Saturday, September 29, 2012

Here we go

 5 year old news

Here is a good place to start, there is a reason we don’t have all the details or facts, this may just open some eyes, note the dates on  these new orders (laws).  Question why we never heard of some of these items, these are creditably researched  verifiable stuff!! The Military Commissions Act (MCA) is one of the scariest pieces of legislation passed with congressional approval I have ever read for a modern democratic society(until NDAA today)….The MCA effectively does away with habeas corpus rights for “any person” arbitrarily deemed to be an “enemy of the state.” The judgment on who is deemed an “enemy combatant” is solely at the discretion of President Bush….We are talking u.s. citizens here. 

 Most  of the voting public has no idea this stuff is going on or there would be public debates about these issues. These top 25 most censored stories in the u.s. shows the true face  American medias complicity in the outright betrayal of public trust. I may be crying wolf about ww3 but I know where the wolf is and so should everyone else. Please go see for yourself…on to the other news of the day.

Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran 11/07/07...London Times online, by Uzi Mahnaimi, New York and Sarah Baxter, Washington…These people are getting the news here, but have to file these news stories from England. It really is a shame we have to go to foreign news sources to find out what is going on here in our own country. And people still trust u.s. corporate news media.

 There is no way I can be convinced today that the news groups here are looking out for the american publics best interest. Not anymore.
U.S. Says Attack Plans for Iran Ready
11/08/07.…A.P. I believe because of the above Times story “the american ministry of propaganda”(AP) was forced to put this one out sooner than the neocons actually wanted to. I say sooner because our new Attorney General has ran into some delay in getting confirmed by the senate (something about petty human rights issues according to dub’ya/obama) and unable to defend the legality of our current administrations newest world policing policies. 

 We are done with the saber rattling and there has been a shift in the tone. It would appear that Israel is our saber and has been give the green light and move on plans drawn up a few years back.  So this is how it should go down worst case: the misnamed Israeli defense force (IDF) attacks various military and nuclear sites through out Iran real and/or imagined targets, the us leaders feign surprise at such a provocation.  The window of opportunity will come when the worlds attention if focused on either/or further destabilization and mass panic in Pakistan/Syria/Lebanon or south america perhaps, combined with the collapse of u.s. and world financial markets here in the states dramatic declines in the stock markets.  In retaliation Iran will take out the us fifth fleet, read about here for particulars.(link censored)

 This should be enough for the propaganda media to increase public outrage into accepting dropping the big bombs, declare a national emergency, suspending the u.s. constitution and national elections giving obama and company extraordinary executive powers to handle massive protest after the draft starts, round up political foes and other things,  some particulars here.(link censored) Which will in turn, start the neocon hopped for decades long WW3 by outraging the rest of the decent peaceful Islamic friends we had, and the old friends we have alienated waiting in line to kick-us when we’re down. Americans think this can’t happen here and that is exactly why it CAN. The only thing I am not sure of is how is this thing going to end.  

The short answer for how things turn out is from a prophecy…keep your eyes on Jerusalem when it goes so goes the world, but actually it also depends mainly on what China, Russia, Brazil and India will do, before: nothing, during: make money, after: ???, turn on each other most likely if our history books are any at all correct. As great civilizations/world superpowers decline others are always on deck for their opportunity to bat. 

 I am a pessimist and this is the absolute worst case scenario, I am pretty sure that is how this thing will begin. I have read too many books about war and the basic steps that lead to conflict,  all the basic element are in place for another world war. But first thing Americans should worry about is how to make do without communications outside of local radio and television, make plans for basic necessitates, like alternative clean water sources if there is any left. Do not count on internet, cable or long distance services, If you read some of the executive orders there is a lot of stuff our own government can do to prevent organization the of masses to mount any real opposition once martial law is declared. So it is always best to know a few basics things about survival and never need them than to have a need and not know what to do. Now just become more informed from news sources outside the corporate propaganda spin.

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