this was originally posted on myspace 5 or 6 years ago, nothing has changed much tween then and now, I am only working harder now for us we are all real people and together we CAN change..for my grandchildren whom i've not yet met........Real Magic is happening, join me, as i got the voiceless's? back, the silent majority are finding their voice....................................kosmicdebris.........
Many that read my blog are probably wondering is that guy crazy or what? That doesn't bother me much if people do, gives me some leeway. I decided last year to give myself a challenge, that was to channel some of the time I spent flipping through channels on the remote into something productive. So I chose the "pay it forward" as my theme, my best example is Jesus. The kid in pay it, the movie, but not unlike my savior, was challenged: do something individually to change the world for the good of all. Myself, I set a goal of posting at least one hundred blogs from thanksgiving to thanksgiving. I finished the last one yesterday. I said I decided, but really it was decided for me.
My three pet subjects being:
1) All human life matters, unborn to underfoot; exposing hypocrisies built into social institutions i.e….church, government, education, if those things don't change none of it will matter, our focus must shift from quantity to quality, material to spiritual.
2) I've attempted to try and break through ethnocentric barriers to show that just because we think ourselves Christians and/or Americans doesn't mean we are always right; there is more than one way of seeing things; truth and common sense are both needed to recognize and correct the hypocrisy that thrives in many of our most esteemed institutions.
3) Using history to benchmark our collective behavior, like spoken word that cannot be unsaid, history can and has often been forgotten repeatedly much to the detriment of humanity. I wanted make my thoughts entertaining to read and not some genetic condemnation. God told me, through His word, I was late, that I was not sent to save the world, that position was filled two-thousand years ago.
The chore I got is to help plant seeds that might provoke others to seek their own individual true purpose. Because of ego inflation and humility issues, sadly I was not chosen to preach. It matters not if any agree disagree with me, because if you read my blog I did my job. I know I made you think, because He made me think. I have never been this verbose on any subject, brevity was my motto, especially the sensitive matters I have tackled this last year. Sometimes the hours were long and loneliness almost unbearable, but the pay is great, I have saved enough to last forever and the benefits, according to the manual, are priceless. It boils down to this: I plant them, teachers water them, Jesus picks them and God preserves them. It is that simple, to keep what I have got I have to give it away or is subject to be taken away.
The only way we can change history is to start now. I have tried to tell the same basic story a number of different ways to affect people from as many different stations in life as I could, but really my target is the young people. Youth are the ones we leave our legacy to and the choices we make today have the power to limit the choices our grandchildren will be forced to make tomorrow just to survive above or below.
Many times I have set down at this keyboard having no idea what to write about. It's been said you learn something new every day, like today, I learned I was an aphorist and all the time I thought I was collecting witty quotes. If someone accused me of being an aphorist using aphorisms yesterday I would've probably become indignant and corrected, 'no way man, I kicked that habit in rehab back in the early eighties, dude.' Here is one of my favorite aphorisms: "If I can't live my life as a shinning example, then let my existence serve as a horrible warning." You know….the way the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Americans, the………..????
There are Seven religious truths:
1) Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
2) Protestants do not recognize the Christian Pope.
3) Baptists do not recognize each other in the casino.
4)Muslims do not recognize their bloody children.
5)Atheists do not recognize their creator.
6) Mankind does not recognize himself in the eternal mirror.
7)Jesus does not recognize the six above.
One last thing, I choose my Kosmicdebris byline not to hide who I really am but to keep my ego in check, I will own what's mine, but I am just a messenger, it is not about me. Now…..if you will excuse me, I'm off to offend the wizard……because, because…………of all of the evil things he does.
The pressure of an all-powerful totalitarian state creates an emotional tension in its citizens that determines their acts. When people are divided into "loyalists" and "criminals" a premium is placed on every type of conformist, coward, and hireling; whereas among the "criminals" one finds a singularly high percentage of people who are direct, sincere, and true to themselves-Czesław Miłosz
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