Saturday, July 14, 2012

Fast and Furious

A US Republican congressman, Connie Mack (R, Florida), said the links reminded him of Fidel Castro's relationship with the Soviet Union. "You don't want to have your enemy at your backdoor."

Where is Connie's backdoor? I' m guessing senator Mack has a big boat. The south looks wide open and speaks Spanish to me. If legions of illegals hauling green leafy herbs can get through, think about what else gets through and may already be here, who knows; I know for certain who does, and a good idea who doesn't. That is what the real concern, of late, about border security. I believe "bring it on" was the last stupid statement general George (dub'ya) Custer uttered, then ouch-ouch-ouch……

This news report above is called political posturing….exaggerated behavior: behavior that is exaggerated or affected, especially as an attempt to impress or deceive others, the first important step of all major conflicts. Recruiting support internationally, lining up the ducks, finding a date for the dance, handing out the promise bling…….
In conflict posturing is a form of demagoguery used to intimidate, bluff or tell the truth or make new friends. True or not this behavior is how power… it political/military/economic is gained and increased; or lost, wars start, people perish, mankind is diminished as a whole or by a hole. This report above is from outside this country . This news is current and closer to the truth for the simple fact: the American mainstream news media organizations are now "for profit organizations", global spies, not the original intention as watch-dogs "for the people," what that means to the average hard working tax payer is that truth is for sale and censorship is real, our reality is spun to keep those with power in power. So now, why is Cheney such a big threat to America? Just look at his resume, the historical records exist, like God, facts and the truth……they just are:
Dick Cheney's political career began in 1969, as an intern for Congressman William A. Steiger during the Nixon Administration. The intern Cheney then joined the staff of Donald Rumsfeld, who was then Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity from 1969–70 ( or 2007+ this one just kills me, that's exactly what he's about, bet he got a good laugh about that one!). He held a number of positions in the years that followed: White House Staff Assistant in 1971, Assistant Director of the Cost of Living Council from 1971–73, and Deputy Assistant to the President from 1974–1975. It was in this position that Cheney suggested in a memo to Rumsfeld that the Ford White House should use the Justice Department in a variety of legally questionable ways to exact retribution for an article published by New York Times investigative reporter Seymour Hersh. (Hersh in 2006 he reported on the US military's plans for Iran, which allegedly called for the use of nuclear weapons against that country) was Cheney or Hersh successful? Can you say censorship? Both are still around today) Under President Gerald Ford, Cheney worked as Assistant to the President. Rumsfeld first oversaw Ford's White House "transition team" and then later became Ford's Chief of Staff. Rumsfeld was named Secretary of Defense, and Cheney became Chief of Staff to the President. In addition, *Cheney and Rumsfeld successfully pushed for William Colby to be replaced by George H. W. Bush as the Director of Central Intelligence, forging what would become a long-term relationship with the future president….(s) fast forward almost 40 years….

It started in 1969 folks! ……Wake-up, facts and history make it impossible to conceal the real truth. Pop quiz? When was the first "oil crisis"? ….when did the shah of Iran fall?….How many cockroaches have come and gone from the Whitehouse, never to be heard from again since 69? Who has access to the most intelligence, the most information, the most dirt on everyone.. globally?…….Which person is still there? I wonder who, and you should too. Money is where the deception really lies. Most intelligent sixty-five-year old men with a bad ticker that supposedly possess enormous wealth would retire from a life long career and enjoy the remaining years leisurely, must be another motive for sticking around, time may tell or told on him already. I am guessing by now he knows so much that if he did quit he is a dead man, if biology doesn't get him, his organization will. W' ll probably never know. Wait and see who gets him or he gets in 08.
A word about propaganda and wiki-pedia the net and the news media reports of inaccuracies, yes I know there are some false posts and omitted facts out there, only a fool would think different. Distorted information …that's just a fact of life, most of the important facts I use are vetted outside the network when I can, spelling, names and dates is mostly wiki. I am sure wiki is a great source for disseminating misinformation, whether it's the cia or ucla plagiarized term paper, but in the end we are going to believe what we want to or told to. What I have noticed is the wiki site, for the most part, is administered non-locally, with some mirror servers outside the country. This is not a bad thing and may be the best thing about having so much information via the net, we can check our neighbors spelling and he ours. Just remember the remote for tuning into the lies, lies, damn lies and the liars that tell them, to quote al frankin, other that the channel changing device is useless, mines got an advanced feature, a peculiar button labeled OFF, not sure what happens if I press it though.

My operating system was programmed in the 60's, I automatically question authority and accept nothing blindly. When I research info, other than the bible, I focus on the message…..way, way more that the messenger…. The bible this works vice-versa. I don't care who wrote or said what …..I have a choice….accept it, dismiss it or check it out. It is called independent thinking , just remember…. An informed populace (democracy is debatable) make intelligent decisions, keep that in mind when you go to choose a leader, make changes….like the man said "my people parish for lack of knowledge."

At Whittier elementary school in 1965 I remember the projection films, the duck and cover drills, once a month, sometimes once a week. I remember crawling under my desk terrified that I was going to die…die without my mommy. Every time I see those ancient yellow fallout shelter signs that are still around, if you look, those forgotten memories flood back reminding me to bookmark that place. I never had to tell my children what those signs were for….like my mother did me…. Explain to her precocious lad of seven years…..what those yellow triangles meant, until……today. The one question, like yesterday, that never got answered still stands today…..but why?

How? That I know…….Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.

The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

A military operation involves deception. Even though you are competent, appear to be incompetent. Though effective, appear to be ineffective.

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win…..Sun Tzu, circa 2500 BC
. …………………..Kosmicdebris

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