish Syrian town, NGO says:
fighters have expelled jihadists from the Syrian flashpoint frontier
town of Ras al-Ain near Turkey, a watchdog said Wednesday, adding that
only the border crossing remains under the extremists' control.
Syrian Kurds to declare autonomy from Damascus:
A Kurdish
militia in northern Syria plans to become autonomous from Damascus in
the coming days, after months of administering the border territory
without Assad forces, Turkish media reported on Wednesday.
Gen. Dempsey: US Considering Use of Force in Syria:
Army Gen.
Martin Dempsey says during congressional testimony Thursday that he
has provided President Barack Obama with options for the use of force
in Syria.
Ireland agrees to send peacekeepers to Golan: -
is to send 114 peacekeepers to the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights to
help monitor a decades-old truce between Israel and Syria that has been
shaken by a spillover of violence from Syria's civil war.
Netanyahu denies agreeing to peace talks based on '67 lines:
Minister Binyamin Netanyahu denied on Tuesday an official's remarks
that Israel had agreed to resume peace talks based on the borders of a
Palestinian state being drawn along lines from before a 1967 Middle
East war, and agreed land swaps.
Abbas to brief PLO on Kerry peace talks push:
civil defense minister, Gilad Erdan, said a settlement freeze, which
Netanyahu partially imposed in 2009 for 10 months, was a non-starter.
US officials say there are no new plans for talks:
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said there were no plans at the
moment for an announcement on resuming peace talks between Israel and
the Palestinians.
UK: Lib Dems withdraw party whip from MP David Ward over Israel comments:
Clegg acts after Bradford East MP tweeted that Zionists were 'losing the battle' and questioned future of 'apartheid state'
China sends troops to Africa:
ninety-five peacekeepers from the People's Liberation Army just
arrived in the Saharan nation of Mali as part of the UN mission to help
restore order there. Specifically, Beijing has sent engineering,
medical and "guard" teams to the Malian capital of Bamako, according to
the Chinese defense ministry.
Judge refuses to dismiss aiding the enemy charge against Bradley Manning:
"He was
knowingly providing intelligence to the enemy," said judge Colonel
Denise Lind in rejecting Manning's lawyer's motion to dismiss that
Bradley Manning: US 'aiding the enemy' charge a travesty of justice: Amnesty:
charge of 'aiding the enemy' is ludicrous. What's surprising is that
the prosecutors in this case, who have a duty to act in the interest of
justice, have pushed a theory that making information available on the
internet - whether through Wikileaks, in a personal blog posting, or
on the website of The New York Times - can amount to 'aiding the
'Snowden won't disclose more docs, I have thousands' - Greenwald:
Snowden is unlikely to make new revelations since "he doesn't want to
end up in a cage like Bradley Manning", said The Guardian journalist
Glenn Greenwald, adding that he himself decides what to publish from
the thousands of leaked documents.
The NSA Admits It Analyzes More People's Data Than Previously Revealed:
For a
sense of scale, researchers at the University of Milan found in 2011
that everyone on the Internet was, on average, 4.74 steps away from
anyone else. The NSA explores relationships up to three of those steps.
Bush-Cheney began illegal NSA spying before 9/11, says telcom CEO:
a statement by ex-vice president Dick Cheney on Sunday that
warrantless domestic surveillance might have prevented 9/11, 2007 court
records indicate that the Bush-Cheney administration began such
surveillance at least 7 months prior to 9/11.
US to resume Guantanamo genital searches:
ruling on Wednesday granted a temporary delay in enforcing a court
order that banned the practice of full body inspections and gave the
Obama administration time to mount a full appeal.
Federal Judge Parades Her Ignorance, Approves Torture of Guantanamo Prisoners:
A U.S. District Judge not only doesn't know what torture is, she doesn't know her own history.
UK police accused of supplying target information for military 'kill list':
police have been accused of illegally supplying information on
potential targets for a highly controversial military "kill list" in a
legal challenge being launched at the high court on Wednesday.
Blood money: UK's £12.3bn arms sales to repressive states:
Government approves thousands of deals with states it condemns for human rights abuses
US Military Intervene over Facebook Event:
a joke, a German man recently invited some friends for a walk around a
top secret NSA facility. But the Facebook invitation soon had German
federal police knocking at his door. They had been alerted by the
American authorities.
Millions of US license plates tracked and stored, new ACLU report finds:
of Americans are having their movements tracked through automated
scanning of their car license plates, with the records held often
indefinitely in vast government and private databases.
Americans Finally Have Access to American Propaganda:
A law went into effect this month that ends the ban on U.S. government-made propaganda from being broadcast to Americans.
Posted: 18 Jul 2013 07:44 AM PDT
carbon tax started in July 2012. The carbon price was supposed to be
fixed until July 2015, at which point it would be replaced by an
emissions trading scheme. This week, prime minister Kevin Rudd announced
that emissions trading will start a year earlier than planned.
Australia’s emissions trading scheme is to be linked [...]BREAKING NEWS: The federal govs are coming to save the day.....thanks now stand-down please stop helping us commons accept any more of your asinine policies..'in the name of good or safety. We got it from here. So fucking stop cease and desist intrusion where is not ask nor needed. The CORPORATION ARE NOT LIVING BREATHING HEART BEATING THOUGHT FEELING CHILDREN BEARING MEMBERS OF LIFE SUSTAINING SOCIETY!!

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