Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Say it

What's up with Florida?  O.K six candidates, let's start now and have the GO-FLO 2016.  Start now go vote today and maybe if they cannot count still by 2016....send them all to re-republicanization of the state at special living centers ie.  internment camps for idiots,  if we give them 4 years head-start.

Mandatory civics as well as a Math remedial education.  Yes, start now. Maybe,  just maybe, the we...not the me generation X will learn to participate.....special education for seniors.....hopefully natural causes will intervene b4. 

Tell G. Brown and and D. Cameron and Net the be-be to stay out of  America and the civil{civil war = oxymoron...nothing civil about colonization and imperialism} wars in the Mid-east!!

Watch the last 5 minutes ,  we know what we should do..or not, your call, I volunteered, you must commit to stop this assault.  Kill me truth stays, so say Socrates. (if they take it down, see End Game..alex jones)  They [the elite] have called us out, not hiding any longer.  Humanity is worth so very much more. The gen X... The we generation... are the final call to arms....physically,  mentally,  spiritually. WAKE-THE FUCK UP, else accept the fate.  I  spoke out, did You?  At least I get to move on and shed this damaged psyche. Sheeple, puppets, enjoy life here....eternity cannot wait and mass extinction will surely occur.  Not a religious profit, nor clairvoyant, just paid attention to history and my higher-self.  Greater is The, than he who is in me.

Got no time left for bullshit.  WAKE UP NOW!!  may be too late already.  Lifestyle unimportant, all humanity the utmost directive is to survive.  Starve, fight, die. The latest catastrophic episode (sandy) has less than two days of food and supply stores.  Then....steal, burn, barter, bribe for survival....the US is off guard because of a false sense of your own research.  The hope is this:  throughout world history  TYRANTS FALL....hard.

 The whole fucking globe is longer boiling frogs.  Watch and see for yourself.....dismiss, accept, or check out what those in power are saying... our modern day sages fear, not for themselves, but for innocent family and friends to share any more save themselves and those they love they must stay quiet. Can you say assassination?   I got nothing to lose but my voice on this plane.....'aint scared no more. Come get me cowards. fight is my light, consciousnesses is the ultimate weapon..........

“"ELECTION 2012: The Results! (with Cursing!)" - MOC #184” — Obama, Akin, Warren, legitimate rape, marriage equality, marijuana, and more....

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