Sunday, November 4, 2012

"An unconscious people, an indoctrinated people, a people fed only partisan information and opinion that confirm their own bias, a people made morbidly obese in mind and spirit by the junk food of propaganda, is less inclined to put up a fight, ask questions and be skeptical. That kind of orthodoxy can kill a democracy – or worse." - Bill Moyers




Four Simultaneous Monsanto Attacks on Organic Food in California and A Monsanto Hostage

Dees Illustration
Sam Jennings
Activist Post

There are at least four major active Monsanto attacks on food in California going on right now. The last listed exposes the iron fist Monsanto tries to hide.

1. Monsanto is pouring millions into defeating Prop 37.

Prop 37 calls for the labeling of genetically engineered (GMO) ingredients in food. Monsanto lawyer and VP, Michael Taylor, was responsible when Clinton put him in at the FDA, for the first GMO in the food chain - rBGH, a GM-bovine hormone linked to a large increase in risk of breast, colon and prostate cancer, for deregulating the approval process for GMOs, and for keeping GMOs unlabeled (even coming up with a white paper for Monsanto on how to sue farmers for attempting to label their milk as not based on rBGH. It was during this time at the FDA that 40,000 documents were hidden which showed extreme toxicity of GMOs, before Taylor arranged for GMOs to begin to be planted regardless.

The truth about GMOs is out now. A scientist whom Monsanto has repeatedly attacked, to the point where the scientist went to court to stop them, has proved beyond a doubt now that Monsanto's GM-corn causes cancer, organ failure and rapid deaths. (Source) This study is having effects internationally, with Russia immediately banning the import of Monsanto's corn, and groups in Europe calling for a ban of any GMOs in Europe and of all importation.

2. Stanford University in California has attacked organic food right before the vote on Prop 37, to Monsanto's benefit, and devised plans with DHS to "subdue" organic food as a biosecurity threat.

Stanford put out a study suggesting that organic food is no better than convention (most of which is GMO and pesticide laden now). The study is a fraud. One scientist involved had previously done studies for the Tobacco industry suggesting smoking was not a problem. Money is flowing in from Cargill which sells Monsanto's GMOs.

Another scientist on the same fraudulent study has been working with Homeland Security to declare organic food a biosecurity risk, setting it up to be "subdued" - attacked by military. Monsanto benefits and may even be directly involved since Monsanto lawyer and VP, Michael Taylor, designed food "safety" laws that operate in a similar fashion. They arrange for the extermination of any agricultural threats (organic food not excluded), with Monsanto determining what constitutes those threats. (Right now the USDA has earthworms listed as an invasive species and Monsanto through either the FDA and USDA, could order the spraying of a pesticide including Agent Orange - a pesticide it is pushing hard for - sprayed on all farms to protect US agriculture. Or against any other bogus threats.)

This article is a deep education in how Taylor created "surface" language to allow for deniability as he disguised the transfer of massive power to the FDA (run by Monsanto) to destroy organic farms, organic farmers markets, organic food shops, organic food buying clubs, restaurants, and even organic gardens in the US.

3. Monsanto from the FDA, orders a recall of organic food during the Jewish Holidays 

A recall suggests that food is unsafe to eat. Organic nut butters are included with the conventional (pesticide loaded and GMO-sugar included) nut butters that are being recalled. The fraudulent Stanford study suggested to the public there is no difference in nutritional value between organic and conventional food. With a recall, Monsanto is now suggesting to the public that organic is equally dangerous to your life as conventional food containing Monsanto's GMOs and Roundup.

Most nuts in the country are grown in California so this recall would be powerfully felt there. What's more, the Monsanto-FDA recall of nut butters would have its most serious impact on small companies, and the small ones are the organic ones. They are very vulnerable both in terms of cost and lost revenue to having their products pulled but also in terms of attempting to recover their reputation. (The FDA and the state ag departments are infamous for this ploy against Amish farmers selling raw milk - declaring their milk contaminated, having media splash the story across the new, shutting farmers down for weeks, and only later declaring the milk was fine but with no media on the safety of the milk).

The early vote on Prop 37 begins in October. Monsanto did the recall during the High Holidays - Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur - with a large Jewish vote in California, and with Jews being a group most likely to vote.

4. Monsanto is behind illegal arrest and criminal attacks on the owner of an organic food co-op in Los Angeles and destruction of his life's work.

Please read the petition below which lists multiple examples of misconduct by California officials. But it leaves off the most significant piece of information- Monsanto is behind it all.

The FDA ordered the raid and set the felony arrests in motion, and Monsanto lawyer and VP Michael Taylor, runs the FDA "food safety" division. Monsanto ordered the arrest of an innocent man, the destruction of his organic food business, and one might assume they are behind his torture in jail (including questioning him as though he were a terrorist) and the fact that he faces multiple felonies for the crime of selling fresh goat milk.

Those government agents involved in the first raid, including those mentioned, had any no signed oaths of office on file, so no sworn allegiance to the law. The arrest was therefore illegal and his lawyers are seeking to have the whole case dismissed.

Stewart missed a hearing assuming he was no longer needed in court, but was rearrested,this time not be government agents without the legal right to arrest him, but this time by armed bounty hunters, with no license plates on their cars, who physically attacked out in the open. He is still in jail. This petition seeks to free him and expose what is happening in California, which is being used as a test case for Monsanto brute power over organic food and anyone who dares provide it.

An aside: 

Are you wary of raw milk? Are you thinking, maybe Stewart did something dangerous in selling raw goat milk? If so, you can thank Monsanto, the corrupt dairy industry and the corrupt CDC (which participated in the armed raid on Stewart) for your being convinced not to buy milk that is actually 35,000 times safer than any other food - by the CDC's own data. And if you have Crohn's disease, you can thank them again for your continuing to suffer for working to make what is healing, unavailable. In fact, Monsanto is working to genetically engineer milk itself.

Raw milk is the only safe milk and it is a prime Monsanto target. Raw milk means no money to the industrial food system, it means local food and adequate money to keep local farmers in business, it means money stay in the local communities, and it means healthy people who do not support the drug industry. For Monsanto, that puts a big target on it and from there one can understand the brutality against James Stewart and how important it is to get the petition out to free him.

All of the four attacks in California are different sides of the same coin - "food safety." It is a massive corporate lie to take control over the food system. Food safety law in every state needs to be nullified because all of them include a Monsanto trick - they require no evidence whatever. The state can act against people like Stewart based not on contamination or harm - he'd done neither - but merely based on technicalities and plan to destroy real food . Food laws must written that only apply to proven contamination, confirmed by independent scientists, and no prison terms can be applied unless a person or company has been proven, as the peanut company was, to have known in advance that its food was contaminated and to sell it with that knowledge.

Monsanto, is selling products it knows are lethal.

International Petition to Free James Stewart, an Organic Food Provider and Monsanto Hostage

Monsanto’s Roundup, Glyphosate Linked to Parkinson’s and Similar Diseases

Elizabeth Renter
Activist Post

We already know the links between herbicides and sterility in men, birth defects, mental illness, obesity and possibly cancer—but now we have something new to add to the nasty effects of pesticides list — Parkinson’s disease and similar neurodegenerative conditions.

New research, published in the journal Neurotoxicology and Teratology, indicates a connection between a component in Monsanto’s Roundup and Parkinson’s disease. Glyphosate is said to induce cell death, with frightening repercussions. reports the study was investigating the links between herbicides (weed killers) and brain damage. These chemicals, the study’s authors say, “have been recognized as the main environmental factor associated with neurodegenerative disorders,” like Parkinson’s.

Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative nervous system disease. It slowly progresses as time goes on with common symptoms like tremors, rigidity, difficulty walking, poor posture, lack of movement, and slowness of movement, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

The CDC reports Parkinson’s as the 14th leading cause of death in the U.S. In 2010 (the last year for which data is available), there was 4.6% increase in the number of deaths attributed to this disease. One has to wonder if there is a connection between this jump and the ever-growing prevalence of herbicides like Roundup in our air, food, and water.

Studies indicate that glyphosate is toxic to human DNA “at concentrations diluted 450-fold lower than used in agricultural applications.” Worded differently—the levels considered safe by our government are 450 times the levels at which glyphosate has been found to damage and destroy human DNA. Yes, it’s that serious.

One case study found a woman who was exposed to glyphosate in the workplace for 3 years at a chemical factory. She wore gloves and a face mask. She was initially a healthy, middle-aged women. But, she developed “rigidity, slowness, and resting tremor in all four limbs.” She was also experiencing severe dizziness, weakness, and blurred vision. And hers isn’t the only such case.

What’s so scary about the growing body of research on Monsanto’s Roundup, its components, and their presence in nearly everything around us, is that the federal government refuses to recognize the risk. Despite a growing concern on an international level, the powers-that-be are seemingly content to turn their eyes while the people demand accountability and safe food.

Until pesticides and herbicides are no longer used on a mass scale, the growth of these diseases will likely continue. Eat 100% organic produce whenever possible to bypass exposure to destructive pesticides and herbicides.

France Maintains Key Ban on Monsanto’s GMO Maize Crops

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

In another massive victory against Monsanto and the spread of genetically modified crops, French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayraul has announced that the nation will be maintaining a key ban on the only remaining GMO currently allowed in Europe.

Known as Monsanto’s GMO maize crops, or MON810 maize, the original ban was brought forth back in March following the French court’s previous annulment on a November ban.

Thanks to activism by French citizens and serious political outcry, Monsanto is now effectively blocked from Europe’s gigantic marketplace.

This is even more true when you consider the fact that France is the largest grower of crops in all of Europe, making it an agricultural behemoth of sorts. With this move by such a large and influential nation, it will surely lead to similar legislation to pop up and succeed throughout the rest of the globe. Of course like with most other decisions regarding Monsanto, even Reuters admits (see first link) that France was under large amounts of pressure to ‘soften’ its stance on GMOs.

This is due to the fact that Monsanto has significant pull when it comes to government around the globe, with the United States in particular being the ‘launch pad’ for the biotechnology movement. We now know thanks to WikiLeaks, in fact, that United States ambassadors have actually threatened nations opposed to Monsanto’s GMO maize crops, going as far as to threaten them with ‘military-style trade wars’. When considering that this is but one leak, it is very concerning.

France has really been leading the charge against Monsanto and going against the political pressure, however, also finding Monsanto guilty of ‘chemical poisoning’ earlier this year. According to the prime minister, the ruling was also part a wider plan to reduce the use of chemicals in farming.

Overall, many countries have taken action against Monsanto and its many harmful creations. Peru has banned Monsanto’s GMOs for a total of 10 years, Hungary uprooted the company’s crops from its farmland, and even California is seeking to label GMOs this November. From Agent Orange (known to kill 400,000 and cause 500,000 plus birth defects) to GMO maize, Monsanto’s time for experimentation may soon be up.

Come with it now
Come with it now

The microphone explodes, shattering the molds
Ya either drop tha hits like de la O or get the fuck off the commode
With the sure shot, sure to make the bodies drop
Drop and don't copy yo, don't call this a co-opt
Terror rains drenchin', quenchin' the thirst of the power drones
That five sided fist-a-gon
The rotten sore on the face of mother earth gets bigger
Tha triggers cold empty your purse

They rally round the family
With a pocket full of shells

Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes
Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal
I walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library
Line up to the mind cemetary, now
What we don't know keeps the contracts alive an movin'
They don't gotta burn tha books they just remove 'em
While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells
Rally round tha family, pocket full of shells

Rally round the family
With a pocket full of shells

They rally round the family
With a pocket full of shells

 The happiest folks I have ever met had nothing materially but rich in culture, family, and mostly to giving of self over to something greater and for that I am blessed. I have no earthly attachments, I can make do without comforts. ...if i have no food that is opportunity to fast. Not a social mooch, anything, I mean anything I wanted in life, I made the necessary sacrifice to achieve.  MY life, my breath, is the great mystery's gift to me, what the fuck I do with that breath is my gift to humanity, paying rent for occupying this space.  Loving me is loving you....there is no space junk, however kosmicdebris may rain down soon.. so look busy! Lovingly to the lust for life.......kosmicdebris fighting with light!!

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