The pressure of an all-powerful totalitarian state creates an emotional tension in its citizens that determines their acts. When people are divided into "loyalists" and "criminals" a premium is placed on every type of conformist, coward, and hireling; whereas among the "criminals" one finds a singularly high percentage of people who are direct, sincere, and true to themselves-Czesław Miłosz
Sunday, September 9, 2012
I am Sparticus
nation's leaders and government programs desperately need to be purged.
The answers aren't difficult and the effort to get us back on our feet
and out of debt won't be that hard either, if we'll just do it. Not
everyone will agree, obviously. The wealthy and those mooching off of
tax-payer monies will be the loudest opposing cries. Maybe I'm just
being old fashioned, but it seems to be common sense. I feel like
venting. If you're completely bored and want to spend about 5 minutes
reading some simple suggestions to "repair" our country, read on.
Concerning Congerss and national leaders - those who have been there
longer than two terms should be made to resign, and no one can serve
longer than two terms from now on. Give Washington DC a brand new start.
Get them out and let others have the blessing of serving. No more
checks or pension or kick-backs after leaving office. If you're not
serving, you don't get paid. Like the military, whatever you were doing
as an occupation before you take office, by law, will give you back your
job at the end of your term. If you own your own business, make sure
someone can run it well while you're gone. All those coming into office
cannot take ANY type of monies or favors from anyone or any entity other
than their FAIR government salary (below six figure) that includes
expenses to go back and forth to Washington from their home state.
Nothing extra. Congress and leaders are public servants. Not lifelong
monarches who share power.
Concerning federal law - let the
states govern themselves as much as possible. As our founding fathers
understood, the less (federal) government the better. As for the
ever-lingering "moral Issues" in every political compaign - we will
never legislate morality so quit being stupid. Those who want to do
something bad enough will find a way to do it. So quit trying to make
laws for or against it. Let it go - both sides - and do as the
Constitution says - pursue happiness, as long as it doesn't infringe
upon the rights, welfare, or livelyhood of other citizens. If it's
unhealthy or dangerous, those who want it badly enough will still get it
regardless of our laws. Concerning Foreign Policies - we're not
giving other countries any more money until we can afford it because
we're broke. They need to figure out how to get their economy back on
its feet like we have to. We can help each other around the globe in
several ways, and we should. But we're not going into more debt, or give
what we don't have, so their economy can flourish while ours flushes
down the toilet. Quit being stupid.
Concerning the Welfare
system and Entitlement programs - I think these should NOT be
terminated. We have to help each other. We're all connected and in this
together. These can be good programs. But like Washington, these
programs are in desperate need of purging and reconstruction. We need to
bring back programs like the WPA. If you need assistance, we'll gladly
find you work. If you don't work, you don't get a check. Let's find jobs
for everyone. Even if it's mowing grass, or picking up highway trash,
or cleaning, doing paperwork, data entry, working via internet remotely,
etc. There is always something we can do to earn our pay. If you're
drawing a welfare or assistance check, you're going to be given a job.
If you don't want to work, that's fine. You don't have to. It won't be a
law that you have to work. But if you don't work, you're not getting a
free check. Don't immediately think you can give the excuse that you
can't work. There are people who are blind, paralized, even from the
neck down, who contribute to society by using modern technology. Those
who are mentally or physically challenged are some of the nation's best
workers. Rarely do you hear them whine about not wanting to work. They
take pride in a job well done. There are very few exceptions to not
being able to work. 99% of us can do something. The elderly who are ill
and cannot care for themselves are among those few exceptions because we
need to care for those who have paid their dues to our country and for
us. If you have children, then daycare can be provided for you,
regardless of how many children you have. Or, this can be your job in
the program to provide daycare for others. All these things will create
more jobs instantly. By doing this, we can have an all-time low for our
unemployment rate in the nation. This is something we can be proud of.
Concerning Taxes - there should be a flat tax, across the board. Either
everyone pays the same percentage based on their income - say 20% - or
everyone pays the same flat tax placed on all purchased items; or both.
If you buy something - anything - you pay the same flat tax on it
whether you're rich or poor, business or private, farmer or consumer,
young or old. No exceptions or exemptions.
Immigration - If you want to come to this country, you are always
welcome. We are Diversity Incarnate. We're the Melting Pot. We have been
for centuries. But pay taxes like the rest of us. It's not that hard.
You're not getting anything else for free and living off the tax-payers
money if you're not going to contribute to the tax pool that pays for
it. We're not setting you up in new businesses or giving you money or
tax breaks to start one. No more free health care or free food either.
If you're going to be protected by and benefit from the same rights of
citizenship as the rest of us, then you can be taxed like the rest of
us, too. We're already catering to your languages by changing every
sign, menu, and public education materials. Give back to those who give
to you. It's really simple.
Concerning Energy/Oil - they
should all be taxed as equally as every citizen. Refer to flat tax
proposal. Their products should also be regulated in sales. Grocery
stores can't charge $150 for a gallon of milk simply because they want
to or because they know people need it. Government regulates that. The
same should be true for the oil/energy sector. They have screwed us for
far too long. I believe in capitalism and being able to become wealthy
by working for it. What I don't believe in is the energy corporations
making hundreds or thousands percent profit on products made at a small
fraction of that price simlply because they decide to raise prices or
someone speculates the price will go up. How can anyone make billions of
dollars in PROFIT per month and still pay less than 1% in taxes while
our country is going trillions of dollars in debt. That's ridiculous. We
have other energy sources, too. Let's fix this system and use our heads
as well as other sources.
Concerning Corporations - the best
way to keep jobs and factories in our country is to provide less
expensive labor. Maybe these will be the jobs we give the WPA /
government program workers. It will create more jobs instantly and still
provide companies with workers, materials and ability to profit and
grow. If companies take their factories out of the country, then they
will be taxed heavily when bringing those products back to our country,
but the prices of those products cannot be increased because of import
taxes. Since our government officials can no longer take monies or
favors from these corporations, they can't bribe their way into tax
breaks, loopholes, or under-the-table deals.
Concerning "war
on drugs" - we better take a more common sense look at what government
and law enforcement have labeled as a "war on drugs." Why is it the
longest running "war" in our nation's history and yet no one is calling
for an end to it? Answer: because too much money is being pocketed by
law enforcement, attorneys, judges, rehab programs, pharmacies,
government officials, and the penal system. The biggest "war" on drugs
is fought in hospitals, homes, and individuals with addictions from
"legal" alcohol and tobacco use, not with street drug dealers. These two
"legal" drugs kill more each year than the VietNam war and cost us
billions in insurance premiums. If you say you want to fight drugs, then
fight all of them. Otherwise shut up and give people access to them.
Keep the same DUI and public intox laws. Tax and regulate them like
alcohol and tobacco. Only sell them at licensed or approved places. This
way maybe law enforcement can actually arrest real criminals and keep
the citizens safer, instead of wasting so much time and tax-payer money
trying to bust someone with a bag of pot.
Concerning public
education - we're requiring more and more from our educators but not
rewarding them like other respected professionals. Instead, we pay them
like thrid-world country sweat shop workers. Teachers will be paid as
much as their administration because they're the ones on the front lines
and making the difference while training our children. We may not be
able to change the fact that some professionals make ridiculous amounts
of money and not worth what they make, but without teachers no one would
be professionals. We should also start teaching our children how to be
productive citizens, rather than forcing the latest anti-religious,
sexual orientation, ethnic, political, or constantly-changing scientific
agenda down their throats. We're trying to shove a ton of data and
information in their heads, but we still graduate them from high school
barely able to read or spell, and only a small percentage are able to
contribute to a satisfactory level in the workplace. If we want our
nation to be competative internationally, then we need to teach them how
to be productive; not how to pass tests or get the same scores as
students in China who have different cultural values. Let's use our
common sense and produce a posterity who will carry the torch of a great
nation, not kids who are filled will useless information and don't know
how to thrive productively. This is not communism, or fascism, or
capitalism, or whatever "ism" you want to label it. It's common freaking
We're all in the same boat. It's "We," not "Me." As
Martin Luther King, Jr. so rightly said, "if we don't start learning to
live together as brothers, we will surely die together as fools." It's
time to work toward the common goal of a great nation for ALL of us, and
quit being selfishly narrow-minded.
Is it just me, or do you ever want to shout, "Crap(shit), how hard is it?" Shannon B. from oklahoma!!
my retort here kosmicdebris............
Let's use our common sense and produce a posterity who will carry the
torch of a great nation, not kids who are filled will useless
information and don't know how to thrive productively. This is not
communism, or fascism, or capitalism, or whatever "ism" you want to
label it. It's common freaking sense"..... sound rationale ...shan you are
the one that should have spoke at both conventions....articulate the
undeniable have spoken for the real majority......I
nominate Mr Barns for all of us as the the front man for true social
change. you have spoken for what it really means to be a true patriotic
American citizen..for the multitudes with no voice and are too scared,
frustrated to give a damn history reveals that tyrants
never see beyond short sighted selfish have votes in our
limited social circle....this will go in my blogs globally, and i
already know this debate will be heated...glad I read this and will
defend these positions no matter who challenges this honest
assessment...we are all in this together....statesman sincerely just said what i have been trying say for for twenty
years!! ljr....kosmicdebris
...............keep fighting the good fight, with our minds as weapons......................
opines here you pussys.....stand up and say: 'i AM SPARTACUS" ELSE BE SLAUGHTERED LIKE MCDONALDS COWS FROM BRAZIL....
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